It is beyond laughable watching Hillary trying to have a personality.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
While Hillary's staff is doing everything they possibly can to coach Hillary on how to have a personality, it just isn't working. The reality is, she's colder than a witches tit, she makes an ice cube feel like Death Valley in mid-summer.

I've seen enough of her speeches, her guest appearances on various shows - she's too scripted and rehearsed. Ok, Hillary, when you say this, make sure you make this gesture with this arm, have this facial expression, tilt your head this way and say it in this manner. Or Hillary, when making guest appearances, laugh this way with this facial expression, all while making these bodial gyrations.

None of this comes natural to her, she is trying to hard and it comes through loud and clear. She even looks uncomfortable trying to have a warm, likable personality. To Joe Biden's credit, he is who he is, he's not like Hillary - pretending to be something she is not. Yes, Joe has a warm personality, and he comes across as a real person.

At least Hillary provides good laughs while trying to come across as having a personality.
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Hold your horses,

She told her writers to write some spontaneity into her speeches. ..

Things should be getting better
Just practice saying Madam President.

If Hillary is able to have the SEIU rig enough voting machines to win, like Harry Reid had them do in order to defeat Sharon Angle to keep his senate seat, the proper terminology for Hitlery would be "Die Fuhrerin"
Just practice saying Madam President.
Ok first knuckle sandwich

Bill with a right hook.

I really don't understand how this woman has endured the shit she has been thru.

Second up.


It's over.

This is why I cant back her.
Your husband gets a blow job while you and your kid are sleeping upstairs and you are cool with it?

Thats cold.
Your husband gets a blow job while you and your kid are sleeping upstairs and you are cool with it?

Thats cold.

What were her chances of senator and president if she had divorced him back then?

First Lady, drawing power.

First Ex? not so much
Just practice saying Madam President.

If Hillary is able to have the SEIU rig enough voting machines to win, like Harry Reid had them do in order to defeat Sharon Angle to keep his senate seat, the proper terminology for Hitlery would be "Die Fuhrerin"

The bitch has all the personality of a clay pigeon with an equal degree of usefulness. She's more plastic than kerry's face.

Just practice saying Madam President.

If Hillary is able to have the SEIU rig enough voting machines to win, like Harry Reid had them do in order to defeat Sharon Angle to keep his senate seat, the proper terminology for Hitlery would be "Die Fuhrerin"

The bitch has all the personality of a clay pigeon with an equal degree of usefulness. She's more plastic than kerry's face.
Change bitch to bastard and you're describing Ben Carson.
I've seen dirt with more personally.
While Hillary's staff is doing everything they possibly can to coach Hillary on how to have a personality, it just isn't working. The reality is, she's colder than a witches tit, she makes an ice cube feel like Death Valley in mid-summer.

I've seen enough of her speeches, her guest appearances on various shows - she's too scripted and rehearsed. Ok, Hillary, when you say this, make sure you make this gesture with this arm, have this facial expression, tilt your head this way and say it in this manner. Or Hillary, when making guest appearances, laugh this way with this facial expression, all while making these bodial gyrations.

None of this comes natural to her, she is trying to hard and it comes through loud and clear. She even looks uncomfortable trying to have a warm, likable personality. To Joe Biden's credit, he is who he is, he's not like Hillary - pretending to be something she is not. Yes, Joe has a warm personality, and he comes across as a real person.

At least Hillary provides good laughs while trying to come across as having a personality.

LOL, you got that right.

She needs a lot more lessons just to sound human. It's like she's a robot. No wonder Slick Willy chases skirts all the time. He just wants to spend time with real women.

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