It just astounds me how republicans can’t concede on any aspect of this Trump/Russia scandal

Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
Thank you for confirming the OP. We truely appreciate your assistance.
We? So ewe and Billy are an item? Or one in the same person?
Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Why bother colluding when the Russians did just great on their own...
Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Why bother colluding when the Russians did just great on their own...

I know, they got all those Dems to vote for Trump, all they had to do was remind America of Hillary's corruption.

Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Why bother colluding when the Russians did just great on their own...

I know, they got all those Dems to vote for Trump, all they had to do was remind America of Hillary's corruption.

Her corruption being phony GOP scandals forever... Super duper... Everything has been investigated and nothing...they've known for a long time that everything they do will be investigated... Dingbat.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
Thank you for confirming the OP. We truely appreciate your assistance.
We? So ewe and Billy are an item? Or one in the same person?
Translation: "I can't think of anything intelligent to say (surprise!) So I'll just make some unfounded personal accusations."
Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Why bother colluding when the Russians did just great on their own...

I know, they got all those Dems to vote for Trump, all they had to do was remind America of Hillary's corruption.

Her corruption being phony GOP scandals forever... Super duper... Everything has been investigated and nothing...they've known for a long time that everything they do will be investigated... Dingbat.

That corrupt old drunk, I knew it when I first heard about her cattle futures bribe.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
LoL. The Left is objective. Ha. HaHa. BWAHAHAHA.
Concede to what???? we still haven't heard anything from Mueller....its getting investigation of no crime that goes on for two years and costs 20 million bucks...just in time for Mueller to retire on a sun bleached island.......we still don't know what trump was supposed to have done...Mueller is too busy prosecuting decades old crimes of a man that spent less than 40 days on Trump's campaign....its laughable....
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
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All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
You made a claim it is YOUR job to prove your claim it is not our job to prove it wrong.
Lol okay so if I provided you the transcript of Donnie Junior’s conversation with a Russian lawyer you would say “yeah you got me. His campaign colluded with Russia.”

What information did Trump Jr. get from the Russians?
Concede to what???? we still haven't heard anything from Mueller....its getting investigation of no crime that goes on for two years and costs 20 million bucks...just in time for Mueller to retire on a sun bleached island.......we still don't know what trump was supposed to have done...Mueller is too busy prosecuting decades old crimes of a man that spent less than 40 days on Trump's campaign....its laughable....
Concede to what???? we still haven't heard anything from Mueller....its getting investigation of no crime that goes on for two years and costs 20 million bucks...just in time for Mueller to retire on a sun bleached island.......we still don't know what trump was supposed to have done...Mueller is too busy prosecuting decades old crimes of a man that spent less than 40 days on Trump's campaign....its laughable....

The Benghazi investigation was started on Sept 13, 2012, and didn't conclude until July 8th, 2016.

Clinton's e-mail investigation started in July of 2015, and you guys are STILL wanting her to be investigated.

Nope, you conservatives investigated Hillary a lot longer than Trump has been under investigation.
The Benghazi investigation was started on Sept 13, 2012, and didn't conclude until July 8th, 2016.

Clinton's e-mail investigation started in July of 2015, and you guys are STILL wanting her to be investigated.

Nope, you conservatives investigated Hillary a lot longer than Trump has been under investigation
So this is just pay back...just a witch hunt to repay political foes???? good luck with that....
The Benghazi investigation was started on Sept 13, 2012, and didn't conclude until July 8th, 2016.

Clinton's e-mail investigation started in July of 2015, and you guys are STILL wanting her to be investigated.

Nope, you conservatives investigated Hillary a lot longer than Trump has been under investigation
So this is just pay back...just a witch hunt to repay political foes???? good luck with that....

Didn't say anything about it being payback, you did. I simply said that Hillary was under investigation a hell of a lot longer than Trump was, and nothing came out of it.

Mueller's investigation? Has already convicted several people, and they are getting ready to indict quite a few more.
Didn't say anything about it being payback, you did. I simply said that Hillary was under investigation a hell of a lot longer than Trump was, and nothing came out of it.
So what??? what does it have to do with Trump???
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

Feel free to provide some EVIDENCE. So far all you have is lies, and opinions.
Didn't say anything about it being payback, you did. I simply said that Hillary was under investigation a hell of a lot longer than Trump was, and nothing came out of it.
So what??? what does it have to do with Trump???

You are bitching that Mueller's investigation is taking too long and should be shut down because nothing has come of it. I told you that Hillary was under investigation for a hell of a lot longer on 2 separate things, and nothing came of it, while Mueller's investigation has already resulted in several convictions with more indictments to come.
Mueller's investigation? Has already convicted several people, and they are getting ready to indict quite a few more
Most of the people Mueller indicted are Russian businessmen and companies...he can't convict them or take them to was just a power play and red meat for people like you....but he fucked of the companies are fighting back (he didn't figure on that) and demanding to see the evidence against them....they have every right to see what evidence Mueller Mueller is fighting that demand in court....because he has no evidence...he is a crooked prosecutor...always has been....
The Russian company will eventually be successful...most attorneys agree Mueller stepped in this one....
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.
lol his campaign definitely colluded with Russia. His dumbass son voluntarily proved that.

Talking to someone about “dirt on Hillary” isn’t illegal in any way.

The word “collude” implies doing something together illegally. Making information public isn’t illegal.
Concede to what???? we still haven't heard anything from Mueller....its getting investigation of no crime that goes on for two years and costs 20 million bucks...just in time for Mueller to retire on a sun bleached island.......we still don't know what trump was supposed to have done...Mueller is too busy prosecuting decades old crimes of a man that spent less than 40 days on Trump's campaign....its laughable....
Are you seriously too stupid to understand some investigations take a long time to do?
Over a year into the Mueller investigation the purpose we were told was to investigate Russian attempts to interfer in the 2016 election and possible collusion by the Trump campigan to date not not a single person associated with the Trump campigan has plead guilty to been charged with or indicted on anything related to this. You have had people plead guilty to making false or misleading statements to FBI and have had indictments and a guilty plea to white collar crimes that happened years before the election. Perhaps the lack of charges (none) on what Mueller is supposed to investigating is why many consider it a witch hunt.
You are bitching that Mueller's investigation is taking too long and should be shut down because nothing has come of it. I told you that Hillary was under investigation for a hell of a lot longer on 2 separate things, and nothing came of it, while Mueller's investigation has already resulted in several convictions with more indictments to come.
Why are you conflating the two???? Trump did nothing wrong...Mueller hasn't been in front of a microphone since he began this witch hunt....if the GOP had a spine and didn't hate Trump as much as you do they would be demanding Mueller show his cards.....

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