It doesn't matter who wins the election -- we can't survive as a nation when so many anti-Americans live amongst us

We don't have a future.
I'm really starting to believe this may be true. If Trump wins the election, and he SHOULD win it, liberal lunatics will go nuts, riot, loot, destroy property, and maybe murder those they don't agree with. If Biden somehow steals the election, our country WOULD be f*cked. A win by him would send our country further down the road to becoming a globalist and socialist sh*thole. At least if Trump wins, the path to our country becoming a sh*thole WOULD be averted. But there WOULD be MUCH unrest and violence from the Lunatic Left if Biden loses. It WILL be interesting, to say the least.
We don't have a future.
If Biden wins there will be an explosion of savagery and violence unseen since 1865. Communist democrats will accept success as license to Burn Loot and murder. They will be right.

Oohh, feel the Hate and the Fear in this one. Thank you for your Pro Biden post.
If Biden wins there will be an explosion of savagery and violence unseen since 1865. Communist democrats will accept success as license to Burn Loot and murder. They will be right.
WRONG!! After Biden wins, the first step will be using those Walmart tunnels to fill all those FEMA prisons. Burning, looting, and murder is way down the list. A tinfoil hat, and a secret compound looks like your best shot at survival.
We don't have a future.
I'm really starting to believe this may be true. If Trump wins the election, and he SHOULD win it, liberal lunatics will go nuts, riot, loot, destroy property, and maybe murder those they don't agree with. If Biden somehow steals the election, our country WOULD be f*cked. A win by him would send our country further down the road to becoming a globalist and socialist sh*thole. At least if Trump wins, the path to our country becoming a sh*thole WOULD be averted. But there WOULD be MUCH unrest and violence from the Lunatic Left if Biden loses. It WILL be interesting, to say the least.
IF democrats had just laid low after the Pandemic destroyed the economy they probably would have had an easy path to the White House, assuming they nominated someone that was not suffering from dementia, that is. In fact, Biden hiding in his basement was the best campaign strategy.

But no, they had to show their arse like they always do, and the more they do the more America will turn on them.

Biden had a double digit lead before the rioting and destruction that has been cut to more than in half.
When the police step aside and the war begins, the oceans will turn red with the blood of the sinners. Niether side will do as well as they think they will and many on both sides will pay dearly.
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We don't have a future.

Thing of it is Demonicrats seek to destroy all common ground, our history too, yadda yadda. It's really globalists and the dirty left elite behind it, the masses are just tamed.

Republicans got there own issues too, but everyday is opposite day for a prog. Divided we fall, united is so yesterday.

BTW, I'm horrible, I drove down main today, people are protesting I don't know what. So I rolled down the windows in an attempt to see what the issues were, but I was laughing the whole time, two people yelled "it's not funny". I think one sign did say "children's lives matter" though. WHOOPS! Sorry man, if that's what the protest is about I'm not boying. I can't take anyone seriously with signs about this life and that life matters, what is it, a confession?

Exception being THE BLUE, because it's realistic. It's demonicrats who have created an assault on our police force, fuck those demonicrats
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Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.
Happened on this thread after being tied up for a few days and here I find the glue and doom dumbasses. I can understand Blackrook, He has problems of faith, self indulgence and personal matters and usually seems bummed out these days. Bootney says kill all the commies, which typical for Bootney. Joining in the to indulgence in morbid lack of hope come Bluzman. I Typsy is also on a tear tonight also. One of you needs to get your shit together and the rest just need to settle down. Biden will win and things will start to settle down. It will not be over nite, even after he takes office. America will get back more toward normal. Our government will get back more toward normal. The cabinet will not be a kitchen cabinet of crooks nutballs, and people picked for how much damage they can do to a department or institution with an anything goes attitude. We will re-affirm ties to allies and show our disapproval of commies, dictators, Russian strongmen. Not over nite, but it will happen. I am very optimistic at the moment.
You do realize that neither side will accept the election results no matter who wins.

That is just where we are as a nation.
using those Walmart tunnels to fill all those FEMA prisons
Democrat government employees are hard at work in that direction. They have an emergency standby shadow government in place, with their own last ditch bug-out plans in case the general population rebels against them.

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