It Is Finished


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
He came to take our punishment so that we may have everlasting life in heaven.

John 19:28-30
Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Happy Good Friday.
Hmmmmm didn't know he was " Finnish " I thought he was supposedly an Israelite but hey since they were so far off in so many things regarding ancient Israel with not only the topography but just about everything else he may as well have been Finnish....smiling....
He came to take our punishment so that we may have everlasting life in heaven.

The punishment He imposed on all humanity for using the gift of choice that He gave us in the first place.

It would have simply been easier to not get pissed at us in the first place. You know, cut out the middle man and pass the savings (pun definitely intended) on to us.
He came to take our punishment so that we may have everlasting life in heaven.

The punishment He imposed on all humanity for using the gift of choice that He gave us in the first place.

It would have simply been easier to not get pissed at us in the first place. You know, cut out the middle man and pass the savings (pun definitely intended) on to us.
The fact you prefer to be a mindless robot with no free will explains your voting pattern.
He came to take our punishment so that we may have everlasting life in heaven.

John 19:28-30
Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Happy Good Friday.
well isn't that special!!
Jesus never died.....He was alive before he was born,, and is alive after death...So he really never died...
Christ came to the earth as one of us on the biggest rescue mission of all time. In 3-1/2 years His ministry He changed the world forever. He came with a Holy purpose. His arrival, His ministry and teachings, His healing power and friendships, as well as His death and Resurrection, were all intended for just one purpose: our salvation.

In what way do we need to be "saved"? From our sins. We all know we sin. We have been offered the chance to have the slate wiped clean, redeemed.

How am I saved? Simply confess that you have sinned and believe Christ is with you for your salvation. Upon acceptance of Gods mercy you then receive forgiveness for the sins that you have committed.

The next steps are the most challenging and yet the most exciting - your walk alongside of Christ in your life. No matter where you are in your life Christ will meet you there and help guide you towards the things he taught. You are saved to live a life that will continually make you more like Jesus Christ; a life where you can grow into spiritual adulthood, perfected in love.

This is salvation through faith.
Christ came to the earth as one of us on the biggest rescue mission of all time. In 3-1/2 years His ministry He changed the world forever. He came with a Holy purpose. His arrival, His ministry and teachings, His healing power and friendships, as well as His death and Resurrection, were all intended for just one purpose: our salvation.

In what way do we need to be "saved"? From our sins. We all know we sin. We have been offered the chance to have the slate wiped clean, redeemed.

How am I saved? Simply confess that you have sinned and believe Christ is with you for your salvation. Upon acceptance of Gods mercy you then receive forgiveness for the sins that you have committed.

The next steps are the most challenging and yet the most exciting - your walk alongside of Christ in your life. No matter where you are in your life Christ will meet you there and help guide you towards the things he taught. You are saved to live a life that will continually make you more like Jesus Christ; a life where you can grow into spiritual adulthood, perfected in love.

This is salvation through faith.
View attachment 69307
He came to take our punishment so that we may have everlasting life in heaven.

The punishment He imposed on all humanity for using the gift of choice that He gave us in the first place.

It would have simply been easier to not get pissed at us in the first place. You know, cut out the middle man and pass the savings (pun definitely intended) on to us.
The fact you prefer to be a mindless robot with no free will explains your voting pattern.

Of course it does.
Christ came to the earth as one of us on the biggest rescue mission of all time. In 3-1/2 years His ministry He changed the world forever. He came with a Holy purpose. His arrival, His ministry and teachings, His healing power and friendships, as well as His death and Resurrection, were all intended for just one purpose: our salvation.

In what way do we need to be "saved"? From our sins. We all know we sin. We have been offered the chance to have the slate wiped clean, redeemed.

How am I saved? Simply confess that you have sinned and believe Christ is with you for your salvation. Upon acceptance of Gods mercy you then receive forgiveness for the sins that you have committed.

The next steps are the most challenging and yet the most exciting - your walk alongside of Christ in your life. No matter where you are in your life Christ will meet you there and help guide you towards the things he taught. You are saved to live a life that will continually make you more like Jesus Christ; a life where you can grow into spiritual adulthood, perfected in love.

