It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

The Democrats never wanted a wall, just increased security electronics etc. And a goddamn ID card that would end this GOP scam like other countries.

"In 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act, a bill that authorized the construction of hundreds of miles of fencing along the border. That legislation was approved with broad bipartisan support, including, in the Senate, by such Democratic luminaries as Barack Obama of Illinois, Hillary Clinton of New York, Joe Biden of Delaware and Charles Schumer of New York, now the Senate minority leader."

“Where I don’t understand the pushback is, in 2013 if everybody was for the 700 miles of double fencing, but now they’re not for it because Trump calls it a wall – to me that does not make sense,” said Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union for the border patrol agents. “Whether we call it a fence or call it a wall, it acts as the exact same thing – a physical barrier that makes it more difficult to enter the United States illegally. I don’t understand the whole fight over this.”

In fight over Trump’s wall, Democrats who once supported border barrier now oppose it – The Denver Post
1st learn the agenda of the Democrats in serious detail, then the picture of their complete melt down will become clearer and clearer to you or anyone watching the events and/or the actions of the Democrats to date.

Any sane minded American knows the things that Trump is doing is good for the country, but because the Democrats weakness allowed the most radical wing of that party to take control of it, is exactly why we as a nation are seeing the things that we are seeing taking place today against anything good that might help the country on whole.

Just go back and look at all the radical things that were being pushed, and how the nation balked at such things, and how the government under Democrat control attempted to use government power to force the radical things down the nation's throat.

The list became endless, and the most unlikely groups began linking themselves together in order to petition the government to overthrow any resistance of their big tent movement.

Look at the issue of abortion, the issue of guns, the issue of privacy, the issue of freedom, the issue of soverignty, the issue of the economy, the issue of resources, the issue of religion, the issue of you name it. All fell under attack by the allied groups seeking to change this nation forever against the majority will.

We no longer have a nation trying to live peacefully together in compromise and in tolerance of each other, but what we have now is more of a nation hell bent towards over throwing each other.
The country is moving towards a second civil war.
All it will take is one match.
Should anything happen to President Trump.....for instance, the entire country will explode.
When the war ends.......perhaps years from when the match was lit people sitting in outdoor cafes in Paris France will be smelling rotting bodies in New York.
The side with the most weapons and ammo will win. You all can guess which side that will be.
Would be a sad day for America, but it doesn't have to go this way. All the nation needs to do is go back to upholding the laws (no exceptions). Technology thank God is protecting our law enforcement more and more. Camera's should be installed in high crime areas on every street (mounted on power poles, and powered by the electricity on that pole with battery back up). Sorry bad people, but that's what you bring upon yourselves. Time for the endless excuses by the Democrats to end.

Leaving bad high crime areas in the dark (no camera's), and then sending individual law enforcement officers into those areas to patrol is ridiculous these days.

Also I think that no go zones as voted on by the citizens in a bid to protect their communities should be allowed now. Now this is not to say that these would be no go zones that exclude law enforcement from entering into them, but rather it is having a structural set up by the creation of neighborhood commities who gather together to create a set of rules pertaining to the conduct that is expected by those who are allowed to live within the community or neighborhood. Yes this might cause bad elements from moving in or occupying a community in which they then set up a base of operations whether it is drugs, prostitution, formation of gangs, and making the community unsafe for those whom live in the community, but oh well it's past time for this to happen now.[/QUOTE.]
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron.
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. 58% just overstay their visas. Pass the damn ID card..
No we ain't passing no mark of the beast bullcrap... We just need to be free to uphold the law again in this country. Simple.
Because Reagan wasn't a simple minded moron like Trump. Its a damn shame what a pile of mindless shit the republican party has turned into. Reagan would be pissed.
the democrats have also turned into a pile of mindless shit .....
And you have no examples of course.... Next time they should use the nuclear option and pass a bunch of stuff like living wage Healthcare paid parental leave ID card cheap college and training 5 week vacations infrastructure, etc etc mainly higher taxes on the rich. Google the only tax graph you need to know. I can't believe you, you cannot stop yourself from saying the Democrats are just as bad, though you have no evidence.
Yeah, yeah, yeah say the candidates will pass that free, free, free, free, free, free stuff or run on it, and all in order to wooooo the electorate, but then comes all the bad Demon-crat policies that will put this nation into a tail spin that it won't ever recover from or won't be able to come out of. The CRASH will be next.
Only Republicans start crashes, ignoramus. Funny how every other rich country can afford all that stuff. Perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. And propagandizers...
"In 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act, a bill that authorized the construction of hundreds of miles of fencing along the border. That legislation was approved with broad bipartisan support, including, in the Senate, by such Democratic luminaries as Barack Obama of Illinois, Hillary Clinton of New York, Joe Biden of Delaware and Charles Schumer of New York, now the Senate minority leader."

