It is Well with My Soul

Its a struggle listening to peaceful music...I start out thinking wow this is nice.. then.halfway through...ok Im done. lol

this is one song that I can get through

Its a struggle listening to peaceful music...I start out thinking wow this is nice.. then halfway through...ok Im done. lol

this is one song that I can get through

I'm not lumping you two together. You are a Satanist and he is a Jew. ...

I'm not a Satanist, nor am I the only one on this board with doubts about Guno's self-proclaimed Jewishness, BTW, meaning that you may well be wrong on both counts. ;)

Knowing damn good and well that I don't believe in your Faith's chief protagonist, the real basis for your insistence that I'm a follower of its equally mythological antagonist (notwithstanding some of the scary images and videos I've posted in a few of your threads) is your mindless acceptance of those fairy tales. :rolleyes:

jeremiah said:
...As for the fundamentalist excuse you give for hating me - You despise Jesus Christ - drop the fundamentalist line, Capstone, it's a dog that won't hunt and you know it. Any Christian who isn't a fundamentalist isn't a Christian - you know it, I know it and the rest of the world should know it. Seriously, if you do not believe the fundamentals of the Bible are to be taken literally - you simply do not believe the Bible! (how then can you believe you are a Christian. Right?)...

Typical fundamentalist sophistry. Anyone who doesn't buy into the interpretations and modes of exegesis of your preferred brand of Christ-insanity (nevermind that this includes the vast majority of those who sincerely consider themselves "Christians") ... isn't really a Christian. :blahblah:

I don't hate you or your non-existent 'Savior', Jeri; I simply despise your fundamentalist nonsense. Yes, believe it or not, it's entirely possible and perfectly reasonable to hate an ideology without extending the hatred to its brainwashed ideologues.

jeremiah said:
...As for your situation. Satan would have you believe you are "salvation proofed' but I call him a liar. You are not salvation proofed - you can still come back to Jesus Christ and He will forgive and restore you. You are not too far gone. It's detrimental to him for you to believe you cannot return to the LORD but it is a lie! He is a liar.

I am praying for you and I know that God is going to answer my prayers for you. One day I believe you are going to show up on this board and say hey you! I gave my life back to God! Just wanted to let you know. Yeah. I am looking forward to that day. More than you know.

p.s. as to what is at my own expense? Do not concern yourself about what expense I go to. I have a limitless account with God as I am His servant. I give no thought about my life. As for you? I cannot imagine living in the fear you live in every day. It must be hell.

My exact words were: "at the expense of your own understanding". This was not intended as it seems you may have taken it - as a threat or warning WRT "[your] life".

On top of that, your silly assessment of a very few events and circumstances from my past (which, FYI, you really know next to nothing about) is every bit as cartoonish as might be expected from such a strict adherent to your fundy belief system.

Go pound a pulpit. :dev3:
I'm not lumping you two together. You are a Satanist and he is a Jew. ...

I'm not a Satanist, nor am I the only one on this board with doubts about Guno's self-proclaimed Jewishness, BTW, meaning that you may well be wrong on both counts. ;)

Knowing damn good and well that I don't believe in your Faith's chief protagonist, the real basis for your insistence that I'm a follower of its equally mythological antagonist (notwithstanding some of the scary images and videos I've posted in a few of your threads) is your mindless acceptance of those fairy tales. :rolleyes:

jeremiah said:
...As for the fundamentalist excuse you give for hating me - You despise Jesus Christ - drop the fundamentalist line, Capstone, it's a dog that won't hunt and you know it. Any Christian who isn't a fundamentalist isn't a Christian - you know it, I know it and the rest of the world should know it. Seriously, if you do not believe the fundamentals of the Bible are to be taken literally - you simply do not believe the Bible! (how then can you believe you are a Christian. Right?)...

Typical fundamentalist sophistry. Anyone who doesn't buy into the interpretations and modes of exegesis of your preferred brand of Christ-insanity (nevermind that this includes the vast majority of those who sincerely consider themselves "Christians") ... isn't really a Christian. :blahblah:

I don't hate you or your non-existent 'Savior', Jeri; I simply despise your fundamentalist nonsense. Yes, believe it or not, it's entirely possible and perfectly reasonable to hate an ideology without extending the hatred to its brainwashed ideologues.

jeremiah said:
...As for your situation. Satan would have you believe you are "salvation proofed' but I call him a liar. You are not salvation proofed - you can still come back to Jesus Christ and He will forgive and restore you. You are not too far gone. It's detrimental to him for you to believe you cannot return to the LORD but it is a lie! He is a liar.

