It is demeaning to nation for Mrs. Obama to discuss slavery

When I went to work as a secretary in the 60s with a high school diploma it was minimum wage.

Here is minimum wage for 1955 - 2010.

Federal Minimum Wage Rates, 1955?2012 |

If you think minimum wage is 'high on the hog' you have never tried to live on it.

My bad, $1.25 wasn't a nickel higher. It was minimum wage in 1966.

Michelle is a hypocrite.
In 1966 @$1.25 an hour a house cost 8 times your salary.
Now with a minimum wage job it would cost 18 times your salary.

So yeah, you were living high on the hog compared with today's minimum wage employees.

Not to mention that your whining about maids salaries is meaningless. No one is forced to be a maid at the White House since slavery was outlawed.


No one making a dollar and a quarter an hour could buy one that cost that much. My first house was a basement. Just a basement that my husband and I lived in for 5 years. Then we built a house over it doing all the work on both ourselves. He had a decent job, but together we didn't make 20K/year and the banks would only loan you what you made in a year and you paid on it for 20 years. All told, our first house, basement and all cost about $10,000 doing the work ourselves. We sold it for a nice profit. But we hadn't paid for any labor. I can assure you we were not living 'hign on the hog.' We were working our asses off so we could keep our money and not turn most of it over to a landlord.
Could you be any more cliché?
[ame=]Monty Python - Four Yorkshiremen - YouTube[/ame]

Speaks for itself.
Not interested in your blame game trying to make whitey feel bad for something they had nothing to do with. I suggest you pull your own pants up and get a real job. And you should than those Africans that sold the blacks because without them, today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Excuse you? "Whitey" (as you put it) has everything to do with everything, him being in control of everything, from corporate looting, to whoredom in Congress, to mass murdering to domestic terrorism. Even having "off shore" accounts to hide monies from Uncle Sam (hello, Mitt Romney?) and Swiss bank accounts. How un-American can one get?
I had a real job....several real jobs, over the course of 30 years or so.
And you're another one that can't construct a coherent sentence, in need of a remedial English course, which seems to be the standard for anyone on the right, in this forum, at least. I.Q.'s of less than 80.
Like Africans held spears to the sides and guns to the heads of whites to take blacks into captivity, only to be raped, murdered and forced to labor until the death. What else could you do? Blacks were the McDonald's Big Mac's of the day. Over a billion served. Shameful.

Should we que the violins? Do you need a box of tissues? Geez, didn't mean to make you cry. Too bad you can't accept the truth.

But keep on preaching it, a lot need to hear it.
Slavery was a time of antibellum charm, singing, dancing and merriment

Too bad the Yankees had to come and ruin it
Slavery was a cruel and barbaric practice which I and the vast majority of contemporary White Americans deplore and wish never existed. There also were many Whites who, during the slavery era, were strongly and actively opposed to it.

There also were many Germans who strongly opposed the rise of the Third Reich, thousands of whom were executed for their resistance. German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia But that part of the tale is rarely told and you can take it from me it wasn't very convenient for Americans to have a German name during WW-II and for a while after. To this day mention of the word Holocaust brings to the minds of many Americans thoughts of what "the Germans" did to the Jews.

Similarly, mention of the word slavery brings to the minds of many Americans thoughts of what White people did to Blacks. And while that concept is essentially factual, there are relevant and important parts of the tale which are rarely if ever told.

So, again; if Michelle Obama sees fit to implant recollections of the slavery era in the minds of children I will insist on bringing out those parts of the story which are rarely if ever told. It wasn't just Whites who were responsible for that foul institution.

So rather than resurrect what essentially is a very bad memory with a lot of ugly aspects, I believe it's best for the future of race relations in America to let sleeping dogs lie.
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Disconnect between the preamble and the conclusion, Sunshine.

You make no sense.

Not sure what you don't understand. Whie House workers aren't setting the world on fire salary wise. Subsistence level living is all they are making. They are really nothing more than slaves even now. Of course, like the one who wrote Back Stairs at the White House some make come out on top occaionally, but a maid is a maid is a maid. Don't even try to gell me that Michelle does her own cleaning. Michelle is a hypocrite.
"Funny" that you mention the White House, considering it was Slaves that built it
Disconnect between the preamble and the conclusion, Sunshine.

You make no sense.

