It is no longer about conservative versus liberal

It never was about cons and libs. That was all a smoke scene so that the ruling class could divide us, while they enrich and empower themselves. It continues unabated today and the MSM promotes it.
pick who you support based on morals, truth and use of power; not on Republican or democrat. We need to be a country of values
So what are you advocating a third Party?
I advocate quality candidates however possible. We may be better off with 4 or 5 parties who can compete.
It is no longer about conservative versus liberal. It is about moral versus immoral, truth versus lies, using power versus abusing power.
As individuals and as a country we are at a crossroads.
Na, not really
It’s rural versus urban you stupid ass motherfucker...

You do realize what works for one will not ever work for the other so fuck off you sorry ass motherfucking piece of shit
It is obvious you are a moral/values voter based on your language.
Speaking in a language you understand you are a dumb f##k in the highest degree.
The most important thing to know is that people generally have government and its role completely backwards. Therefore, government has become a reflection of the morals of society.

Only when society resolves its own moral problem will it reflect on the laws.
Can"t government work in conjunction with society/electorate to improve morality?
Liberals are inhuman hellspawn. Trump is our champion.
No, Trump is your God.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you people sold your souls to The Devil and got very little back in return.

My condolences.
Can"t government work in conjunction with society/electorate to improve morality?

Not in my view. Others will disagree with me. But I reject the notion. Government is, itself, anti-moral because government is force. And force is not moral. Force is anti-moral. I want as little government as possible. Government needs to be strictly limited, as the Constitution states. Limited for Liberty!
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It is no longer about conservative versus liberal. It is about moral versus immoral, truth versus lies, using power versus abusing power.
As individuals and as a country we are at a crossroads.
Na, not really
It’s rural versus urban you stupid ass motherfucker...

You do realize what works for one will not ever work for the other so fuck off you sorry ass motherfucking piece of shit
It is obvious you are a moral/values voter based on your language.
Speaking in a language you understand you are a dumb f##k in the highest degree.
You’re the one that wants to force your socialism on people that have no desire to be part of it
Can"t government work in conjunction with society/electorate to improve morality?

Not in my view. Others will disagree with me. But I reject the notion. Government is, itself, anti-moral because government is force. I want as little government as possible.
I agree for the most part. Government cannot determine morality. But in a Democracy I feel we should have leaders who espouse the common agreement of positive values. Morality should be the base of decision over personal and country advancement.
It is no longer about conservative versus liberal. It is about moral versus immoral, truth versus lies, using power versus abusing power.
As individuals and as a country we are at a crossroads.
Na, not really
It’s rural versus urban you stupid ass motherfucker...

You do realize what works for one will not ever work for the other so fuck off you sorry ass motherfucking piece of shit
It is obvious you are a moral/values voter based on your language.
Speaking in a language you understand you are a dumb f##k in the highest degree.
You’re the one that wants to force your socialism on people that have no desire to be part of it
No I do Not. dumb f##k
It is no longer about conservative versus liberal. It is about moral versus immoral, truth versus lies, using power versus abusing power.
As individuals and as a country we are at a crossroads.
Considering we're suffering under THEE most immoral Administration in history, it's safe to guess what side you're on, yes?

Tell us how you are suffering princess?

I hope you and your husband have a safe space to retreat to and cry?
Liberals are inhuman hellspawn. Trump is our champion.
No, Trump is your God.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you people sold your souls to The Devil and got very little back in return.

My condolences.
Trump isn't my God but he has certainly been sent by God to challenge the utter evil and putrification of democrats.
Oh my, are you sure you are mixing God with the devil. You must be careful of false Gods.
No real God would send Trump to anything, anywhere
Liberals are inhuman hellspawn. Trump is our champion.
No, Trump is your God.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you people sold your souls to The Devil and got very little back in return.

My condolences.
Trump isn't my God but he has certainly been sent by God to challenge the utter evil and putrification of democrats.
Oh my, are you sure you are mixing God with the devil. You must be careful of false Gods.
No real God would send Trump to anything, anywhere
Says a socialist
But in a Democracy...

America is not ''a Democracy''

America is a compound Republic. See Federalist paper #51.

Let us learn...

An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic

Snip from The American ideal of 1776: the twelve basic American principles, By Hamilton Abert Long c1976 hardcover.

It is important to keep in mind the difference between a Democracy and a Republic, as dissimilar forms of government. Understanding the difference is essential to comprehension of the fundamentals involved. It should be noted, in passing, that use of the word Democracy as meaning merely the popular type of government--that is, featuring genuinely free elections by the people periodically--is not helpful in discussing, as here, the difference between alternative and dissimilar forms of a popular government: a Democracy versus a Republic. This double meaning of Democracy--a popular-type government in general, as well as a specific form of popular government--needs to be made clear in any discussion, or writing, regarding this subject, for the sake of sound understanding.

These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see.

A Democracy

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority.

