It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
Just less inequality, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired. This is a political platform, not asking for free stuff. Idiot. Every other rich country has all that stuff oh, you are an idiot.
only a foolish leftist dreamer believes in equality. Reality is there can never be equality.
“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
But we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and it's just getting worse -and in the modern world.
You're never going to have equality it's humanly impossible. You have to make life for what it gives you and make it work for you. Me, I go with being a free man you, on the other hand, want everybody to be serfs or subjects but you can't have serfs and subjects without rulers. I realize even as a free man you have the need for a ruler but as a free man, I can pick who I want as a ruler you as a serf or subject cannot.
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

A border wall wouldn't prevent someone with a meritorious asylum claim from seeking asylum under the existing law, as they can do so at the ports of entry. It would only prevent people who are trying to circumvent that process by crossing at unguarded areas from crossing the border. I support immigration using the many available legal methods, including various visas, and including asylum if it meets the legal requirements. I do not support circumventing the law. It sounds like we agree on that, so I would think you'd be in favor of border barriers, particularly in areas where unlawful border crossings frequently occur
Here's a little FYI about this asylum claim. it's the first point of entry into the first country you come in.
Here's a little FYI about this asylum claim. it's the first point of entry into the first country you come in.

I'm aware. Obama made that very clear in this press conference. It's not out of the question that a Mexican citizen could claim asylum at the US border if they were a political activist being targeted by the state, etc. And there are narrow circumstances in which people in other countries can claim refugee status (crime and poverty are not among them), but it should be done from their home country, not at the US border.

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Here's a little FYI about this asylum claim. it's the first point of entry into the first country you come in.

I'm aware. Obama made that very clear in this press conference. It's not out of the question that a Mexican citizen could claim asylum at the US border if they were a political activist being targeted by the state, etc. And there are narrow circumstances in which people in other countries can claim refugee status, but it should be done from their home country, not at the US border.

but isn't it true that most claiming asylum are from other countries?
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

Specifically, what laws have President Donald Trump put in place regarding our borders?

What percentage of those seeking asylum are qualified?
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

Specifically, what laws have President Donald Trump put in place regarding our borders?

What percentage of those seeking asylum are qualified?
Um well he’s rejecting ANYONE seeking asylum and is detaining kids without due process indefinitely instead of, you know, deporting them. Obviously that is batshit crazy.
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No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

Specifically, what laws have President Donald Trump put in place regarding our borders?

What percentage of those seeking asylum are qualified?
Um well he’s rejecting ANYONE seeking asylum and is detaining kids without due process indefinitely instead of, you know, deporting them. Obviously that is batshit crazy.
They should be rejected because the first point of entry for most of those people is not America.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

No. All they need is an easement.

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.


3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

A border wall wouldn't prevent someone with a meritorious asylum claim from seeking asylum under the existing law, as they can do so at the ports of entry. It would only prevent people who are trying to circumvent that process by crossing at unguarded areas from crossing the border. I support immigration using the many available legal methods, including various visas, and including asylum if it meets the legal requirements. I do not support circumventing the law. It sounds like we agree on that, so I would think you'd be in favor of border barriers, particularly in areas where unlawful border crossings frequently occur
Here's a little FYI about this asylum claim. it's the first point of entry into the first country you come in.
means nothing until we have Jurisdiction; then, it is our dilemma.
Here's a little FYI about this asylum claim. it's the first point of entry into the first country you come in.

I'm aware. Obama made that very clear in this press conference. It's not out of the question that a Mexican citizen could claim asylum at the US border if they were a political activist being targeted by the state, etc. And there are narrow circumstances in which people in other countries can claim refugee status (crime and poverty are not among them), but it should be done from their home country, not at the US border.

what if their government is in a state of Chaos or turmoil?

our drug war creates refugees. they could claim that.
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

Specifically, what laws have President Donald Trump put in place regarding our borders?

