It Is Finished

You said your Jesus was Yeshu, who happened to exist in 100bc a long cry from 70 ad. and his wishing the destruction is problematic as it's opposite Moshiach involved in construction of the Mikdash in the name that is not his name.
We won't get into his claim every stone would be destroyed when walls of the Temple still stood.
His claiming to be Morning Star is still problematic being the city is dedicated to The Evening Star. Once you lose your chess match you can't continue it, game was over at the end of the text you guys can't even read straight. :)

end is near in their day sources
end is near in their era:
I Cor. 10:11 , Heb. 1:2 , I Peter 1:20, I Peter 4:7 , I John 2:18 etc.
The apostles understood that THEY were living in the "end-times."
So obviously we can not be in them today!
But also the end did not come making it false prophecy="you call" loonies.
Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 and history of that era show that
Revelation 11:1-3 occurred already in aprox 70 ad. John of Patmos was speaking present tense happening in his day.

The Bible warns of all these about false prophets who do not speak for G-d.
Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26, 31-32.
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You said your Jesus was Yeshu, who happened to exist in 100bc a long cry from 70 ad. and his wishing the destruction is problematic as it's opposite Moshiach involved in construction of the Mikdash in the name that is not his name.

No, I never said that my Jesus was any Yeshu who lived in 100 bce. The Jesus that I believe in was executed as a love thy enemy eat my flesh nut-job of no account who ran around drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes that no one took seriously and no one cared about or wrote about in any historical document except his closest friends.

The fact remains that the Jesus written about in the gospels that were penned hundreds of years before Rome ever got their superstitious hands on them said that the end of the age of darkness was a long time off when all of your wise men, scholars and prophets believed that the end of the age of darkness was imminent way back then. They were the false prophets.

And there never will be any messiah sent by God to oversee the construction of a temple where farm animals are slaughtered. Any such person will always be a false messiah with the number of the beast, 666, tattooed right in the middle of their forehead.

The true messiah will lead people to the sanctuary of God. The sanctuary of God being closer in meaning to divine providence that can only come from the righteous application of the law which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the construction of any man made slaughterhouse.
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