“Where I don’t understand the pushback is, in 2013 if everybody was for the 700 miles of double fencing, but now they’re not for it because Trump calls it a wall – to me that does not make sense,” said Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union for the border patrol agents. “Whether we call it a fence or call it a wall, it acts as the exact same thing – a physical barrier that makes it more difficult to enter the United States illegally. I don’t understand the whole fight over this.”

In fight over Trump’s wall, Democrats who once supported border barrier now oppose it – The Denver Post
1st learn the agenda of the Democrats in serious detail, then the picture of their complete melt down will become clearer and clearer to you or anyone watching the events and/or the actions of the Democrats to date.

Any sane minded American knows the things that Trump is doing is good for the country, but because the Democrats weakness allowed the most radical wing of that party to take control of it, is exactly why we as a nation are seeing the things that we are seeing taking place today against anything good that might help the country on whole.

Just go back and look at all the radical things that were being pushed, and how the nation balked at such things, and how the government under Democrat control attempted to use government power to force the radical things down the nation's throat.

The list became endless, and the most unlikely groups began linking themselves together in order to petition the government to overthrow any resistance of their big tent movement.

Look at the issue of abortion, the issue of guns, the issue of privacy, the issue of freedom, the issue of soverignty, the issue of the economy, the issue of resources, the issue of religion, the issue of you name it. All fell under attack by the allied groups seeking to change this nation forever against the majority will.

We no longer have a nation trying to live peacefully together in compromise and in tolerance of each other, but what we have now is more of a nation hell bent towards over throwing each other.
The country is moving towards a second civil war.
All it will take is one match.
Should anything happen to President Trump.....for instance, the entire country will explode.
When the war ends.......perhaps years from when the match was lit people sitting in outdoor cafes in Paris France will be smelling rotting bodies in New York.
The side with the most weapons and ammo will win. You all can guess which side that will be.
Would be a sad day for America, but it doesn't have to go this way. All the nation needs to do is go back to upholding the laws (no exceptions). Technology thank God is protecting our law enforcement more and more. Camera's should be installed in high crime areas on every street (mounted on power poles, and powered by the electricity on that pole with battery back up). Sorry bad people, but that's what you bring upon yourselves. Time for the endless excuses by the Democrats to end.

Leaving bad high crime areas in the dark (no camera's), and then sending individual law enforcement officers into those areas to patrol is ridiculous these days.

Also I think that no go zones as voted on by the citizens in a bid to protect their communities should be allowed now. Now this is not to say that these would be no go zones that exclude law enforcement from entering into them, but rather it is having a structural set up by the creation of neighborhood commities who gather together to create a set of rules pertaining to the conduct that is expected by those who are allowed to live within the community or neighborhood. Yes this might cause bad elements from moving in or occupying a community in which they then set up a base of operations whether it is drugs, prostitution, formation of gangs, and making the community unsafe for those whom live in the community, but oh well it's past time for this to happen now.[/QUOTE.]
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron.
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. 58% just overstay their visas. Pass the damn ID card..
No we ain't passing no mark of the beast bullcrap... We just need to be free to uphold the law again in this country. Simple.
The GOP just loves the cheap easily bullied labor and fools like you....
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.
A country without borders will cease to exist, the Democratic Party's greed for power and their total corruption is a threat to our country.
The wall is stupid and won't work- 58% just overstay their visas. Pass an id card or it will just go on and on.
...wouldn’t get built.

1) The amount of private land along the border would create endless court disputes for years that would prevent construction

2) The terrain/river make it impossible to a wall in some areas.

3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

Build that wall. Tax it like it's never been taxed before.

Thanks for the funds,all.
That wall's already built. Why rebuild it?
"In 2006, President George W. Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act, a bill that authorized the construction of hundreds of miles of fencing along the border. That legislation was approved with broad bipartisan support, including, in the Senate, by such Democratic luminaries as Barack Obama of Illinois, Hillary Clinton of New York, Joe Biden of Delaware and Charles Schumer of New York, now the Senate minority leader."

“Where I don’t understand the pushback is, in 2013 if everybody was for the 700 miles of double fencing, but now they’re not for it because Trump calls it a wall – to me that does not make sense,” said Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union for the border patrol agents. “Whether we call it a fence or call it a wall, it acts as the exact same thing – a physical barrier that makes it more difficult to enter the United States illegally. I don’t understand the whole fight over this.”

