It feels like our political machine has been coopted by teenagers.

How we arrived at this appalling place, small petty things take up much of our political discourse, while the rich & powerful rip us off big time in support of their personal agenda.
The people who have a vested interest in keeping us at each other's throats are doing great.

They're smart. They know how to manipulate people.
Not sure what any of that has to do with your blob:

calling Mexicans rapists, making fun of handicapped reporters, admitting to being a sexual assault aficionado, accusing a woman who moderated a debate of being on their period, etc….

But whatever….

Just saying. He could be a friggin' saint with a heart of gold and would still be smeared as a racist.

Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.

Joe "white man's culture needs to change" Biden? Imagine if Trump said that about the black man's culture?

He'd be crucified.

Since Joe and Donald are white….yes, the blob should have been crcuified if he made such an ignorant statement. Especially as President.
If Trump attempted to use his position to force other countries to investigate personal political rivals, that is a really serious allegation that shouldn’t be swept under the rug as partisan dirt. It is potentially very serious and should be taken seriously.

People seem to be saying it should be ignored as just more Trump antics. But it isn’t if true. If Congress failed to investigate, it would be a dereliction of their duty.
Not sure what any of that has to do with your blob:

calling Mexicans rapists, making fun of handicapped reporters, admitting to being a sexual assault aficionado, accusing a woman who moderated a debate of being on their period, etc….

But whatever….

Just saying. He could be a friggin' saint with a heart of gold and would still be smeared as a racist.

Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.
He's a straight white rich man. The kind of man Democrats have said for years they're tired of being in politics.

Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
How we arrived at this appalling place, small petty things take up much of our political discourse, while the rich & powerful rip us off big time in support of their personal agenda.

For my two cents…outside of professional politics…we moved into a place where there are no more honest mistakes. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you cuss them out. Did they see you and do it deliberately? Who knows…it’s not important. You were wronged so you lash out!

Our politics reflects us.

Republicans try to tell you who is to blame for whatever your problem is. Sometimes, in spite of themselves, they are actually right but most often…it’s always a group of people who…shockingly…aren’t voting for them. Forget the $12B in bail-outs to farmers on top of their socialist subsidies….the real enemy of the people is the
NEA who gets $150M. Ignore the trillions to pay for the tax cuts that the wealthy received; the real enemy of the people are the billions spent on public health!

They get good traction in creating the myth that some artist receiving $1,000 a month is taking food off your table by making you angry enough to blame them when it’s really the pork they are shoveling out to their constituents.
Just saying. He could be a friggin' saint with a heart of gold and would still be smeared as a racist.

Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.

Joe "white man's culture needs to change" Biden? Imagine if Trump said that about the black man's culture?

He'd be crucified.

But that is because Black culture is not a majority, not powerful, not in control, and not harming lots of people.

The elite and corrupt culture of the wealthy (mostly white) in the US is harming everyone.
It is not just pushing illegal wars like the invasion of Iraq and Syria, but the illegal war on drug, war on abortion, abusive home foreclosures, the US having the highest incarceration rate in the world, etc.

Clearly the culture of the wealthy elite, (mostly white), in the US has to change.
If they won't do it voluntarily, like the aristocracy in the UK did, then it will have to be done by force.

"Not harming lots of people" he says.

14% of the population, 50% of all violent crime.

This nation is mostly white (for now) so it only stands to reason that the policies you and I both disagree on were instituted by a white person. The idea that casting down white people from positions of power and replacing them with random blacks will make things better is actually pretty goddamn racist.
Just saying. He could be a friggin' saint with a heart of gold and would still be smeared as a racist.

Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.

Joe "white man's culture needs to change" Biden? Imagine if Trump said that about the black man's culture?

He'd be crucified.

Since Joe and Donald are white….yes, the blob should have been crcuified if he made such an ignorant statement. Especially as President.

Black people aren't really allowed to criticize black culture either. Not without facing a career-destroying backlash. It's ok to criticize whites though. No holds barred.
None of which is a high crime or misdemeanor.

Your boss is a complete jerk but you love your job and the lifestyle it affords you.
So what's your solution? Protest daily risking your job?
Planning for the future and searching for a better job?

Never said it was a high crime or misdemeanor. Just explaining why people no longer like him.

They stopped liking him the moment he ran as a republican.

The media, musicians, Hollywood and political machine loved him up to that point.