In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be a Direct Democracy, or a Representative Democracy. In the direct type, applicable only to a small number of people as in the little city-states of ancient Greece, or in a New England town-meeting, all of the electorate assemble to debate and decide all government questions, and all decisions are reached by a majority vote (of at least half-plus-one). Decisions of The Majority in a New England town-meeting are, of course, subject to the Constitutions of the State and of the United States which protect The Individual’s rights; so, in this case, The Majority is not omnipotent and such a town-meeting is, therefore, not an example of a true Direct Democracy. Under a Representative Democracy like Britain’s parliamentary form of government, the people elect representatives to the national legislature--the elective body there being the House of Commons--and it functions by a similar vote of at least half-plus-one in making all legislative decisions.

In both the Direct type and the Representative type of Democracy, The Majority’s power is absolute and unlimited; its decisions are unappealable under the legal system established to give effect to this form of government. This opens the door to unlimited Tyranny-by-Majority. This was what The Framers of the United States Constitution meant in 1787, in debates in the Federal (framing) Convention, when they condemned the "excesses of democracy" and abuses under any Democracy of the unalienable rights of The Individual by The Majority.

A Republic

A Republic, on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.

The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate.
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It never was about cons and libs. That was all a smoke scene so that the ruling class could divide us, while they enrich and empower themselves. It continues unabated today and the MSM promotes it.
pick who you support based on morals, truth and use of power; not on Republican or democrat. We need to be a country of values

Whose values are you promoting?
Liberals are inhuman hellspawn. Trump is our champion.
No, Trump is your God.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you people sold your souls to The Devil and got very little back in return.

My condolences.
Trump isn't my God but he has certainly been sent by God to challenge the utter evil and putrification of democrats.
Oh my, are you sure you are mixing God with the devil. You must be careful of false Gods.
No real God would send Trump to anything, anywhere

Funny coming from a sodomite.
But in a Democracy I feel we should...

America is not ''a Democracy''

America is a compound Republic.

Let us learn...

An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic - Snip from
The American ideal of 1776: the twelve basic American principles, By Hasmilton Abert Long c1976 hardcover.

It is important to keep in mind the difference between a Democracy and a Republic, as dissimilar forms of government. Understanding the difference is essential to comprehension of the fundamentals involved. It should be noted, in passing, that use of the word Democracy as meaning merely the popular type of government--that is, featuring genuinely free elections by the people periodically--is not helpful in discussing, as here, the difference between alternative and dissimilar forms of a popular government: a Democracy versus a Republic. This double meaning of Democracy--a popular-type government in general, as well as a specific form of popular government--needs to be made clear in any discussion, or writing, regarding this subject, for the sake of sound understanding.

These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see.

A Democracy

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority.

In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be a Direct Democracy, or a Representative Democracy. In the direct type, applicable only to a small number of people as in the little city-states of ancient Greece, or in a New England town-meeting, all of the electorate assemble to debate and decide all government questions, and all decisions are reached by a majority vote (of at least half-plus-one). Decisions of The Majority in a New England town-meeting are, of course, subject to the Constitutions of the State and of the United States which protect The Individual’s rights; so, in this case, The Majority is not omnipotent and such a town-meeting is, therefore, not an example of a true Direct Democracy. Under a Representative Democracy like Britain’s parliamentary form of government, the people elect representatives to the national legislature--the elective body there being the House of Commons--and it functions by a similar vote of at least half-plus-one in making all legislative decisions.

In both the Direct type and the Representative type of Democracy, The Majority’s power is absolute and unlimited; its decisions are unappealable under the legal system established to give effect to this form of government. This opens the door to unlimited Tyranny-by-Majority. This was what The Framers of the United States Constitution meant in 1787, in debates in the Federal (framing) Convention, when they condemned the "excesses of democracy" and abuses under any Democracy of the unalienable rights of The Individual by The Majority.

A Republic

A Republic, on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general. The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate.

Okay - got it.

But where does wearing a vagina hat and screaming at the sky like a baby fit in to all of this?
It never was about cons and libs. That was all a smoke scene so that the ruling class could divide us, while they enrich and empower themselves. It continues unabated today and the MSM promotes it.
pick who you support based on morals, truth and use of power; not on Republican or democrat. We need to be a country of values
So what are you advocating a third Party?
I advocate quality candidates however possible. We may be better off with 4 or 5 parties who can compete.
That sounds cool in fantasy land, but the way our politics works is the political elites of both parties, and the big money that backs them, controls who runs for President. The chances of a third party candidate running a true grass roots campaign and winning is really close to zero.
It never was about cons and libs. That was all a smoke scene so that the ruling class could divide us, while they enrich and empower themselves. It continues unabated today and the MSM promotes it.
pick who you support based on morals, truth and use of power; not on Republican or democrat. We need to be a country of values
So what are you advocating a third Party?
I advocate quality candidates however possible. We may be better off with 4 or 5 parties who can compete.
That sounds cool in fantasy land, but the way our politics works is the political elites of both parties, and the big money that backs them, controls who runs for President. The chances of a third party candidate running a true grass roots campaign and winning is really close to zero.
It just happened. Trump was the third party. He merely forced himself through under the brand of “Republican”. And the establishment republicans hated him for it. Like McCain for instance. Trump beat the two party system at its own game.

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