I am praying for you and I know that God is going to answer my prayers for you. One day I believe you are going to show up on this board and say hey you! I gave my life back to God! Just wanted to let you know. Yeah. I am looking forward to that day. More than you know.

p.s. as to what is at my own expense? Do not concern yourself about what expense I go to. I have a limitless account with God as I am His servant. I give no thought about my life. As for you? I cannot imagine living in the fear you live in every day. It must be hell.

My exact words were: "at the expense of your own understanding". This was not intended as it seems you may have taken it - as a threat or warning WRT "[your] life".

On top of that, your silly assessment of a very few events and circumstances from my past (which, FYI, you really know next to nothing about) is every bit as cartoonish as might be expected from such a strict adherent to your fundy belief system.

Go pound a pulpit. :dev3:

If you are not a child of God? You are a child of the devil. That is the Word of God - so take it up with him, Capstone. Your propensity for bringing up Lucifer / satanic symbolism - pentagram in your past avatar and signatures before - is coming from somewhere - be it cloaked in humor or not - you've made your choice to not follow Christ but could still change your mind about it (which is what I am praying for). On the matter of my own understanding. The Bible warns against it. Have you not heard?

Lean not upon your own understanding...........?

It is written:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

I should point out to you, this is precisely where your faith became shipwrecked, Capstone.

You started off good but when you were invited by someone to "listen to why they didn't believe" and began to be lured away with their lies, you learned you were no match for the devil and his cunning craftiness. You had not business listening to what you knew was not the truth but you nevertheless went down that road because your intelligence deceived you into believing you could handle it - your intelligence could "keep you" when God already warned you that you were to TRUST IN HIM AND NOT LEAN UPON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. What part of that memo did you not get, Capstone?

You became your own worst enemy when you decided to disregard the Word of God and cut your own path. What foolishness!

As for the wickedness of the wicked. God speaks to the consequences you will face if you refuse to turn from it.

There is this scripture from Jeremiah:

Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 49:16

and this Scripture from Amos:

Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:
Amos 9:2
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If you are not a child of God? You are a child of the devil. That is the Word of God - so take it up with him, Capstone. Your propensity for bringing up Lucifer / satanic symbolism - pentagram in your past avatar and signatures before - is coming from somewhere - be it cloaked in humor or not - you've made your choice to not follow Christ but could still change your mind about it (which is what I am praying for). ...

Well, I do have a dark sense of humor, but the upright pentacle I used for awhile in my signature line was far more reminiscent of the symbol found in abundance in the 'Holy Land' on vessels dated to as early as 300 BC. This symbol includes the Hebrew letters Y, R, Sh, L, and M, prompting archeologists to regard it as 'the seal of Jerusalem'. It's also worth mentioning that the Testament of Solomon (pseodepigraphical work though it is) describes Solomon's ring as bearing the symbol. In other words: I was using a symbol of the ancient Israelites (the true 'chosen people'), as opposed to the six-pointed star of their fraudulent modern-day counterparts. ;)

I did, however, briefly invert it, when I responded to a series of private messages initiated by you; and I have, from time to time, posted distinctly Satanesque images and vids in your threads. I'm sorry, Jeri, but you really do bring out the worst in me. :laugh:

In any case, your black-and-white worldview is the direct result of your fundy indoctrination. Since, by your standard of mindless obedience to some sect's preferred set of interpretations, anyone who doesn't believe as you do is a "child of the devil", I'm only too happy to wear that tag! After all, according to your irrationalist dogma, the only alternative for me would be to shut off my god-given faculties and fall in line with the flock on its way to the slaughterhouse, demonizing the most noble and beautiful aspects of humanity along the way, all for the sake of spending my 'afterlife' (whether or not such a thing exists outside of the diseased imaginations of fundies like you) in the presence of the psychotic deity described in the Bible. No thanks. Frankly, Hell sounds more appealing to me.

jeremiah said:
...On the matter of my own understanding. The Bible warns against it. Have you not heard?