In fight over Trump’s wall, Democrats who once supported border barrier now oppose it – The Denver Post
1st learn the agenda of the Democrats in serious detail, then the picture of their complete melt down will become clearer and clearer to you or anyone watching the events and/or the actions of the Democrats to date.

Any sane minded American knows the things that Trump is doing is good for the country, but because the Democrats weakness allowed the most radical wing of that party to take control of it, is exactly why we as a nation are seeing the things that we are seeing taking place today against anything good that might help the country on whole.

Just go back and look at all the radical things that were being pushed, and how the nation balked at such things, and how the government under Democrat control attempted to use government power to force the radical things down the nation's throat.

The list became endless, and the most unlikely groups began linking themselves together in order to petition the government to overthrow any resistance of their big tent movement.

Look at the issue of abortion, the issue of guns, the issue of privacy, the issue of freedom, the issue of soverignty, the issue of the economy, the issue of resources, the issue of religion, the issue of you name it. All fell under attack by the allied groups seeking to change this nation forever against the majority will.

We no longer have a nation trying to live peacefully together in compromise and in tolerance of each other, but what we have now is more of a nation hell bent towards over throwing each other.
The country is moving towards a second civil war.
All it will take is one match.
Should anything happen to President Trump.....for instance, the entire country will explode.
When the war ends.......perhaps years from when the match was lit people sitting in outdoor cafes in Paris France will be smelling rotting bodies in New York.
The side with the most weapons and ammo will win. You all can guess which side that will be.
Would be a sad day for America, but it doesn't have to go this way. All the nation needs to do is go back to upholding the laws (no exceptions). Technology thank God is protecting our law enforcement more and more. Camera's should be installed in high crime areas on every street (mounted on power poles, and powered by the electricity on that pole with battery back up). Sorry bad people, but that's what you bring upon yourselves. Time for the endless excuses by the Democrats to end.

Leaving bad high crime areas in the dark (no camera's), and then sending individual law enforcement officers into those areas to patrol is ridiculous these days.

Also I think that no go zones as voted on by the citizens in a bid to protect their communities should be allowed now. Now this is not to say that these would be no go zones that exclude law enforcement from entering into them, but rather it is having a structural set up by the creation of neighborhood commities who gather together to create a set of rules pertaining to the conduct that is expected by those who are allowed to live within the community or neighborhood. Yes this might cause bad elements from moving in or occupying a community in which they then set up a base of operations whether it is drugs, prostitution, formation of gangs, and making the community unsafe for those whom live in the community, but oh well it's past time for this to happen now.[/QUOTE.]
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron.
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. 58% just overstay their visas. Pass the damn ID card..
No we ain't passing no mark of the beast bullcrap... We just need to be free to uphold the law again in this country. Simple.
Sorry hater dupe but you can't deport 11 million worthy immigrants. The GOP invited them in and keeps this scam going. We have to get it organized. What a concept.
1st learn the agenda of the Democrats in serious detail, then the picture of their complete melt down will become clearer and clearer to you or anyone watching the events and/or the actions of the Democrats to date.

Any sane minded American knows the things that Trump is doing is good for the country, but because the Democrats weakness allowed the most radical wing of that party to take control of it, is exactly why we as a nation are seeing the things that we are seeing taking place today against anything good that might help the country on whole.

Just go back and look at all the radical things that were being pushed, and how the nation balked at such things, and how the government under Democrat control attempted to use government power to force the radical things down the nation's throat.

The list became endless, and the most unlikely groups began linking themselves together in order to petition the government to overthrow any resistance of their big tent movement.

Look at the issue of abortion, the issue of guns, the issue of privacy, the issue of freedom, the issue of soverignty, the issue of the economy, the issue of resources, the issue of religion, the issue of you name it. All fell under attack by the allied groups seeking to change this nation forever against the majority will.

We no longer have a nation trying to live peacefully together in compromise and in tolerance of each other, but what we have now is more of a nation hell bent towards over throwing each other.
The country is moving towards a second civil war.
All it will take is one match.
Should anything happen to President Trump.....for instance, the entire country will explode.
When the war ends.......perhaps years from when the match was lit people sitting in outdoor cafes in Paris France will be smelling rotting bodies in New York.
The side with the most weapons and ammo will win. You all can guess which side that will be.
Would be a sad day for America, but it doesn't have to go this way. All the nation needs to do is go back to upholding the laws (no exceptions). Technology thank God is protecting our law enforcement more and more. Camera's should be installed in high crime areas on every street (mounted on power poles, and powered by the electricity on that pole with battery back up). Sorry bad people, but that's what you bring upon yourselves. Time for the endless excuses by the Democrats to end.

