It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

The election was stolen. No rational observer believes otherwise. It was stolen through misfeasance by the Media, armies of billionaire-funded campaign workers mining ghettos, nursing homes, and homeless encampments, illegal ballot harvesting, illegal and unconstitutional (state constitutions) rules changes attributed to the Pandemic, but intended to promote ballot shenanigans, and of course,, just enough pure fraud to make it interesting.

But the amount of PROVABLE fraud, by itself, was not sufficient to sway the election, one way or another.

But this distinction is too subtle for most Leftists to comprehend.
So you choose to believe in something you cannot prove?
And yet how many republicans talked about the stolen election in Florida despite the fact that they’ve been heavily voting by mail for decades? Roughly 40% of votes in Florida were by mail in 2020. Not a word. No republican bills to try to restrict it.

When Republicans win, the elections are perfect.

Your suspicions are based on the fact that you lost because you can’t accept it.
Again, I cant micro analyze voting in Florida or anywhere else

All I can do is lobby for a system that is consistent and fair

Voters should go to a public polling place to cast their vote
Again, I cant micro analyze voting in Florida or anywhere else

All I can do is lobby for a system that is consistent and fair

Voters should go to a public polling place to cast their vote
Whatever dude. You continue to evade the point with your own personal claims which are simply not credible.

You believe in this supposed wholesale fraud because Trump lost. As you said, you can’t analyze anything but you believe it anyway. Your preferences on voting systems aren’t relevant to this belief.
Oh, but YOU believed that Trump was a Russian asset, remember THAT??????
According to you guys, we can believe whatever we want without any evidence let alone proof.

So based on these rules, I'm going to believe that Trump is three basset hounds standing on each other wrapped in a cheap suit.
Whatever dude. You continue to evade the point with your own personal claims which are simply not credible.

You believe in this supposed wholesale fraud because Trump lost. As you said, you can’t analyze anything but you believe it anyway. Your preferences on voting systems aren’t relevant to this belief.
I want an honest election process that even the losers can have confidence in

Absentee balloting does not provide that
According to you guys, we can believe whatever we want without any evidence let alone proof.

So based on these rules, I'm going to believe that Trump is three basset hounds standing on each other wrapped in a cheap suit.
You believed there was a pee tape.
You believed Trump was a Putin conspirator.
You believe QAnon is REAL.
You believe that Pfizer produced a "vaccine" for Covid.
You believe the fucking deep state doesn't exist.
You are ALREADY in delusional beliefs, nothing new!
I wanr an honest election process that even the losers can have confidence in

Absentee balloting does not provide that
No such process exists if you have someone like Trump who had no intention of ever accepting he could lose.

If you didn't blame absentee balloting, you'd blame something else.

We saw that in the 2020 election. Trump supporters would come up with one thing to blame, it would be disproven. Then they'd come up with another thing. It doesn't end because it's not about the process. It's only about the outcome.

The only "process" that Trump supporters would accept is one that results in Trump winning.
You believed there was a pee tape.
You believed Trump was a Putin conspirator.
You believe QAnon is REAL.
You believe that Pfizer produced a "vaccine" for Covid.
You believe the fucking deep state doesn't exist.
You are ALREADY in delusional beliefs, nothing new!
I believe that you are an AI programmed by Jeff Bezos to sound as stupid as possible to convince America that conservatives have no business being elected but it backfired on him because a lot of conservatives are just that stupid.
No such process exists if you have someone like Trump who had no intention of ever accepting he could lose.

If you didn't blame absentee balloting, you'd blame something else.

We saw that in the 2020 election. Trump supporters would come up with one thing to blame, it would be disproven. Then they'd come up with another thing. It doesn't end because it's not about the process. It's only about the outcome.

The only "process" that Trump supporters would accept is one that results in Trump winning.
Absentee voting feeds MAGA suspicion
I believe that you are an AI programmed by Jeff Bezos to sound as stupid as possible to convince America that conservatives have no business being elected but it backfired on him because a lot of conservatives are just that stupid.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do."
Trump losing feeds MAGA suspicion. They are suspicious of absentee voting when he loses and love absentee voting when he wins.

It's an excuse.
I am not trump

Given a chance libs can steal every election with or without trump
So you choose to believe in something you cannot prove?

Do you choose to believe that Trump colluded with the Russians? Most Democrats do despite an extensive investigation that found no evidence.
Trump losing feeds MAGA suspicion. They are suspicious of absentee voting when he loses and love absentee voting when he wins.

It's an excuse.

No, we want in person voting with ID. Democrats HATE that idea for obvious reasons but use the voter disenfranchisement excuse which many low-info/IQ Democrats actually believe. One side wants to push for a more secure election, the other wants nothing to do with it.
Do you choose to believe that Trump colluded with the Russians?
I don't and never did. It didn't make any sense for him to have directly colluded with Russia. They both had the exact same goals so coordination between them was unnecessary.
Most Democrats do despite an extensive investigation that found no evidence.
I mean, there's a few hints. There were extensive connections between Russia and the Trump campaign. Papadopolous and Manafort were in connection with Russian agents. The Trump Tower Meeting indicated that they clearly had the motive and desire to collude with Russia if given a good enough opportunity.

But at the end of the day, I don't think you have any idea what most Democrats believe.
No, we want in person voting with ID. Democrats HATE that idea for obvious reasons but use the voter disenfranchisement excuse which many low-info/IQ Democrats actually believe. One side wants to push for a more secure election, the other wants nothing to do with it.
Who is "we"? Republicans aren't getting rid of absentee balloting. Election security is just pretext to pass laws that make it more likely for Republicans to win elections. The elections are secure. Your passing laws to "fix" a problem which doesn't really exist.

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