Lean not upon your own understanding...........?

It is written:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

I should point out to you, this is precisely where your faith became shipwrecked, Capstone.

You started off good but when you were invited by someone to "listen to why they didn't believe" and began to be lured away with their lies, you learned you were no match for the devil and his cunning craftiness. You had not business listening to what you knew was not the truth but you nevertheless went down that road because your intelligence deceived you into believing you could handle it - your intelligence could "keep you" when God already warned you that you were to TRUST IN HIM AND NOT LEAN UPON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. What part of that memo did you not get, Capstone?

You became your own worst enemy when you decided to disregard the Word of God and cut your own path. What foolishness!

As for the wickedness of the wicked. God speaks to the consequences you will face if you refuse to turn from it.

There is this scripture from Jeremiah:

Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 49:16

and this Scripture from Amos:

Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:
Amos 9:2

No need to quote the holy writ in favor of rejecting rational thought over mindless obedience. I'm well aware of the fact that even the ancients had a good handle on "the evils" of promoting reason over indoctrination. They knew, just as well as some of the wealthiest modern-day prosperity preachers, that the gravy train would likely dry up if the flock ever figured out that they could think for themselves. :rolleyes:
I heard it played live recently and it blew me away. Powerful song. The images on the video are great too.
If you are not a child of God? You are a child of the devil. That is the Word of God - so take it up with him, Capstone. Your propensity for bringing up Lucifer / satanic symbolism - pentagram in your past avatar and signatures before - is coming from somewhere - be it cloaked in humor or not - you've made your choice to not follow Christ but could still change your mind about it (which is what I am praying for). ...

Well, I do have a dark sense of humor, but the upright pentacle I used for awhile in my signature line was far more reminiscent of the symbol found in abundance in the 'Holy Land' on vessels dated to as early as 300 BC. This symbol includes the Hebrew letters Y, R, Sh, L, and M, prompting archeologists to regard it as 'the seal of Jerusalem'. It's also worth mentioning that the Testament of Solomon (pseodepigraphical work though it is) describes Solomon's ring as bearing the symbol. In other words: I was using a symbol of the ancient Israelites (the true 'chosen people'), as opposed to the six-pointed star of their fraudulent modern-day counterparts. ;)

I did, however, briefly invert it, when I responded to a series of private messages initiated by you; and I have, from time to time, posted distinctly Satanesque images and vids in your threads. I'm sorry, Jeri, but you really do bring out the worst in me. :laugh:

In any case, your black-and-white worldview is the direct result of your fundy indoctrination. Since, by your standard of mindless obedience to some sect's preferred set of interpretations, anyone who doesn't believe as you do is a "child of the devil", I'm only too happy to wear that tag! After all, according to your irrationalist dogma, the only alternative for me would be to shut off my god-given faculties and fall in line with the flock on its way to the slaughterhouse, demonizing the most noble and beautiful aspects of humanity along the way, all for the sake of spending my 'afterlife' (whether or not such a thing exists outside of the diseased imaginations of fundies like you) in the presence of the psychotic deity described in the Bible. No thanks. Frankly, Hell sounds more appealing to me.

jeremiah said:
...On the matter of my own understanding. The Bible warns against it. Have you not heard?

Lean not upon your own understanding...........?

It is written:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

I should point out to you, this is precisely where your faith became shipwrecked, Capstone.

You started off good but when you were invited by someone to "listen to why they didn't believe" and began to be lured away with their lies, you learned you were no match for the devil and his cunning craftiness. You had not business listening to what you knew was not the truth but you nevertheless went down that road because your intelligence deceived you into believing you could handle it - your intelligence could "keep you" when God already warned you that you were to TRUST IN HIM AND NOT LEAN UPON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. What part of that memo did you not get, Capstone?

You became your own worst enemy when you decided to disregard the Word of God and cut your own path. What foolishness!

As for the wickedness of the wicked. God speaks to the consequences you will face if you refuse to turn from it.