What percentage of those seeking asylum are qualified?
Um well he’s rejecting ANYONE seeking asylum and is detaining kids without due process indefinitely instead of, you know, deporting them. Obviously that is batshit crazy.
They should be rejected because the first point of entry for most of those people is not America.
The right wing only cares about natural rights, in abortion threads.
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
franco i lived under your people for quite a while....why cant you just accept that not everybody likes to be taxed to death and fee'd to death....not everybody likes living in a place where you cant fucking drive somewhere without it taking 3x as long as it sit down because this is going to be something else you wont understand....not everybody likes either party,and yes that includes the fucking democrats....if you want to vote for one of those bottom of the barrel people running for pres. knock yourself out.....i wont be and dont worry just like last time,i wont be voting for your good buddy trump either...your party was decent last century,now they are a fucking joke ....ok do you get that?...
Yes the Democrats were great when there was no filibuster to stop them and they had huge edge in Congress? And they will be again when they get a chance. They haven't had it since the sixties.... Look up the GOP rule on reconciliation and the GOP rule of filibuster. Quite the scam. Still wouldn't work without the propaganda machine.Like everywhere else California has been battered by GOP tax rates and the resultant Less federal aid the last 35 years. Not to mention getting more population. A victim of their own success. Tough luck.
franco you dem dupe....California has been battered by California tax rates....since i moved out of that state i am paying a lot less taxes....
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
Yeah, yeah, yeah say the candidates will pass that free, free, free, free, free, free stuff or run on it, and all in order to wooooo the electorate, but then comes all the bad Demon-crat policies that will put this nation into a tail spin that it won't ever recover from or won't be able to come out of. The CRASH will be next.
Only Republicans start crashes, ignoramus. Funny how every other rich country can afford all that stuff. Perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. And propagandizers...
all those other countries have a lot less people and they are basically on the same page....we have 300 million plus people here and have about a hundred million different pages.....change the channel frankie...
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

Specifically, what laws have President Donald Trump put in place regarding our borders?

What percentage of those seeking asylum are qualified?
Um well he’s rejecting ANYONE seeking asylum and is detaining kids without due process indefinitely instead of, you know, deporting them. Obviously that is batshit crazy.

Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
Yeah, yeah, yeah say the candidates will pass that free, free, free, free, free, free stuff or run on it, and all in order to wooooo the electorate, but then comes all the bad Demon-crat policies that will put this nation into a tail spin that it won't ever recover from or won't be able to come out of. The CRASH will be next.
Only Republicans start crashes, ignoramus. Funny how every other rich country can afford all that stuff. Perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. And propagandizers...
all those other countries have a lot less people and they are basically on the same page....we have 300 million plus people here and have about a hundred million different pages.....change the channel frankie...
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
/—-/ If the Wall was useless you open border libtards wouldn’t be screeching like a stuck pig. Walls work.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
Yeah, yeah, yeah say the candidates will pass that free, free, free, free, free, free stuff or run on it, and all in order to wooooo the electorate, but then comes all the bad Demon-crat policies that will put this nation into a tail spin that it won't ever recover from or won't be able to come out of. The CRASH will be next.
Only Republicans start crashes, ignoramus. Funny how every other rich country can afford all that stuff. Perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. And propagandizers...
all those other countries have a lot less people and they are basically on the same page....we have 300 million plus people here and have about a hundred million different pages.....change the channel frankie...
oh it is is it?....why dont you tell me oh wondrous one how you would get even 70% of this country to agree on something?...
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
franco i lived under your people for quite a while....why cant you just accept that not everybody likes to be taxed to death and fee'd to death....not everybody likes living in a place where you cant fucking drive somewhere without it taking 3x as long as it sit down because this is going to be something else you wont understand....not everybody likes either party,and yes that includes the fucking democrats....if you want to vote for one of those bottom of the barrel people running for pres. knock yourself out.....i wont be and dont worry just like last time,i wont be voting for your good buddy trump either...your party was decent last century,now they are a fucking joke ....ok do you get that?...
Yes the Democrats were great when there was no filibuster to stop them and they had huge edge in Congress? And they will be again when they get a chance. They haven't had it since the sixties.... Look up the GOP rule on reconciliation and the GOP rule of filibuster. Quite the scam. Still wouldn't work without the propaganda machine.Like everywhere else California has been battered by GOP tax rates and the resultant Less federal aid the last 35 years. Not to mention getting more population. A victim of their own success. Tough luck.
franco you dem dupe....California has been battered by California tax rates....since i moved out of that state i am paying a lot less taxes....
So everyone should legalize gambling and prostitution everywhere?

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