It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

The fact is that voters oppose a wall...
YOU LIE...unless you if ore the polls, articles, and evidence to the contrary. :p

That was Trump's closing arguments in the midterms and led to a 40 seat gain for Democrats in the House and a smaller than expected gain in the Senate. YOU ARE THE LIAR WHO IGNORES COLD HARD FACTS.
About half the 40 seat gain was the result of voter/election fraud.
If think this nation is so shallow that it can't see the bigger picture playing out in it all, then you are one ignorant human being.
I see better than you because you somehow think the American people are immigrant hating reactionaries.
No, the people are more like Demon-crat hating reactionaries now, and all because they know that the demon-crats are using the border as a political weapon to try and destroy America as it stands or as it has stood in which worked for all American's for many years looking back. The Demon-crats are power horders who want to retain or gain power off the backs of those who will suffer greatly due their radical views on life (in this country), for which they want for themselves now.
Agree, president is showing again the colors of the swamp.

BTW, trump may own the shutdown, the dems own the hate on Americans

Americans support the Democrat plan not the Trump plan.

Pelosi wants to appear as if she is in complete control now, and that she is now the president of this nation with her condescending arrogant bullcrap, but she will find out just how weak she and her cohorts are.

They are counting on Mueller to come through on their hoping that their blackmail scheme will finally work it's magic on Trump, but a let down is coming again and again to them, but they don't care because it's get Trump with them no matter what.

The radicals are actually after the Christian's Trump has put in office with him, and that has been proven over time also.

An America hostile to Christian inclusion is no America anyone should want to live in or promote into the future, but here we are watching the final push for this ousting of Christianity from our government... Trump and Pence are caught in the political cross hairs of these radicals trying to take them out of office.

Wake up America.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I am a Christian and any Christian who supports Trump is a fake Christian. It is Trump who is attempting blackmail. Most of the government that is shut down has nothing to do with border security.
Demanding Compromise on gov't issues is part of the Constitution.........The Power of the Purse is part of that system..........Refusing to compromise is the problem. Call it what you like..........but we've already spent and lost more money than requested which is stupidity in motion. Fund better security.......better yet go find the appropriated funds from 2006 that were squandered.............They only spent 2.3 billion on the wall for 10 years........Broken promises..........all for political gain.

improving and adding border walls for CBP that makes their job easier makes sense..............unless you don't want or border secure.....which is exactly what this fight is about.

That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

Sad for Trump and good news for Democrats.
Sad news for the country.

You idiots keep forgetting that the Dims passed Obamacare even though the majority didn't want it.
Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage so he can please his base.
Pelosi told Trump even if he gave he opened the govt, even if he gave her what she wanted, she would not negotiate / compromise.

Pelosi's own Democrats have openly met with the GOP, breaking from Pelosi...some have said they would vote for a compromise if given the chance.

Pelosi just got busted lying her ass to kill the SotU speech...then got busted / denied military airlift trying to skip out of the country during her shutdown.

'Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage...'


My side is the side of decency, there is no wide support for arbitrarily mass deporting "dreamers".

Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.

Another Trump moron who has no clue what he is talking about.
Another NPC troll that can't reply to the content of the post and hurls useless insults.

You can't when there are no facts presented. You are the troll that constantly lies because the facts are not on your side.
Voters disagree with Trump, DHS, Border Patrol and Obama's handpicked Border Patrol Chief snowflake.
Ummmm....Trump won the WH with the promise of a wall...
They voted him in because they agreed.

You are as believable as Pelosi and her lie about the DHS / Secret Service.... :p
by the way, the president presented a plan for the senate to vote on. Now we will see who votes for Americans or illegals
Additionally, the failure to accept the plan also shows DACA really isn’t a leftist position

No it shows that Trump's DACA plan was nothing. He gives Democrats 30% of what they want but takes 100% of what he wants. Democrats were right to reject this. Even Jared Kushner admits this does not settle DACA. We will see who votes for the American people or racists.
The shutdown today: Trump lashes out after Dems reject offer

The 'hostage crisis' is all on Pelosi After she walked away from DACA...again...
No. Again, Trump said he was responsible on 12/11/18

It's going to come to a point where that won't matter. He's made at least three proposals in good faith to the Democrats, and they rejected all of them. Including this one. Trump is making all the offers here. Democrats are sitting there throwing a tantrum because the government isn't open for them to take advantage of.