Leaving bad high crime areas in the dark (no camera's), and then sending individual law enforcement officers into those areas to patrol is ridiculous these days.

Also I think that no go zones as voted on by the citizens in a bid to protect their communities should be allowed now. Now this is not to say that these would be no go zones that exclude law enforcement from entering into them, but rather it is having a structural set up by the creation of neighborhood commities who gather together to create a set of rules pertaining to the conduct that is expected by those who are allowed to live within the community or neighborhood. Yes this might cause bad elements from moving in or occupying a community in which they then set up a base of operations whether it is drugs, prostitution, formation of gangs, and making the community unsafe for those whom live in the community, but oh well it's past time for this to happen now.[/QUOTE.]
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron.
35 years of GOP tax rates and give away to the rich give us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Maybe you should fix that, brainwashed functional moron. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. 58% just overstay their visas. Pass the damn ID card..
No we ain't passing no mark of the beast bullcrap... We just need to be free to uphold the law again in this country. Simple.
Sorry hater dupe but you can't deport 11 million worthy immigrants. The GOP invited them in and keeps this scam going. We have to get it organized. What a concept.
Got proof that the GOP are the ones at fault for the mess ? So now the Demon-crats are trying not to let a good crisis go to waste ?? So pushing down on the sore is the way the Demon-crats get their way to win or retain power ??

Otherwise wait for someone to mess up and crash, then run in and push down on the wounds instead of bringing Band-Aids eh ??

Who loses ? The whole country does.
Have you been drinking that sounds like a dodge to me but even so a lot
Google the only tax graph you need to know. You are totally misinformed by the GOP propaganda machine. Glad you are prosperous but that means nothing politically.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
Just less inequality, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired. This is a political platform, not asking for free stuff. Idiot. Every other rich country has all that stuff oh, you are an idiot.
only a foolish leftist dreamer believes in equality. Reality is there can never be equality.
“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
Google the only tax graph you need to know. You are totally misinformed by the GOP propaganda machine. Glad you are prosperous but that means nothing politically.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
Just less inequality, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired. This is a political platform, not asking for free stuff. Idiot. Every other rich country has all that stuff oh, you are an idiot.
only a foolish leftist dreamer believes in equality. Reality is there can never be equality.
“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
Equality is a fantasy or more of a political ploy these days, because reality trumps fantasy everytime. If people could be controlled like good little Nazi youth, then equality might have some sort of a chance among the Nazi youth, but a man named Jesse Owens destroyed that ideological thinking when he showed Hitler that attempting to engineer human beings to be stronger, faster, and more equal in order to defeat the USA, he was proven a failure in that quest.
Uh no it won’t. Why? Because there are already a network of tunnels underground. It also wouldn’t prevent, you know, people from climbing over it.

You believe caravans largely made up of women (some pregnant) and children will climb over a 20 foot steel bollard wall that's been cooking in the desert sun all day? LOL
Uh no it won’t. Why? Because there are already a network of tunnels underground. It also wouldn’t prevent, you know, people from climbing over it.

You believe caravans largely made up of pregnant women and small children will climb over a 20 foot steel bollard wall that's been cooking in the desert sun all day? LOL
Lol this post is both fascinating and telling. You are basically saying it is a good thing impoverished pregnant women and kids would be prevented from crossing the border.
Google the only tax graph you need to know. You are totally misinformed by the GOP propaganda machine. Glad you are prosperous but that means nothing politically.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
Just less inequality, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired. This is a political platform, not asking for free stuff. Idiot. Every other rich country has all that stuff oh, you are an idiot.
only a foolish leftist dreamer believes in equality. Reality is there can never be equality.
“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
But we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and it's just getting worse -and in the modern world.
DUDE what part of
"I am happy with what I make" don't you understand'?
I understand totally congratulations I am fine also Jesus. Politically you are an idiot. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
no quite the opposite you are the idiot
You've shown your card already
You don't have a pot to piss in do you? You want what others have those who have worked hard for their things. Because if you actually had ownership of things you would not be so fast to push wealth equality
Just less inequality, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired. This is a political platform, not asking for free stuff. Idiot. Every other rich country has all that stuff oh, you are an idiot.
only a foolish leftist dreamer believes in equality. Reality is there can never be equality.
“An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects”

― Martin Luther
Equality is a fantasy or more of a political ploy these days, because reality trumps fantasy everytime. If people could be controlled like good little Nazi youth, then equality might have some sort of a chance among the Nazi youth, but a man named Jesse Owens destroyed that ideological thinking when he showed Hitler that attempting to engineer human beings to be stronger, faster, and more equal in order to defeat the USA, he was proven a failure in that quest.
we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world by far, super duper.
Uh no it won’t. Why? Because there are already a network of tunnels underground. It also wouldn’t prevent, you know, people from climbing over it.

