It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
I look forward to seeing what poison pills the House comes up with for appropriations. And what McConnell will do. Actually I don't look forward to it, and don't understand why congress ceded it's power of appropriation in the first place. Just a dumb move because it'll bite the republicans too eventually.
Congress... the huge dis-functional family. New blood is the answer.
New blood being democrats for crying out loud with either 60 votes in the Senate or ability to go nuclear. 35 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world. The GOP is the swamp, super dupers. Only garbage propaganda makes this mess possible...
I have never voted for an (R) and don't plan on it. Especially the fleecing bastards now in office.
and that has what to do with I said? The first point of entry would be the first country they come to. Therefore asylum is not going to win in court and will be rejected.
seeking asylum wherever is best is a natural right.
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
seeking asylum wherever is best is a natural right.
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
38 years of GOP obstruction and give away to the rich, half the spending on infrastructure and ending cheap public University, what do you expect, brainwashed functional ass-hole LOL
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
38 years of GOP obstruction and give away to the rich, half the spending on infrastructure and ending cheap public University, what do you expect, brainwashed functional ass-hole LOL
Cummins district is at least half suburbs and the 61st most prosperous district out of 435 in the country. Trump watched Fox & Friends story on Baltimore could have been San Francisco Los Angeles or Seattle. Pure garbage propaganda as always, For dupes
only. Trump's brain is on garbage propaganda it's pathetic.
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
38 years of GOP obstruction and give away to the rich, half the spending on infrastructure and ending cheap public University, what do you expect, brainwashed functional ass-hole LOL
LMAO! What part of single party rule in that city don't you get?
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
38 years of GOP obstruction and give away to the rich, half the spending on infrastructure and ending cheap public University, what do you expect, brainwashed functional ass-hole LOL
Cummins district is at least half suburbs and the 61st most prosperous district out of 435 in the country. Trump watched Fox & Friends story on Baltimore could have been San Francisco Los Angeles or Seattle. Pure garbage propaganda as always, For dupes
only. Trump's brain is on garbage propaganda it's pathetic.
I'm sure those people living with the rats give a shit that their politicians are doing so well.
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
38 years of GOP obstruction and give away to the rich, half the spending on infrastructure and ending cheap public University, what do you expect, brainwashed functional ass-hole LOL
LMAO! What part of single party rule in that city don't you get?
35 years of giveaway to the rich half the spending on infrastructure, ending cheap public University and training. What do you want a diagram, s*******? What country is this, stupid? Great job scumbag GOP. And the dupes like you....
I’m still waiting on Cummings to take his turn. When is this asshole going to produce his list of accomplishments for the citizens of Baltimore and Maryland?

Where is it?!

Stop screaming I’m a poor black guy you can’t question and justify your last 40 years in office.
38 years of GOP obstruction and give away to the rich, half the spending on infrastructure and ending cheap public University, what do you expect, brainwashed functional ass-hole LOL
Cummins district is at least half suburbs and the 61st most prosperous district out of 435 in the country. Trump watched Fox & Friends story on Baltimore could have been San Francisco Los Angeles or Seattle. Pure garbage propaganda as always, For dupes
only. Trump's brain is on garbage propaganda it's pathetic.
I'm sure those people living with the rats give a shit that their politicians are doing so well.
You think your town doesn't have rats? Fox can make you believe anything.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
Yeah who needs mental health care? Psychiatrists say 26% of us are mentally ill. Great job scumbag GOP. no living wage no healthcare no daycare no paid parental leave no cheap college and training vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Everything's fine right. Enjoy hell.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
you dont agree franco?....
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
First they had to be addicted to opioids by big Pharma, you really aren't paying attention to life much. Back to the casino for you....
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
Yeah who needs mental health care? Psychiatrists say 26% of us are mentally ill. Great job scumbag GOP. no living wage no healthcare no daycare no paid parental leave no cheap college and training vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Everything's fine right. Enjoy hell.
what does that have to do with what i said?...
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
you dont agree franco?....
Hell no not after the opioid scandals big Pharma has given us. Corporations are running wild in this country thanks scumbag GOP. Let em die! End the War on Drugs this is totally ridiculous. And tax the rich I caramba....
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
First they had to be addicted to opioids by big Pharma, you really aren't paying attention to life much. Back to the casino for you....
i knew quite a few people doing pain pills ...not one of them was doing heroin....a lot of them turned to are the one not paying attention....
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
Yeah who needs mental health care? Psychiatrists say 26% of us are mentally ill. Great job scumbag GOP. no living wage no healthcare no daycare no paid parental leave no cheap college and training vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Everything's fine right. Enjoy hell.
what does that have to do with what i said?...
our Health Care system and our mental Health Care system are a disgrace so are all the other things the GOP has blocked, all to save the rich from paying their fair share. The country is a mess no matter how many $8 an hour jobs there are....
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
First they had to be addicted to opioids by big Pharma, you really aren't paying attention to life much. Back to the casino for you....
i knew quite a few people doing pain pills ...not one of them was doing heroin....a lot of them turned to are the one not paying attention....
80000 died last year that's two and a half times as many as traffic accidents. Wake up and smell the coffee I don't care about your stupid anecdotes.
treat them for what?.....what more do you want to give them?...
Do you know anything about anyting? 80000 people died last year from Poison heroin, give them substitutes and could we please have a mental health system for a change?
franco if someone wants to fuck with heroin whatever happens....thats on them...
First they had to be addicted to opioids by big Pharma, you really aren't paying attention to life much. Back to the casino for you....
i knew quite a few people doing pain pills ...not one of them was doing heroin....a lot of them turned to are the one not paying attention....
80000 died last year that's two and a half times as many as traffic accidents. Wake up and smell the coffee I don't care about your stupid anecdotes.
Whole states have been destroyed by big Pharma selling these pills and doctors who give them out like candy. C West Virginia Ohio Trump country. Ever heard of methadone LOL? And if you don't know that Republicans LED lobbyists run wild while Democrats are obstructed that's another thing you don't know just take my word for it. The Republicans are scumbags at this point or dupes or not paying attention.

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