It is non-Democrats who care about transgender children

Uh, okay. There's an idea. Let's go ahead and let people vote for what programs get funded.

I'm betting we fund drag queen shows before the bloated military budgets and corporate welfare.

You are severely mistaken.

Although the pedophiles and groomers and their allies are very noisy, these days, they are, and will always remain, a tiny minority. The overwhelming vast majority of Americans do not, and never will, support the sexual abuse of children. Depraved freaks such as yourself, that do, will always be seen as depraved freaks, not to be trusted.

The time is coming when your kind will have very good reason to be in fear for your freedom, if not your very lives. The time is comin g when your kind will absolutely not be tolerated in society. If you're lucky, the worst that will happen to you is that you'll be locked up in prison for life.
As I've said before tranny kids is next, then sexualizing kids, then sex with kids.

Everytime you let a fringe group gain mainstream acceptance then all you do is lower socieities bar a little lower, and the bar is then closer to the fringe group below them.

Letting gays become mainstream and letting them get married and normalizing them opened the door for drags and trannies. Now that drag queens and trannies are becoming mainstream next up is making kids into them.

We've seen people already poking there head out about child sex with trying to label themselves as "minor attracted persons". They will be the next fringe group.

But look at how fast our society is unfolding. We have people using all kinds of crazy pronouns, adults who identify as children, people who identify as animals, and so on. And they all are celebrated and free to publicly display themselves when they wouldn't have been tolerated before.
Sex with kids already exists go after them and not the ones that are not. Attacking a clown will not deter the bull.
You are severely mistaken.

Although the pedophile sand groomers and their allies are very noisy, these days, they are, and will always remain, a tiny minority. The overwhelming vast majority of Americans do not, and never will, support the sexual abuse of children. Depraved freaks such as yourself, wo do, will always be seen as depraved freaks, not to be trusted.
Since when is he a Baptist?
You love liberty sooo much that you are willing to deny it to a US citizen.

Sane people do not believe that any rational concept of “liberty” includes any “right” to sexually abuse children. That's a “liberty” that I will gladly deny to everyone. If you think it's OK to sexually abuse children, then there is something very deeply wrong with you.
As I've said before tranny kids is next, then sexualizing kids, then sex with kids.

Everytime you let a fringe group gain mainstream acceptance then all you do is lower socieities bar a little lower, and the bar is then closer to the fringe group below them.

Letting gays become mainstream and letting them get married and normalizing them opened the door for drags and trannies. Now that drag queens and trannies are becoming mainstream next up is making kids into them.

We've seen people already poking there head out about child sex with trying to label themselves as "minor attracted persons". They will be the next fringe group.

But look at how fast our society is unfolding. We have people using all kinds of crazy pronouns, adults who identify as children, people who identify as animals, and so on. And they all are celebrated and free to publicly display themselves when they wouldn't have been tolerated before.

I'm old enough to remember when the faggots were claiming that it was all about “consenting's adults”. As a society, we stupidly gave then that inch. It didn't take very long before they threw “consenting” away, and started to force their disgusting perversions on the rest of society. And now, they're openly going after children. That's a line that we never should have allowed them to approach, much less cross.
[ Republican Religious Extremists, always wanting to have their way, their beliefs.....By Force ]

hen it came down to it, Rick Colby called on his spirituality in deciding how to support his transgender child, Ashton.

It wasn’t a guarantee. Colby had dedicated his life to Republican politics, starting in 1984 on the field campaign to reelect Ronald Reagan. Reagan and the Republican Party with him and in the decades following would push anti-LGBTQ+ policies. But Colby’s Methodist church by comparison preached inclusivity and empathy, a message that conflicted with what he was hearing from Republicans.

Colby went with Ashton to his first endocrinologist appointment. He held Ashton’s hand the following year as Ashton awoke from gender-affirming top surgery.

WATCH: 2021 set a record for anti-transgender bills. Here’s how you can support the community

“You know, as a parent, you want to protect your child from the nastiness of the world,” Colby said. “I was so relieved as a parent that he was being accepted. And it was just wonderful.”

Survey after survey show that Americans support LGBTQ+ equality, and Republicans are no exception. Still, Republican-dominated states have seen a blitz of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation since 2020, particularly anti-transgender bills. That dissonance — between the reality of the electorate and the priorities of Republican lawmakers — may seem counterintuitive to many.

Randall Balmer, a Dartmouth professor who was raised evangelical, has spent much of his career researching those kinds of contradictions. His book, “Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of Religious Right” traces the rise of the evangelical voting bloc from nonexistent in the 1960s to the single most important interest group for any Republican candidate in the 1980s. In a conversation with The 19th, Balmer said that rise was driving Republican support for anti-trans legislation now.

