It doesn’t matter if Trump miraculously secured 100% of funding for his useless wall. It still...

Cummins district is at least half suburbs and the 61st most prosperous district out of 435 in the country. Trump watched Fox & Friends story on Baltimore could have been San Francisco Los Angeles or Seattle. Pure garbage propaganda as always, For dupes
only. Trump's brain is on garbage propaganda it's pathetic.
I'm sure those people living with the rats give a shit that their politicians are doing so well.
You think your town doesn't have rats? Fox can make you believe anything.
I know for a fact we don't have a rat infestation. We kill them when they come to town. much like we do democrats which prevents a lot of problems from getting started,
If you have over 3000 people you have rats.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
I'm sure those people living with the rats give a shit that their politicians are doing so well.
You think your town doesn't have rats? Fox can make you believe anything.
I know for a fact we don't have a rat infestation. We kill them when they come to town. much like we do democrats which prevents a lot of problems from getting started,
If you have over 3000 people you have rats.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
You think your town doesn't have rats? Fox can make you believe anything.
I know for a fact we don't have a rat infestation. We kill them when they come to town. much like we do democrats which prevents a lot of problems from getting started,
If you have over 3000 people you have rats.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
I know for a fact we don't have a rat infestation. We kill them when they come to town. much like we do democrats which prevents a lot of problems from getting started,
If you have over 3000 people you have rats.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
If you have over 3000 people you have rats.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We have an express establishment clause for naturalization every time the right wing has nothing but bigotry instead of valid arguments. It is federal doctrine and federal policy.
If you have over 3000 people you have rats.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
Or take the tunnel... Or the boat or the plane or the submarine or get a visa and overstay. The only solution is an ID card and enforcement. Which the GOP has blocked forever. Wonder why that is, super dupe....

"submarine"? I know you're a fool so I won't bother telling you how hard it is to tunnel under the Wall in the soil we have here in the Sonoran Desert. It takes months and millions of dollars to build a safe tunnel and the exit would quickly be discovered by infrared drone surveillance. The cartels bring their poison across by truck in areas with no wall, same as the human slave traffickers you're not mentioning.....It's not just the fake-asylum seekers we're dealing with here. Knock off the want these illiterate peons because sane native-born Americans won't vote for criminal democRATS.
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
Or take the tunnel... Or the boat or the plane or the submarine or get a visa and overstay. The only solution is an ID card and enforcement. Which the GOP has blocked forever. Wonder why that is, super dupe....

"submarine"? I know you're a fool so I won't bother telling you how hard it is to tunnel under the Wall in the soil we have here in the Sonoran Desert. It takes months and millions of dollars to build a safe tunnel and the exit would quickly be discovered by infrared drone surveillance. The cartels bring their poison across by truck in areas with no wall, same as the human slave traffickers you're not mentioning.....It's not just the fake-asylum seekers we're dealing with here. Knock off the want these illiterate peons because sane native-born Americans won't vote for criminal democRATS.
pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill that started out with an ID card and end this GOP scam forever. Building a stupid wall won't do anything 58% just overstay their visas. You people only care in the middle of a GOP World depression anyway. Otherwise you love the cheap landscapers maids and slaughterhouse and farm workers etc etc. GOP plays you like fools forever dumbass....
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
Then let's have an example for crying out loud. I spend all my time asking you for examples and you never give any you ridiculous mealy mouthed idiot. LOL
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
Then let's have an example for crying out loud. I spend all my time asking you for examples and you never give any you ridiculous mealy mouthed idiot. LOL
fuck you i have given you plenty....learn to fucking read for retention...dishonest lying fuck....
All those plans about Texas turning blue as the invaders take over and replace Americans... crushed and gone.


But don't be disappointed, I am sure Omar will accept your company to her Somalian travels. Place should be anti-American enough for you.
What because Beto lost? The point isn’t that Texas didn’t become a blue state. It’s because of how close it came. The next election could turn it blue.

Because there will be a wall that stops the invasion of unAmericans. The one you keep whining about.
Uh no there weren’t. Even if the wall was built, it would do very little to curb overall illegal immigration.

It will curtail almost all the illegal immigration that comes from the southern border.

Game over.
Uh no it won’t. Why? Because there are already a network of tunnels underground. It also wouldn’t prevent, you know, people from climbing over it.
It will make it harder for jumpers. It will cut back on them. Drugs are coming in other ways, so it won't affect them much. Over half the illegals here came legally and overstayed their visas. So it won't deal with that. The people who want to sneak into the country will start coming by boat to the coasts or smuggling themselves in through the ports of entry as many of them already do.

Until we crack down and start dishing out really serious penalties for people who employ illegals and those who provide them with fake ID, the problem will not end. But walking across the southern border, back and forth? Yeah, the wall will take care of that.
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
Then let's have an example for crying out loud. I spend all my time asking you for examples and you never give any you ridiculous mealy mouthed idiot. LOL
fuck you i have given you plenty....learn to fucking read for retention...dishonest lying fuck....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
Then let's have an example for crying out loud. I spend all my time asking you for examples and you never give any you ridiculous mealy mouthed idiot. LOL
fuck you i have given you plenty....learn to fucking read for retention...dishonest lying fuck....
Another typical day with Harry.... LOL
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
Then let's have an example for crying out loud. I spend all my time asking you for examples and you never give any you ridiculous mealy mouthed idiot. LOL
fuck you i have given you plenty....learn to fucking read for retention...dishonest lying fuck....
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...
As always you have no examples and can't even think of any. LOL your problem with California is too many people and too many illegals end of story. A victim of their own success and GOP Federal incompetence, obstruction and greed.... Only propaganda makes it possible....
franco quit your fucking lying,i never thought you would be such a dishonest person...i have given you dozens of examples in past threads and what has your reply been?.."who cares about California i want national politics"....if you are going to be like that franco its no use even trying to talk to you...geezus...
Then let's have an example for crying out loud. I spend all my time asking you for examples and you never give any you ridiculous mealy mouthed idiot. LOL
fuck you i have given you plenty....learn to fucking read for retention...dishonest lying fuck....
Another typical day with Harry.... LOL
as is another typical day with you....cant remember yesterdays posts...
Worst inequality means that blacks are the most unequal of all. At any rate this GOP America is a disaster. Only propaganda makes this crap possible l o l. a a r r t h h h h h h h...
none of those running are going to make life any easier...oh wait thats right beto goes to the dentist,warren drinks beer....maybe they can help...
You don't know much so it's not surprising you don't know what the Democrats want. They should just use the nuclear option. Pass all that stuff. And then we can lead the world again.
i know what they want franco....i lived in their stronghold long enough ...all you know about them is whatever they told you about them....i seen the results of what they want....
California is actually the result of GOP federal policy and just too damn many people. All those illegals are the fault of the GOP refusal of a good ID card or enforcement. Federal policy Covers immigration. You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
You never say what is so awful about California except the illegals.
you know dam well that is a lie.....i have told you many times about the non illegal problems....but then you only see and hear what you want to anyway...

Responding in any way to francoHFW or danielpalos is a waste of time. They are both trolls who will argue with anyone regardless of the issue. If a Republican or Conservative says the sky is blue, they will call you a liar and top it off by calling you names. Ignore them, they'll quickly tire of arguing with themselves.

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