It is now a blue wave: Dems about to achieve a net gain of 40 seats

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Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

Get behind Trump and help him fix the mess created by decades of incompetence by both parties.

Leftists call capitalism evil but they are the first ones to steal the money created by it. Socialism and communism do not create wealth. I guess the leftists really do want to make slaves out of us all because that is how it always ends up. If wealth isn't created, people are not able to elevate. That means they remain lowly workers that exist to follow orders from government.

Are you smart enough to see the irony of claiming to supporting capitalism while at the same time supporting tariffs?

USA capitalism is quite different from global capitalism. Putting this country first is the number one duty of every elected official, and putting china first is the number one duty of every Chinese official. Its amazing how little you know of how the world economy works.

Capitalism = selfishness.

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Unregulated Capitalism is the next worst thing.
"It's a Blue Wave".

"No it isn't".

And we move on.


If you listen to Trump, the 40 seat swing, the largest gains made by Democrats in the house since Watergate....was a huge republican victory.

And anyone reporting otherwise is spewing fake news.

And an enemy of the people.
Here's what the Dem-Progs are failing to grok: the Dems will not have a unified group in the House. There is a civil war amongst the Dems (Extreme Progs vs. Moderate Dems). The Dems who won in Red States will not risk their careers by supporting the Socialism the Progs will be pushing (i.e., how Manchin voted for Kavanaugh to protect his Senate seat).
Here's what the Dem-Progs are failing to grok: the Dems will not have a unified group in the House. There is a civil war amongst the Dems (Extreme Progs vs. Moderate Dems). The Dems who won in Red States will not risk their careers by supporting the Socialism the Progs will be pushing (i.e., how Manchin voted for Kavanaugh to protect his Senate seat).

Single payer has support of up to 44% of republicans. Medicare for all has broad support. And while republicans have been reduced to panty shitting hysterics involving an 'invasion' of civilian men, women and children seeking asylum......Dems have been campaigning on healthcare.

Which people actually give a shit about.

But hey, keep pushing the White Nationalist talking points. I'm sure the results will be different next election.
Dems, if you say it enough, it’s true.

You won the house. Fuck you and your stupid word mincing.

Blue wave, blue tsunami, blue flood, blue toilet water leak....

Call it blue balls. You sore fucking winners. Good God.

Wow dude... are you serious with this post? After the two years of trash talking by all the Trump sheep you have ignored, if not participated in, you are going to post this!

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Leftists call capitalism evil but they are the first ones to steal the money created by it. Socialism and communism do not create wealth. I guess the leftists really do want to make slaves out of us all because that is how it always ends up. If wealth isn't created, people are not able to elevate. That means they remain lowly workers that exist to follow orders from government.

Are you smart enough to see the irony of claiming to supporting capitalism while at the same time supporting tariffs?

USA capitalism is quite different from global capitalism. Putting this country first is the number one duty of every elected official, and putting china first is the number one duty of every Chinese official. Its amazing how little you know of how the world economy works.

Capitalism = selfishness.

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Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

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Leftists call capitalism evil but they are the first ones to steal the money created by it. Socialism and communism do not create wealth. I guess the leftists really do want to make slaves out of us all because that is how it always ends up. If wealth isn't created, people are not able to elevate. That means they remain lowly workers that exist to follow orders from government.

Are you smart enough to see the irony of claiming to supporting capitalism while at the same time supporting tariffs?

USA capitalism is quite different from global capitalism. Putting this country first is the number one duty of every elected official, and putting china first is the number one duty of every Chinese official. Its amazing how little you know of how the world economy works.

Capitalism = selfishness.

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Unregulated Capitalism is the next worst thing.

Next worse thing to what?

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Dems, if you say it enough, it’s true.

You won the house. Fuck you and your stupid word mincing.

Blue wave, blue tsunami, blue flood, blue toilet water leak....

Call it blue balls. You sore fucking winners. Good God.

Wow dude... are you serious with this post? After the two years of trash talking by all the Trump sheep you have ignored, if not participated in, you are going to post this!

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Are you smart enough to see the irony of claiming to supporting capitalism while at the same time supporting tariffs?

USA capitalism is quite different from global capitalism. Putting this country first is the number one duty of every elected official, and putting china first is the number one duty of every Chinese official. Its amazing how little you know of how the world economy works.

Capitalism = selfishness.

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Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

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Just cut the bullshit bud...embrace your filth and own it please.
Dimms won the house.

Pubs held the senate.

That's the TRUTH.

Anything else is SPIN SPIN SPIN.
Dems, if you say it enough, it’s true.

You won the house. Fuck you and your stupid word mincing.

Blue wave, blue tsunami, blue flood, blue toilet water leak....

Call it blue balls. You sore fucking winners. Good God.

Wow dude... are you serious with this post? After the two years of trash talking by all the Trump sheep you have ignored, if not participated in, you are going to post this!