There is this scripture from Jeremiah:

Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 49:16

and this Scripture from Amos:

Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:
Amos 9:2

No need to quote the holy writ in favor of rejecting rational thought over mindless obedience. I'm well aware of the fact that even the ancients had a good handle on "the evils" of promoting reason over indoctrination. They knew, just as well as some of the wealthiest modern-day prosperity preachers, that the gravy train would likely dry up if the flock ever figured out that they could think for themselves. :rolleyes:

You are mistaken. You put the inverted pentagram on your signature on the message board here - for a short "season" - it was never done by PM and PM's shall remain PM's which means I won't discuss what anyone says to me by PM on a message board. It's a matter of my own faithfulness to God and His Word which says the faithful conceal a matter.

As for the rest of your post, you already know I'm opposed to prosperity preaching and consider it a false gospel. The Gospel I preach says the Just shall live by faith. George Mueller's faith is the standard of the believer - not Joel Osteen's or Joseph Prince - those men are hirelings who preach a false gospel for money - they are not even in the race (that Paul mentioned) so why bring up a false gospel as an excuse not to follow the true Gospel? It makes no sense. In fact nothing you've said makes sense. It's just a lot of excuses. Here is the truth. Jesus Christ never did anything to harm you - He never did anything to destroy your faith, or cause you to doubt or become discouraged. You are the one that took your eyes off of Jesus Christ and put them on false teachers. Still it was not your eyes turning towards what false preachers were doing that shipwrecked your faith. It was listening to and considering the argument of Satan that caused your faith to become shipwrecked. God never told you to question His Word and doubt Him. You fell for the same old lie the devil told Eve. Ye shall be as gods and didst God say? Yes, there is nothing new under the sun.

With that, there is nothing else to say until you come back to the LORD, Cap. Let me know when that happens. I'll be rejoicing with heaven for your return to the fold.

NOTE - for those who do not know who George Mueller was - he was the provider / caretaker of many orphans he had taken in. He never asked any person for a single penny. He never let anyone know about his needs. He made his requests private to God and asked for what he needed for the children and God answered. Every time.

That is true faith. Not send me your $1,000.00 so that you can plant your seed and exercise your faith. That isn't faith. That's robbery.
Last edited: are not your own God. You are quite self righteous. You don't believe in faith preachers and message of prosperity? Stay sick, broke, sad, and bitter. I personally have applied the teachings of seed and harvest and you does work when you do it correctly from a heart that God wants. Would you like to receive a gift if someone was made to give it to you? Would you feel like returning the favor? Get in the word and actually read what it says and let the spirit teach you.
And by the way Eve was deceived because she believed false info of touching not eating from the tree. Since she didn't die from touching it she got the idea that eating from it was false also. You probably have me on ignore after the bitter words I was treated to in another thread but maybe someone else can inform you to, for lack of better way to say so, get the stick out of your crack, someone needs to use the broom. You want someone to listen to you then stop condemning them to hell for everything
I'm not lumping you two together. You are a Satanist and he is a Jew. ...

I'm not a Satanist, nor am I the only one on this board with doubts about Guno's self-proclaimed Jewishness, BTW, meaning that you may well be wrong on both counts. ;)

Knowing damn good and well that I don't believe in your Faith's chief protagonist, the real basis for your insistence that I'm a follower of its equally mythological antagonist (notwithstanding some of the scary images and videos I've posted in a few of your threads) is your mindless acceptance of those fairy tales. :rolleyes:

jeremiah said:
...As for the fundamentalist excuse you give for hating me - You despise Jesus Christ - drop the fundamentalist line, Capstone, it's a dog that won't hunt and you know it. Any Christian who isn't a fundamentalist isn't a Christian - you know it, I know it and the rest of the world should know it. Seriously, if you do not believe the fundamentals of the Bible are to be taken literally - you simply do not believe the Bible! (how then can you believe you are a Christian. Right?)...

Typical fundamentalist sophistry. Anyone who doesn't buy into the interpretations and modes of exegesis of your preferred brand of Christ-insanity (nevermind that this includes the vast majority of those who sincerely consider themselves "Christians") ... isn't really a Christian. :blahblah:

I don't hate you or your non-existent 'Savior', Jeri; I simply despise your fundamentalist nonsense. Yes, believe it or not, it's entirely possible and perfectly reasonable to hate an ideology without extending the hatred to its brainwashed ideologues.

jeremiah said:
...As for your situation. Satan would have you believe you are "salvation proofed' but I call him a liar. You are not salvation proofed - you can still come back to Jesus Christ and He will forgive and restore you. You are not too far gone. It's detrimental to him for you to believe you cannot return to the LORD but it is a lie! He is a liar.