“They have an interest in keeping the base riled up about one thing or another, and when one issue fades, as with same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage, they’ve got to find something else,” Balmer said. “It’s almost frantic.”

While many people believe that abortion was the issue that first galvanized evangelicals to the polls in the 1980s, Balmer points to a different issue. Paul Weyrich, an evangelical Christian who helped initially organize the “religious right,” had been testing out issues that would drive other evangelicals to the polls in the 1970s, Balmer says. Weyrich found it in Bob Jones University, a religious institution that was facing the loss of its tax-exempt status for refusing to racially integrate.

Weyrich’s strategy worked. In 1980, evangelicals – a group of denominations separate from mainline churches like Colby’s – flocked to the polls to back what had been billed as the freedom of a religious school to operate without government interference. Reagan backed Bob Jones University, with two-thirds of the evangelical vote, denied President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat and an evangelical himself, a second term. It cemented white evangelicals as the key ingredient to Republican wins.

Any Republican who wanted to cross the finish line would have to kneel at the feet of the evangelical base, Balmer says. Decades later, Donald Trump would initially campaign on welcoming LGBTQ+ people into his Republican platform, only to later adopt the ideology of the far-right evangelical base he needed to win.

While Trump appeared to start out a social moderate, far-right evangelical policies increasingly dominated his agenda. On the campaign trail, Trump briefly vowed to be an ally to queer Americans. In office, his administration made so many policy moves against LGBTQ+ Americans that advocacy organizations branded his leadership “The Discrimination Administration.

The religious right’s fixation on “social issues” — abortion, religious-based education, LGBTQ+ rights — served two purposes. In addition to keeping evangelicals a cohesive voting unit, they also formed an ideological bedrock for the religious right. Before Weyrich died, he argued that conservatives should be fighting to return to family structures of the 1950s, a goal that has been picked up by leaders after him.

In his book “The Next Conservatism,” Weyrich wrote that the goal was to weed out “cultural Marxism,” and “restore a non-ideological American republic, which is what we had up until the wretched 1960s,” when women and Black and LGBTQ+ Americans pushed for and won greater rights.

After Reagan’s 1980 victory, Weyrich would continue to test issue after issue to keep evangelicals voting, including abortion. This idealized rewind to 1950s America would systematically challenge the basic rights gained by Black Americans, LGBTQ+ people and those with disabilities.

“As they were searching for different issues, I think they understood that any issue that had some sort of connection to sexuality or sexual behavior was going to work for them,” Balmer told The 19th.

The first issue was “sodomy laws,” which aimed to make gay sex illegal. The Supreme Court overruled the last of them in 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas. Next came marriage equality, which was granted nationwide by the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling in 2015. Still, according to the Public Religion Research Institute, evangelical Protestants were the only major religious group as of 2020 that opposed same-sex marriage: just 34 percent of those surveyed support marriage equality.

The country, however, moved on.

“It’s staggering how quickly [marriage] disappeared as an issue,” Balmer said “And so, they almost frantically began looking for something else. And of course, the trans thing was the next thing on the horizon.”

(full article online)

You are severely mistaken.

Although the pedophiles and groomers and their allies are very noisy, these days, they are, and will always remain, a tiny minority. The overwhelming vast majority of Americans do not, and never will, support the sexual abuse of children. Depraved freaks such as yourself, that do, will always be seen as depraved freaks, not to be trusted.

The time is coming when your kind will have very good reason to be in fear for your freedom, if not your very lives. The time is comin g when your kind will absolutely not be tolerated in society. If you're lucky, the worst that will happen to you is that you'll be locked up in prison for life.

Obviously this is projection.
[ Are you different from all others, the Bible says nothing about it, then you must be wrong, so say Religious extremists ]

Republicans in Congress are lining up behind legislation that critics say would roll back protections for transgender people, setting a playbook for action on a divisive social issue should they take control of Congress this fall.
Reporting by Rose Horowitch and Moira Warburton; editing by Andy Sullivan and Aurora Ellis

(full article online)

[ Different must be wrong. If one's god does not talk about it, how can Religious extremists be ok with it? Those ideas are a threat to them, and people who are different must be destroyed ]

A majority of Republicans say they believe transgender people are trying to turn children trans, according to a new poll by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

That finding was one of several indicating support for extremist ideas among Republicans in the survey, which was released Wednesday. It was conducted in late April by the SPLC, a watchdog organization that monitors hate groups, and Tulchin Research.