He was the idol of the black hip hop nation. But on the day he came down the escalator he became a racist lol

Nope. He became a racist when he started spouting racists rants—you know, the rants you decried in your OP
You don't get tired of proving yourself an idiot.
Takes one to know one I suppose. You do have far more experience than I do at it though….LOL
Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.

Joe "white man's culture needs to change" Biden? Imagine if Trump said that about the black man's culture?

He'd be crucified.

Since Joe and Donald are white….yes, the blob should have been crcuified if he made such an ignorant statement. Especially as President.

Black people aren't really allowed to criticize black culture either. Not without facing a career-destroying backlash. It's ok to criticize whites though. No holds barred.

Never said it was a high crime or misdemeanor. Just explaining why people no longer like him.

They stopped liking him the moment he ran as a republican.

The media, musicians, Hollywood and political machine loved him up to that point.

He was the idol of the black hip hop nation. But on the day he came down the escalator he became a racist lol

Nope. He became a racist when he started spouting racists rants—you know, the rants you decried in your OP
You don't get tired of proving yourself an idiot.
Takes one to know one I suppose. You do have far more experience than I do at it though….LOL
Lol, you cannot have a responsible thought.
How we arrived at this appalling place, small petty things take up much of our political discourse, while the rich & powerful rip us off big time in support of their personal agenda.
The people who have a vested interest in keeping us at each other's throats are doing great.

They're smart. They know how to manipulate people.

Say what?

It boils down to...conservatives know how to do math, liberals do not....this has nothing to do with anything else.

Just saying. He could be a friggin' saint with a heart of gold and would still be smeared as a racist.

Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.

Joe "white man's culture needs to change" Biden? Imagine if Trump said that about the black man's culture?

He'd be crucified.

But that is because Black culture is not a majority, not powerful, not in control, and not harming lots of people.

The elite and corrupt culture of the wealthy (mostly white) in the US is harming everyone.
It is not just pushing illegal wars like the invasion of Iraq and Syria, but the illegal war on drug, war on abortion, abusive home foreclosures, the US having the highest incarceration rate in the world, etc.

Clearly the culture of the wealthy elite, (mostly white), in the US has to change.
If they won't do it voluntarily, like the aristocracy in the UK did, then it will have to be done by force.
Somehow...I'm not very intimidated.
birthday commie.jpg
Just saying. He could be a friggin' saint with a heart of gold and would still be smeared as a racist.

Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.
He's a straight white rich man. The kind of man Democrats have said for years they're tired of being in politics.

Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: "Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place." Another white guy complained about a pattern of "overwhelming white maleness" in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama blasted the GOP, saying the party lacked diversity and consisted of politicians who are “all men, all white.”

“It’s a feeling of color, almost,” Obama said, recalling a scene she encountered at a State of the Union address.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” she claimed. “On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens, physically there’s a difference in color in the tone.”

She added, “Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”
You can try to make the case that neither CNN and Michelle are Democrats lamenting white men in politics, but you'd fail.
How we arrived at this appalling place, small petty things take up much of our political discourse, while the rich & powerful rip us off big time in support of their personal agenda.
The people who have a vested interest in keeping us at each other's throats are doing great.

They're smart. They know how to manipulate people.

Say what?

It boils down to...conservatives know how to do math, liberals do not....this has nothing to do with anything else.

I believe that you believe that.
Since he made (and still makes) racist statements…yep.

Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.
He's a straight white rich man. The kind of man Democrats have said for years they're tired of being in politics.

Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: "Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place." Another white guy complained about a pattern of "overwhelming white maleness" in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama blasted the GOP, saying the party lacked diversity and consisted of politicians who are “all men, all white.”

“It’s a feeling of color, almost,” Obama said, recalling a scene she encountered at a State of the Union address.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” she claimed. “On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens, physically there’s a difference in color in the tone.”

She added, “Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”
You can try to make the case that neither CNN and Michelle are Democrats lamenting white men in politics, but you'd fail.

Wow, one democrat who’s not even a politician….LOL. Nice try loser.
Mexican ain't a race. Islam isn't a race. Blaming straight white men for everything wrong with the world is actual, legitimate racism/sexism. Democrats have been doing that my entire life and it's only gotten more and more obscene since the advent of social media. You guys brought this on yourselves. Did you really think there'd never be a backlash?

Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.
He's a straight white rich man. The kind of man Democrats have said for years they're tired of being in politics.

Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: "Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place." Another white guy complained about a pattern of "overwhelming white maleness" in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama blasted the GOP, saying the party lacked diversity and consisted of politicians who are “all men, all white.”

“It’s a feeling of color, almost,” Obama said, recalling a scene she encountered at a State of the Union address.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” she claimed. “On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens, physically there’s a difference in color in the tone.”

She added, “Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”
You can try to make the case that neither CNN and Michelle are Democrats lamenting white men in politics, but you'd fail.

Wow, one democrat who’s not even a politician….LOL. Nice try loser.

Yet she makes it to CNN prime time TV...go figure.
The battle between Trump and the left feels like a meeting between stressed out high school kids in a group without an adult to guide the conversation.

The goalposts of the left are moving so fast that I can't keep up. Everyday the goal for impeachment shifts based on the latest tattletale (whistleblower). And you all know how tattletales worked when we were children. Usually it involved the desire to "get even" for some perceived slight.
Then you have Trump throwing out asinine juvenile insults.
The idea that the left KNOW they can't remove Trump via impeachment but they continue in the hope that they can damage him politically is just infuriating.

Trump gives you loons plenty of ammunition to use against him in a LEGIT election bid to beat him. From his absurd threats to Turkey to his childlike banter on Twitter. Combine that with an actual platform that Americans can support and oust him at the ballot box.

But no, we have to endure this stupid clown show daily.
Trump has a massive ego, and he is petty, and he is crude, but his kind of personality is probably the only kind that could survive the full out attack by the Democrat hate machine aka Press and Hollywood. They are creating fake scandals about him.
Oh…okay. So degrading a culture or a religion is just fine….


Biden isn’t a straight white man? Strange gripe you have that the DEM frontrunner is exactly who you say the DEMS hate.

This is fun.
He's a straight white rich man. The kind of man Democrats have said for years they're tired of being in politics.

Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: "Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place." Another white guy complained about a pattern of "overwhelming white maleness" in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama blasted the GOP, saying the party lacked diversity and consisted of politicians who are “all men, all white.”

“It’s a feeling of color, almost,” Obama said, recalling a scene she encountered at a State of the Union address.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” she claimed. “On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens, physically there’s a difference in color in the tone.”

She added, “Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”
You can try to make the case that neither CNN and Michelle are Democrats lamenting white men in politics, but you'd fail.

Wow, one democrat who’s not even a politician….LOL. Nice try loser.

Yet she makes it to CNN prime time TV...go figure.

And being on prime time makes you a politician?
Go figure indeed.
He's a straight white rich man. The kind of man Democrats have said for years they're tired of being in politics.

Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: "Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place." Another white guy complained about a pattern of "overwhelming white maleness" in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama blasted the GOP, saying the party lacked diversity and consisted of politicians who are “all men, all white.”

“It’s a feeling of color, almost,” Obama said, recalling a scene she encountered at a State of the Union address.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” she claimed. “On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens, physically there’s a difference in color in the tone.”

She added, “Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”
You can try to make the case that neither CNN and Michelle are Democrats lamenting white men in politics, but you'd fail.

Wow, one democrat who’s not even a politician….LOL. Nice try loser.

Yet she makes it to CNN prime time TV...go figure.

And being on prime time makes you a politician?
Go figure indeed.

No, but it gives her 5 minutes of fame as the new hero for loony toon libs.
Quote of the “democrats” saying that?

Yet he’s the DEM front runner.
It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: "Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place." Another white guy complained about a pattern of "overwhelming white maleness" in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama blasted the GOP, saying the party lacked diversity and consisted of politicians who are “all men, all white.”

“It’s a feeling of color, almost,” Obama said, recalling a scene she encountered at a State of the Union address.

“On one side of the room, it’s literally gray and white, literally, that’s the color palette on one side of the room,” she claimed. “On the other side of the room, there’s yellows and blues and whites and greens, physically there’s a difference in color in the tone.”

She added, “Because one side, all men, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color.”
You can try to make the case that neither CNN and Michelle are Democrats lamenting white men in politics, but you'd fail.

Wow, one democrat who’s not even a politician….LOL. Nice try loser.

Yet she makes it to CNN prime time TV...go figure.

And being on prime time makes you a politician?
Go figure indeed.

No, but it gives her 5 minutes of fame as the new hero for loony toon libs.

Surrender accepted.

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