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USA capitalism is quite different from global capitalism. Putting this country first is the number one duty of every elected official, and putting china first is the number one duty of every Chinese official. Its amazing how little you know of how the world economy works.

Capitalism = selfishness.

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Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

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Just cut the bullshit bud...embrace your filth and own it please.

Once again the loser calls facts bullshit.

What the fuck do you think is the purpose of a private company?

Do you think Amazon or Boeing or Sony have a purpose other than making money?

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Here's what the Dem-Progs are failing to grok: the Dems will not have a unified group in the House. There is a civil war amongst the Dems (Extreme Progs vs. Moderate Dems). The Dems who won in Red States will not risk their careers by supporting the Socialism the Progs will be pushing (i.e., how Manchin voted for Kavanaugh to protect his Senate seat).

Single payer has support of up to 44% of republicans. Medicare for all has broad support. And while republicans have been reduced to panty shitting hysterics involving an 'invasion' of civilian men, women and children seeking asylum......Dems have been campaigning on healthcare.

Which people actually give a shit about.

But hey, keep pushing the White Nationalist talking points. I'm sure the results will be different next election.

What a RACIST moron you are.
The Dems are going to regret how the "won" the House. Their new prog colleague She-Guevara is already engaged in protests in Pelosi's office:

Democratic socialist and Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) spent her first day in Washington, D.C. as an incoming freshman by joining climate protestors in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office.

Dozens of protestors with the groups Sunrise Movement and Justice Democrats were staging a sit-in and greeted Ocasio-Cortez with raucous applause when she entered the office.

Ocasio-Cortez took time to high-five some of the protestors in the room before briefly addressing the crowd.

“I just want to let you all know how proud I am of each and every single one of you. For putting yourselves and your bodies and everything on the line to make sure we save our planet,” Ocasio-Cortez said....

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Climate Protest in Pelosi’s Office
Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

Get behind Trump and help him fix the mess created by decades of incompetence by both parties.

Leftists call capitalism evil but they are the first ones to steal the money created by it. Socialism and communism do not create wealth. I guess the leftists really do want to make slaves out of us all because that is how it always ends up. If wealth isn't created, people are not able to elevate. That means they remain lowly workers that exist to follow orders from government.

Are you smart enough to see the irony of claiming to supporting capitalism while at the same time supporting tariffs?

USA capitalism is quite different from global capitalism. Putting this country first is the number one duty of every elected official, and putting china first is the number one duty of every Chinese official. Its amazing how little you know of how the world economy works.

Capitalism = selfishness.

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you are so confused about so many things. I think you are beyond help.

you say that capitalism is global, but you ignore the FACT that many of the world's countries are socialist, communist, Marxist, or some other form of non-capitalism. You say that capitalism equals selfishness, WTF do you think socialism equals? Oppression of the individual to the whims of a tiny minority that controls everything. In the history of the world capitalism is the only system that has ever worked, it is the only system where an individual can rise above his birth station in life. Do you really want your every move controlled by a small group of super elites in DC?

I cannot believe your inane ignorance, you appear to be as dumb as Ocasio-Cortez.
Dems, if you say it enough, it’s true.

You won the house. Fuck you and your stupid word mincing.

Blue wave, blue tsunami, blue flood, blue toilet water leak....

Call it blue balls. You sore fucking winners. Good God.

Wow dude... are you serious with this post? After the two years of trash talking by all the Trump sheep you have ignored, if not participated in, you are going to post this!

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Capitalism = selfishness.

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Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

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Just cut the bullshit bud...embrace your filth and own it please.

Once again the loser calls facts bullshit.

What the fuck do you think is the purpose of a private company?

Do you think Amazon or Boeing or Sony have a purpose other than making money?

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what other purpose should they have? Does your local mechanic have any purpose other than making money? How about your dentist, mailman, trash collector, insurance agent? Everyone works to make money so that he/she can live the kind of life they desire. There is nothing wrong with that. We do not live for each other, we live for ourselves. If we do not put ourselves first we will not survive, if our country does not put our country first it will not survive.

You liberals loons make me sick.
you are so confused about so many things. I think you are beyond help.

you say that capitalism is global, but you ignore the FACT that many of the world's countries are socialist, communist, Marxist, or some other form of non-capitalism. You say that capitalism equals selfishness, WTF do you think socialism equals? Oppression of the individual to the whims of a tiny minority that controls everything. In the history of the world capitalism is the only system that has ever worked, it is the only system where an individual can rise above his birth station in life. Do you really want your every move controlled by a small group of super elites in DC?

I cannot believe your inane ignorance, you appear to be as dumb as Ocasio-Cortez.

Actually, I never said that capitalism is global, but thanks for making shit up about me.

You also keep pretending that I support socialism and not capitalism, just one more lie since you have nothing left.

