it is just a matter of time !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
when i was in the military we had several briefings about terrorist activities suspected in the US and around the world . the most chilling part of one of these briefings is it is not a matter of if but when a nuclear bomb is detonated in one of our major cities !! i know a lot of people say i am over reacting to something that hasn't happened but according to the military this is almost an inevitable scenario that will surely happen in most of our life times .with the failure of the UN to prevent nuclear proliferation ,and countries like Iran and North Korea [countries that support terrorism]the chance that a bomb is sneaked across the border or brought into a harbor smuggled aboard a ship and the detonated by a suicide bomber is almost 100 %.imagine waking up one morning and a 100,000 Americans are dead in a flash ,imagine the economic impact !! i was also told this when getting a security briefing before being hired for a 3 month shutdown at a nuclear plant. now i am not trying to say i have a top secrete security clearance i don't .both of these briefings were common procedure for enlisted personnel in the Army,and for maintenance hirees at a nuclear plant .with certain people in our country that want to take a softer stance against terror the chance of a nuclear holocost happening in the US is assured.
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I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.
I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?
I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?

Egypt under Hosni Mubrak isn't the same Egypt as it is under mohammed morsi.

The USSR didn't really want war. They had no religious mandate that would lead them to paradise. Mutually Assured Destruction was enough of a deterrent. To muslims, MAD isn't a deterrent, it's a reason to engage.
I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?

I bet we sold a lot of stuff to Germany as well....just not during Hitler.
I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?

Egypt under Hosni Mubrak isn't the same Egypt as it is under mohammed morsi.

The USSR didn't really want war. They had no religious mandate that would lead them to paradise. Mutually Assured Destruction was enough of a deterrent. To muslims, MAD isn't a deterrent, it's a reason to engage.

As a part of the Camp David accords treaties were signed which included the F16s. Egypt has done nothing to violate those treaties.
I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?

I bet we sold a lot of stuff to Germany as well....just not during Hitler.

We were at war with Germany.

We are not at war with Egypt.

I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?
as far as the Soviets hitting us with a nuke the threat of mutual destruction was the major deterrent .as for radical islamist death has no influence on the actions they take !!
when i was in the military we had several briefings about terrorist activities suspected in the US and around the world . the most chilling part of one of these briefings is it is not a matter of if but when a nuclear bomb is detonated in one of our major cities !! i know a lot of people say i am over reacting to something that hasn't happened but according to the military this is almost an inevitable scenario that will surely happen in most of our life times .with the failure of the UN to prevent nuclear proliferation ,and countries like Iran and North Korea [countries that support terrorism]the chance that a bomb is sneaked across the border or brought into a harbor smuggled aboard a ship and the detonated by a suicide bomber is almost 100 %.imagine waking up one morning and a 100,000 Americans are dead in a flash ,imagine the economic impact !! i was also told this when getting a security briefing before being hired for a 3 month shutdown at a nuclear plant. now i am not trying to say i have a top secrete security clearance i don't .both of these briefings were common procedure for enlisted personnel in the Army,and for maintenance hirees at a nuclear plant .with certain people in our country that want to take a softer stance against terror the chance of a nuclear holocaust happening in the US is assured.
Israel may be the 1st to be a victim of this scenario.
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I was in the armiy 71-73 and had a high security clearance. Even then arab factions were threatening to steal a nuclear weapon.
our amatuer president wants to send these hair balls some F16's.

Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?
as far as the Soviets hitting us with a nuke the threat of mutual destruction was the major deterrent .as for radical islamist death has no influence on the actions they take !!

OK, so is there a solution here or is this just a doom and gloom, wallow in self-pity thread?
Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?
as far as the Soviets hitting us with a nuke the threat of mutual destruction was the major deterrent .as for radical islamist death has no influence on the actions they take !!

OK, so is there a solution here or is this just a doom and gloom, wallow in self-pity thread?
destroying their nuclear cites would be a step to slow the nuclear clock.
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as far as the Soviets hitting us with a nuke the threat of mutual destruction was the major deterrent .as for radical islamist death has no influence on the actions they take !!

OK, so is there a solution here or is this just a doom and gloom, wallow in self-pity thread?
destroying their nuclear cites would be a step to slow the nuclear clock.

1) OK, how do you propose we do this.

2) More importantly, since Pakistan is already a nuclear power (light years ahead of Iran), how to we counter that threat?

2) How do you propose we stop terrorists from aquiring enriched uranium on the black market or from a rogue state like North Korea or Pakistan, since this is actually a bigger threat than a nuclear Iran?
Every president since Reagan has been sending Egypt F16's, so there is that.

As to the OP, many people in the '50's thought nuclear war with the USSR was inevidable and it didn't happen.

I can't say that this scenerio will never play out, it certainly could, however it isn't a foregone conclussion.

Finally, if you do believe it's inevitable, what is your solution to preventing it?
as far as the Soviets hitting us with a nuke the threat of mutual destruction was the major deterrent .as for radical islamist death has no influence on the actions they take !!