I am praying for you and I know that God is going to answer my prayers for you. One day I believe you are going to show up on this board and say hey you! I gave my life back to God! Just wanted to let you know. Yeah. I am looking forward to that day. More than you know.

p.s. as to what is at my own expense? Do not concern yourself about what expense I go to. I have a limitless account with God as I am His servant. I give no thought about my life. As for you? I cannot imagine living in the fear you live in every day. It must be hell.

My exact words were: "at the expense of your own understanding". This was not intended as it seems you may have taken it - as a threat or warning WRT "[your] life".

On top of that, your silly assessment of a very few events and circumstances from my past (which, FYI, you really know next to nothing about) is every bit as cartoonish as might be expected from such a strict adherent to your fundy belief system.

Go pound a pulpit. :dev3:

If you are not a child of God? You are a child of the devil. That is the Word of God - so take it up with him, Capstone. Your propensity for bringing up Lucifer / satanic symbolism - pentagram in your past avatar and signatures before - is coming from somewhere - be it cloaked in humor or not - you've made your choice to not follow Christ but could still change your mind about it (which is what I am praying for). On the matter of my own understanding. The Bible warns against it. Have you not heard?

Lean not upon your own understanding...........?

It is written:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not upon thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

I should point out to you, this is precisely where your faith became shipwrecked, Capstone.

You started off good but when you were invited by someone to "listen to why they didn't believe" and began to be lured away with their lies, you learned you were no match for the devil and his cunning craftiness. You had not business listening to what you knew was not the truth but you nevertheless went down that road because your intelligence deceived you into believing you could handle it - your intelligence could "keep you" when God already warned you that you were to TRUST IN HIM AND NOT LEAN UPON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. What part of that memo did you not get, Capstone?

You became your own worst enemy when you decided to disregard the Word of God and cut your own path. What foolishness!

As for the wickedness of the wicked. God speaks to the consequences you will face if you refuse to turn from it.

There is this scripture from Jeremiah:

Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 49:16

and this Scripture from Amos:

Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:
Amos 9:2
Please I beg you before you go laying what you believe to be a smack down on someone calling them a child of satan that you get a solid understanding about angelic beings and man. Angels are a different class of being...a different species that do not have the same capabilities man does. They can't breed or create. So please please stop telling people they are a child of a fallen angel. Someone may be a follower of such but they are not a child of such. You have judged and condemned me upon the choice of a picture. That is judging a book by its cover. And by the by..those people you have condemned because they are full bible uncompromised word believers understand, walk in and teach the word as it is to be taught. It would be a benefit to you to listen to what they have to say.
I've never heard of Jennifer Holliday, Drifter.

OT - I should have mentioned it earlier - I have put TrinityPower on ignore. Some people need to learn not to mock Jesus Christ attempting to bring reproach on His name. God isn't mocked. Whatsover a man (or woman) sows - that shall they reap.
I've never heard of Jennifer Holliday, Drifter.

OT - I should have mentioned it earlier - I have put TrinityPower on ignore. Some people need to learn not to mock Jesus Christ attempting to bring reproach on His name. God isn't mocked. Whatsover a man (or woman) sows - that shall they reap.
Just as I thought. You can't take the heat of taking what you shovel. I would rather not have to repent for telling lies and leading people away from the Lord and condemning people to hell and twisting the word of God to fit my own version of the bible. I think condemning those preachers following the teaching of Jesus and Paul puts you in pretty hot water, more so than a picture that calls one to stop and take note of what I have to say. What is that saying? You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. You are pushing more people away from the lord than to him with your self righteousness. You and koshergirl must hang out in the bathrooms at church gossiping about others and proclaiming your piety. Tsk tsk
I've never heard of Jennifer Holliday, Drifter.

OT - I should have mentioned it earlier - I have put TrinityPower on ignore. Some people need to learn not to mock Jesus Christ attempting to bring reproach on His name. God isn't mocked. Whatsover a man (or woman) sows - that shall they reap.

