It has begun, prepare for the hate and accusations of racism.

Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

How long before you start applauding for even smaller offenses? Jay Walking...Parking Violation...

I applaud deportation for illegal entry, every one we catch should be deported. That's the LAW. Also we separate criminals form their families every day, what makes her special?
Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

How long before you start applauding for even smaller offenses? Jay Walking...Parking Violation...

I applaud deportation for illegal entry, every one we catch should be deported. That's the LAW. Also we separate criminals form their families every day, what makes her special?

Nothing I just like how you pivoted from violent criminals into people who commit any sort of crime at any time. We all knew that was the slope but now you're admitting it
Phoenix mom deported after routine immigration check

Just heard on the radio at work. I guarantee you this woman will be in the forefront of the liberal assault on the laws of our nation.

Poster child for the progressive assault on America identified.

yes, how dare people call you what you are

Ah yes, and you are an advocate for people breaking the law, violating our border and hiding in sanctuary states. Your disregard for law and order is quite evident. That disregard has been noted.

Jillian supports criminal behavior. That is now an established fact.
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Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

How long before you start applauding for even smaller offenses? Jay Walking...Parking Violation...
If I break the law and get a prison sentence but I have a child can I get out of going away to prison?

Why are you pretending prison is deportation?

The subject was splitting up families, which you brought up dumb ass.
Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

We wouldn't be "splitting up families" (sheesh stop with the victim crap already) if these people were taught proper respect for the law.
Something tells me this is not the CRIMINAL ILLIGALS Americans had in mind when Trump was talking about it.

They are criminals with multiple crimes, this woman entered illegally, worked illegally, impersonated someone else illegally and remained illegally. Should we give her a banana split at the local DQ?
1. Follow the rule of law.

2. See if you can work human compassion and decency into that process.
Look at these liberals, they'll defend someone even if that someone was an illegal alien who in addition to breaking our immigration laws, broke federal law regarding identity theft (huh?)

The law is now irrelevant. Breaking the law makes you a criminal, not a victim.
1. Follow the rule of law.

2. See if you can work human compassion and decency into that process.

I have no compassion for people who wantonly break the law. There is no decency in disregarding the law for your own betterment. What these people are doing is essentially stealing. You want human compassion and decency applied to the law? Why don't you teach them the value and worth of obeying the law as opposed to breaking it?

Why must you blur the lines between right and wrong by inserting emotion into your arguments?
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Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

How long before you start applauding for even smaller offenses? Jay Walking...Parking Violation...

I applaud deportation for illegal entry, every one we catch should be deported. That's the LAW. Also we separate criminals form their families every day, what makes her special?

Nothing I just like how you pivoted from violent criminals into people who commit any sort of crime at any time. We all knew that was the slope but now you're admitting it

I haven't pivoted on a damn thing, that has been my position all along. Feel free to check my posting history. If they are here in violation of law they should be sent home no matter where that might be and regardless of their ties here. They put themselves in their position, don't expect any tears form me when they are held responsible for their actions. They accepted the risks by breaking the law.
Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

How long before you start applauding for even smaller offenses? Jay Walking...Parking Violation...

I applaud deportation for illegal entry, every one we catch should be deported. That's the LAW. Also we separate criminals form their families every day, what makes her special?

Nothing I just like how you pivoted from violent criminals into people who commit any sort of crime at any time. We all knew that was the slope but now you're admitting it

I haven't pivoted on a damn thing, that has been my position all along. Feel free to check my posting history. If they are here in violation of law they should be sent home no matter where that might be and regardless of their ties here. They put themselves in their position, don't expect any tears form me when they are held responsible for their actions. They accepted the risks by breaking the law.

How dare you tell a liberal that actions have consequences!
1. Follow the rule of law.

2. See if you can work human compassion and decency into that process.

I have no compassion for people who wantonly break the law. There is no decency in disregarding the law for your betterment. What these people are doing is essentially stealing. You want human compassion and decency applied to the law? Why don't you teach them the value and worth of obeying the law as opposed to breaking it?

Why must you blur the lines between right and wrong by inserting emotion into your arguments?

All I said in 2. was, 'see if you can'. You can't. Fine. That's your position.
It's a shame that she is putting her two kids through this due to her irresponsible flauting of US law.

Next deportation, please............:deal:.............
1. Follow the rule of law.

2. See if you can work human compassion and decency into that process.

I have no compassion for people who wantonly break the law. There is no decency in disregarding the law for your betterment. What these people are doing is essentially stealing. You want human compassion and decency applied to the law? Why don't you teach them the value and worth of obeying the law as opposed to breaking it?

Why must you blur the lines between right and wrong by inserting emotion into your arguments?

All I said in 2. was, 'see if you can'. You can't. Fine. That's your position.

It's not a matter of "can't", it is more of "won't".

Because the moment you insist on having compassion regarding the law is the moment the law loses its efficacy in this context. But that's what you want, isn't it?
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1. Follow the rule of law.

2. See if you can work human compassion and decency into that process.

I have no compassion for people who wantonly break the law. There is no decency in disregarding the law for your betterment. What these people are doing is essentially stealing. You want human compassion and decency applied to the law? Why don't you teach them the value and worth of obeying the law as opposed to breaking it?

Why must you blur the lines between right and wrong by inserting emotion into your arguments?

All I said in 2. was, 'see if you can'. You can't. Fine. That's your position.

It's not a matter of "can't" is more of "won't".

Because the moment you insist on having compassion regarding the law is the moment the law loses its efficacy in this context. But that's what you want, isn't it?

Should lawyers be banned from arguing for leniency or any sort of prosecutorial discretion regarding their clients?

You're claiming those considerations shouldn't even exist.
Yes, there should be a positive spin on splitting up families. Besides we have to protect ourselves against the violence perpetrated by ID theft.

How long before you start applauding for even smaller offenses? Jay Walking...Parking Violation...

I applaud deportation for illegal entry, every one we catch should be deported. That's the LAW. Also we separate criminals form their families every day, what makes her special?

Nothing I just like how you pivoted from violent criminals into people who commit any sort of crime at any time. We all knew that was the slope but now you're admitting it
It's not a slope, IT'S THE LAW
Should lawyers be banned from arguing for leniency or any sort of prosecutorial discretion regarding their clients?

Regarding illegal immigration, yes. In my opinion the law allows for no leniency, therefore there should be none given.

What is it with you and wanting leniency for everyone who breaches our border?
Phoenix mom deported after routine immigration check

Just heard on the radio at work. I guarantee you this woman will be in the forefront of the liberal assault on the laws of our nation.

Poster child for the progressive assault on America identified.

yes, how dare people call you what you are

Shut up and read this:

You're claiming those considerations shouldn't even exist.

Because they shouldn't. Mercy is a weak minded approach to this issue.

Refugee? Apply for refugee status.
Asylum seeker? Request asylum through official channels.
Immigrant? Get in the fucking line and wait like everyone else. No exceptions. If we find you coming here illegally, or if you came here illegally whether child or adult, you're getting sent home. No mercy.

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