It is now a blue wave: Dems about to achieve a net gain of 40 seats

you are so confused about so many things. I think you are beyond help.

you say that capitalism is global, but you ignore the FACT that many of the world's countries are socialist, communist, Marxist, or some other form of non-capitalism. You say that capitalism equals selfishness, WTF do you think socialism equals? Oppression of the individual to the whims of a tiny minority that controls everything. In the history of the world capitalism is the only system that has ever worked, it is the only system where an individual can rise above his birth station in life. Do you really want your every move controlled by a small group of super elites in DC?

I cannot believe your inane ignorance, you appear to be as dumb as Ocasio-Cortez.

Actually, I never said that capitalism is global, but thanks for making shit up about me.

You also keep pretending that I support socialism and not capitalism, just one more lie since you have nothing left.

Capitalism works because it is selfish. You keep wanting to make that a bad thing, but it is not.

What is the purpose of Amazon or Boeing or Google or Ford? They all exist to make a profit, they have no other reason to exist than that. Amazon does not care about the little companies they put out of business, nor should they.

You, who is cheering on the government controlling companies via tariffs has the gall to ask me if I want every move controlled by a small group of super elites in DC. What the fuck do you think tariffs are for? They are all about control and you are cool with them, because they were put there by your savior in the White House.

I support capitalism, a much more open and free version than you do since you want to tie capitalism to nationalism.

You are the big government statist, not me.

well, with that rant you cleared up some of my misconceptions about you. But your previous left leaning posts make me wonder whether you are telling the truth now or then.

Tariffs are the only way to protect US companies from being undercut by cheat foreign labor and inferior goods. All countries have used tariffs for centuries, they are neither bad or controlling. They are protective. When the EU puts a 200% tariff on Harleys, what exactly is wrong with us putting a tariff on BMWs? Both countries are trying to protect their industries. With no tariffs either Harley of BMW would go out of business and their home country would lose jobs and tax revenue.

Nationalism simply means putting your own country first, it does not mean shitting on the others or trying to destroy them. Every leader of every country is a nationalist, if not, they would never be put in power. The current leftists trying to equate nationalism with naxism are ignorant idiots.
Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

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Just cut the bullshit bud...embrace your filth and own it please.

Once again the loser calls facts bullshit.

What the fuck do you think is the purpose of a private company?

Do you think Amazon or Boeing or Sony have a purpose other than making money?

Sent from my iPhone using

what other purpose should they have? Does your local mechanic have any purpose other than making money? How about your dentist, mailman, trash collector, insurance agent? Everyone works to make money so that he/she can live the kind of life they desire. There is nothing wrong with that. We do not live for each other, we live for ourselves. If we do not put ourselves first we will not survive, if our country does not put our country first it will not survive.

You liberals loons make me sick.

They should have no other purpose, that is my whole pint your stupid fucking moron.

I know there is nothing wrong with that, it is what it should be. That is what I have been saying for the last 10 post yet you keep on attacking me because I will not kiss Trump's ass like you do.

You attack me for saying that capitalism = selfishness and then you say "If we do not put ourselves first we will not survive"...which is just what I am saying.

OK, now you have said that, lets see if your future comments support or contradict that position, I am betting on contradict, because what you claim you want is exactly what Trump has done over the last two years.

If you don't like him because of his style of speaking, being very rich, or liking beautiful women, that's just fine. But he is doing what you say you want. So can you be honest or not?
well, with that rant you cleared up some of my misconceptions about you. But your previous left leaning posts make me wonder whether you are telling the truth now or then.

I have never made a left leaning post, you were just confused then like you are now.

Tariffs are the only way to protect US companies from being undercut by cheat foreign labor and inferior goods. All countries have used tariffs for centuries, they are neither bad or controlling. They are protective. When the EU puts a 200% tariff on Harleys, what exactly is wrong with us putting a tariff on BMWs? Both countries are trying to protect their industries. With no tariffs either Harley of BMW would go out of business and their home country would lose jobs and tax revenue.

And they are exact opposite of capitalism, one cannot support both tariffs and a free market.

