It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

There is, indeed, a problem with the "police". And, as a black man, I'm going to explain what it is. The problem lies (not all cases) with "attitude". Black people have, for years, shown attitude - rather than complying with officers. I'm no fool. If a Cop approaches me and directs me to lie down - you can bet your ass - I'm going to lie down.

Now - white police officers are far too quick to draw their weapons and fire. That is a FACT.

The video in LA (in my opinion) clearly shows the police murdering this man. The video in Minnesota CLEARLY shows the officer murdering the man.

AS a former federal agent, and, a CCW permit holder, I can say with certainty, this young man was ABSOLUTELY correct in his actions. He told the officer that he as a CCW permit holder and that he was armed. EXACTLY what you are taught to do when interacting with the Police. He did nothing wrong. This police officer fired before thinking.
Hopefully, he is charged with murder. This man SHOULD have been riding a desk - rather than patrolling streets. You are correct in saying that he acted as a "child scared shitless". No business being on the street and, if they still had the Psychology based testing - they might have caught this.

However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.
The CCW holder told the officer he had a gun, then reached under the seat for his license and registration. Wrong move. Once you tell the officer that you are armed, don't move. Do not move your hands out of the officer's sight. Tell the officer where your gun is and where your license and registration are. The routine is for the officer to secure that firearm, then let you get your license.

This man did it wrong.

He shouldn't have been executed. The cop did wrong.

Yeah...he shot too many times....but he was right to shoot.....once would have been enough.


There was no reason for him to shoot even once.

I am going to ask you this question many times have you been shot?

If zero why is that?
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

Yes. The standards that are required to be a cop are now very low. And the training is minimal. They are not trained on how to actually BE cops. They are trained to be social workers and paper pushers. Then, when they get into a sticky situation that a cop from the old days would have recognized as not being actually dangerous, they shoot first, and ask questions later.

Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

We had three police officers here in Nevada about two years ago who successfully got sued by a guy for wrongfully arresting him and then beating the crap out of him after he was handcuffed.

Nevada is not NYC!
There was no reason for him to shoot even once.

I am going to ask you this question many times have you been shot?

If zero why is that?

Zero. I've never been in a situation where it was a possible scenario. Are you trying to infer that only people engaged in criminal acts get shot by the police? Because if you are, this incident in Minnesota blows that right out of the water, unless, of course, you think having a broken tail light merits execution by the state.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

Yes. The standards that are required to be a cop are now very low. And the training is minimal. They are not trained on how to actually BE cops. They are trained to be social workers and paper pushers. Then, when they get into a sticky situation that a cop from the old days would have recognized as not being actually dangerous, they shoot first, and ask questions later.

Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

We had three police officers here in Nevada about two years ago who successfully got sued by a guy for wrongfully arresting him and then beating the crap out of him after he was handcuffed.

Getting the "crap" beat out of you by police is nothing new. Hell, in my High School (back in the dark ages) it wasn't uncommon to come to school on Monday and see guys who had mouthed off to cops. In those days, you didn't mouth off to cops. You would "fall up the stairs" on the way to jail ;)
There was no reason for him to shoot even once.

I am going to ask you this question many times have you been shot?

If zero why is that?

Zero. I've never been in a situation where it was a possible scenario. Are you trying to infer that only people engaged in criminal acts get shot by the police? Because if you are, this incident in Minnesota blows that right out of the water, unless, of course, you think having a broken tail light merits execution by the state.

What I am saying by that question is we are common decent people and know how to stay away from trouble

It always takes two to tangle
Yes. The standards that are required to be a cop are now very low. And the training is minimal. They are not trained on how to actually BE cops. They are trained to be social workers and paper pushers. Then, when they get into a sticky situation that a cop from the old days would have recognized as not being actually dangerous, they shoot first, and ask questions later.

Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

We had three police officers here in Nevada about two years ago who successfully got sued by a guy for wrongfully arresting him and then beating the crap out of him after he was handcuffed.

Nevada is not NYC!

The Federal Laws apply EVERYWHERE.
Yes. The standards that are required to be a cop are now very low. And the training is minimal. They are not trained on how to actually BE cops. They are trained to be social workers and paper pushers. Then, when they get into a sticky situation that a cop from the old days would have recognized as not being actually dangerous, they shoot first, and ask questions later.

Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

We had three police officers here in Nevada about two years ago who successfully got sued by a guy for wrongfully arresting him and then beating the crap out of him after he was handcuffed.

Getting the "crap" beat out of you by police is nothing new. Hell, in my High School (back in the dark ages) it wasn't uncommon to come to school on Monday and see guys who had mouthed off to cops. In those days, you didn't mouth off to cops. You would "fall up the stairs" on the way to jail ;)


You just proved my point
Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

We had three police officers here in Nevada about two years ago who successfully got sued by a guy for wrongfully arresting him and then beating the crap out of him after he was handcuffed.

