It is now a blue wave: Dems about to achieve a net gain of 40 seats

all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

correct, only the ones running for reelection lost.

do you and Ocasio-Cortez share a brain?
You used the word "all" in your retarded post. You are now saying and proclaiming all Dem's who ran for re-election lost. Not sure why you are having such a hard time with this subject. Most of the 23 Dem's running for re-election to the US Senate won. Not all, but most.
And it's sure got me scratching my head on how the Demon-crats are re-elected or even elected in their drunken stupers in which they have been engaging in for years now. :dunno::poke:

sadly it says a lot about the voters. Ignorance elects democrats. Ocasio-Cortez is the perfect example.

Ignorance abounds in both parties, it is a requirement to be a partisan sheep. Anyone that thinks there is some substantial difference between the two parties is rather ignorant.
This is one country and we ought to start behaving like it!

"They" never will behave. Their lives are pathetic. They vote in loons in hopes to attack DJT for entertainment. They want daily theater to fill their empty lives. That + the confused poor vote is the blue wave.

DJT excellent results to date don't matter. RINO are in on this game. Why are they not out daily spreading truth? After tax cuts, revenue is up.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

correct, only the ones running for reelection lost.

do you and Ocasio-Cortez share a brain?
You used the word "all" in your retarded post. You are now saying and proclaiming all Dem's who ran for re-election lost. Not sure why you are having such a hard time with this subject. Most of the 23 Dem's running for re-election to the US Senate won. Not all, but most.
And it's sure got me scratching my head on how the Demon-crats are re-elected or even elected in their drunken stupers in which they have been engaging in for years now. :dunno::poke:

sadly it says a lot about the voters. Ignorance elects democrats. Ocasio-Cortez is the perfect example.

Ignorance abounds in both parties, it is a requirement to be a partisan sheep. Anyone that thinks there is some substantial difference between the two parties is rather ignorant.

Is there a difference between capitalism and socialism? if yes, then there is a difference between dems and repubs. It didn't used to be that way, the dems used to actually care about this country. That died with Kennedy (the last patriotic democrat).

In the past we could vote for the best person because all the candidates put America first, now that is not the case as the dem party has become the party of globalists and America-haters.

Does anyone really think the dems in the house will work for the American people for the next two years? Of course not, they will spend 100% of the time attacking Trump and kissing the asses of illegals.
Is there a difference between capitalism and socialism? if yes, then there is a difference between dems and repubs. It didn't used to be that way, the dems used to actually care about this country. That died with Kennedy (the last patriotic democrat).

Both parties support bigger government and less personal freedom. Both have their own brand of socialism they are pushing. You whine when the Dems give money to the poor yet when Trump gives an extra 20 billion to the farmers there is not a peep.

A man I do not often agree with once said "In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies." and he was right.

Does anyone really think the dems in the house will work for the American people for the next two years? Of course not, they will spend 100% of the time attacking Trump and kissing the asses of illegals.

Did the Repub in the House work with Obama for the American people? No they did not. Yet you attack the Dems for doing what your party did.

There is a reason why Dem-controlled states allow illegals to vote, refuse to update voter rolls and refuse to go along with an audit. They are cheaters. When they lose on election day, they are good at finding more votes- for Dems, of course.

If anyone doesn't find this suspicious, they are part of the problem.

The people didn't want a blue wave so the cheaters are trying to make one happen after the fact. It's disgusting and people in those states should be furious that their votes don't count because they are cancelled by illegals and others who will vote more than once, vote on behalf of dead people and the biggest cheaters who fill out the unused ballots. I hope there is an investigation because the same places always have this issue. The woman in Florida who was caught cheating in 2016 is still in charge of counting votes.
Is there a difference between capitalism and socialism? if yes, then there is a difference between dems and repubs. It didn't used to be that way, the dems used to actually care about this country. That died with Kennedy (the last patriotic democrat).

In the past we could vote for the best person because all the candidates put America first, now that is not the case as the dem party has become the party of globalists and America-haters.

Does anyone really think the dems in the house will work for the American people for the next two years? Of course not, they will spend 100% of the time attacking Trump and kissing the asses of illegals.

The radical leftists have slowly taken over the party and seem to have convinced most liberals to stay and support them. Many liberals left the party. Others stay and continue to defend them no matter what.
If it had been a wave, it would have swept over the Senate where the Republicans had far more seats at risk than the Democrats.

As usual, right wing IGNORANCE

There were 35 senate seats in contention this Nov.

TWENTY-SIX were held by Dems. (and since we're dealing with republican ,orons, that leaves 9 republican seats in contention.)

Wait until 2020......LOL
Is there a difference between capitalism and socialism? if yes, then there is a difference between dems and repubs. It didn't used to be that way, the dems used to actually care about this country. That died with Kennedy (the last patriotic democrat).

Both parties support bigger government and less personal freedom. Both have their own brand of socialism they are pushing. You whine when the Dems give money to the poor yet when Trump gives an extra 20 billion to the farmers there is not a peep.