Nationalism simply means putting your own country first, it does not mean shitting on the others or trying to destroy them. Every leader of every country is a nationalist, if not, they would never be put in power. The current leftists trying to equate nationalism with naxism are ignorant idiots.

Nationalism has nothing to do with capitalism. The only reason a company should care about a country is if doing so can make that company more money.
well, with that rant you cleared up some of my misconceptions about you. But your previous left leaning posts make me wonder whether you are telling the truth now or then.

I have never made a left leaning post, you were just confused then like you are now.

Tariffs are the only way to protect US companies from being undercut by cheat foreign labor and inferior goods. All countries have used tariffs for centuries, they are neither bad or controlling. They are protective. When the EU puts a 200% tariff on Harleys, what exactly is wrong with us putting a tariff on BMWs? Both countries are trying to protect their industries. With no tariffs either Harley of BMW would go out of business and their home country would lose jobs and tax revenue.

And they are exact opposite of capitalism, one cannot support both tariffs and a free market.

Nationalism simply means putting your own country first, it does not mean shitting on the others or trying to destroy them. Every leader of every country is a nationalist, if not, they would never be put in power. The current leftists trying to equate nationalism with naxism are ignorant idiots.

Nationalism has nothing to do with capitalism. The only reason a company should care about a country is if doing so can make that company more money.
I agree that it is not the responsibility of a company to care about anything but profit.
It is the responsibility of a nation’s representatives to maintain the General Welfare of their nation.
OK, now you have said that, lets see if your future comments support or contradict that position, I am betting on contradict, because what you claim you want is exactly what Trump has done over the last two years.

If you don't like him because of his style of speaking, being very rich, or liking beautiful women, that's just fine. But he is doing what you say you want. So can you be honest or not?

Trump wants to control what I buy, he wants to use tariffs to force me to buy American products by making those from other countries more expense. That is the opposite of what I have been talking about.

If I want to buy my TV from China and my car from Korea it is none of the governments damn business.

Trump also routinely attacks private companies, something that the government has no right to do, but you people cheer him on.

Trump want the government to force companies like FB and Google and Twitter to be nice to conservatives.
well, with that rant you cleared up some of my misconceptions about you. But your previous left leaning posts make me wonder whether you are telling the truth now or then.

I have never made a left leaning post, you were just confused then like you are now.

Tariffs are the only way to protect US companies from being undercut by cheat foreign labor and inferior goods. All countries have used tariffs for centuries, they are neither bad or controlling. They are protective. When the EU puts a 200% tariff on Harleys, what exactly is wrong with us putting a tariff on BMWs? Both countries are trying to protect their industries. With no tariffs either Harley of BMW would go out of business and their home country would lose jobs and tax revenue.

And they are exact opposite of capitalism, one cannot support both tariffs and a free market.

Nationalism simply means putting your own country first, it does not mean shitting on the others or trying to destroy them. Every leader of every country is a nationalist, if not, they would never be put in power. The current leftists trying to equate nationalism with naxism are ignorant idiots.

Nationalism has nothing to do with capitalism. The only reason a company should care about a country is if doing so can make that company more money.

on your first comment-------yes, a country can be nationalistic and socialist, Venezuela and Russia are two good examples, and both are economic failures.

I am not sure why you want to argue, we are saying basically the same things in different words.

You seem to want to argue with anyone who supports Trump even if your arguments make no sense. I guess hate makes people stupid.
You repubs can pretend it is fraud because your GOP masters told you so, but how about you just be adults and accept the results?

And sure, if actual evidence of fraud presents itself, let’s investigate it. I’m guessing nothing will change though.

Democrats could win 40 House seats, the most since Watergate

Like leftards accepted the election of President Trump? Missing ballots magically found that have boosted leftards into the driver's seat. We do indeed live in a banana republic.
OK, now you have said that, lets see if your future comments support or contradict that position, I am betting on contradict, because what you claim you want is exactly what Trump has done over the last two years.

If you don't like him because of his style of speaking, being very rich, or liking beautiful women, that's just fine. But he is doing what you say you want. So can you be honest or not?

Trump wants to control what I buy, he wants to use tariffs to force me to buy American products by making those from other countries more expense. That is the opposite of what I have been talking about.

