It Is Long Past Time to Close Gitmo

I presume that the real reason these people are kept prisonners and denied fair trials is that most of them are guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it would be revealed that most of them have been cynically used for political purposes to keep Americans scared and willing to support their totalitarian government.

Of course, the fact that so many of the prisoners have been subjected to torture and "cruel and unusual punishment" would also reveal what disgusting filth the people who rule America are.

The Disneyland Dream World of good American partriots must be protected and defended at all costs!!


Document: Up to 25% of freed Gitmo detainees return to terrorism -

Do you really expect me to trust any propaganda that comes out of the Brainwashing Machine of the US government?

However, if I were innocent of any crime, and had been treated the way the victims of Nazoid America had been treated, I imagine that I would be a bit ticked off.
"So, whenever we are dealing with people who do REALLY bad things, it's OK to forget about the Constitution and just put them away for a dozen years or so without a trial, that about it?"

Good question, which we could only modify with 'ACCUSED of doing really bad things', since, by definition, they are innocent, not having been tried.
Yes extend our constitution to everyone. Spoken like a true Leftytoon.

The Constitution is 'leftist'? At its origins, sure, but I haven't thought of it that way recently. Perhaps that's because I, myself not 'leftist' or 'rightist', don't look at the world in such a simplistic, dichotomous way.
What is the purpose of closing Gitmo?

If the detainees were not being denied trials and if they were not being "treated badly," there might not be any purpose in closing Gitmo.

I saw Giuliani on the tube last night. He was asked how long are we going to detain these people without giving them a trial. He said, "as long as the war on terror continues." When confronted with the fact that something as vague as the "war on terror" could continue literally for an indefinite period of time, he laughingly minimized such an idea, saying that "it will be over long before you think it will."

Golly, I'm sure the detainees feel much better now.

Sorry George, but the detainees feelings are simply not an issue for me. They should have rethought their position on waging war against infidels like us before they landed themselves in GITMO.

Horse shit. First of all, when I mentioned the feelings of the detainees, I was speaking figuratively, not litlerally. Secondly, you are assuming that all of the detainees were "waging war" against us and this simply is not the case. There are a number of detainees who undoubtedly are guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not being liked by someone they should have gotten along with (and who turned them in just because they didn't like them).

But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?
But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?
That is taking the most generous view of it.

To my mind, it more resembles Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
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But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?
That is taking the most generous view of it.

To my mind, it more resembles Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

That's because you are a drama queen and an idiot. Your 'mind' is a wispy cloud of flatulence.
If the detainees were not being denied trials and if they were not being "treated badly," there might not be any purpose in closing Gitmo.

I saw Giuliani on the tube last night. He was asked how long are we going to detain these people without giving them a trial. He said, "as long as the war on terror continues." When confronted with the fact that something as vague as the "war on terror" could continue literally for an indefinite period of time, he laughingly minimized such an idea, saying that "it will be over long before you think it will."

Golly, I'm sure the detainees feel much better now.

Sorry George, but the detainees feelings are simply not an issue for me. They should have rethought their position on waging war against infidels like us before they landed themselves in GITMO.

Horse shit. First of all, when I mentioned the feelings of the detainees, I was speaking figuratively, not litlerally. Secondly, you are assuming that all of the detainees were "waging war" against us and this simply is not the case. There are a number of detainees who undoubtedly are guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not being liked by someone they should have gotten along with (and who turned them in just because they didn't like them).

But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?

Even our own government doesn't know what to do with them, every time we release some of them they end up back on the front lines shooting at our troops. All feelings aside, I don't give a damn if they rot in jail for the rest of their lives if it keeps our troops safe. Horseshit is having compassion for those who would kill you in the blink of an eye. People like you are exactly why we will never win the WOT because you simply cannot fathom that no matter what you do and how nice you try to be, they will always hate you and view you as their enemy and a pathway to 72 virgins. Now pull yourself together, and grow some backbone. Bigotry my ass... Try squeezing tennis balls it will make your limp wrist a lot stronger than it is.
Sorry George, but the detainees feelings are simply not an issue for me. They should have rethought their position on waging war against infidels like us before they landed themselves in GITMO.

Horse shit. First of all, when I mentioned the feelings of the detainees, I was speaking figuratively, not litlerally. Secondly, you are assuming that all of the detainees were "waging war" against us and this simply is not the case. There are a number of detainees who undoubtedly are guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not being liked by someone they should have gotten along with (and who turned them in just because they didn't like them).

But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?

Even our own government doesn't know what to do with them, every time we release some of them they end up back on the front lines shooting at our troops. All feelings aside, I don't give a damn if they rot in jail for the rest of their lives if it keeps our troops safe. Horseshit is having compassion for those who would kill you in the blink of an eye. People like you are exactly why we will never win the WOT because you simply cannot fathom that no matter what you do and how nice you try to be, they will always hate you and view you as their enemy and a pathway to 72 virgins. Now pull yourself together, and grow some backbone. Bigotry my ass... Try squeezing tennis balls it will make your limp wrist a lot stronger than it is.

How, precisely, does one win the war on terror? Is there some way to eradicate terrorism altogether?
Horse shit. First of all, when I mentioned the feelings of the detainees, I was speaking figuratively, not litlerally. Secondly, you are assuming that all of the detainees were "waging war" against us and this simply is not the case. There are a number of detainees who undoubtedly are guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not being liked by someone they should have gotten along with (and who turned them in just because they didn't like them).

But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?

