It is now a blue wave: Dems about to achieve a net gain of 40 seats

Watergate? The crazy left has a selective memory. Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010 during the Hussein administration.

It would help if you had a reading comprehension level above the 2nd grade.

Till then I guess you will just keep making these sorts of post, which give us all something to laugh about
Run grifter Trump and his misbegotten grifter family out of office.

Even Melania is implicated in misdeeds over $ 30 million missing from the Trump inauguration donation fund.


It will work out beautifully in 2020. The moderates in the heartland will just love it.....more popcorn, please
It's amazing how they think Trump is some sort of dummy just because he doesn't agree with their truly idiotic agenda. ROTFLMBO. Now who are the true dummies in the situation ?? It sure ain't Trump.

They've found this out, but they are heavily reliant on Mueller and any other Washington deep state, beltway insider status quoe globalist politicians to do the heavyweight work for them.

Trump will be re-elected in 2020, because the majority of Americans want their nation to return to sanity again. The tidal wave of voters will be sure to get out there for 2020, because that will be the true story of where this nation will be going in that election, and it won't be going Demon-crat.

Bring on your GOP social jetsam.
That is complete bullshit. Democrat incumbents ran in red states. It is not at all surprising that the Dems made no gains in the senate.

It's like the 0-16 Detroit lions, I would be embarrassed if I were you.

The left is just like Charlie Brown all talk

Lol I think we both know the Dems did much better than you were predicting and it pisses you off.

By losing seats in the senate.
What is the count in the senate? Is it all finished?

.... takes time...... they'll get there eventually ........not

Good one... ROTFLMBO
Fact is when oshitass was elected dims had most of the country, now they have lost most of it. They spent tons more money to get just a dribble in the ocean they lost. The fact that the media lies constantly about the president and most everything else that concerns the well-being of this country and it’s citizens but worst of all intentionally misstates so much of our history and constitution had a lot to do with the recouping of so many seats. I see this as a warning of an urgent need to remove every dim from office by any means necessary. It is the only chance to stop this country from becoming the dictatorship oshitma, sorass, and the leftist treasonous dimshits told us all they wanted when oshit was elected. Hell his campaign manager told the country that was what they wanted and it blew by enough idiots to elect his treasonous ass haha. Now if that’s not stupid what is. I don’t expect much intellect out of anyone who votes for a dimshit. The two are not at all congruent. Haha
all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

correct, only the ones running for reelection lost.

do you and Ocasio-Cortez share a brain?
all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.

John Tester voted against Kavanaugh..he are a liar.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar voted against Kavanaugh..she are a liar.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow voted against Kavanaugh..she are a liar.

Sen. Sherrod Brown voted against Kavanaugh..she are a liar

Sen. Martin Heinrich against Kavanaugh..he are a liar.

Did Al Franklin vote against kavanaugh???


gator is correct, only the dems in close races who voted against Kavanaugh lost.
all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

correct, only the ones running for reelection lost.

do you and Ocasio-Cortez share a brain?
You used the word "all" in your retarded post. You are now saying and proclaiming all Dem's who ran for re-election lost. Not sure why you are having such a hard time with this subject. Most of the 23 Dem's running for re-election to the US Senate won. Not all, but most.
all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

I misstated that and corrected it. See, we on the right are honest, unlike you on the left.
You repubs can pretend it is fraud because your GOP masters told you so, but how about you just be adults and accept the results?

And sure, if actual evidence of fraud presents itself, let’s investigate it. I’m guessing nothing will change though.

Democrats could win 40 House seats, the most since Watergate
Blue Wave. aka very minor correction of the massive losses taken by democrats during the Obama era.
And they had to use massive voter fraud to get that.
all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

correct, only the ones running for reelection lost.

do you and Ocasio-Cortez share a brain?
You used the word "all" in your retarded post. You are now saying and proclaiming all Dem's who ran for re-election lost. Not sure why you are having such a hard time with this subject. Most of the 23 Dem's running for re-election to the US Senate won. Not all, but most.
And it's sure got me scratching my head on how the Demon-crats are re-elected or even elected in their drunken stupers in which they have been engaging in for years now. :dunno::poke:
all the senate dems that voted against Kavanaugh lost. I think there is a message there, dems. But you fools are so far up your own asses that you wont get it.
What a dumb ass comment. All the Dem's who voted against Kavanaugh did not lose. So, are you stupid or just a really bad liar?

correct, only the ones running for reelection lost.

do you and Ocasio-Cortez share a brain?
You used the word "all" in your retarded post. You are now saying and proclaiming all Dem's who ran for re-election lost. Not sure why you are having such a hard time with this subject. Most of the 23 Dem's running for re-election to the US Senate won. Not all, but most.
And it's sure got me scratching my head on how the Demon-crats are re-elected or even elected in their drunken stupers in which they have been engaging in for years now. :dunno::poke:

sadly it says a lot about the voters. Ignorance elects democrats. Ocasio-Cortez is the perfect example.

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