It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

oh it is is it?....why dont you tell me oh wondrous one how you would get even 70% of this country to agree on something?...
Stop GOP garbage propaganda with a fairness doctrine? It is time for the nuclear option. More like 51%....actually most of the policies the Democrats want are approved by 70% before they get brainwashed with bulshit.... Background checks taxing the rich more living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure good vacations....
yea im sure the middle class wants to get taxed more than what they already are...the far righties here blame all the countries problems on the mr far lefty blames everything on the people are alike in more ways than you know....
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?
every citizen should have the same shit applied no matter were you live.....and that includes federal tax rates and deductions...
then how do you explain blue states supporting red with their taxes?
i dont make the laws ed....sorry cant help you there...
Stop GOP garbage propaganda with a fairness doctrine? It is time for the nuclear option. More like 51%....actually most of the policies the Democrats want are approved by 70% before they get brainwashed with bulshit.... Background checks taxing the rich more living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure good vacations....
yea im sure the middle class wants to get taxed more than what they already are...the far righties here blame all the countries problems on the mr far lefty blames everything on the people are alike in more ways than you know....
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?

So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
What is asinine to me is when dumbfuks like you who live in glass houses throw bricks
Stop GOP garbage propaganda with a fairness doctrine? It is time for the nuclear option. More like 51%....actually most of the policies the Democrats want are approved by 70% before they get brainwashed with bulshit.... Background checks taxing the rich more living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure good vacations....
yea im sure the middle class wants to get taxed more than what they already are...the far righties here blame all the countries problems on the mr far lefty blames everything on the people are alike in more ways than you know....
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?
every citizen should have the same shit applied no matter were you live.....and that includes federal tax rates and deductions...
then how do you explain blue states supporting red with their taxes?
i dont make the laws ed....sorry cant help you there...
Thanks for the try Wish stinker were a little more like you
Stop GOP garbage propaganda with a fairness doctrine? It is time for the nuclear option. More like 51%....actually most of the policies the Democrats want are approved by 70% before they get brainwashed with bulshit.... Background checks taxing the rich more living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure good vacations....
yea im sure the middle class wants to get taxed more than what they already are...the far righties here blame all the countries problems on the mr far lefty blames everything on the people are alike in more ways than you know....
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?

So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS
yea im sure the middle class wants to get taxed more than what they already are...the far righties here blame all the countries problems on the mr far lefty blames everything on the people are alike in more ways than you know....
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?

So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS

Grow the fuck up.
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?

So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS

Grow the fuck up.
Did you say the same to the blabbermouth in the WH The most immature president ever?? and you want me to grow up Afraid I'm too old for that Aren't blue the givers and red the takers ?? Please correct me if I'm wrong instead of insulting remarks
So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS

Grow the fuck up.
Did you say the same to the blabbermouth in the WH The most immature president ever?? and you want me to grow up Afraid I'm too old for that Aren't blue the givers and red the takers ?? Please correct me if I'm wrong instead of insulting remarks

Yep, must have forgotten that insults are reserved for Libs only...dumbass.
but isn't it true that most claiming asylum are from other countries?

No question about it. That's why most of the asylum claims are bogus, and most get rejected by courts when adjudicated on the merits.
There is no power over immigration delegated to our federal Congress, if we have to quibble.
got to ask what are you drinking?
definitely not the kool aid you are.
You do realize America has Immigration laws created by the federal government? the immigration act of 1886
i understand nobody wanted to quibble about it like a true federalist.

where is the express Power over immigration delegated to our federal Congress in our federal Constitution?
Um well he’s rejecting ANYONE seeking asylum and is detaining kids without due process indefinitely instead of, you know, deporting them. Obviously that is batshit crazy.
They should be rejected because the first point of entry for most of those people is not America.
The right wing only cares about natural rights, in abortion threads.
and that has what to do with I said? The first point of entry would be the first country they come to. Therefore asylum is not going to win in court and will be rejected.
seeking asylum wherever is best is a natural right.
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
yea im sure the middle class wants to get taxed more than what they already are...the far righties here blame all the countries problems on the mr far lefty blames everything on the people are alike in more ways than you know....
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?

So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS
Blue states are inundated with Trespassers.
Cheap slave labor for the corporate whores you so admire.
So you have no problems with trump cutting the tax deduction on mainly blue states?