You believe caravans largely made up of pregnant women and small children will climb over a 20 foot steel bollard wall that's been cooking in the desert sun all day? LOL
Lol this post is both fascinating and telling. You are basically saying it is a good thing impoverished pregnant women and kids would be prevented from crossing the border.

I'm saying that's exactly the purpose of border security devices, to prevent people from illegally crossing the border. You said it would not prevent people from illegally crossing the border because they could climb over it, and I simply pointed out the fallacy of your statement by bringing it into reference. However, your post makes clear that you advocate wide open borders, which shows your true motivation for your incessant "border walls won't work" posts
3) The NEVER ENDING cost to maintain the wall would need to be figured out. It would cost close to a billion per year just to maintain this useless barrier that wouldn’t stop most border jumpers.

The Great Wall is a perfect example:

The costs vary greatly but it's safe to say the per mile cost is somewhere between 1 - 5 million dollars / mile. That applied to the entire length of the Chinese Wall: 13,170 miles x 1 million dollars = $13 billion to $65 billion. The individual income tax paid in the US is 2012 was a total of 1,359 billion dollars.

The Great Wall was built over many years. It is believed the original Great Wall was built over a period of approximately 20 years.

The primary purpose was always to protect the Chinese Empire from the Mongolians and other invaders. Most of the current Great Wall we see today was built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and is approximately 6000km long.


Even though, I used the Great Wall of China as an example to illustrate your OP, is because - THE WALL WORKS.

Well until Mongolians learnt how to fly
Uh no it won’t. Why? Because there are already a network of tunnels underground. It also wouldn’t prevent, you know, people from climbing over it.

You believe caravans largely made up of pregnant women and small children will climb over a 20 foot steel bollard wall that's been cooking in the desert sun all day? LOL
Lol this post is both fascinating and telling. You are basically saying it is a good thing impoverished pregnant women and kids would be prevented from crossing the border.

I'm saying that's exactly the purpose of border security devices, to prevent people from illegally crossing the border. You said it would not prevent people from illegally crossing the border because they could climb over it, and I simply pointed out the fallacy of your statement by bringing it into reference. However, your post makes clear that you advocate wide open borders, which shows your true motivation for your incessant "border walls won't work" posts
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.
Uh no it won’t. Why? Because there are already a network of tunnels underground. It also wouldn’t prevent, you know, people from climbing over it.

You believe caravans largely made up of pregnant women and small children will climb over a 20 foot steel bollard wall that's been cooking in the desert sun all day? LOL
Lol this post is both fascinating and telling. You are basically saying it is a good thing impoverished pregnant women and kids would be prevented from crossing the border.

I'm saying that's exactly the purpose of border security devices, to prevent people from illegally crossing the border. You said it would not prevent people from illegally crossing the border because they could climb over it, and I simply pointed out the fallacy of your statement by bringing it into reference. However, your post makes clear that you advocate wide open borders, which shows your true motivation for your incessant "border walls won't work" posts
Walls won't solve our illegal problem or our illegal underclass.
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

A border wall wouldn't prevent someone with a meritorious asylum claim from seeking asylum under the existing law, as they can do so at the ports of entry. It would only prevent people who are trying to circumvent that process by crossing at unguarded areas from crossing the border. I support immigration using the many available legal methods, including various visas, and including asylum if it meets the legal requirements. I do not support circumventing the law. It sounds like we agree on that, so I would think you'd be in favor of border barriers, particularly in areas where unlawful border crossings frequently occur
Last edited:
No I don’t want open borders. I support the laws that were already in place before Trump. This includes the legality of asylum seeking. Any other migrant trying to cross the border illegally shouldn’t be able to, however.

A border wall wouldn't prevent someone with a meritorious asylum claim from seeking asylum under the existing law, as they can do so at the ports of entry. It would only prevent people who are trying to circumvent that process by crossing at unguarded areas from crossing the border. I support immigration using the many available legal methods, including various visas, and including asylum if it meets the legal requirements. I do not support circumventing the law. It sounds like we agree on that, so I would think you'd be in favor of border barriers, particularly in areas where unlawful border crossings frequently occur
We should have no problem on our southern border. Ellis Island was able to handle thousands per day. Upgrading it could solve our refugee problem.

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