A man I do not often agree with once said "In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies." and he was right.

Does anyone really think the dems in the house will work for the American people for the next two years? Of course not, they will spend 100% of the time attacking Trump and kissing the asses of illegals.

Did the Repub in the House work with Obama for the American people? No they did not. Yet you attack the Dems for doing what your party did.

Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

Get behind Trump and help him fix the mess created by decades of incompetence by both parties.
If it had been a wave, it would have swept over the Senate where the Republicans had far more seats at risk than the Democrats.

As usual, right wing IGNORANCE

There were 35 senate seats in contention this Nov.

TWENTY-SIX were held by Dems. (and since we're dealing with republican ,orons, that leaves 9 republican seats in contention.)

Wait until 2020......LOL

wrong as usual, gnat. but being wrong is what you do best.
Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

This is damn fucking funny coming from a guy that worships a president that on a regular basis attacks businesses, from a guy that supports a party that wants to punish success by forcing them to "break up" because they are too successful.

I agree with everything you said about capitalism and business...but the party you worship does not.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

This sounds a lot like trying to work with Obama....The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
If it had been a wave, it would have swept over the Senate where the Republicans had far more seats at risk than the Democrats.

As usual, right wing IGNORANCE

There were 35 senate seats in contention this Nov.

TWENTY-SIX were held by Dems. (and since we're dealing with republican ,orons, that leaves 9 republican seats in contention.)

Wait until 2020......LOL

wrong as usual, gnat. but being wrong is what you do best.

What is wrong about this statement...

There were 35 senate seats in contention this Nov.

TWENTY-SIX were held by Dems.
Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

This is damn fucking funny coming from a guy that worships a president that on a regular basis attacks businesses, from a guy that supports a party that wants to punish success by forcing them to "break up" because they are too successful.

I agree with everything you said about capitalism and business...but the party you worship does not.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

This sounds a lot like trying to work with Obama....The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

Trump has done a lot to help American business, the tax cuts, regulation removals, trade policy, etc. We are now a net exporter of energy products rather than being dependent on opec.

Are you claiming that the GOP is anti business???? Are you insane?

Every opposition party throughout history has had the goal of limiting the control of the other party, do you think the dems are not doing that today? Its too bad that Romney ran such a stupid campaign, we might have been able to limit the damage done by Obama if he was limited to one term.
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If it had been a wave, it would have swept over the Senate where the Republicans had far more seats at risk than the Democrats.

As usual, right wing IGNORANCE

There were 35 senate seats in contention this Nov.

TWENTY-SIX were held by Dems. (and since we're dealing with republican ,orons, that leaves 9 republican seats in contention.)

Wait until 2020......LOL

wrong as usual, gnat. but being wrong is what you do best.

What is wrong about this statement...

There were 35 senate seats in contention this Nov.

TWENTY-SIX were held by Dems.

nothing, I was responding to gnat's statement about 2020.
Trump has done a lot to help American business, the tax cuts, regulation removals, trade policy, etc. We are now a net exporter of energy products rather than being dependent on opec.

Trump's tariffs have hurt way more businesses than they have helped.

Are you claiming that the GOP is anti business???? Are you insane?

I am saying that the GOP is pro-businesses that help them ,that are on their side. Trump will attack any business or owner that does not bow down to him.

Every opposition party throughout history has had the goal of limiting the control of the other party, do you think the dems are not doing that today? Its too bad that Romney ran such a stupid campaign, we might have been able to limit the damage done by Obama if he was limited to one term.

Then we agree in this area the Dems and the Repubs are alike.
Trump has done a lot to help American business, the tax cuts, regulation removals, trade policy, etc. We are now a net exporter of energy products rather than being dependent on opec.

Trump's tariffs have hurt way more businesses than they have helped.

Are you claiming that the GOP is anti business???? Are you insane?

I am saying that the GOP is pro-businesses that help them ,that are on their side. Trump will attack any business or owner that does not bow down to him.

Every opposition party throughout history has had the goal of limiting the control of the other party, do you think the dems are not doing that today? Its too bad that Romney ran such a stupid campaign, we might have been able to limit the damage done by Obama if he was limited to one term.

Then we agree in this area the Dems and the Repubs are alike.

a temporary impact was necessary to get the Chinese and EU to make concessions, which they have now done. The impact to American business were minimal and have been reversed

Trump is the first republican president to respond in kind when attacked by the left, he uses that same tactics that the left has been using for years, but he is actually better at it than they are, that's what really is pissing them off, he is beating them at their own game.

Yes, both parties, in fact all parties, want to be in control. Nothing new about that. What is new is the methods being used by the left----violence against anyone who does not agree with them, voter fraud, media lies, media bias, congress members openly calling for violence and intolerance, conservative speakers not being allowed on college campuses.