Nevada is not NYC!

The Federal Laws apply EVERYWHERE.

AND as long as there is an ENTITY to take responsibility, the law doesn't differentiate!
There was no reason for him to shoot even once.

I am going to ask you this question many times have you been shot?

If zero why is that?

Zero. I've never been in a situation where it was a possible scenario. Are you trying to infer that only people engaged in criminal acts get shot by the police? Because if you are, this incident in Minnesota blows that right out of the water, unless, of course, you think having a broken tail light merits execution by the state.

What I am saying by that question is we are common decent people and know how to stay away from trouble

It always takes two to tangle

No, it doesn't. There are loads of videos showing cops abusing people for no reason other than they can. Just type in "police brutality" on LiveLeak or Youtube and you will be buried under them.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?
I don't know the facts here.
What I do know is the stop involved a minor issue.
The driver informed the officer he was carrying a licensed weapon.
And here is where the incident went off the rails.
The officer claims he instructed the driver to keep his hands in sight and commanded him to remain still.
The driver ignored the commands and according to the officer, continued to reach into his pocket(s). The exchange became more heated as the driver, apparently made very nervous, refused to obey commands.
The officer shot the driver in the arm...That is according to the news accounts I have read.
That is all I know.
I cannot comment any further as I do not know the facts.
I believe the MN Governor may be over reacting in calling for federal intervention. That is a knee jerk reaction and a slap in the face to Minnesota's criminal investigations department.
There was no reason for him to shoot even once.

I am going to ask you this question many times have you been shot?

If zero why is that?

Zero. I've never been in a situation where it was a possible scenario. Are you trying to infer that only people engaged in criminal acts get shot by the police? Because if you are, this incident in Minnesota blows that right out of the water, unless, of course, you think having a broken tail light merits execution by the state.

What I am saying by that question is we are common decent people and know how to stay away from trouble

It always takes two to tangle

No, it doesn't. There are loads of videos showing cops abusing people for no reason other than they can. Just type in "police brutality" on LiveLeak or Youtube and you will be buried under them.

I am speaking of first hand knowledge, I only went to jail if I wanted too.

If I didn't want to get shot , if I didn't want to go to jail.....

I was cool
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?
I don't know the facts here.
What I do know is the stop involved a minor issue.
The driver informed the officer he was carrying a licensed weapon.
And here is where the incident went off the rails.
The officer claims he instructed the driver to keep his hands in sight and commanded him to remain still.
The driver ignored the commands and according to the officer, continued to reach into his pocket(s). The exchange became more heated as the driver, apparently made very nervous, refused to obey commands.
The officer shot the driver in the arm...That is according to the news accounts I have read.
That is all I know.
I cannot comment any further as I do not know the facts.
I believe the MN Governor may be over reacting in calling for federal intervention. That is a knee jerk reaction and a slap in the face to Minnesota's criminal investigations department.

The exchange became more heated as the driver.

Dumb ass
All you are doing is giving the Democrats another in on an issue they have always been wrong on.

One moron shooting a lawful gun owner is not a reason to give in to "black lives matter" Neanderthals who think the cops are systematically killing and attacking innocent black teens.
There was no reason for him to shoot even once.

I am going to ask you this question many times have you been shot?

If zero why is that?

Zero. I've never been in a situation where it was a possible scenario. Are you trying to infer that only people engaged in criminal acts get shot by the police? Because if you are, this incident in Minnesota blows that right out of the water, unless, of course, you think having a broken tail light merits execution by the state.

What I am saying by that question is we are common decent people and know how to stay away from trouble

It always takes two to tangle

It's tango and no it doesn't. There have been plenty of incidents of police harming someone completely innocent. We have had many stories like that posted on this board.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

Yeah, get Congress involved. That's a great idea. Because they have so got their shit together...
Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

We had three police officers here in Nevada about two years ago who successfully got sued by a guy for wrongfully arresting him and then beating the crap out of him after he was handcuffed.

Getting the "crap" beat out of you by police is nothing new. Hell, in my High School (back in the dark ages) it wasn't uncommon to come to school on Monday and see guys who had mouthed off to cops. In those days, you didn't mouth off to cops. You would "fall up the stairs" on the way to jail ;)


You just proved my point

Bullshit. Kicking a punks ass and shooting someone are far different (in case you weren't aware)
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

Yeah, get Congress involved. That's a great idea. Because they have so got their shit together...
So you're against setting minimum employment standards for the people who patrol our neighborhoods with authority over all citizens and are armed?
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

Yeah, get Congress involved. That's a great idea. Because they have so got their shit together...
So you're against setting minimum employment standards for the people who patrol our neighborhoods with authority over all citizens and are armed?

So you are in favor of raping midgets with bipolar disorder? Since we are making ridiculous deductions here.

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