It just astounds me how republicans can’t concede on any aspect of this Trump/Russia scandal

Trump's campaign manager is in jail locked up.

Nearly two dozen indictments.

5 guilty pleas.

Republicans call that zero evidence.

Course, they believe we were shimmered into being from dirt and the earth is only a couple of thousand years old.

Some might say Gawd they're dumb.
How many of those have anything to do with the stated purpose of the Mueller investigation which was Russian attempts to meddle in the election and collusion? Answer none over a year and no charges, indictments, or guilty pleas on what Mueller was empowered to investigate.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
You made a claim it is YOUR job to prove your claim it is not our job to prove it wrong.
Lol okay so if I provided you the transcript of Donnie Junior’s conversation with a Russian lawyer you would say “yeah you got me. His campaign colluded with Russia.”

Apparently some members of the Trump campaign talked with the Russians, but did they agree to do something illegal? And, if they agreed to do something illegal, did they actually follow through on that agreement?
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
You made a claim it is YOUR job to prove your claim it is not our job to prove it wrong.
Lol okay so if I provided you the transcript of Donnie Junior’s conversation with a Russian lawyer you would say “yeah you got me. His campaign colluded with Russia.”

What information did Trump Jr. get from the Russians?

Getting information from Russians is not illegal.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.

Actually, allowing a foreign government to help with a federal election IS illegal. That is why they are looking into whether or not Russia helped Trump win the election.

Interesting sidebar.....................the biggest help Trump got for his campaign probably came from the dude that he fired.................Comey. One of the findings of the commission is that Comey's actions in regards to how he handled the Hillary investigation had a large impact on the election in Trump's favor. And.........Comey wasn't even trying to help Trump.
"Actually, allowing a foreign government to help with a federal election IS illegal. "
But it was ok when the other Clinton was doing it, right ?
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review
epublicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

They are.....either COWARDS, or simply in need to belong to a CULT and adoration of a cult leader like the demagogue Trump.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Concede what? You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence the President had anything to do with colluding with Russia, which by the way, IS NOT ILLEGAL to begin with.

Actually, allowing a foreign government to help with a federal election IS illegal. That is why they are looking into whether or not Russia helped Trump win the election.

Interesting sidebar.....................the biggest help Trump got for his campaign probably came from the dude that he fired.................Comey. One of the findings of the commission is that Comey's actions in regards to how he handled the Hillary investigation had a large impact on the election in Trump's favor. And.........Comey wasn't even trying to help Trump.
"Actually, allowing a foreign government to help with a federal election IS illegal. "
But it was ok when the other Clinton was doing it, right ?
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review[/QUOTE

Never said anything about it being okay, and yeah, if Clinton did it and it can be proven, he should be brought up on charges. No, it's never okay to allow a foreign government to have influence on our election, no matter who it is.

And, deflecting to Clinton when Trump is doing it isn't an answer either. How about we hold people accountable, no matter what party they belong to?
epublicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

They are.....either COWARDS, or simply in need to belong to a CULT and adoration of a cult leader like the demagogue Trump.
Yep. They like Trump are an international embarrassment.
The ugly truth is, both Campaigns sought foreign assistance to influence our Election. Clinton clearly paid a UK Citizen, Christopher Steele, to obtain a bogus Russian dossier on Trump. And some Trump associates also sought foreign influence in their dealings with Russia. Both Campaigns 'Colluded.'

But keep in mind, Collusion isn't a crime. If folks want it made a crime, they need to take it up with their Congressional representatives. So, it is time to wrap up the Trump 'investigation'. And then maybe open an investigation into Clinton's Collusion. It isn't right that only Trump is being targeted. For any sense of credibility, Clinton should be investigated too. That's the reality folks. Read it and weep.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Still waiting for actual evidence.
I'll concede that both Campaigns colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. But why is only the Trump Campaign being targeted? Clinton and Obama clearly colluded with foreigners to attack Trump.

But regardless, Collusion isn't a crime. So what is Mueller still investigating? It's time to wrap the Democrat Witch Hunt up. After that happens, it would be right to open an investigation into Clinton/Obama Collusion.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
I know you are liberal regressive liar that ignores any facts. That's why I never argue with you scum, it's a waste of time. You will accept no amount of proof of anything and you never stop lying. Ever.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
View attachment 198906
All this tells me is that you know I’m right and can’t argue otherwise.
I know you are liberal regressive liar that ignores any facts. That's why I never argue with you scum, it's a waste of time. You will accept no amount of proof of anything and you never stop lying. Ever.

'Collusion' isn't a crime. They still don't wanna get that. If it were a crime, Clinton and Obama would be in prison right now. So what's Mueller investigating at this point? Just looks they're moving the goal posts on it. They're desperate to get Trump on anything. It's time to wrap it up. And then to achieve any sense of credibility, an investigation into Clinton/Obama Collusion should begin. That's my take anyway.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Not true, no one on the left said she was careless...they said it was all legal and ok.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Not true, no one on the left said she was careless...they said it was all legal and ok.
Using the private server was legal.
When you can produce some substantive, meaningful evidence of Russian collusion, we'll believe you. Meeting with a Russian to possibly get dirt on Hillary is not "collusion," nor is it illegal (recall that Hillary hired an ex-spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump). Every piece of so-called "evidence" that liberals here have cited has been worthless and irrelevant for proving collusion.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Not true, no one on the left said she was careless...they said it was all legal and ok.
Using the private server was legal.

Keeping, receiving or sending classified info on a private server is not legal.
Destroying government emails kept on that private server is not legal.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

Are you “astounded” by the fact that Liberals continue to support Mexico’s infiltration of American democracy?
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server.
According to the FBI, Clinton violated the espionage act on over 100 separate occasions. The term "extremely careless" is synonymous with "gross negligence". She's guilty and should have been prosecuted.

Classified info from Clinton emails ended up of Anthony Weiner's laptop that was seized because of his irresistible compulsion to show pictures of his dick to underage girls online, any one of whom could have ensnared him in a honey trap.

Another consequence of Clinton's lawbreaking was that the State Department had to disable security features on their server in order to receive emails from her unsecure server.

This grossly negligent action left the server open to phishing attacks. The malware was then spread to server, the server, and several other federal and state government servers.
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Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

Now orange turd wants to pardon Blagoiovich. I was glad to see that criminal go to jail and what criminal would pardon him?

Now the Senate has confirmed the Russians helped Trump in the last presidential election but cons can't face it. Denial of reality is their lifeblood.
implying that votes were influenced by Russia in any way is one of the stupidest theories the Democrats came up with.

Democrats really think they can make everyone believe anything they say

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