It is time for Arabs to take off their hats to Indians!


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Here's one especially for Vikrant who himself might be one of the geniuses in Silicon Valley but is too modest to tell us.

It is time for Arabs to take off their hats to Indians!
Oct 17, 2015

Nasser Al-Sarami

To all conceited and arrogant Arabs who take pride in the glorious history of Arab civilization, it is time you took off your hats to Indians after having treated them with discrimination and having looked down upon them for decades.

Indians today run America and the world. While the US imports oil from the Gulf, it imports minds from India. Fifteen percent of start-up companies in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco which is home to hundreds of technology companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook, etc., are owned by Indians, who, by the way, constitute the largest percentage of immigrants in the San Francisco Bay Area. Their number exceeds that of the British, Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese combined, who own companies in that area.

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It is time for Arabs to take off their hats to Indians!?
Indians also -------in ancient times------gave us the concept of ZERO and algebra--------it was not
arabs as arabs claim
India is awesome :thup:

I hope the U.S. government recognizes that and commits to closer ties with them. They could be our most important allies in that region.

I personally think friendship between India and the U.S. is in the interest of both nations.
I say yes. The arabs think they are racially superior. Arabs have up to 18% subsaharan DNA - Another group they look down on racially btw. Indians don't have subsaharan DNA. So how do arabs justify that? They look on blacks as the lowest of the low, yet have more "black" in them than indians, whom they think are lower than themselves.

Indians have proven their superiority over arabs in every way that's worth being superior.

And Suttee! I was just blown away when I heard about that awesome tradition!

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I really think, Vikrant, that instead of focusing entirely on achievements, everyone on this planet, regardless of their beliefs or non beliefs should have tolerance for the beliefs of others. If the beliefs of others are not harming you, why get so concerned about what they believe? I go into an Iranian market in my neighborhood, and I see the Muslims, Jews, Armenian Christians from Iran all shopping together peacefully, probably not worrying about what religion so and so shopper is. I did have a Muslim woman ask me if I was Armenian (I never knew Armenians had blue eyes, but what do I know). She probably asked me out of curiosity anyway. I just told her no -- that I was a New Yorker. Outside on the news srand are free papers in Farsi and Hebrew. I don't see the Iranian Muslim shoppers getting upset over this.
A few miles to the northeast is a Middle East market. However, the owner is a sharp guy so also carries things that appeal to other ethnic groups. I see Muslim women in Burkas, some with just their head covered with a kerchief, Filipinos and other Asians,, Hispanics, Indian women with saris, etc., and everyone just goes their merry way shopping. Even the man with a bushy beard dressed like he is a member of the Taliban doesn't seem to bother the shoppers. If everyone could get along like the shoppers in this market, you wouldn't see all the disturbances going on elsewhere (which many of the shoppers no doubt are worried about what is happening to their relatives). To be honest, it looks a little strange to see pigs' feet alongside the Empire kosher chicken plus lamb testicles in the meat department (but an Armenian I know assured me that his mothre makes them taste so delicious) so I guess this is a staple since they came from Turkey.

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I am not sure that TIPPING THE HAT -----is a significant gesture for arabs-------In fact I am sure
that it is now--------How does a SIKH take of HIS hat for anyone?

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I really think, Vikrant, that instead of focusing entirely on achievements, everyone on this planet, regardless of their beliefs or non beliefs should have tolerance for the beliefs of others. If the beliefs of others are not harming you, why get so concerned about what they believe? I go into an Iranian market in my neighborhood, and I see the Muslims, Jews, Armenian Christians from Iran all shopping together peacefully, probably not worrying about what religion so and so shopper is. I did have a Muslim woman ask me if I was Armenian (I never knew Armenians had blue eyes, but what do I know). She probably asked me out of curiosity anyway. I just told her no -- that I was a New Yorker. Outside on the news srand are free papers in Farsi and Hebrew. I don't see the Iranian Muslim shoppers getting upset over this.
A few miles to the northeast is a Middle East market. However, the owner is a sharp guy so also carries things that appeal to other ethnic groups. I see Muslim women in Burkas, some with just their head covered with a kerchief, Filipinos and other Asians,, Hispanics, Indian women with saris, etc., and everyone just goes their merry way shopping. Even the man with a bushy beard dressed like he is a member of the Taliban doesn't seem to bother the shoppers. If everyone could get along like the shoppers in this market, you wouldn't see all the disturbances going on elsewhere (which many of the shoppers no doubt are worried about what is happening to their relatives). To be honest, it looks a little strange to see pigs' feet alongside the Empire kosher chicken plus lamb testicles in the meat department (but an Armenian I know assured me that his mothre makes them taste so delicious) so I guess this is a staple since they came from Turkey.

That was a very good post Sally.
I say yes. The arabs think they are racially superior. Arabs have up to 18% subsaharan DNA - Another group they look down on racially btw. Indians don't have subsaharan DNA. So how do arabs justify that? They look on blacks as the lowest of the low, yet have more "black" in them than indians, whom they think are lower than themselves.