“We found that the ideas underpinning the white nationalist ‘great replacement’ narrative recently cited by an alleged white supremacist terrorist in Buffalo, New York, have become thoroughly mainstream on the political right,” says an article on the SPLC’s website. “Nearly 7 in 10 Republicans surveyed agree to at least some extent that demographic changes in the United States are deliberately driven by liberal and progressive politicians attempting to gain political power by ‘replacing more conservative white voters.’”

“We also uncovered a widespread feeling — especially among right-leaning Americans — that transgender people and ‘gender ideology’ pose a threat to children and society at large,” the article continues. “These anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic and racist narratives have been promoted by many Republican politicians and other powerful right-wing figures, helping the ideas infiltrate the mainstream and contributing to an increasingly volatile and dangerous political environment.”

Sixty-three percent of Republican respondents agreed that trans people “are trying to indoctrinate children into their lifestyle,” according to the SPLC. The proportion was far lower among independents and Democrats. Forty-two percent agreed overall.

Among the entire survey group, 30 percent agreed with the statement that trans people are a threat to children. That opinion was held by including 23 percent of Democrats, 39 percent of Republicans, and 27 percent of independents.

The SPLC also asked respondents if they agreed that “gender ideology has corrupted American culture.” “The term ‘gender ideology’ is widespread on the right, and generally refers to a belief that LGBTQ people are a threat to children and families and that men and women should adhere to ‘traditional’ notions of masculinity and femininity,” the group notes. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they believe gender ideology has corrupted American culture, including 34 percent of Democrats, 72 percent of Republicans, and 45 percent of independents.

The survey asked about a variety of other issues, including support for Black Lives Matter, beliefs about whether the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, and whether political violence is acceptable.

“Our survey shows that the hard right could make greater political gains and, in the process, further erode our democracy and create conditions — through activism, policy and violence — that would disproportionately harm communities that continue to be marginalized in our society,” the SPLC reports. “No political outcomes are inevitable. But our results show that a substantial effort, on the part of activists, institutions, and government, will be required if we hope to secure a multiracial democracy and prevent partisan violence.”

(full article online)

From the link:

The update is based on expert opinion and a review of scientific evidence on the benefits and harms of transgender medical treatment in teens whose gender identity doesn’t match the sex they were assigned at birth, the group said. Such evidence is limited but has grown in the last decade, the group said, with studies suggesting the treatments can improve psychological well-being and reduce suicidal behavior.

Starting treatment earlier allows transgender teens to experience physical puberty changes around the same time as other teens, said Dr. Eli Coleman, chair of the group’s standards of care and director of the University of Minnesota Medical School’s human sexuality program.

But he stressed that age is just one factor to be weighed. Emotional maturity, parents’ consent, longstanding gender discomfort and a careful psychological evaluation are among the others.

“Certainly there are adolescents that do not have the emotional or cognitive maturity to make an informed decision,” he said. “That is why we recommend a careful multidisciplinary assessment.”
Whats your point?

A large number of members of that organization are Layman who are not doctors nor psychologists, but rather transgender activist. Those who are professionals are profiteers of the transgender industry. So, like I said: they are pushing the allowable age downward in their bid to make money by chemically and surgically altering children. You support that?
Whats your point?

A large number of members of that organization are Layman who are not doctors nor psychologists, but rather transgender activist. Those who are professionals are profiteers of the transgender industry. So, like I said: they are pushing the allowable age downward in their bid to make money by chemically and surgically altering children. You support that?
Sounds like they're doing it to help children suffering from gender dysphoria.
Sounds like they're doing it to help children suffering from gender dysphoria.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they have good motives, they are "helping" in the worst possible way.

They should be telling them "you need to learn to accept your body, not use dangerous methods to permanently alter it. Dress how you like, date who you like, call yourself any name you please. But hold off on the drugs and knives until your frontal lobes are mature.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they have good motives, they are "helping" in the worst possible way.

They should be telling them "you need to learn to accept your body, not use dangerous methods to permanently alter it. Dress how you like, date who you like, call yourself any name you please. But hold off on the drugs and knives until your frontal lobes are mature.
Do we need to be telling them to learn to accept their bodies because that method produces the best outcomes?
Whats your point?

A large number of members of that organization are Layman who are not doctors nor psychologists, but rather transgender activist. Those who are professionals are profiteers of the transgender industry. So, like I said: they are pushing the allowable age downward in their bid to make money by chemically and surgically altering children. You support that?

Plus you have the added incentive of adding to your demographic, and once you go the drugs and surgery route coming back is a pain in the....well whatever you got left.
Do we need to be telling them to learn to accept their bodies because that method produces the best outcomes?

Because it doesn't involve outside forces like hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries that can only give them a false veneer of what they think they are looking for.

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