She sings some good gospel songs :)
You are mistaken. You put the inverted pentagram on your signature on the message board here - for a short "season" - it was never done by PM...

I didn't say it was "done by PM", Goofy; I said I inverted the pentacle in my signature line "when (meaning at the time) I responded to a series of private messages initiated by you". My meaning there should have been obvious even to you, since signature lines can't be altered via the PM function on this board. Duh.

The reason I inverted it for that "season" was because I knew it would make an impression on you to see a Satanic symbol at the bottom of each of my private (and public) responses to you around that time. How right was I, in light of the fact that we're still talking about it like 9 months later?! :laugh:

Of course you got the wrong impression (that I was a Satanist), and I expected no less of you! ;)

jeremiah said:
...As for the rest of your post, you already know I'm opposed to prosperity preaching and consider it a false gospel. The Gospel I preach says the Just shall live by faith. George Mueller's faith is the standard of the believer - not Joel Osteen's or Joseph Prince - those men are hirelings who preach a false gospel for money - they are not even in the race (that Paul mentioned) so why bring up a false gospel as an excuse not to follow the true Gospel? ...

The prosperity preachers (such as Reinhard Bonnke, BTW) constitute the worst manifestation of church profiteering. Don't tell me you condemn the doctrine of tithing/offering outright, Jeri. :doubt:

jeremiah said:
...It makes no sense. In fact nothing you've said makes sense. It's just a lot of excuses. ...

I don't need "excuses" not to believe in the teachings of the attempted indoctrination of my upbringing. There was never any reason for me to believe in the lion's share of them in the first place, no matter how hard I tried.

To your point though, if some of the actions and reported dictates of the God described in the Bible aren't reason enough for you to reject "HIS" megamaniacal, genocidal, and quintessentially racist ass (chapters and verses available on demand), then I can only see you as a person of very low or horribly distorted moral character.
You are mistaken. You put the inverted pentagram on your signature on the message board here - for a short "season" - it was never done by PM...

I didn't say it was "done by PM", Goofy; I said I inverted the pentacle in my signature line "when (meaning at the time) I responded to a series of private messages initiated by you". My meaning there should have been obvious even to you, since signature lines can't be altered via the PM function on this board. Duh.

The reason I inverted it for that "season" was because I knew it would make an impression on you to see a Satanic symbol at the bottom of each of my private (and public) responses to you around that time. How right was I, in light of the fact that we're still talking about it like 9 months later?! :laugh:

Of course you got the wrong impression (that I was a Satanist), and I expected no less of you! ;)

jeremiah said:
...As for the rest of your post, you already know I'm opposed to prosperity preaching and consider it a false gospel. The Gospel I preach says the Just shall live by faith. George Mueller's faith is the standard of the believer - not Joel Osteen's or Joseph Prince - those men are hirelings who preach a false gospel for money - they are not even in the race (that Paul mentioned) so why bring up a false gospel as an excuse not to follow the true Gospel? ...

The prosperity preachers (such as Reinhard Bonnke, BTW) constitute the worst manifestation of church profiteering. Don't tell me you condemn the doctrine of tithing/offering outright, Jeri. :doubt:

jeremiah said:
...It makes no sense. In fact nothing you've said makes sense. It's just a lot of excuses. ...

I don't need "excuses" not to believe in the teachings of the attempted indoctrination of my upbringing. There was never any reason for me to believe in the lion's share of them in the first place, no matter how hard I tried.

To your point though, if some of the actions and reported dictates of the God described in the Bible aren't reason enough for you to reject "HIS" megamaniacal, genocidal, and quintessentially racist ass (chapters and verses available on demand), then I can only see you as a person of very low or horribly distorted moral character.

As hard as you may try, Capstone, you won't have the final word on this and neither shall I. God has the final word as He IS the Word - heaven and earth will pass away but His Word "endureth" forever........

As for your accusation of Christians having a horribly distorted moral character - I am not the one lifting up Lucifer on this board - you are.

As for what you say you believe? Why should I believe you? I would no more believe you than I would believe Satan! Evil has no virtues, Capstone. Therein it is capable of anything and depends upon deception at all costs.