It's like this: Do you want DACA or not? Or is your so called compassion for those illegals just a front in your resistance to Trump? He's offered amnesty, deportation protections, extensions...for MILLIONS of people in the country illegally. Basically things you leftists get off on. When they become aware of those proposals, and the Democrats' obstinance, who do you think will own the shutdown then?

It won't be Trump. You can't act in good faith if you are always saying no. In fact, he had Democrats saying no before he even gave the address yesterday.
by the way, the president presented a plan for the senate to vote on. Now we will see who votes for Americans or illegals
Additionally, the failure to accept the plan also shows DACA really isn’t a leftist position

No it shows that Trump's DACA plan was nothing. He gives Democrats 30% of what they want but takes 100% of what he wants. Democrats were right to reject this. Even Jared Kushner admits this does not settle DACA. We will see who votes for the American people or racists.
Total fucking bullshit. Trump wants $25 billion for the wall. $5 billion was only one fifth of that. He offered to settle for $3 billion.

That's what you call that 100% of what he wants?
Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government

Trump rejected it
Pelosi wants to appear as if she is in complete control now, and that she is now the president of this nation with her condescending arrogant bullcrap, but she will find out just how weak she and her cohorts are.

They are counting on Mueller to come through on their hoping that their blackmail scheme will finally work it's magic on Trump, but a let down is coming again and again to them, but they don't care because it's get Trump with them no matter what.

The radicals are actually after the Christian's Trump has put in office with him, and that has been proven over time also.

An America hostile to Christian inclusion is no America anyone should want to live in or promote into the future, but here we are watching the final push for this ousting of Christianity from our government... Trump and Pence are caught in the political cross hairs of these radicals trying to take them out of office.

Wake up America.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I am a Christian and any Christian who supports Trump is a fake Christian. It is Trump who is attempting blackmail. Most of the government that is shut down has nothing to do with border security.
Demanding Compromise on gov't issues is part of the Constitution.........The Power of the Purse is part of that system..........Refusing to compromise is the problem. Call it what you like..........but we've already spent and lost more money than requested which is stupidity in motion. Fund better security.......better yet go find the appropriated funds from 2006 that were squandered.............They only spent 2.3 billion on the wall for 10 years........Broken promises..........all for political gain.

improving and adding border walls for CBP that makes their job easier makes sense..............unless you don't want or border secure.....which is exactly what this fight is about.

That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

60% are with you...........LOL

Most of Americans want the border secured.......have wanted it for decades..........hell even Billy Boy wanted it way back when........and each time they failed to do anything about it.........

Add E-Verify to the 1986...........and your side is done.............LOL

Voters remain solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border, 55 - 43 percent, and reject every argument for the Wall. The 55 - 43 percent opposition compares to 54 - 43 percent opposition in a December 18 survey, just before the partial government shutdown.

American voters are negative in every question about the wall, saying:
  • 59 - 40 percent that it is not a good use of taxpayer dollars;
  • 55 - 43 percent that the wall would not make the U.S. safer;
  • 59 - 40 percent that the wall is not necessary to protect the border;
  • 52 percent say the wall is against American values as 41 percent say the wall is consistent with American values.
QU Poll Release Detail
Your war on tiny humans and minorities/poor . suffering/dying in your political ghettos betrays all decency standards, I guess you prefer to be distracted or detracting from reality..
Quit acting like you care about the unfortunate. You see these stories of the hardship caused by the shutdown the same as the rest of us and do not give a shit.
I don't give a shit.
Those posting here are not the powers that be.
Nancy doesn't give a shit either. She just pays lip service to federal workers. If she actually gave a shit, she would set aside her bitter partisanship and negotiate. She is even willing to throw DACA under the bus to resist Trump.

Another Trump moron who has no clue what he is talking about.
Another NPC troll that can't reply to the content of the post and hurls useless insults.

You can't when there are no facts presented. You are the troll that constantly lies because the facts are not on your side.
What have you offered but the same soundbites spoon fed to you by the media?
Stick the hostage nonsense where the sun don't shine.
Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government

Trump rejected it
Legislation that gave the President nothing. Only a shit-for-brains like you believes that's a meaningful legislation. What ever happened to compromise? Isn't that what dolts like you are always bleating about?