So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS
Blue states are inundated with Trespassers.
Cheap slave labor for the corporate whores you so admire.
blue states are inundated because they have successful economies and good weather, and because the GOP obstructs any real reform to keep illegals out. The wall is stupid and does not work 58% overstay their visas. Pass the goddamn ID card with amnesty for the worthy and end this never-ending GOP scam. They love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wedge issue to keep you idiots in line.
So you have no problems with other states paying for some states to have ridiculously high taxes?
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS
Blue states are inundated with Trespassers.
Cheap slave labor for the corporate whores you so admire.
blue states are inundated because they have successful economies and good weather, and because the GOP obstructs any real reform to keep illegals out. The wall is stupid and does not work 58% overstay their visas.
You approve of slave labor.
Ridiculous to me is how blue states pay hand over fist with their taxes to support the red That to me is ridiculous

What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS
Blue states are inundated with Trespassers.
Cheap slave labor for the corporate whores you so admire.
blue states are inundated because they have successful economies and good weather, and because the GOP obstructs any real reform to keep illegals out. The wall is stupid and does not work 58% overstay their visas.
You approve of slave labor.
The hell I do. Pass an ID card like other modern countries have and end this GOP scam. And a $15 minimum wage and Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training and mainly higher taxes on the rich, less on everyone else.
They should be rejected because the first point of entry for most of those people is not America.
The right wing only cares about natural rights, in abortion threads.
and that has what to do with I said? The first point of entry would be the first country they come to. Therefore asylum is not going to win in court and will be rejected.
seeking asylum wherever is best is a natural right.
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
1) Based on....what? Oh nothing. Got it.

2) Oh no they are not because humans can still swim and walk over HILLS.

3) This is such a retarded argument you retards have. Yeah no shit walls work in many scenarios. That doesn’t somehow mean a linear wall along 2000 miles of border is an effective solution to illegal immigration. Not even close.

Maybe you could show us how easy it is to climb a 30' wall and drop down safely to the other the dark, with all your worldly possessions, knowing that the coyote guiding you will abandon your ass if you don't hurry the fuck up.
The right wing only cares about natural rights, in abortion threads.
and that has what to do with I said? The first point of entry would be the first country they come to. Therefore asylum is not going to win in court and will be rejected.
seeking asylum wherever is best is a natural right.
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
you come across like a right wing bigot. are you implying only Europeans are bright enough to book a passage on a ship, airplane, helicopter, dirigible, etc?
1) Based on....what? Oh nothing. Got it.

2) Oh no they are not because humans can still swim and walk over HILLS.

3) This is such a retarded argument you retards have. Yeah no shit walls work in many scenarios. That doesn’t somehow mean a linear wall along 2000 miles of border is an effective solution to illegal immigration. Not even close.

Maybe you could show us how easy it is to climb a 30' wall and drop down safely to the other the dark, with all your worldly possessions, knowing that the coyote guiding you will abandon your ass if you don't hurry the fuck up.
Or take the tunnel... Or the boat or the plane or the submarine or get a visa and overstay. The only solution is an ID card and enforcement. Which the GOP has blocked forever. Wonder why that is, super dupe....
What's ridiculous to me is how many liberals whine that others should pay for their stuff...dumbass.
Thinker run this through that sieve of a mind you have Blue states are the GIVERS red states the TAKERS
Blue states are inundated with Trespassers.
Cheap slave labor for the corporate whores you so admire.
blue states are inundated because they have successful economies and good weather, and because the GOP obstructs any real reform to keep illegals out. The wall is stupid and does not work 58% overstay their visas.
You approve of slave labor.
The hell I do. Pass an ID card like other modern countries have and end this GOP scam. And a $15 minimum wage and Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training and mainly higher taxes on the rich, less on everyone else.
Do you live where people make 15K/year and are on Medicaid?
If you do, you’re not qualified to comment on the economy.
If you don’t, you love slave labor.
The right wing only cares about natural rights, in abortion threads.
and that has what to do with I said? The first point of entry would be the first country they come to. Therefore asylum is not going to win in court and will be rejected.
seeking asylum wherever is best is a natural right.
No it would be the first port of entry or the first country you come to.
it doesn't matter if they want to seek asylum elsewhere. the first country they get to may not be able to handle it either. it is why we need to upgrade Ellis Island to process the people on our southern border more efficiently.
hey danny how are they going to get to ellis island? going to pay for that?..
Those coming nowadays are all asking for asylum from GOP War on Drugs shitholes. Perhaps we could let them in and go to court and stop making up fake crises... And extend NAFTA to Central America and end the War on Drugs and treat these people.

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