It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
The greedy idiots rich in the GOP are greedy and they dupe you. And you pay more than you should so they can let the rich get away with murder....
They dupe me? Maybe my understanding of how economics works is better than yours. I am very happy with what I make
Do you know that we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? A give away to the rich and a screw job for everyone else.
Have you been drinking that sounds like a dodge to me but even so a lot
Google the only tax graph you need to know. You are totally misinformed by the GOP propaganda machine. Glad you are prosperous but that means nothing politically.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
The misinformation and phony scandals of the GOP propaganda machine have no equivalents on the Democratic side. That is called journalism and law enforcement by the way. No propaganda machine.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
To answer point 2, 10 foot high electrified chain link fence right at the north shore of the Rio Grande. You only need to energize the fence a few random hours/day. The floaters will discourage most would be illegals.
Sounds lovely and unamerican and stupid. Another hypocrite GOP boondoggle. Won't work.
No it doesn't sound lovely It sounds effective, though. Perhaps you can suggest something as effective and less brutal?
As far as it being unAmerican? well, perhaps, but aren't we trying to stem the tide of "Un-Americans crossing our borders illegally? If these people want Americans to welcome them with open arms, they should come here legally. Instead, they cross a river and climb a fence in the dead of night and want us to welcome them with open wallets.:fu:
they all work like hell and do not get any welfare benefits unless they are citizens, super duper. Nowadays they are all applying for asylum and should be allowed in the country. A crisis made by the orange clown and your propaganda machine.
A side note... Make sure that crowd coverage is done in a proper way when these crats are campaigning on these issues. It will tell the story about how media is attempting to make them appear as popular even though their crowds are miniscule. They won't be able to pay enough people to make it appear differently.

It is a great gauge as to how the voters will vote, and to how popular a candidate is or isn't. Polls can't even gauge properly the heartbeat of America these days, so polls are out.

The Democrats are relying on what made the government so powerful over this nation in the 60's, and that is if they can convince that the White's are the enemy of the non-whites in this country again, then they will win in a landslide by way of using the race card in this way. So look for it people, and especially with these idiot whites like Pelosi etc who will actually denigrate their own color in a bid to get a win for a party. It is hilarious when see this bullcrap.

A white person blanketing a large majority of the white race as being bad, and just because many are republicans if so be it the case, is just one sick puppy. See it alot these days, and yet they do it anyway.
the border crisis is totally manufactured by Trump. Let these asylum seekers come in. They show up 98% for their Court. Extend NAFTA 2 Central America and legalize pot, decriminalize others and pay for treatment. The GOP Nanny police state is a disgrace.

Yeah, let's let the whole worlds "refugees" just flood in.
You fucking dumb asses haven't a clue what this would do to our country.
Yes they do, and it is why they want it.
Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill and stop kicking it down the road with this stupid wall that will not work. 58% overstay their visas. Pass a goddamn ID card and end this GOP scam.
They dupe me? Maybe my understanding of how economics works is better than yours. I am very happy with what I make
Do you know that we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? A give away to the rich and a screw job for everyone else.
Have you been drinking that sounds like a dodge to me but even so a lot
Google the only tax graph you need to know. You are totally misinformed by the GOP propaganda machine. Glad you are prosperous but that means nothing politically.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
A side note... Make sure that crowd coverage is done in a proper way when these crats are campaigning on these issues. It will tell the story about how media is attempting to make them appear as popular even though their crowds are miniscule. They won't be able to pay enough people to make it appear differently.

It is a great gauge as to how the voters will vote, and to how popular a candidate is or isn't. Polls can't even gauge properly the heartbeat of America these days, so polls are out.

The Democrats are relying on what made the government so powerful over this nation in the 60's, and that is if they can convince that the White's are the enemy of the non-whites in this country again, then they will win in a landslide by way of using the race card in this way. So look for it people, and especially with these idiot whites like Pelosi etc who will actually denigrate their own color in a bid to get a win for a party. It is hilarious when see this bullcrap.

A white person blanketing a large majority of the white race as being bad, and just because many are republicans if so be it the case, is just one sick puppy. See it alot these days, and yet they do it anyway.
the border crisis is totally manufactured by Trump. Let these asylum seekers come in. They show up 98% for their Court. Extend NAFTA 2 Central America and legalize pot, decriminalize others and pay for treatment. The GOP Nanny police state is a disgrace.

Yeah, let's let the whole worlds "refugees" just flood in.
You fucking dumb asses haven't a clue what this would do to our country.
maybe if your party would stop starting World depressions and destroying entire areas of the world for no reason we wouldn't have this problem. There are not that many people coming, brainwashed functional moron. Especially with Trump as the face of America.
Do you know that we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes? A give away to the rich and a screw job for everyone else.
Have you been drinking that sounds like a dodge to me but even so a lot
Google the only tax graph you need to know. You are totally misinformed by the GOP propaganda machine. Glad you are prosperous but that means nothing politically.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
Just less inequality, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired. This is a political platform, not asking for free stuff. Idiot. Every other rich country has all that stuff oh, you are an idiot.
Why then was the wall and increased border security great when it was supported and voted for by Democrats but not now? What has changed and why do you believe open borders is a grand idea for America?
The Democrats never wanted a wall, just increased security electronics etc. And a goddamn ID card that would end this GOP scam like other countries.

"In 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act, a bill that authorized the construction of hundreds of miles of fencing along the border. That legislation was approved with broad bipartisan support, including, in the Senate, by such Democratic luminaries as Barack Obama of Illinois, Hillary Clinton of New York, Joe Biden of Delaware and Charles Schumer of New York, now the Senate minority leader."