If you condone this crap then you are part of the problem, if you condemn it you are part of the solution, which are you?

and don't reply that both sides do it, because they don't. There are no right wing groups similar to antifa, BLM, black panthers, MS 13, illegal caravan "refugees".
a temporary impact was necessary to get the Chinese and EU to make concessions, which they have now done. The impact to American business were minimal and have been reversed

Please list the concessions by China and the EU and then list which Trump tariffs have been reversed
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nothing, I was responding to gnat's statement about 2020.

Hey, Mr. Tuna.........Learn something:

Of the 33 senate seats up for contention in 2020, TWENTY are held by republicans.
(and bear in your fishy, tiny mind that TWO senate seats are still undecided as of Nov. 12th.)
Is there a difference between capitalism and socialism? if yes, then there is a difference between dems and repubs. It didn't used to be that way, the dems used to actually care about this country. That died with Kennedy (the last patriotic democrat).

Both parties support bigger government and less personal freedom. Both have their own brand of socialism they are pushing. You whine when the Dems give money to the poor yet when Trump gives an extra 20 billion to the farmers there is not a peep.

A man I do not often agree with once said "In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies." and he was right.

Does anyone really think the dems in the house will work for the American people for the next two years? Of course not, they will spend 100% of the time attacking Trump and kissing the asses of illegals.

Did the Repub in the House work with Obama for the American people? No they did not. Yet you attack the Dems for doing what your party did.

Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

Get behind Trump and help him fix the mess created by decades of incompetence by both parties.

Leftists call capitalism evil but they are the first ones to steal the money created by it. Socialism and communism do not create wealth. I guess the leftists really do want to make slaves out of us all because that is how it always ends up. If wealth isn't created, people are not able to elevate. That means they remain lowly workers that exist to follow orders from government.
Trump has done a lot to help American business, the tax cuts, regulation removals, trade policy, etc. We are now a net exporter of energy products rather than being dependent on opec.

Trump's tariffs have hurt way more businesses than they have helped.

Are you claiming that the GOP is anti business???? Are you insane?

I am saying that the GOP is pro-businesses that help them ,that are on their side. Trump will attack any business or owner that does not bow down to him.

Every opposition party throughout history has had the goal of limiting the control of the other party, do you think the dems are not doing that today? Its too bad that Romney ran such a stupid campaign, we might have been able to limit the damage done by Obama if he was limited to one term.

Then we agree in this area the Dems and the Repubs are alike.

a temporary impact was necessary to get the Chinese and EU to make concessions, which they have now done. The impact to American business were minimal and have been reversed

Trump is the first republican president to respond in kind when attacked by the left, he uses that same tactics that the left has been using for years, but he is actually better at it than they are, that's what really is pissing them off, he is beating them at their own game.

Yes, both parties, in fact all parties, want to be in control. Nothing new about that. What is new is the methods being used by the left----violence against anyone who does not agree with them, voter fraud, media lies, media bias, congress members openly calling for violence and intolerance, conservative speakers not being allowed on college campuses.

If you condone this crap then you are part of the problem, if you condemn it you are part of the solution, which are you?

and don't reply that both sides do it, because they don't. There are no right wing groups similar to antifa, BLM, black panthers, MS 13, illegal caravan "refugees".
Then you might be able to explain why the parkland shooter registered as republican instead of as democrat?
Is there a difference between capitalism and socialism? if yes, then there is a difference between dems and repubs. It didn't used to be that way, the dems used to actually care about this country. That died with Kennedy (the last patriotic democrat).

Both parties support bigger government and less personal freedom. Both have their own brand of socialism they are pushing. You whine when the Dems give money to the poor yet when Trump gives an extra 20 billion to the farmers there is not a peep.

A man I do not often agree with once said "In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies." and he was right.

Does anyone really think the dems in the house will work for the American people for the next two years? Of course not, they will spend 100% of the time attacking Trump and kissing the asses of illegals.

Did the Repub in the House work with Obama for the American people? No they did not. Yet you attack the Dems for doing what your party did.

Business is what makes our country work. Cripple business, punish success, and this country will be over. Business is not evil, corporations are not evil, entrepreneurs are not evil, small businesses are not evil. Stop the left wing socialist/collectivist bullshit and face the reality that capitalism has made this country the greatest in the history of the world. The ability to better yourself through hard work, innovation, creativity, and ingenuity.

Second point, the republicans tried to work with Obama but he refused to meet with them or invite them to participate. Remember his famous words, "we won, elections have consequences". He almost destroyed this country, the divisions that he created still exist.

Get behind Trump and help him fix the mess created by decades of incompetence by both parties.

Leftists call capitalism evil but they are the first ones to steal the money created by it. Socialism and communism do not create wealth. I guess the leftists really do want to make slaves out of us all because that is how it always ends up. If wealth isn't created, people are not able to elevate. That means they remain lowly workers that exist to follow orders from government.

Are you smart enough to see the irony of claiming to supporting capitalism while at the same time supporting tariffs?

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