This is salvation through faith.
View attachment 69307

Israel can't even reclaim their own Temple, they lost the Arc of the Covenant, and almost every Jewish male under 40 still lives at home with his mother. It's no wonder they missed their Messiah.
Wow where do you come up with this stuff....Israel was in their land many years till they built their first temple and a number of years till they rebuilt it... The temple will be rebuilt when the time is right and not before...Your other points are interesting most Jewish males I know are married with families and the few that are not live in their own homes very few live with their mothers...I find your comments humorous and would like to make a suggestion since you are into nascars you should stick to them at least this way you can become an expert there because you are certainly showing very little in the way of knowledge regarding Jewish people and their lifestyles and whether they missed a myth named Jesus who fulfilled absolutely nothing accept to be an anti messiahto say the least....
We don't worship " Norse" gods and wait for ragnoroc so the fat lady can keep it to herself or you can go to the opera and see her sing if you like so you can watch it till the end....
Kim , you will not go to heaven by God if you are not only faithful and just believe in God or the Lord, and nothing else do you get if you go to heaven. No sex life in your way of believers . Otherwise, it's hell , we all Christians will end up in when God decides . My best faith when there's devilry just far away that is my cast that breathes through me that he can not make me. How do you feel now that you know the truth about God , he can and want to send us to hell with no other God to interfere in the game. Christ aren't almighty God it is God how are almighty and when he finished all Christians are in hell outside they hard believers how God send to heaven .
Let me get this straight.
The Bible which you get prophecy from is supposed to "foretell" of the HaSheva (redeemer) and even tells us the HaSheva's name would be remembered on the Sheva (7th) day, would be in the Torah portion names, name be in the Mikra(Bible), be in the name of the Holy City, Have
"the name"(HaShem) of God in his name, and the Temple(Mikdash), which he never built, would be in his name.
None of which name Jesus and yet you want to claim a plagiarised Cannanite
dying god ritual as claim it is finished?
This means you are thumbing your nose at prophecy even though you rely on it as a false claim. THIS MEANS Jesus is the serpent(false prophet) in Genesis offering false eternity which we see doesn't exist.
Claiming to be the Morning Star means it is finished in that the Lucifer character is exposed, since denying he's Lucifer means rejecting what Jesus claimed to be in
Rev 22:16. That's called check mate because you have to throw Jesus under a bus to say otherwise.
So yes Luciferous Jesus is finished, Lucifer was sent to the pit upon his death-
acts 2:27 and 1Peter 3:19.
You are the 1/3 Who fell with him.
If last time are here I mean.

Someone has been claiming the Last Times are among us for the last 2000 years and they are always wrong. The Earth keeps spinning, babies keep being born, and all is well. Those people standing in pulpits and on street corners rambling on about the End of Days are just white noise.
Agree the character and his disciples all claimed they were in the last days yet only for them which makes them false prophets who do not speak for G-d. -Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32.
The compiled character Paul had similar last days fumbles=false prophet, but then we are told not to listen to political prisoners anyway.

But also Rome did not understand what days meant when they plagiarised Judaic concepts. Therefore Christians don't know what end of days means.

The scrolls tells us the word we mistakingly translate as day is sometimes refering to "Ages"(periods of times).
If you look at Genesis we have been through 6 ages (stages) of creation with
the 7th (Sheva) being the molecular manufacturing age to come where God (power & source Essence of life) rests and man creates(becomes the power & source of his creation to come through reflection and manifestation of that Essence to become Shalem=stable and complete.)
End Days thus means end of the age beginning the new age. Going from the archaic fallacious claims of son of God to the reality age of son of man the Sheva (7th) day.

The Ages of The World 4Q180-181
The introduction to the work, which emphasizes God's predetermination of history.
4Q180 Frag. 1 The prophetic interpretation concerning the ages which God made: an age to complete [all which is] 2and shall be. Before He created them, He established [their] workings [ . . . ] 3age by age. And it was engraved upon [eternal] tablets [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] ages of their dominion. This is the order of the so[ns of Noah to] [Abraham un]til he bore Isaac, ten [generahons (?) . . . ] [ . . . ]

So lets review the ages of creation:
1)Dinosaur age, leaving us with Fossil Fuel to help out latter stages needing fuel for Industrial age and Travel for Infrastructure.
2)then evolving man
Hunter / Gatherers - Prior to 5,000 BC (about a million years)
3)Agricultural Age: - 5,000 BC to 500 BC (about 5,000 years)This was the age of rapid spread of civilization to all corners of theearth.
4) Age of Trade: - 500 BC to 1730 AD (about 2,000 years)This was the age of rapid spread of wealth and knowledge. From thisage came technology, 'modern' concepts of math, scientific method,medicine, warfare.
5)Industrial Age: 1730 AD - 1950 AD (about 200 years) The rise and fall of great Captains of Industry, railroads, shipping,air transport, conquering of physical frontiers, modern military warmachines, major empires rise and fall on a global scale: Trade still very important, but now, seen as a means to delivery thegreatest number of goods to the greatest number of people for thegreatest profit. Agriculture still very important, but not seen as theprimary engine of the economy... Hunter gatherers almost disappearing.
6) Information Age: 1950 to 1999 (about 50 years) Witness the rise of abandoned old industrial buildings by the rives of the major cities.Industry, Trade, Agriculture are still in the foundation of oureconomy, but are dominated by the frenetic application of informationsystems technologies to make these products better, cheaper anddeliver them more effectively. Also leads to networking ideas and next age of molecular manifacturing.
7)The Day of rest is the Messianic Age with molecular manufacturing and biotech where everything progressed into this promise fulfilled in perfection.
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Agree the character and his disciples all claimed they were in the last days yet only for them which makes them false prophets who do not speak for G-d.

You are mistaken. At the time of Jesus 2000 years ago the popular Jewish belief was that the end of the age was imminent.. When Jesus said that the end of the age of darkness was a long time off, wars and rumors of wars, the destruction of the temple, another diaspora, the gospel preached over the entire world, etc., he was laughed to scorn.

History seems to confirm that Jesus was right.

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