It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

America cannot survive a decade of unrestricted democrat policies
America cannot survive a decade of unrestricted democrat policies
American cannot survive when a large portion of the population believes unhinged conspiracy theories and are detached from reality.
American cannot survive when a large portion of the population believes unhinged conspiracy theories and are detached from reality.
We are a deeply divided nation

Democrats run california and its in decline

As a repub all I ever asked for was honest and transparent elections

Something that libs are against
American cannot survive when a large portion of the population believes unhinged conspiracy theories and are detached from reality.
The REALITY is that the fucking deep state power mongers unleashed a God forsaken manufactured bio weapon to help get rid of your Orange nemesis!
The fact that YOU spin and twist into a pretzel EVERY FUCKING DAY 24/7 to deny that FACT is very telling.
We are a deeply divided nation

Democrats run california and its in decline

As a repub all I ever asked for was honest and transparent elections

Something that libs are against
Of course we are divided. A large part of the country lives in an alternate reality.

You believe the elections are not honest because you didn’t win and believing this is the only way you could maintain your own ego.

It has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with what you want reality to be.
Of course we are divided. A large part of the country lives in an alternate reality.

You believe the elections are not honest because you didn’t win and believing this is the only way you could maintain your own ego.

It has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with what you want reality to be.
No, I believe the elections were not honest because libs changed the rules using Covid as an excuse which resulted in wholesale cheating
The REALITY is that the fucking deep state power mongers unleashed a God forsaken manufactured bio weapon to help get rid of your Orange nemesis!
The fact that YOU spin and twist into a pretzel EVERY FUCKING DAY 24/7 to deny that FACT is very telling.
Deep state is just another crackpot conspiracy theory.
No, I believe the elections were not honest because libs changed the rules using Covid as an excuse which resulted in wholesale cheating
Trump also voted by mail . Trump is just a loser.
No, I believe the elections were not honest because libs changed the rules using Covid as an excuse which resulted in wholesale cheating
Rules change every election. Right now republicans are changing the rules using non-existent wholesale cheating as an excuse.

You believe there was cheating because you didn’t win. You can’t accept that Trump lost so you make up excuses to allow yourself to believe that he actually did win.

The wholesale cheating you believe in just didn’t happen and no amount of proof will change your mind because this isn’t about reality it’s about ego.
You believe there was cheating because you didn’t win.
I have always been against absentee voting

You cling to the argument that I am a sore loser only because thats what you want to believe
I have always been against absentee voting

You cling to the argument that I am a sore loser only because thats what you want to believe
You are a source loser. You support Trump over the Constitution.
I have always been against absentee voting

You cling to the argument that I am a sore loser only because thats what you want to believe
Being against absentee voting is different than claiming wholesale fraud changed the outcome of the election.

We’ve had mail in voting for decades. When do Republicans restrict voting? When they lose. When do republicans expand voting? When they win.

Maybe you haven’t noticed but that’s probably just because you’re not really thinking for yourself.
Being against absentee voting is different than claiming wholesale fraud changed the outcome of the election.

We’ve had mail in voting for decades. When do Republicans restrict voting? When they lose. When do republicans expand voting? When they win.

Maybe you haven’t noticed but that’s probably just because you’re not really thinking for yourself.
Absentee voting opens the door to wholesale fraud

Obviously I cant monitor voting everywhere so all I have to go on are my suspicions
Absentee voting opens the door to wholesale fraud

Obviously I cant monitor voting everywhere so all I have to go on are my suspicions
And yet how many republicans talked about the stolen election in Florida despite the fact that they’ve been heavily voting by mail for decades? Roughly 40% of votes in Florida were by mail in 2020. Not a word. No republican bills to try to restrict it.

When Republicans win, the elections are perfect.

Your suspicions are based on the fact that you lost because you can’t accept it.
The election was stolen. No rational observer believes otherwise. It was stolen through misfeasance by the Media, armies of billionaire-funded campaign workers mining ghettos, nursing homes, and homeless encampments, illegal ballot harvesting, illegal and unconstitutional (state constitutions) rules changes attributed to the Pandemic, but intended to promote ballot shenanigans, and of course,, just enough pure fraud to make it interesting.

But the amount of PROVABLE fraud, by itself, was not sufficient to sway the election, one way or another.

But this distinction is too subtle for most Leftists to comprehend.

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