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It is so nice to have an adult in charge once again

gag me with a spoon....
What wre you watching?
it was an awful press conference, a juvenile performance and just an embarrassment to our Nation imo.....but heck, we all have our own opinions!

Poor snowflakes. Still can't even compute a Republican President standing up and calling out the dishonest media that has an agenda to undermine any President that isn't a (D).
Trump: Waaaaah don't question me. I'm president. It's so unfair :crybaby:

Trump supporters: He's such an adult
While the Obama's saw the White House has nothing more than their personal playground - a way to have tax payers foot the bill for them to travel around the world, host Beyoncé & JayZ, golf, and make appearances on everything from The View to ESPN - Donald Trump is politely telling them "thanks....but no thanks - I've got work to do".

Trump is asked to predict NCAA winner like Obama. His reply?
The President is a petulant child.
"It is so nice to have an adult in charge once again"

Is that suggesting that Melania (talk about 'transparency!) is more dominating than we thought?
While the Obama's saw the White House has nothing more than their personal playground - a way to have tax payers foot the bill for them to travel around the world, host Beyoncé & JayZ, golf, and make appearances on everything from The View to ESPN - Donald Trump is politely telling them "thanks....but no thanks - I've got work to do".

Trump is asked to predict NCAA winner like Obama. His reply?

What is in the Oval office today is an immature, emotionally unstable MALE drama queen, that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

He spanked the media and he let them do it to themselves! He is a great president!
gag me with a spoon....
What wre you watching?
it was an awful press conference, a juvenile performance and just an embarrassment to our Nation imo.....but heck, we all have our own opinions!
Lol, Trump spanked the media, and they did it to themselves. After 8 years of Trump, liberalism will be dead, and I love it. We can thank Obama and his mindless supporters for Trump! Thank you!
He is accomplished at responding to questions without answering; example, the inner city solution(s). Also very adept at filling paragraphs with phrases and other forms of unfinished sentences.
gag me with a spoon....
What wre you watching?
it was an awful press conference, a juvenile performance and just an embarrassment to our Nation imo.....but heck, we all have our own opinions!
Lol, Trump spanked the media, and they did it to themselves. After 8 years of Trump, liberalism will be dead, and I love it. We can thank Obama and his mindless supporters for Trump! Thank you!
Trump lied his ass off.....if you actually believe a chronic liar on stage performing is awesome, so be it
gag me with a spoon....
What wre you watching?
it was an awful press conference, a juvenile performance and just an embarrassment to our Nation imo.....but heck, we all have our own opinions!
Lol, Trump spanked the media, and they did it to themselves. After 8 years of Trump, liberalism will be dead, and I love it. We can thank Obama and his mindless supporters for Trump! Thank you!
Trump lied his ass off.....if you actually believe a chronic liar on stage performing is awesome, so be it
What did Trump lie about? He said the media is bias and backed it up with facts.
While the Obama's saw the White House has nothing more than their personal playground - a way to have tax payers foot the bill for them to travel around the world, host Beyoncé & JayZ, golf, and make appearances on everything from The View to ESPN - Donald Trump is politely telling them "thanks....but no thanks - I've got work to do".

You should be aware that U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill by MILLIONS of dollars in protecting the 2 Trump sons as they travel around the planet opening up new golf courses.
An adult? Someone who flips out in a rage over a tweet or any real or imagined slight?

You crack me up.
I never said he wasn't a narcissist. But at least he's not a narcissist who views the White House as a way to fill out brackets on ESPN and golf all over the world on the tax payer's dime like the hatriot Obama.

He's not a narcissist who views the the White House as his personal playground, he's a thin-skinned narcissist who views the White House as his personal piggy bank. How much did he bill the government for entertaining the Japanese President in Florida the other weekend at THREE of his properties?
gag me with a spoon....
What wre you watching?
it was an awful press conference, a juvenile performance and just an embarrassment to our Nation imo.....but heck, we all have our own opinions!

Poor snowflakes. Still can't even compute a Republican President standing up and calling out the dishonest media that has an agenda to undermine any President that isn't a (D).
We saw the real snowflake presser yesterday.....but I bet you thought the so-called president was amazingly presidential, didn't you?
gag me with a spoon....
What wre you watching? it was an awful press conference, a juvenile performance and just an embarrassment to our Nation imo.....but heck, we all have our own opinions!
For starters Care4all - this thread has nothing to do with any press conference. I didn't even see Trump in a press conference. It was about him rejecting the offer from ESPN to fill out a bracket. You really should at least read the first post in a thread.

However - as far as Trump's disposition - Dana Loesch absolutely knocked it out of the park last night on Anderson Cooper 360: "Everyone remembers that movie A Christmas Story. Remember Ralphie finally being fed up with Scott Farkas and attacking him - just wailing on him. Well, this is what the people wanted. This is why they elected Donald Trump".

The American people are fed up with unconstitutional government, left-wing hatriot fascism, and a media pushing the left-wing hatriot agenda. We elected Donald Trump to beat the ever-loving piss out of the left. That's what he's doing. Exactly what he was elected to do. And it's having the exact effect the American people wanted - it's causing left-wing hatriot snowflakes to completely meltdown.
We saw the real snowflake presser yesterday.....but I bet you thought the so-called president was amazingly presidential, didn't you?
Yeah....if only President Trump could be as "presidential" as Barack Obama who said that his side of the aisle needed to (and I quote) "punish our enemies" when referring to conservatives in America.

Can you imagine if President Trump referred to you left-wing hatriots as "enemies" and then suggested to the American people that we needed to "punish" you people? The first thing you fragile little snowflakes would do is get yourselves into such a tizzy that you would hyperventilate. After being rushed to the hospital for treatment (because you snowflakes can't even handle hyperventilating), you would then take to social media demanding someone assassinate the president and demanding a coup. Finally, you would take to the streets and riot. You would damage property, set things on fire, and assault anyone who isn't a fellow fascist. And all of you would do it with idiotic vagina "hats" on your head.

An adult? Someone who flips out in a rage over a tweet or any real or imagined slight?

You crack me up.
I never said he wasn't a narcissist. But at least he's not a narcissist who views the White House as a way to fill out brackets on ESPN and golf all over the world on the tax payer's dime like the hatriot Obama.

He's not a narcissist who views the the White House as his personal playground, he's a thin-skinned narcissist who views the White House as his personal piggy bank. How much did he bill the government for entertaining the Japanese President in Florida the other weekend at THREE of his properties?
He's a billionaire - he doesn't need the White House as his piggy bank. You're confusing Trump with Obama. Obama was the inner city "community organizer" who refused to hold a job. He then saw the presidency as a way to travel the world, play golf on the most exclusive courses, host lavish parties for Beyoncé and JayZ, and do it all on the tax payers dime.

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