It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?
I agree with your OP Gramps, but let's be clear: another name for 'nationwide standards' is regulations.

And yes - we need new regulations for the police.
Not all regulations are bad. Many are.
Anyhoo, the police were a lot more brutal many years ago. We just didn't have the 24/7 news cycle.

This isn't the out-of-control problem we're being led to believe. It's just the shiny object to divert our attention.
One of the sadder appalling aspects of these incidents, is the callous nature exhibited by the Police after the shootings. They sure aren't in any hurry to help the person after they're shot. They're just left to lay there and bleed out. We do have a Police problem folks. Don't live in denial.

Sounds more like a THUG problem to me, but hell, all you libertarians and scumbag leftists just want anarchy anyway...Don't deny it, as that's one of the reasons the police are there.
We don't have a police problem where I live, and most places where other people live. Is the OP asking for the federalization of all local police forces? Is the OP that much in love with Big Fed. Gov't solutions?
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

I blame the Rodney King affair.

20 years ago, police didn't shoot people, they kicked the shit out of them. But the world went insane over the Rodney King thing, and the police reacted by no longer giving the bad guys a beat down, but shooting them to death instead.

This bit in Minnesota; 20 years back the second cop would have pulled his nightstick and broke the dude's arm when he reached for his gun. But because police cannot EVER hit a suspect, they instead shot him to death.
Yes, The Officer Down Memorial Page reports 53 deaths in the line of duty as of July 7, 2016 for this year....YET not a fucking soul gives a shit about them, knows their name, or even says "That officer could have been my son!" ( The Obomanations Quote, just changed slightly for that black THUG, Trayvon Martin!)....Instead all we hear is the sparse instance when a man of BLUE kills a man of black....something is definitely WRONG with this picture!
What's wrong with this picture is a man is dead for no reason.

Shit happened to you, and YOU could have been dead if the guy was just a LITTLE STRONGER, ....or had a gun or knife!
Sorry folks, but we are living in some very dark times. Our domestic police force has been Militarized. The U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth.

The police are now exhibiting a deadly propensity for violence. You could be executed over a broken tail light. And that's especially true if you're an African American. I don't know how to reverse this Militarization. But we have to do it.
Yes, The Officer Down Memorial Page reports 53 deaths in the line of duty as of July 7, 2016 for this year....YET not a fucking soul gives a shit about them, knows their name, or even says "That officer could have been my son!" ( The Obomanations Quote, just changed slightly for that black THUG, Trayvon Martin!)....Instead all we hear is the sparse instance when a man of BLUE kills a man of black....something is definitely WRONG with this picture!
What's wrong with this picture is a man is dead for no reason.

Shit happened to you, and YOU could have been dead if the guy was just a LITTLE STRONGER, ....or had a gun or knife!
Shit happens? Seriously? That's what you say when you hit your finger with a hammer not after you kill someone...

Christ, the callousness is unreal
Law and Order to the death. Legalize pot and tax it. Decriminalize hard drugs and treat the addicted. See Portugal. The whole world has been wrecked by this war. All these refugees from gang wars everywhere- take the money out of it and watch the gangs and the Taliban disappear. Why the HELL don't we have any taxis out here? Etc etc etc. GD Pubs lol...
Yes, The Officer Down Memorial Page reports 53 deaths in the line of duty as of July 7, 2016 for this year....YET not a fucking soul gives a shit about them, knows their name, or even says "That officer could have been my son!" ( The Obomanations Quote, just changed slightly for that black THUG, Trayvon Martin!)....Instead all we hear is the sparse instance when a man of BLUE kills a man of black....something is definitely WRONG with this picture!
What's wrong with this picture is a man is dead for no reason.

Shit happened to you, and YOU could have been dead if the guy was just a LITTLE STRONGER, ....or had a gun or knife!
Shit happens? Seriously? That's what you say when you hit your finger with a hammer not after you kill someone...

Christ, the callousness is unreal
Perfectly reasonable if you, like many cops, are a sociopathic nut.
Yeah the ugly reality is, you can be killed over a broken tail light. Dark times for sure.

I think you guys should find a place that has no law enforcment at all.....
Yeah...I mean why don't you just do that?
You can go right up to New Brunswick and have pretty much total autonomy....the police will come but it might take them a day.

I mean that would be good right?
No Police officers walking around strutting their stuff and trying to hurt people ..... sheesh...why haven't we figure that our for ourselves yet?

Fuck the pigs. I spent a good part of my life in a town with zero cop presence. We had no issues, the only people who got dead were the ones who needed to get dead. I hope to see the rest of my great state in the same circumstances before my death. We can provide our own safety..cops exist primarily to protect us from FEDERAL GOVERNMENT criminals, not civilian ones. Of course cops no longer know that....
Yes, The Officer Down Memorial Page reports 53 deaths in the line of duty as of July 7, 2016 for this year....YET not a fucking soul gives a shit about them, knows their name, or even says "That officer could have been my son!" ( The Obomanations Quote, just changed slightly for that black THUG, Trayvon Martin!)....Instead all we hear is the sparse instance when a man of BLUE kills a man of black....something is definitely WRONG with this picture!
What's wrong with this picture is a man is dead for no reason.

Shit happened to you, and YOU could have been dead if the guy was just a LITTLE STRONGER, ....or had a gun or knife!
Shit happens? Seriously? That's what you say when you hit your finger with a hammer not after you kill someone...

Christ, the callousness is unreal

Yes it is, Convicted thug! Apparently one black or even a dozen blacks killed in Chicago by BLACKS draws nothing but an "IS THAT ALL THIS WEEKEND?", but a cop kills a black, and all shit breaks loose from the LOW IQ, EX CON, and black THUGERY crowd!
Everyone should have a handgun. lol. ALWAYS good to have them around.

I wouldn't recommend one for you, though. Someone as stupid as you would end up shooting himself - not knowing which end of the barrel the bullet comes out.
Yes, The Officer Down Memorial Page reports 53 deaths in the line of duty as of July 7, 2016 for this year....YET not a fucking soul gives a shit about them, knows their name, or even says "That officer could have been my son!" ( The Obomanations Quote, just changed slightly for that black THUG, Trayvon Martin!)....Instead all we hear is the sparse instance when a man of BLUE kills a man of black....something is definitely WRONG with this picture!
What's wrong with this picture is a man is dead for no reason.

Shit happened to you, and YOU could have been dead if the guy was just a LITTLE STRONGER, ....or had a gun or knife!
Shit happens? Seriously? That's what you say when you hit your finger with a hammer not after you kill someone...

Christ, the callousness is unreal

Yes it is, Convicted thug! Apparently one black or even a dozen blacks killed in Chicago by BLACKS draws nothing but an "IS THAT ALL THIS WEEKEND?", but a cop kills a black, and all shit breaks loose from the LOW IQ, EX CON, and black THUGERY crowd!
I have several threads on crime in Chicago. I also have a thread challenging you to an IQ test after the third time you called me low IQ. I gave you mine, which is 122, you offered chicken shit excuses instead of your results.
And the guy in the car was a chef, not a thug.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

No we have a dumb ass liberal problem in this country, I am older then you by a few years, how many times have you been shot at by the cops?

The cops are not the problem.

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