“Where I don’t understand the pushback is, in 2013 if everybody was for the 700 miles of double fencing, but now they’re not for it because Trump calls it a wall – to me that does not make sense,” said Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union for the border patrol agents. “Whether we call it a fence or call it a wall, it acts as the exact same thing – a physical barrier that makes it more difficult to enter the United States illegally. I don’t understand the whole fight over this.”

In fight over Trump’s wall, Democrats who once supported border barrier now oppose it – The Denver Post
1st learn the agenda of the Democrats in serious detail, then the picture of their complete melt down will become clearer and clearer to you or anyone watching the events and/or the actions of the Democrats to date.

Any sane minded American knows the things that Trump is doing is good for the country, but because the Democrats weakness allowed the most radical wing of that party to take control of it, is exactly why we as a nation are seeing the things that we are seeing taking place today against anything good that might help the country on whole.

Just go back and look at all the radical things that were being pushed, and how the nation balked at such things, and how the government under Democrat control attempted to use government power to force the radical things down the nation's throat.

The list became endless, and the most unlikely groups began linking themselves together in order to petition the government to overthrow any resistance of their big tent movement.

Look at the issue of abortion, the issue of guns, the issue of privacy, the issue of freedom, the issue of soverignty, the issue of the economy, the issue of resources, the issue of religion, the issue of you name it. All fell under attack by the allied groups seeking to change this nation forever against the majority will.

We no longer have a nation trying to live peacefully together in compromise and in tolerance of each other, but what we have now is more of a nation hell bent towards over throwing each other.
The country is moving towards a second civil war.
All it will take is one match.
Should anything happen to President Trump.....for instance, the entire country will explode.
When the war ends.......perhaps years from when the match was lit people sitting in outdoor cafes in Paris France will be smelling rotting bodies in New York.
The side with the most weapons and ammo will win. You all can guess which side that will be.
Would be a sad day for America, but it doesn't have to go this way. All the nation needs to do is go back to upholding the laws (no exceptions). Technology thank God is protecting our law enforcement more and more. Camera's should be installed in high crime areas on every street (mounted on power poles, and powered by the electricity on that pole with battery back up). Sorry bad people, but that's what you bring upon yourselves. Time for the endless excuses by the Democrats to end.

Leaving bad high crime areas in the dark (no camera's), and then sending individual law enforcement officers into those areas to patrol is ridiculous these days.

Also I think that no go zones as voted on by the citizens in a bid to protect their communities should be allowed now. Now this is not to say that these would be no go zones that exclude law enforcement from entering into them, but rather it is having a structural set up by the creation of neighborhood commities who gather together to create a set of rules pertaining to the conduct that is expected by those who are allowed to live within the community or neighborhood. Yes this might cause bad elements from moving in or occupying a community in which they then set up a base of operations whether it is drugs, prostitution, formation of gangs, and making the community unsafe for those whom live in the community, but oh well it's past time for this to happen now.[/QUOTE.]
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron.
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. 58% just overstay their visas. Pass the damn ID card..
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Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
franco i lived under your people for quite a while....why cant you just accept that not everybody likes to be taxed to death and fee'd to death....not everybody likes living in a place where you cant fucking drive somewhere without it taking 3x as long as it sit down because this is going to be something else you wont understand....not everybody likes either party,and yes that includes the fucking democrats....if you want to vote for one of those bottom of the barrel people running for pres. knock yourself out.....i wont be and dont worry just like last time,i wont be voting for your good buddy trump either...your party was decent last century,now they are a fucking joke ....ok do you get that?...
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
franco i lived under your people for quite a while....why cant you just accept that not everybody likes to be taxed to death and fee'd to death....not everybody likes living in a place where you cant fucking drive somewhere without it taking 3x as long as it sit down because this is going to be something else you wont understand....not everybody likes either party,and yes that includes the fucking democrats....if you want to vote for one of those bottom of the barrel people running for pres. knock yourself out.....i wont be and dont worry just like last time,i wont be voting for your good buddy trump either...your party was decent last century,now they are a fucking joke ....ok do you get that?...
Yes the Democrats were great when there was no filibuster to stop them and they had huge edge in Congress? And they will be again when they get a chance. They haven't had it since the sixties.... Look up the GOP rule on reconciliation and the GOP rule of filibuster. Quite the scam. Still wouldn't work without the propaganda machine.Like everywhere else California has been battered by GOP tax rates and the resultant Less federal aid the last 35 years. Not to mention getting more population. A victim of their own success. Tough luck.
To answer point 2, 10 foot high electrified chain link fence right at the north shore of the Rio Grande. You only need to energize the fence a few random hours/day. The floaters will discourage most would be illegals.
I like the idea of a moat with alligators.
I've offered that scenario several times. It's a win/win/win strategy. We eliminate 95% of illegal crossings, Florida becomes safer with fewer alligators and New Orleans gets the dirt to get their asses ABOVE SEA LEVEL.

How do build a moat on the side of a mountain in Arizona?
There would need to be some sections that have parallel fencing with komodo dragons in between.

My God, shut up! Komodo dragons would last 5 minutes in Texas. What would they eat? Illegals?
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
A country without borders will cease to exist, the Democratic Party's greed for power and their total corruption is a threat to our country.
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...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

Build that wall. Tax it like it's never been taxed before.

Thanks for the funds,all.
I don't have any faith in Trump's wall and preferred Bush's 2006 Act double border fence with motion sensors.

Wall is just a term... Don't take it literally.

There will be various designs and concepts that will be custom to the application needed.
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
Yeah, yeah, yeah say the candidates will pass that free, free, free, free, free, free stuff or run on it, and all in order to wooooo the electorate, but then comes all the bad Demon-crat policies that will put this nation into a tail spin that it won't ever recover from or won't be able to come out of. The CRASH will be next.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
Go cry somewhere else. Clown.

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