No, I am not fooled. You've talking to the wrong person if you are looking for someone who is naive to the enemies strategies and tactics.

I do not believe you, nor do I believe your excuses nor do I believe you believe them. It is what it is and you can call it what you wish but you most certainly will not be blaming Jesus Christ or His followers when you stand before Him on the day of Judgment. You've been given the truth and you've been warned to the consequences of ignoring it. We're finished here.
You are mistaken. You put the inverted pentagram on your signature on the message board here - for a short "season" - it was never done by PM...

I didn't say it was "done by PM", Goofy; I said I inverted the pentacle in my signature line "when (meaning at the time) I responded to a series of private messages initiated by you". My meaning there should have been obvious even to you, since signature lines can't be altered via the PM function on this board. Duh.

The reason I inverted it for that "season" was because I knew it would make an impression on you to see a Satanic symbol at the bottom of each of my private (and public) responses to you around that time. How right was I, in light of the fact that we're still talking about it like 9 months later?! :laugh:

Of course you got the wrong impression (that I was a Satanist), and I expected no less of you! ;)

jeremiah said:
...As for the rest of your post, you already know I'm opposed to prosperity preaching and consider it a false gospel. The Gospel I preach says the Just shall live by faith. George Mueller's faith is the standard of the believer - not Joel Osteen's or Joseph Prince - those men are hirelings who preach a false gospel for money - they are not even in the race (that Paul mentioned) so why bring up a false gospel as an excuse not to follow the true Gospel? ...

The prosperity preachers (such as Reinhard Bonnke, BTW) constitute the worst manifestation of church profiteering. Don't tell me you condemn the doctrine of tithing/offering outright, Jeri. :doubt:

jeremiah said:
...It makes no sense. In fact nothing you've said makes sense. It's just a lot of excuses. ...

I don't need "excuses" not to believe in the teachings of the attempted indoctrination of my upbringing. There was never any reason for me to believe in the lion's share of them in the first place, no matter how hard I tried.

To your point though, if some of the actions and reported dictates of the God described in the Bible aren't reason enough for you to reject "HIS" megamaniacal, genocidal, and quintessentially racist ass (chapters and verses available on demand), then I can only see you as a person of very low or horribly distorted moral character.

As hard as you may try, Capstone, you won't have the final word on this and neither shall I. God has the final word as He IS the Word - heaven and earth will pass away but His Word "endureth" forever........

As for your accusation of Christians having a horribly distorted moral character - I am not the one lifting up Lucifer on this board - you are.

As for what you say you believe? Why should I believe you? I would no more believe you than I would believe Satan! Evil has no virtues, Capstone. Therein it is capable of anything and depends upon deception at all costs.

No, I am not fooled. You've talking to the wrong person if you are looking for someone who is naive to the enemies strategies and tactics. ...

I'm not looking to have the final word, Jerigirl. If experience has taught me anything, it's that things like truth, accuracy, and correspondence to reality...have little to do with the matter of who gets the last word. ;)

jeremiah said:
...I do not believe you, nor do I believe your excuses nor do I believe you believe them. It is what it is and you can call it what you wish but you most certainly will not be blaming Jesus Christ or His followers when you stand before Him on the day of Judgment. You've been given the truth and you've been warned to the consequences of ignoring it. We're finished here.

Knowing what drives you in your chosen belief system, I don't expect you to believe me, nor do I give a rat's ass whether you believe me or not.

It is fitting that you chose to end your participation in our little back-and-forth with a typical strand of fundamentalist fear-mongering, apparently oblivious to the fact that such nonsense played a key role in my personal rejection of the Faith in the first place. You don't get it. You're simply too brainwashed to see the absurdity in the threat of eternal damnation for not accepting as our 'personal Lord and Savior' the human incarnation of the worst imaginable MONSTER in the history of religious mythology. Your moral fiber has been so drastically twisted by the degree to which you've been indoctrinated that you're willing to accept, worship, and praise the embodiment of torture by crucifixion, under the threat of eternal torture for failing to do so. :rolleyes:

You're a coward, and by virtue of that cowardice, a facilitator of some of the most heinous ongoing atrocities on our planet (see: the Middle East). As you said though, "it is what it is".

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