If I want to buy my TV from China and my car from Korea it is none of the governments damn business.

Trump also routinely attacks private companies, something that the government has no right to do, but you people cheer him on.

Trump want the government to force companies like FB and Google and Twitter to be nice to conservatives.

If buying your Chinese TV and Korean car put americans out of work and transfer American wealth to those countries, then it is the government's business. I am surprised that you don't understand that.

all he is asking the media companies to do is be honest and fair and to give voice to all sides. If they don't do that they become indoctrination vehicles for one side. Again, I am surprised that you don't understand that because you seem to be an intelligent person.
OK, now you have said that, lets see if your future comments support or contradict that position, I am betting on contradict, because what you claim you want is exactly what Trump has done over the last two years.

If you don't like him because of his style of speaking, being very rich, or liking beautiful women, that's just fine. But he is doing what you say you want. So can you be honest or not?

Trump wants to control what I buy, he wants to use tariffs to force me to buy American products by making those from other countries more expense. That is the opposite of what I have been talking about.

If I want to buy my TV from China and my car from Korea it is none of the governments damn business.

Trump also routinely attacks private companies, something that the government has no right to do, but you people cheer him on.

Trump want the government to force companies like FB and Google and Twitter to be nice to conservatives.

Yeah! Damn straight! If you want to buy Nike shoes made from slave labor where children are beaten for not making their quota? That's your right!
on your first comment-------yes, a country can be nationalistic and socialist, Venezuela and Russia are two good examples, and both are economic failures.

Of course they can, as they are two totally separate things that have nothing to do with each other.

I am not sure why you want to argue, we are saying basically the same things in different words.

you support tariffs and I do no, how is that saying basically the same thing?

You seem to want to argue with anyone who supports Trump even if your arguments make no sense. I guess hate makes people stupid.

that would explain your post.
OK, now you have said that, lets see if your future comments support or contradict that position, I am betting on contradict, because what you claim you want is exactly what Trump has done over the last two years.

If you don't like him because of his style of speaking, being very rich, or liking beautiful women, that's just fine. But he is doing what you say you want. So can you be honest or not?

Trump wants to control what I buy, he wants to use tariffs to force me to buy American products by making those from other countries more expense. That is the opposite of what I have been talking about.

If I want to buy my TV from China and my car from Korea it is none of the governments damn business.

Trump also routinely attacks private companies, something that the government has no right to do, but you people cheer him on.

Trump want the government to force companies like FB and Google and Twitter to be nice to conservatives.

Yeah! Damn straight! If you want to buy Nike shoes made from slave labor where children are beaten for not making their quota? That's your right!

Yes, it is. Not that I would ever buy Nike, they are shit shoes.
back to the OP, if the dems win these elections by cheating and fraud, that will set a very bad precedent for future elections and the country as a whole.

what happens in 2020? do both parties cheat, commit voter fraud, and bribe election officials to create fake votes? Where does this shit end?

If a country cannot vote honestly and control its borders, then its no longer a country. It becomes anarchy
on your first comment-------yes, a country can be nationalistic and socialist, Venezuela and Russia are two good examples, and both are economic failures.

Of course they can, as they are two totally separate things that have nothing to do with each other.

I am not sure why you want to argue, we are saying basically the same things in different words.

you support tariffs and I do no, how is that saying basically the same thing?

You seem to want to argue with anyone who supports Trump even if your arguments make no sense. I guess hate makes people stupid.

that would explain your post.

OK, you don't support tariffs. Are you OK with transferring billions in American wealth to China every year? that's exactly what a trade imbalance does. Are you OK with international companies leaving the US and US jobs in order to make more money by exploiting cheap or slave labor? (Nike).

Without tariffs, what is your solution for fixing the trade imbalance between the US and China?
OK, you don't support tariffs. Are you OK with transferring billions in American wealth to China every year? that's exactly what a trade imbalance does. Are you OK with international companies leaving the US and US jobs in order to make more money by exploiting cheap or slave labor? (Nike).

Without tariffs, what is your solution for fixing the trade imbalance between the US and China?

Quit parroting stupid partisan talking points.

Do you "transfer your wealth" when you go to the grocery store or Best Buy?

