It just astounds me how republicans can’t concede on any aspect of this Trump/Russia scandal

Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

Tell me you left nut wing pussy...…

Just what did the Russians do?

The fact is you got your ass spanked and

then you came up with all this Russian Bull Shit.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Especially after the indictments and guilty pleas continue to pile up.
When there is actual evidence of malfeasance, we will acknowledge it.

Until then the texts messages released in the IG report make it clear that it's a witch hunt
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Especially after the indictments and guilty pleas continue to pile up.
And yet NOT A SINGLE ONE is for collusion with Russia. Go figure.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
Donald Jr., was told by a Russian lawyer that they had "dirt" on Hillary, but when he got there, all it was about was Russian adoptions. Nothing there.
To date, there is absolutely NO collusion demonstrated between Trump and Russia. I know that hurts your feelings, but that's just the way it is.
Personally, I want all of our presidents to meet with the adversarial heads of other nations in an effort to work out any significant differences. Trump has placed sanctions on Russia and that's fine for now. What do you want him to do with these adversarial nations....go to war? You'd bitch if he did that.
Especially after the indictments and guilty pleas continue to pile up.

Guilty pleas? For what that has anything to do with Trump? You are just as stupid as those population control nutbags in Berkeley.

There is nothing to concede other than mueller and company are trying to cover up their past with obama and the clintons by running this kabuki theatre style investigation.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.
It shouldn't astound you. You feel the same way about Obama's numerous scandals.

Now...if you say Big Ears had no scandals or ask me what scandals occurred under BO, this merely proves you are a silly partisan.
Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Why bother colluding when the Russians did just great on their own...

I know, they got all those Dems to vote for Trump, all they had to do was remind America of Hillary's corruption.

Her corruption being phony GOP scandals forever... Super duper... Everything has been investigated and nothing...they've known for a long time that everything they do will be investigated... Dingbat.
Could it be because anyone willing to testify against her. Committed suicide?
Sigh. . . . Donald Jr.'s contact with a Russian to get dirt on Hillary was not illegal. Hillary and the DNC hired a spy to meet with Russians to get dirt on Trump.

The contact between Trump people and Russians did not involve collusion to throw the election, which is why Mueller has not been able to indict any senior Trump people for Russian election collusion. It's just that simple. There is simply no evidence that any senior Trump people colluded with Russians to influence the election.
Why bother colluding when the Russians did just great on their own...

I know, they got all those Dems to vote for Trump, all they had to do was remind America of Hillary's corruption.

Her corruption being phony GOP scandals forever... Super duper... Everything has been investigated and nothing...they've known for a long time that everything they do will be investigated... Dingbat.
Could it be because anyone willing to testify against her. Committed suicide?
Not a chance, conspiracy Nut Job typical doop.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

I know, $145 million in payoffs from partners of Russian oligarchs. Just awful!!!

The $145 million from Russian Oligarchs went to the Clinton Foundation and was used entirely as part of the Charity’s work. The Clintons take no money from the Charity either as salaries or honorariums.

All of which was confirmed by audited financial statements, filed with the IRS who investigated the financial statements of the Clinton Foundation at the behest of Judicial Watch.

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated by Republican lead Congressional Committees, Republican lead Senate Committees, the FBI and the IRS. The Foundation has 5 star ratings from every charity watch group out there.

Now let’s talk about that multi-million dollar law suit filed by the state of anew York against Donald Trump and his three oldest children over their misuse of Foundation funds.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

I know, $145 million in payoffs from partners of Russian oligarchs. Just awful!!!

The $145 million from Russian Oligarchs went to the Clinton Foundation and was used entirely as part of the Charity’s work. The Clintons take no money from the Charity either as salaries or honorariums.

All of which was confirmed by audited financial statements, filed with the IRS who investigated the financial statements of the Clinton Foundation at the behest of Judicial Watch.

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated by Republican lead Congressional Committees, Republican lead Senate Committees, the FBI and the IRS. The Foundation has 5 star ratings from every charity watch group out there.

Now let’s talk about that multi-million dollar law suit filed by the state of anew York against Donald Trump and his three oldest children over their misuse of Foundation funds.

went to the Clinton Foundation and was used entirely as part of the Charity’s work.

You bet. No cronies were hired. No politically connected friends received any contracts from the "foundation".
And the very important work continued after her election loss with no reduction in influence peddling...errr...favor buying...errr...contributions. DERP!
Trump's campaign manager is in jail locked up.

Nearly two dozen indictments.

5 guilty pleas.

Republicans call that zero evidence.

Course, they believe we were shimmered into being from dirt and the earth is only a couple of thousand years old.

Some might say Gawd they're dumb.
Okay so when Hillary had her email scandal, most liberals said “okay, she didn’t break any laws according to the FBI, but it’s undeniable she was extremely careless by using a private server. Of course, so did many secretary of states like Powell before her so...”

Liberals have also conceded that she has had numerous shady financial connections which include her Wall Street speeches. She was also very disingenuous about these facts during the campaign.

So here we are with the Russian scandal and Trump. It ranges from Trump’s son voluntarily disclosing an email conversation with a Russian official to get dirt on Hillary during the campaign to several indictments and a GUILTY PLEA of Trump’s campaign officials. Not to mention Trump has been a complete pussy when it has come to Putin/Russian relations with the US. Remember when they called Obama a communist? Hmmm. How odd Trump gets a pass as a Ruskie.

From all of that, republicans just say “nope, the entire investigation into Trump’s campaign is a witch hunt. He did nothing wrong! He’s a man of the utmost integrity derp, derp, derp!”

The point is, the left is objective and republicans are pussies who can’t stand being wrong on anything.

I know, $145 million in payoffs from partners of Russian oligarchs. Just awful!!!

The $145 million from Russian Oligarchs went to the Clinton Foundation and was used entirely as part of the Charity’s work. The Clintons take no money from the Charity either as salaries or honorariums.

All of which was confirmed by audited financial statements, filed with the IRS who investigated the financial statements of the Clinton Foundation at the behest of Judicial Watch.

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated by Republican lead Congressional Committees, Republican lead Senate Committees, the FBI and the IRS. The Foundation has 5 star ratings from every charity watch group out there.

Now let’s talk about that multi-million dollar law suit filed by the state of anew York against Donald Trump and his three oldest children over their misuse of Foundation funds.

went to the Clinton Foundation and was used entirely as part of the Charity’s work.

You bet. No cronies were hired. No politically connected friends received any contracts from the "foundation".
And the very important work continued after her election loss with no reduction in influence peddling...errr...favor buying...errr...contributions. DERP!
Don't forget, it's under criminal investigation.



That's the Trump Foundation?

Oops, never mind.
Trump's campaign manager is in jail locked up.

Nearly two dozen indictments.

5 guilty pleas.

Republicans call that zero evidence.

Course, they believe we were shimmered into being from dirt and the earth is only a couple of thousand years old.

Some might say Gawd they're dumb.
And yet NOT a single one of them have ANYTHING to do with the supposed collusion. Go figure.

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