It finally hit me.

Republicans are going to deregulate again and send us back into a recession. For this reason alone Hillary was the better choice.

You're a fucking moron, the democrats and Trump are already talking an infrastructure bill...

it's always funny watching stupid people like you call their betters "morons".

and ryan will never give donald an infrastructure bill, idiota.

nor are manufacturing jobs retiring to this country.

but don't worry, jeff sessions, who was too bigoted to be given a court appointment will be running things along with bannon for the bigot brigade.

and that's all your ilk really cared about anyway.

Lmfao how dilusional are you?
Our system of checks and balances will work out because we have a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in the White House, and a Congress who can't stand him.

I'm also trying to soothe myself by remembering that this is gonna be one VERY interesting time.

It finally hit me!

Mac IS the mainstream media!

Everything is great so long as it is interesting. Soothing eh? Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the show. Breaking!!!

Both sides do it and are to equally blame for all of it. Always.

There are two valid sides to every issue...even if one side is proven bullshit. Pointedly exclaiming that one side is wrong just isn't fair somehow.
Republicans are going to deregulate again and send us back into a recession. For this reason alone Hillary was the better choice.

You're a fucking moron, the democrats and Trump are already talking an infrastructure bill...

it's always funny watching stupid people like you call their betters "morons".

and ryan will never give donald an infrastructure bill, idiota.

nor are manufacturing jobs retiring to this country.

but don't worry, jeff sessions, who was too bigoted to be given a court appointment will be running things along with bannon for the bigot brigade.

and that's all your ilk really cared about anyway.

Yeah, you would know. The prophet, you are, couldn't even see Trump win and now you are pretending to know the future precisely.

What you never watched his damned television show? Don't tell me you are such a smuck and not even talked to CEOs of major companies?

Damn dude..

You are not that observant no wonder why you believed Hillary's lies

Our system of checks and balances will work out because we have a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in the White House, and a Congress who can't stand him.

I'm also trying to soothe myself by remembering that this is gonna be one VERY interesting time.

It finally hit me!

Mac IS the mainstream media!

Everything is great so long as it is interesting. Soothing eh? Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the show. Breaking!!!

Both sides do it and are to equally blame for all of it. Always.

There are two valid sides to every issue...even if one side is proven bullshit. Pointedly exclaiming that one side is wrong just isn't fair somehow.
Hey, it's been a while a since you jumped in, bitched about one of my posts, and contributed nothing but snarky, catty comments!

I was beginning to think you didn't wub me any more!

The Workers were really rusted off and kicked the DemoKKKrats to the kerb!!! The American Workers United and will never be defeated!!! They DEMAND to be the best in the world AGAIN!! The Dems mocked them with food stamps and welfare.

In real life I am the most quietest person in the world

I watch

I listen

And at 51 I have nothing to prove I know more then I say
Our system of checks and balances will work out because we have a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in the White House, and a Congress who can't stand him.

I'm also trying to soothe myself by remembering that this is gonna be one VERY interesting time.

It finally hit me!

Mac IS the mainstream media!

Everything is great so long as it is interesting. Soothing eh? Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the show. Breaking!!!

Both sides do it and are to equally blame for all of it. Always.

There are two valid sides to every issue...even if one side is proven bullshit. Pointedly exclaiming that one side is wrong just isn't fair somehow.
Hey, it's been a while a since you jumped in, bitched about one of my posts, and contributed nothing but snarky, catty comments!

I was beginning to think you didn't wub me any more!


That's not true. Lone has consistently been contributing nothing for years, and we all wub you. :smiliehug:
Our system of checks and balances will work out because we have a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in the White House, and a Congress who can't stand him.

I'm also trying to soothe myself by remembering that this is gonna be one VERY interesting time.

It finally hit me!

Mac IS the mainstream media!

Everything is great so long as it is interesting. Soothing eh? Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the show. Breaking!!!

Both sides do it and are to equally blame for all of it. Always.