You are the ones who have shit for brains. That was a compromise. Just because Trump wants something does not mean he automatically gets it. That is not what compromise means.
The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.

You’re a true idiot if you think the Dems will “talk” once the government reopens.

You are a idiot if you think Trump will be re-elected after this fiasco. Voters do not want a wall.
Pelosi wants to appear as if she is in complete control now, and that she is now the president of this nation with her condescending arrogant bullcrap, but she will find out just how weak she and her cohorts are.

They are counting on Mueller to come through on their hoping that their blackmail scheme will finally work it's magic on Trump, but a let down is coming again and again to them, but they don't care because it's get Trump with them no matter what.

The radicals are actually after the Christian's Trump has put in office with him, and that has been proven over time also.

An America hostile to Christian inclusion is no America anyone should want to live in or promote into the future, but here we are watching the final push for this ousting of Christianity from our government... Trump and Pence are caught in the political cross hairs of these radicals trying to take them out of office.

Wake up America.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I am a Christian and any Christian who supports Trump is a fake Christian. It is Trump who is attempting blackmail. Most of the government that is shut down has nothing to do with border security.
Demanding Compromise on gov't issues is part of the Constitution.........The Power of the Purse is part of that system..........Refusing to compromise is the problem. Call it what you like..........but we've already spent and lost more money than requested which is stupidity in motion. Fund better security.......better yet go find the appropriated funds from 2006 that were squandered.............They only spent 2.3 billion on the wall for 10 years........Broken promises..........all for political gain.

improving and adding border walls for CBP that makes their job easier makes sense..............unless you don't want or border secure.....which is exactly what this fight is about.

That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

60% are with you...........LOL

Most of Americans want the border secured.......have wanted it for decades..........hell even Billy Boy wanted it way back when........and each time they failed to do anything about it.........

Add E-Verify to the 1986...........and your side is done.............LOL

Voters remain solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border, 55 - 43 percent, and reject every argument for the Wall. The 55 - 43 percent opposition compares to 54 - 43 percent opposition in a December 18 survey, just before the partial government shutdown.

American voters are negative in every question about the wall, saying:
  • 59 - 40 percent that it is not a good use of taxpayer dollars;
  • 55 - 43 percent that the wall would not make the U.S. safer;
  • 59 - 40 percent that the wall is not necessary to protect the border;
  • 52 percent say the wall is against American values as 41 percent say the wall is consistent with American values.
QU Poll Release Detail
Fake news. If you ask them if they support a "barrier" on the border, then a majority are in favor of it. People who support the wall don't even answer such polls because they know the people conducting it are brain-dead leftwingers who hate anyone who says they support it.

People who say they are against are mostly only mildly against, as if you asked them whether they prefer chocolate or vanilla. They'll say chocolate, but they aren't going to march on Washington if you give them vanilla. On the other hand, the people who support the wall really really really support it. They will march on Washington if Piglosi doesn't give them what Trump is asking.
The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.

You’re a true idiot if you think the Dems will “talk” once the government reopens.

You are a idiot if you think Trump will be re-elected after this fiasco. Voters do not want a wall.
He will be reelected. History shows that shutdowns don't harm the reelection odds for Republicans. In fact, it enhances them. The only people are going to hold it against Trump are the government workers, and they are all Democrats anyway.
Voters disagree with Trump, DHS, Border Patrol and Obama's handpicked Border Patrol Chief snowflake.
Ummmm....Trump won the WH with the promise of a wall...
They voted him in because they agreed.

You are as believable as Pelosi and her lie about the DHS / Secret Service.... :p

No they did not. Trump was elected because he was the least worst of the two candidates. If he was voted in because of the wall, Republicans would have retained the House instead of losing it to Democrats and Republicans would have won at least 5 or more seats. They only picked up 2 in a map that heavily favored them.
Pelosi was caught fleeing the country and was denied the opportunity to do so. She was challenged to do her job. She was offered DACA, and she walked away...and then claimed it was / is the President refusing to negotiate / compromise.


Pelosi was caught lying her ass off about DHS / Secret Service ... Then snowflakes claim Trump is the only one lying...

The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.

You’re a true idiot if you think the Dems will “talk” once the government reopens.

You are a idiot if you think Trump will be re-elected after this fiasco. Voters do not want a wall.
BTW, it's "an idiot," not "a idiot."

I think you just self identified.

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