Even our own government doesn't know what to do with them, every time we release some of them they end up back on the front lines shooting at our troops. All feelings aside, I don't give a damn if they rot in jail for the rest of their lives if it keeps our troops safe. Horseshit is having compassion for those who would kill you in the blink of an eye. People like you are exactly why we will never win the WOT because you simply cannot fathom that no matter what you do and how nice you try to be, they will always hate you and view you as their enemy and a pathway to 72 virgins. Now pull yourself together, and grow some backbone. Bigotry my ass... Try squeezing tennis balls it will make your limp wrist a lot stronger than it is.

How, precisely, does one win the war on terror? Is there some way to eradicate terrorism altogether?

Re-name it as "battling conservative Islamists"

Horse shit. First of all, when I mentioned the feelings of the detainees, I was speaking figuratively, not litlerally. Secondly, you are assuming that all of the detainees were "waging war" against us and this simply is not the case. There are a number of detainees who undoubtedly are guilty of nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not being liked by someone they should have gotten along with (and who turned them in just because they didn't like them).

But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?

Even our own government doesn't know what to do with them, every time we release some of them they end up back on the front lines shooting at our troops. All feelings aside, I don't give a damn if they rot in jail for the rest of their lives if it keeps our troops safe. Horseshit is having compassion for those who would kill you in the blink of an eye. People like you are exactly why we will never win the WOT because you simply cannot fathom that no matter what you do and how nice you try to be, they will always hate you and view you as their enemy and a pathway to 72 virgins. Now pull yourself together, and grow some backbone. Bigotry my ass... Try squeezing tennis balls it will make your limp wrist a lot stronger than it is.

How, precisely, does one win the war on terror? Is there some way to eradicate terrorism altogether?

I never said anything about winning. In case you haven't guessed we will be involved in the WOT for the rest of our lifetimes... Get used to it.
Even our own government doesn't know what to do with them, every time we release some of them they end up back on the front lines shooting at our troops. All feelings aside, I don't give a damn if they rot in jail for the rest of their lives if it keeps our troops safe. Horseshit is having compassion for those who would kill you in the blink of an eye. People like you are exactly why we will never win the WOT because you simply cannot fathom that no matter what you do and how nice you try to be, they will always hate you and view you as their enemy and a pathway to 72 virgins. Now pull yourself together, and grow some backbone. Bigotry my ass... Try squeezing tennis balls it will make your limp wrist a lot stronger than it is.

How, precisely, does one win the war on terror? Is there some way to eradicate terrorism altogether?

I never said anything about winning. In case you haven't guessed we will be involved in the WOT for the rest of our lifetimes... Get used to it.

I highlighted where you did, in fact, say something about winning the war on terror. In case you forgot, and then missed it in the quote. :tongue:
But regardless - these people should NOT be denied the right to a fair trial. And, in passing, what are you and those of your ilk so afraid of, anyway? If they are all so guilty, a trial should show that, and they could then be punished according to law.

Why, it almost looks as though you are in favor of just keeping all of them, both the innocent and the guilty, in custody forever merely because something bad happened and they might have been part of it. That almost looks like bigotry to me, hmmmm?
That is taking the most generous view of it.

To my mind, it more resembles Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

Yes, and I bet there are a number of good Americans who would be all for rounding up all the Muslims in this country and similarly incarcerating them. Deja vu.
Wow. This has been an interesting thread to read. George is presenting factual information in a straightforward, concise, intelligent manner and most of the rest of you are saying stupid shit with no factual basis, but based instead on negative emotion and ignorance.

George, you stand out here, like a dove amongst crows. I will enjoy debating with you on topics we disagree on, because you are the kind of person that can possibly change my mind on a topic, which might just be for my betterment or enlightenment. Unlike many people here, I actually know that I'm not always right and enjoy a good debate with someone who is my superior on a particular topic and from whom I can learn something.
How, precisely, does one win the war on terror? Is there some way to eradicate terrorism altogether?

I never said anything about winning. In case you haven't guessed we will be involved in the WOT for the rest of our lifetimes... Get used to it.

I highlighted where you did, in fact, say something about winning the war on terror. In case you forgot, and then missed it in the quote. :tongue:

Yes, I did say something... That they are part of the reason we wont win, but there are many other reasons we wont win as well.
I would like to say this...I remember my parents always saying, "Don't lower yourself to their level," speaking about a disagreement or argument I was having with someone. Rise above, they would say.

But that's what Gitmo does to our country...lowers it to the level of those who threaten us. I expect my country to maintain its principles of fairness and justice for EVERYONE. To rise above the backward and brutal regimes and organizations we must deal with. Not adopt their tactics.
I never said anything about winning. In case you haven't guessed we will be involved in the WOT for the rest of our lifetimes... Get used to it.

I highlighted where you did, in fact, say something about winning the war on terror. In case you forgot, and then missed it in the quote. :tongue:

Yes, I did say something... That they are part of the reason we wont win, but there are many other reasons we wont win as well.

Wow, the amount of moving goalposts and points going over your head is astonishing.

Let's try this again. You have, on multiple occasions now, made mention of winning the war on terror. You did that by saying certain people are part of the reason we will not win the war on terror. My question was how the war on terror could be won. My point is that there is no way to win the so-called war on terror. It is a war against an idea. The phrase 'war on terror' is nothing but a ridiculous sound byte with no specific definition.
Winning the War against the terrorists is essentially finding them, foiling their plans, and killing them -- again and again and again.

Losing consists of caving in -- ever -- to the "demands" they make of governments by their resort to their subhuman terrorist behaviors.

Provided that we NEVER acquiesce to any of their "demands," and we persist in hunting them down and killing them and, as much as we can, foiling their plots and plans, we continue to be the winners.

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