It is sad when the truth stops the lefts attempt to create racial hatred...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, it looks like the attempt to use the shooting at Ferguson to create race hate may be coming to an end...the truth of what happened might make it a teeny, weeny, bit....awkward...for the race haters...I know, I know...never count al "tawana brawley" sharpton and jesse " give me a beer distributorship or I'll lead a protest outside your factories" jackson completely out....but it will be more difficult for these race haters to get the job done...

The Ferguson Collapse National Review Online

Michael Brown’s death, unfortunate though it was, is not part of an ongoing civil-rights struggle. The racial antipathies that animated the South in the 1960s are largely vanished — an extraordinary accomplishment that is rarely, if ever, acknowledged by those who point to present-day bigotry. Moreover, the racist justice system that some Ferguson residents decry is nowhere to be seen.
The results of a police investigation, closely observed by a suspicious community and national media, have been brought before a grand jury (also under the scrutiny of a nation), which has, by all accounts, slowly and deliberately considered the available evidence. There is no indication that the system has worked otherwise than normally.

Unfortunately, racial demagoguery, too, is pretty normal in America.
The whites are just jealous that someone beat them playing the race card...
The whites are just jealous that someone beat them playing the race card...

Yes, white liberals are good at the race card too...but sometimes it is better for them to let the black racists take the lead in things like this...allows them to keep their hands clean...especially when there might be blood shed...
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The whites are just jealous that someone beat them playing the race card...

I guess the brothers need to succeed at something besides armed robbery and murder.
Aim for the sky brothers,aim for the seriously,stop shooting at me.
The whites are just jealous that someone beat them playing the race card...

Yes, white liberals are good at the race card too...but sometimes it is better for them to let the black racists take the lead in things like this...allows them to keep their hands clean...especially when there might be blood shed...
And all along the GOP plays silent..ha!
Unfortunately, racial demagoguery, too, is pretty normal in America.

Thank you, sick twisted Liberal Democrat Progressive fucks.

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