Indians have proven their superiority over arabs in every way that's worth being superior.

And Suttee! I was just blown away when I heard about that awesome tradition!

Meathead or Dickhead ?

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I am not sure that TIPPING THE HAT -----is a significant gesture for arabs-------In fact I am sure
that it is now--------How does a SIKH take of HIS hat for anyone?

They do not take their hats off for anyone.

I used to see the Sikhs walking on the streets when visiting in West Los Angeles where they have a temple. What was strange to me was that all those that I saw looked like they came straight out of the Midwest USA with the men having blue eyes and the women the same and having blond hair, all of them wearing white. I went into their grocery store once, and saw lots of toful. Although I see plenty of people from India in the San Fernando Valley, I have only seen two Sikh males in a WalMart. I am sure there must be quite a few out here, but I don't see them. Were you aware of such a large group of Americans converts to Sikhism, Vikrant.?

Guru Ram Das Ashram | Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I am not sure that TIPPING THE HAT -----is a significant gesture for arabs-------In fact I am sure
that it is now--------How does a SIKH take of HIS hat for anyone?

They do not take their hats off for anyone.

I used to see the Sikhs walking on the streets when visiting in West Los Angeles where they have a temple. What was strange to me was that all those that I saw looked like they came straight out of the Midwest USA with the men having blue eyes and the women the same and having blond hair, all of them wearing white. I went into their grocery store once, and saw lots of toful. Although I see plenty of people from India in the San Fernando Valley, I have only seen two Sikh males in a WalMart. I am sure there must be quite a few out here, but I don't see them. Were you aware of such a large group of Americans converts to Sikhism, Vikrant.?

Guru Ram Das Ashram | Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

seems to happen------there was a SIKH convert------medical resident in a hospital in which I worked----turban and all

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I am not sure that TIPPING THE HAT -----is a significant gesture for arabs-------In fact I am sure
that it is now--------How does a SIKH take of HIS hat for anyone?

They do not take their hats off for anyone.

I used to see the Sikhs walking on the streets when visiting in West Los Angeles where they have a temple. What was strange to me was that all those that I saw looked like they came straight out of the Midwest USA with the men having blue eyes and the women the same and having blond hair, all of them wearing white. I went into their grocery store once, and saw lots of toful. Although I see plenty of people from India in the San Fernando Valley, I have only seen two Sikh males in a WalMart. I am sure there must be quite a few out here, but I don't see them. Were you aware of such a large group of Americans converts to Sikhism, Vikrant.?

Guru Ram Das Ashram | Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh
All the sikh's were white, racially?

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I am not sure that TIPPING THE HAT -----is a significant gesture for arabs-------In fact I am sure
that it is now--------How does a SIKH take of HIS hat for anyone?

They do not take their hats off for anyone.

I used to see the Sikhs walking on the streets when visiting in West Los Angeles where they have a temple. What was strange to me was that all those that I saw looked like they came straight out of the Midwest USA with the men having blue eyes and the women the same and having blond hair, all of them wearing white. I went into their grocery store once, and saw lots of toful. Although I see plenty of people from India in the San Fernando Valley, I have only seen two Sikh males in a WalMart. I am sure there must be quite a few out here, but I don't see them. Were you aware of such a large group of Americans converts to Sikhism, Vikrant.?

Guru Ram Das Ashram | Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh
All the sikh's were white, racially?

can you DEFINE the "RACE" for the peanut gallery? I am was a biology major in undergraduate
school ------graduated CUM LAUDE------------the word "race" is useless when discussing the GENUS/SPECIES HOMO-SAPIEN
Quick! name one Arab invention!!

...the Suicide Vest is the only one that comes to mind...

.....and hummus.

Go Arabs go!!


I think they started the use of Coffee? or was that the Persians?

I think it is time for Arabs to take their hats off to Jews as well. Good thread :)

I am not sure that TIPPING THE HAT -----is a significant gesture for arabs-------In fact I am sure
that it is now--------How does a SIKH take of HIS hat for anyone?

They do not take their hats off for anyone.

I used to see the Sikhs walking on the streets when visiting in West Los Angeles where they have a temple. What was strange to me was that all those that I saw looked like they came straight out of the Midwest USA with the men having blue eyes and the women the same and having blond hair, all of them wearing white. I went into their grocery store once, and saw lots of toful. Although I see plenty of people from India in the San Fernando Valley, I have only seen two Sikh males in a WalMart. I am sure there must be quite a few out here, but I don't see them. Were you aware of such a large group of Americans converts to Sikhism, Vikrant.?

Guru Ram Das Ashram | Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh
All the sikh's were white, racially?

I would imagine that the Sikhs in India would be classified as Aryans. However, this group of converts looked like they kist came off the farms in the Midwest. Why not visit a temple near you if there is one, and you can report back to us what the members looked like.

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