It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

Open the gov so the gov can be open.

Otherwise you give in to extortion.
LOL like the leftists are going to give the money for the wall then. They don't seem to grasp that WE are in control. Senate and WH are in American hands..they have ZERO leverage! Each day that passes more and more Americans are realizing they don't NEED the nanny government to take care of them and THAT is a dangerous thing for the leftist party if it wants to remain in power.
Open the gov so the gov can be open.

Otherwise you give in to extortion.
Pelosi just wants to fuck around and vacation.
Ever since she took over, she's done nothing but travel.
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The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.
Talk about to say No in other forms.........they have proved that NO is the only stance they want to losing more money than requested by Trump already...........

Wasting money to REFUSE additional Border Wall funding.......that they used to cheer for..........LOL

No negotiating with that.........the shutdown is LEVERAGE......Why would we give up leverage............LOL

Pedestrian fencing is not a wall. The fact is that voters oppose a wall and apparently you and Trump are too stupid to understand. The only LEVERAGE you have is a anchor that will lead to a Democrat White House, House and Senate.
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall

They always owned it. Funny how all of a sudden they don't care about the daca kids anymore.

The plan offered by Trump was not the same plan offered by Democrats a year ago. Even Kushner admits it does not solve the issue.
The plan was a CON JOB.............would have possibly allowed 10 million plus to be given amnesty..........and only allowed 2.5 billion a year for 10 years........but each year the Congress would have to approve it..............LOL............Talk about a USED CAR SALESMAN DEAL.......Yeah was driven by a little old lady on Sunday's only.
Schumer-Rounds-Collins Destroys Ability of DHS to Enforce Immigration Laws, Creating a Mass Amnesty For Over 10 Million Illegal Aliens, Including Criminals

Why should we believe Trump. Everything he says is a lie so the Trump DHS is hardly a reliable source.
Why should we believe Trump. Everything he says is a lie so the Trump DHS is hardly a reliable source.
Not just the DHS, snowflake ... DHS, Border Patrol, and Obama's hand-picked Border Patrol Chief who said Tump is right....
My side is the side of decency, there is no wide support for arbitrarily mass deporting "dreamers".

Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.

Another Trump moron who has no clue what he is talking about.
How so?

Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage so he can please his base. To hell with Democrats and Independents who make up about 60% of America. They oppose this shutdown yet they are ignored by Trump. He doesn't care about them. Pelosi's plan to re-open the government is supported by Americans.
Wait until welfare and EBT stops.

Then = Declare Emergency, build wall/fund welfare/EBT.

I see this coming. Trump's actually doing the right thing. Congress under Obama didn't do proper budgets.

It's been that "continuing resolution" crap for years.

AKA "Let's kick the can down the road."

IMO, Trump is gonna come out smelling like roses.

That is why his approvals are going down.
The shutdown today: Trump lashes out after Dems reject offer

The 'hostage crisis' is all on Pelosi After she walked away from DACA...again...
“Democrats Reject Any Compromise - ok, They Own The shutdown”

This is a lie – as ridiculous as it is wrong.

DACA isn’t Trump’s to use in a ‘compromise’ – which is why Trump made the proposal in bad faith.

Democrats have authorized more than one billion dollars to fund actual, meaningful border security:

“House Democrats have added more than $1 billion in border-related spending to a package of funding bills that would reopen most of the government…”

House Democrats Add $1 Billion in Border-Related Spending to Measures to Reopen Government

There is no funding for a ‘wall,’ and appropriately so, as a ‘wall’ would do little to secure the border.

Indeed, the notion of funding for a ‘wall’ as some sort of ‘compromise’ is pointless and idiotic given the fact a ‘wall’ will provide little border security.

The shutdown belongs solely to Trump and the GOP.
Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government

Trump rejected it
Legislation that gave the President nothing. Only a shit-for-brains like you believes that's a meaningful legislation. What ever happened to compromise? Isn't that what dolts like you are always bleating about?
Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government

Trump rejected it
Pelosi wants to appear as if she is in complete control now, and that she is now the president of this nation with her condescending arrogant bullcrap, but she will find out just how weak she and her cohorts are.

They are counting on Mueller to come through on their hoping that their blackmail scheme will finally work it's magic on Trump, but a let down is coming again and again to them, but they don't care because it's get Trump with them no matter what.

The radicals are actually after the Christian's Trump has put in office with him, and that has been proven over time also.

An America hostile to Christian inclusion is no America anyone should want to live in or promote into the future, but here we are watching the final push for this ousting of Christianity from our government... Trump and Pence are caught in the political cross hairs of these radicals trying to take them out of office.

Wake up America.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I am a Christian and any Christian who supports Trump is a fake Christian. It is Trump who is attempting blackmail. Most of the government that is shut down has nothing to do with border security.
Demanding Compromise on gov't issues is part of the Constitution.........The Power of the Purse is part of that system..........Refusing to compromise is the problem. Call it what you like..........but we've already spent and lost more money than requested which is stupidity in motion. Fund better security.......better yet go find the appropriated funds from 2006 that were squandered.............They only spent 2.3 billion on the wall for 10 years........Broken promises..........all for political gain.

improving and adding border walls for CBP that makes their job easier makes sense..............unless you don't want or border secure.....which is exactly what this fight is about.

That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

Sad for Trump and good news for Democrats.

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