OK, so is there a solution here or is this just a doom and gloom, wallow in self-pity thread?
The solution is to take out Iran's ability to sponsor terror, and to make it clear to the world that if any country is behind an attempt to cause mass US casualties, we will decimate them! A dirty bomb was already intercepted on a ship that was heading for Israel!
as far as the Soviets hitting us with a nuke the threat of mutual destruction was the major deterrent .as for radical islamist death has no influence on the actions they take !!

OK, so is there a solution here or is this just a doom and gloom, wallow in self-pity thread?
The solution is to take out Iran's ability to sponsor terror, and to make it clear to the world that if any country is behind an attempt to cause mass US casualties, we will decimate them! A dirty bomb was already intercepted on a ship that was heading for Israel!

The rest of the world doesn't already know that if they were behind the attempt to hit the US with a nuke, they'd be attacked?

Furthermore, according to the OP, it doesn't matter to Islamists if we retaliate.
OK, so is there a solution here or is this just a doom and gloom, wallow in self-pity thread?
The solution is to take out Iran's ability to sponsor terror, and to make it clear to the world that if any country is behind an attempt to cause mass US casualties, we will decimate them! A dirty bomb was already intercepted on a ship that was heading for Israel!

The rest of the world doesn't already know that if they were behind the attempt to hit the US with a nuke, they'd be attacked?

Furthermore, according to the OP, it doesn't matter to Islamists if we retaliate.
martyrdom is the highest honor for Islamist radicals ,and Pakistan is not as good a friend to the US as people believe.if a radical group like Al qaeda or the muslim brotherhood take control of that country then the threat will justify destroying their nuclear arsenal.
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The solution is to take out Iran's ability to sponsor terror, and to make it clear to the world that if any country is behind an attempt to cause mass US casualties, we will decimate them! A dirty bomb was already intercepted on a ship that was heading for Israel!

The rest of the world doesn't already know that if they were behind the attempt to hit the US with a nuke, they'd be attacked?

Furthermore, according to the OP, it doesn't matter to Islamists if we retaliate.
martyrdom is the highest honor for Islamist radicals ,and Pakistan is not a friend to the US.if a radical group like Al qaeda or the muslim brotherhood take control of that country then the threat will justify destroying their nuclear arsenal.

So you're proposing a nuclear war with Pakistan now, since if a terrorist group gained control of nukes in Pakistan, it would be too late to act by the time we found out?
The rest of the world doesn't already know that if they were behind the attempt to hit the US with a nuke, they'd be attacked?

Furthermore, according to the OP, it doesn't matter to Islamists if we retaliate.
martyrdom is the highest honor for Islamist radicals ,and Pakistan is not a friend to the US.if a radical group like Al qaeda or the muslim brotherhood take control of that country then the threat will justify destroying their nuclear arsenal.

So you're proposing a nuclear war with Pakistan now, since if a terrorist group gained control of nukes in Pakistan, it would be too late to act by the time we found out?
no not nuclear war !! surgical strikes on nuke cites . we have the capability . radicals will one day take power in that country . we either do it today or pay a much higher price later because of leftists views like yours.
martyrdom is the highest honor for Islamist radicals ,and Pakistan is not a friend to the US.if a radical group like Al qaeda or the muslim brotherhood take control of that country then the threat will justify destroying their nuclear arsenal.

So you're proposing a nuclear war with Pakistan now, since if a terrorist group gained control of nukes in Pakistan, it would be too late to act by the time we found out?
no not nuclear war !! surgical strikes on nuke cites . we have the capability . radicals will one day take power in that country . we either do it today or pay a much higher price later because of leftists views like yours.

And you know we have the capacity to completely eliminate Pakistan's nuclear capability with surgical And if we don't completely eliminate it all at once (which we can't do with conventional weapons in one massive strike, BTW), then what?

What other nations, with nuclear capabilities, will become our enemy in ratiliation? How do we prevent Pakistan from retaliating?

See, your's isn't a plan its a fantasy, pure and simple.
So you're proposing a nuclear war with Pakistan now, since if a terrorist group gained control of nukes in Pakistan, it would be too late to act by the time we found out?
no not nuclear war !! surgical strikes on nuke cites . we have the capability . radicals will one day take power in that country . we either do it today or pay a much higher price later because of leftists views like yours.

And you know we have the capacity to completely eliminate Pakistan's nuclear capability with surgical And if we don't completely eliminate it all at once (which we can't do with conventional weapons in one massive strike, BTW), then what?

What other nations, with nuclear capabilities, will become our enemy in ratiliation? How do we prevent Pakistan from retaliating?

See, your's isn't a plan its a fantasy, pure and simple.
pal we can hit an asteroid traveling 25 miles per sec millions of miles away !! yeah we can take out some nuclear cites ,along with enrichment facilities with ease. and they cannot retaliate with something they no longer have.
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