There are two valid sides to every issue...even if one side is proven bullshit. Pointedly exclaiming that one side is wrong just isn't fair somehow.
Hey, it's been a while a since you jumped in, bitched about one of my posts, and contributed nothing but snarky, catty comments!

I was beginning to think you didn't wub me any more!


I'm always here, Mac. You've earned it.

Even you will have to admit. I nailed that one. You did serve it up nicely, though.
Our system of checks and balances will work out because we have a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in the White House, and a Congress who can't stand him.

I'm also trying to soothe myself by remembering that this is gonna be one VERY interesting time.

It finally hit me!

Mac IS the mainstream media!

Everything is great so long as it is interesting. Soothing eh? Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the show. Breaking!!!

Both sides do it and are to equally blame for all of it. Always.

There are two valid sides to every issue...even if one side is proven bullshit. Pointedly exclaiming that one side is wrong just isn't fair somehow.
Hey, it's been a while a since you jumped in, bitched about one of my posts, and contributed nothing but snarky, catty comments!

I was beginning to think you didn't wub me any more!


That's not true. Lone has consistently been contributing nothing for years, and we all wub you. :smiliehug:
You're sweet!
Republicans are going to deregulate again and send us back into a recession. For this reason alone Hillary was the better choice.

You're a fucking moron, the democrats and Trump are already talking an infrastructure bill...

it's always funny watching stupid people like you call their betters "morons".

and ryan will never give donald an infrastructure bill, idiota.

nor are manufacturing jobs retiring to this country.

but don't worry, jeff sessions, who was too bigoted to be given a court appointment will be running things along with bannon for the bigot brigade.

and that's all your ilk really cared about anyway.

Yeah, you would know. The prophet, you are, couldn't even see Trump win and now you are pretending to know the future precisely.

she won the popular vote.

that said, i was right the last two presidential elections before this one.

i probably gave the american people too much credit for not being stupid.
Republicans are going to deregulate again and send us back into a recession. For this reason alone Hillary was the better choice.
you know you always say that but can you give me a specific regulation that Bush did away with?

I for one can give you a very good example of Blow Job Billy's deregulation of the banking industry that made too big to fail possible
Our system of checks and balances will work out because we have a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in the White House, and a Congress who can't stand him.

how do checks and balances work when there is no one to stop you?

good luck.
Not sure why it to so long. My guess is that I've been a little stunned since the election. Anyway, it whacked me upside the head last night as I was pouring a scotch, rubbing my dog's belly and watching Blacklist on Netflix.

The nagging feeling that finally hit me was that one party controls the WH, House & Senate, AND will probably have at least two Supreme Court picks.

I voted against Trump by voting for Hillary, but that for me was like choosing between two steaming bowls of crap. I think I was kind of assuming that Congress would end up split and whichever one won would have clear restraints.

As an Independent who doesn't care for either party, this is kind of the nightmare scenario for me. I'd have the same sinking feeling if the Dems had that much power, too.

I'd ask the Republicans to be careful and measured and thoughtful, but they're like a kid in a candy store right now. I guess that's understandable.

I don't know what you think will happen but I'll bet you that your life is not going to change very much if at all
Republicans are going to deregulate again and send us back into a recession. For this reason alone Hillary was the better choice.

You're a fucking moron, the democrats and Trump are already talking an infrastructure bill...

it's always funny watching stupid people like you call their betters "morons".

and ryan will never give donald an infrastructure bill, idiota.

nor are manufacturing jobs retiring to this country.

but don't worry, jeff sessions, who was too bigoted to be given a court appointment will be running things along with bannon for the bigot brigade.

and that's all your ilk really cared about anyway.

Yeah, you would know. The prophet, you are, couldn't even see Trump win and now you are pretending to know the future precisely.

she won the popular vote.

that said, i was right the last two presidential elections before this one.

i probably gave the american people too much credit for not being stupid.

10 million more people voted for Obama then her.. Don't that tell you something?

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