Capitalism works because it is selfish. You keep wanting to make that a bad thing, but it is not.

What is the purpose of Amazon or Boeing or Google or Ford? They all exist to make a profit, they have no other reason to exist than that. Amazon does not care about the little companies they put out of business, nor should they.

You, who is cheering on the government controlling companies via tariffs has the gall to ask me if I want every move controlled by a small group of super elites in DC. What the fuck do you think tariffs are for? They are all about control and you are cool with them, because they were put there by your savior in the White House.

I support capitalism, a much more open and free version than you do since you want to tie capitalism to nationalism.

You are the big government statist, not me.
Wow dude... are you serious with this post? After the two years of trash talking by all the Trump sheep you have ignored, if not participated in, you are going to post this!

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Capitalism = selfishness.

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Haha...can you please cut the bullshit and stop making an ass of yourself in public... Your play from the middle has become plain retarded. You are further Left than most on this site. We get it...standing in the middle is more fun as you get to use fun words such as “Sheep” and “Statist” in every post and double your pleasure by playing either side once in a while but come on man. Everything you say are words from the mouth of a desperate, twisted LefTard.
You can no longer hide behind “I like guns” and “small government” as your connection to Conservatism.

“Capitalism = selfishness.”
Not only are you a full blown Leftist but you’re all for Commie-Lite.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand what capitalism is, but that is on you, not me.

When I say that capitalism = selfishness, that is not an attack on capitalism, it is just a fact.

The purpose of any private company is to make a profit, period.

There is no altruism in capitalism, they are incompatible. Any altruistic action by a person or a company has nothing to do with capitalism.

It is shocking how stupid you are.

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Just cut the bullshit bud...embrace your filth and own it please.

Once again the loser calls facts bullshit.

What the fuck do you think is the purpose of a private company?

Do you think Amazon or Boeing or Sony have a purpose other than making money?

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what other purpose should they have? Does your local mechanic have any purpose other than making money? How about your dentist, mailman, trash collector, insurance agent? Everyone works to make money so that he/she can live the kind of life they desire. There is nothing wrong with that. We do not live for each other, we live for ourselves. If we do not put ourselves first we will not survive, if our country does not put our country first it will not survive.

You liberals loons make me sick.

They should have no other purpose, that is my whole pint your stupid fucking moron.

I know there is nothing wrong with that, it is what it should be. That is what I have been saying for the last 10 post yet you keep on attacking me because I will not kiss Trump's ass like you do.

You attack me for saying that capitalism = selfishness and then you say "If we do not put ourselves first we will not survive"...which is just what I am saying.
You repubs can pretend it is fraud because your GOP masters told you so, but how about you just be adults and accept the results?

And sure, if actual evidence of fraud presents itself, let’s investigate it. I’m guessing nothing will change though.

Democrats could win 40 House seats, the most since Watergate

ILMAO at "critical thoughts" Billy000.

It was his left that literally cried when Trump was elected, and two years in they continue to project and make excuses, just as Billy is now.

So he wants Republicans to "act as adults" and accept the election results, as if he had a point. I present examples showing that "critical thoughts" Billy000 is the typical left-wing hypocrite and projects:

America you royally fucked up

Republicans: Hillary's loss isn't the problem. It's that Trump won.

is the rightwing, for the most part, just in denial about how pathetic of a candidate Trump is?

Poll: Will the recounts be worth the effort?

It just astounds me how republicans can’t concede on any aspect of this Trump/Russia scandal
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You repubs can pretend it is fraud because your GOP masters told you so, but how about you just be adults and accept the results?

And sure, if actual evidence of fraud presents itself, let’s investigate it. I’m guessing nothing will change though.

Democrats could win 40 House seats, the most since Watergate

ILMAO at "critical thoughts" Billy000.

It was his left that literally cried when Trump was elected, and two years in they continue to project and make excuses, just as Billy is now.

So he wants Republicans to "act as adults" and accept the election results, as if he had a point. I present examples showing that "critical thoughts" Billy000 is the typical left-wing hypocrite and projects:

America you royally fucked up

Republicans: Hillary's loss isn't the problem. It's that Trump won.

is the rightwing, for the most part, just in denial about how pathetic of a candidate Trump is?

Poll: Will the recounts be worth the effort?

It just astounds me how republicans can’t concede on any aspect of this Trump/Russia scandal

One of my personal favorites compliments Billy000: "Okay, look. I am shocked by the result. I am devastated. And yeah, I won't deny I predicted Hillary would win this election several times on this forum so save your "I told you so"s.

America you fucked up. I don't say that because Hillary lost - I say it because Trump won. America is too dumb to know how dumb it is I guess. Trump will run this country into the ground.

Of course to be quite honest I suspect Trump will quit two months into his adminstration and the Pence the Teabagger will still fuck things up"

On a side, Trump's sure running this country into the ground: Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
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