It has to be down to Carson or Rubio as Trump's running mate!


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
Noticing the VP nominee list. Quite honestly I think a Rubio or Carson would be a great pick as Trump's running mate. With Rubio you have plenty of senate experience and the know about this Biden Border Crisis. While you have Carson who is an expert at healthcare compared to the kamala. Plus his great work in education while being part of the cabinet during Trump's first term. I think either would be a great selection. President Trump know who can be the best!
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Noticing the VP nominee list. Quite honestly I think a Rubio or Carson would be a great pick as Trump's running mate. With Rubio you have plenty of senate experience and the know about this Biden Border Crisis. While you have Carson who is an expert at healthcare compared to the kamala. Plus his great work in education while being part of the cabinet during Trump's first term. I think either would be a great selection. President Trump know who can be the best!
I won't speculate. In my gut I'm thinking he's leaning toward Vance or Scott but that's purely based on instinct and nothing else.
I think Boebert would make a great VP, but Trump's handlers will probably push him towards Stefanik or Ernst.
It has to be Rubio or Carson. This weekend in Florida Carson will be there.
they are two of the best candidates

I also think Carson would perform the best against Harris for the debate because he is so dignified and respectful. Rubio would be a bit more tough lose his manners as a man, and just over-mansplain.
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It's the 3rd person on the Ballot for me.
Can't vote for the crooks that know they
know, I know they are a crook. The
arrogance of knowing and out wordy
saying they do not care! So, Stick it!
Hope Robby has the Balz to go for it.
Sure, most all of the News and Internet
is also bad news systems to us.
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Noticing the VP nominee list. Quite honestly I think a Rubio or Carson would be a great pick as Trump's running mate. With Rubio you have plenty of senate experience and the know about this Biden Border Crisis. While you have Carson who is an expert at healthcare compared to the kamala. Plus his great work in education while being part of the cabinet during Trump's first term. I think either would be a great selection. President Trump know who can be the best!
Ben Carson is a fool. What he doesn't know is laws or policy formation. And he probably won't be Trumps pick. Although Trump might think he can get the black vote by picking Carson, but he will end up being sadly mistaken.
they are two of the best candidates

I also think Carson would perform the best against Harris for the debate because he is so dignified and respectful. Rubio would be a bit more tough lose his manners as a man, and just over-mansplain.
Harris would destroy Carson in a debate. Trump can't beat her in one.
Malcolm Little Was his Name. Malcolm X was his game. He was a Muslim.

Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little, later el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz; May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965) was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a prominent figure during the civil rights movement. A spokesman for the Nation of Islam until 1964, he was a vocal advocate for Black empowerment and the promotion of Islam within the Black community. A

"The question basically comes down to whether one can reject Jesus Christ as the Son and truly know God the Father," says Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. "And it's Christ himself who answered that question, most classically in the Gospel of John, and he said that to reject the Son means that one does not know the Father."

So, Muslims and Jews do not believe Jesus to be the Son of God. WTF!
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Malcolm Little Was his Name. Malcolm X was his game. He was a Muslim.

Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little, later el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz; May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965) was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a prominent figure during the civil rights movement. A spokesman for the Nation of Islam (NOI) until 1964, he was a vocal advocate for Black empowerment and the promotion of Islam within the Black community.

Malcolm X was his name. He rejected the name Little.

I hope you weren't calling yourself trying to give me some kind of lesson about Malcom X.
His Alias was Malcom X. His birth name given to him by his Parents was Malcolm Little. He decided he was a Muslim Activist. Changing your name to be someone else does not change your past or your birth. Activist was the game.
A Muslim does not believe in the Christ Child. He was no hero. Just took advantage of the times to sucker blacks to join
the Muslim Religion. What ya got in the big Cities, Blacks shooting other young blacks.

93% of Black victims are killed by Black perpetrators. 80% of white victims are killed by Whites. More blacks are killed.
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His Alias was Malcom X. His birth name given to him by his Parents was Malcolm Little. He decided he was a Muslim Activist. Changing your name to be someone else does not change your past or your birth. Activist was the game.
He changed his name. There was no alias. This is not debateable. It's a fact. If we go with that Donald Trump is Donald Drunpf. His grandfather changed their name so they could hide their German ancestry. Opposing white racism was no game.
Noticing the VP nominee list. Quite honestly I think a Rubio or Carson would be a great pick as Trump's running mate. With Rubio you have plenty of senate experience and the know about this Biden Border Crisis. While you have Carson who is an expert at healthcare compared to the kamala. Plus his great work in education while being part of the cabinet during Trump's first term. I think either would be a great selection. President Trump know who can be the best!
either one fits a noose, but i';m sure there will be no problem with a treasonous vice president this time.

trump will pick s guy who makes trump look good, and preferably one whose epstein video is at bedminster.
He changed his name. There was no alias. This is not debateable. It's a fact. If we go with that Donald Trump is Donald Drunpf. His grandfather changed their name so they could hide their German ancestry. Opposing white racism was no game.
good catch on the reason for name change - anti immigrant bigotry.

my family name was hyphenated and french. a great great grandfather changed his name from raul to ralph and shortened and anglecized the rest. voila. instant assimilation.

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