Not sure what you don't understand. Whie House workers aren't setting the world on fire salary wise. Subsistence level living is all they are making. They are really nothing more than slaves even now. Of course, like the one who wrote Back Stairs at the White House some make come out on top occaionally, but a maid is a maid is a maid. Don't even try to gell me that Michelle does her own cleaning. Michelle is a hypocrite.
"Funny" that you mention the White House, considering it was Slaves that built it
Do you want to document that, or are you just a run-of-the-mill hack?
Not sure what you don't understand. Whie House workers aren't setting the world on fire salary wise. Subsistence level living is all they are making. They are really nothing more than slaves even now. Of course, like the one who wrote Back Stairs at the White House some make come out on top occaionally, but a maid is a maid is a maid. Don't even try to gell me that Michelle does her own cleaning. Michelle is a hypocrite.
"Funny" that you mention the White House, considering it was Slaves that built it
Do you want to document that, or are you just a run-of-the-mill hack?
Slaves helped build White House, U.S. Capitol -

"It is demeaning to nation for Mrs. Obama to discuss slavery"

In my opinion, it is more demeaning to Mrs. Obama, than to anything else.
"It is demeaning to nation for Mrs. Obama to discuss slavery"

In my opinion, it is more demeaning to Mrs. Obama, than to anything else.
I wonder if her husband knew she was going to make that stupid move.
Moving on from slavery is like moving on from the holocaust. NEVER should we forget. Bravo to Michelle.

Bullshit. There's a difference between "never forgetting" and "dwelling and obsessing". Cheering someone for acting like the antebellum era was last week is insane.
Okra sucks. It's slimy nasty stuff. Gag. Even fried it's horrid.

You should try growing it and picking it if you hate how it tastes. It has tiny fuzzy prickles that get under the skin and make you itch for days.

Okra has no redeeming features, IMO. It's slimy in gumbo and it tastes bad fried.

Two words for you, hon: gardening gloves.

And okra is delicious . . . unless it's pickled. That's just weird.
According to the USMB lib posters the only, the one and only slave ever on the face of the planet was supposedly "black in America"

Only American blacks count. Don't talk about the Island blacks and hells bells never ever talk about the Continental blacks.

Continental blacks? The Spanish sugar slaves in Spain and a few islands? The black pages in wealthy Renaissance households dressed in turbans and fancy clothes as a sort of ornament that wasn't a dwarf for a change? Europeans didn't really get into black slavery in Europe. Just their colonies. In their colonies they had a lot more than we ever did, of course.

You're right, sweetie. Europeans never got into black slavery in a big way; they just enslaved each other, and then took to building empires in other countries that oppressed the natives.

Contrary to the beliefs of self-martyring blacks, they are NOT the only people to have ever been enslaved anywhere in the history of humanity. Move the fuck on.
The First Heifer is a private citizen and can say anything she wants. She has as much right to say what Louis Farrakhan says as Louis Farrakhan says.

If the First Sow is a private citizen, then why are we, the taxpayers, funding an entire office area and staff for her in the White House?
I wonder if she told those children how the first slave in America was owned by a free black man. If not for that court case, who knows if or when we would have had slavery in America. Is that another example of black on black crime?

Links? Evidence? Sources? Documentation?

Shouldn't be surprised that a racist like you is an idiot about everything else, as well.

The Black Slave Owners -

In 1654 Anthony Johnson went to court and sued his white neighbor for keeping his black servant John Casor. Casor claimed that Johnson “had kept him his serv [an] t seven years longer than hee should or ought. Johnson who the courts described as an “old Negro,” claimed that he was entitled to “ye Negro [Casor] for his life.” Johnson realized that if he continued and persisted in his suit, Casor could win damages against him. So, Johnson brought suit against his white neighbor Robert Parker, whom Johnson charged had detained Casor “under pretense [that] the s[ai]d John Casor is a freeman.” The courts now ruled in his favor and John Casor was returned to him and Parker had to pay the court costs.

This case establishes perpetual servitude in North America, and it is ironic that the case was brought to the court by an African who had arrived from Angola in 1621. Slavery was established in 1654 when Anthony Johnson, Northampton County, convinced the court that he was entitled to the lifetime service of John Casor; this was the first judicial approval of life servitude, except as punishment for a crime.
The First Heifer is a private citizen and can say anything she wants. She has as much right to say what Louis Farrakhan says as Louis Farrakhan says.

If the First Sow is a private citizen, then why are we, the taxpayers, funding an entire office area and staff for her in the White House?

She'll never be your sex slave, Cesspool, as much as you'd enjoy it.

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