Is your employer transferring their wealth to you when they give you a pay check?

Have you noticed that the evil trade deficit goes up as our economy does better? Why is that?

If we are getting fucked over so badly by these evil trade deficits why are we under 4% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them?

If we are getting fucked over so badly by these evil trade deficits why are 113 months into the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?
OK, you don't support tariffs. Are you OK with transferring billions in American wealth to China every year? that's exactly what a trade imbalance does. Are you OK with international companies leaving the US and US jobs in order to make more money by exploiting cheap or slave labor? (Nike).

Without tariffs, what is your solution for fixing the trade imbalance between the US and China?

Quit parroting stupid partisan talking points.

Do you "transfer your wealth" when you go to the grocery store or Best Buy?

Is your employer transferring their wealth to you when they give you a pay check?

Have you noticed that the evil trade deficit goes up as our economy does better? Why is that?

If we are getting fucked over so badly by these evil trade deficits why are we under 4% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them?

If we are getting fucked over so badly by these evil trade deficits why are 113 months into the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?
How does one measure how many jobs are needed?
This is the same bullshit call since 2004 to bring in more cheap labor.
Big Tech is having a shit fit over losing H1-Bs.
Fuck ‘em.
OK, you don't support tariffs. Are you OK with transferring billions in American wealth to China every year? that's exactly what a trade imbalance does. Are you OK with international companies leaving the US and US jobs in order to make more money by exploiting cheap or slave labor? (Nike).

Without tariffs, what is your solution for fixing the trade imbalance between the US and China?

Quit parroting stupid partisan talking points.

Do you "transfer your wealth" when you go to the grocery store or Best Buy?

Is your employer transferring their wealth to you when they give you a pay check?

Have you noticed that the evil trade deficit goes up as our economy does better? Why is that?

If we are getting fucked over so badly by these evil trade deficits why are we under 4% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them?

If we are getting fucked over so badly by these evil trade deficits why are 113 months into the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?
How does one measure how many jobs are needed?
This is the same bullshit call since 2004 to bring in more cheap labor.
Big Tech is having a shit fit over losing H1-Bs.
Fuck ‘em.

It is simple...there are "x" number of job openings so we need "x" number of people to fill those openings.

Does not seem complicated.
Wow dude... are you serious with this post? After the two years of trash talking by all the Trump sheep you have ignored, if not participated in, you are going to post this!

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Capitalism = selfishness.

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Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

Sent from my iPhone using

Just cut the bullshit bud...embrace your filth and own it please.

Once again the loser calls facts bullshit.

What the fuck do you think is the purpose of a private company?

Do you think Amazon or Boeing or Sony have a purpose other than making money?

Sent from my iPhone using

what other purpose should they have? Does your local mechanic have any purpose other than making money? How about your dentist, mailman, trash collector, insurance agent? Everyone works to make money so that he/she can live the kind of life they desire. There is nothing wrong with that. We do not live for each other, we live for ourselves. If we do not put ourselves first we will not survive, if our country does not put our country first it will not survive.

You liberals loons make me sick.

Did you mean to prove Gator's point? Because It kind of sounds like you did.
OK, now you have said that, lets see if your future comments support or contradict that position, I am betting on contradict, because what you claim you want is exactly what Trump has done over the last two years.

If you don't like him because of his style of speaking, being very rich, or liking beautiful women, that's just fine. But he is doing what you say you want. So can you be honest or not?

Trump wants to control what I buy, he wants to use tariffs to force me to buy American products by making those from other countries more expense. That is the opposite of what I have been talking about.

If I want to buy my TV from China and my car from Korea it is none of the governments damn business.

Trump also routinely attacks private companies, something that the government has no right to do, but you people cheer him on.

Trump want the government to force companies like FB and Google and Twitter to be nice to conservatives.

If buying your Chinese TV and Korean car put americans out of work and transfer American wealth to those countries, then it is the government's business. I am surprised that you don't understand that.

all he is asking the media companies to do is be honest and fair and to give voice to all sides. If they don't do that they become indoctrination vehicles for one side. Again, I am surprised that you don't understand that because you seem to be an intelligent person.

So, capitalism is supposed to be 'honest and fair'?

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