It sounds like the Dems are chasing Breyer out sooner than he wanted…..

It sounds like the Dems are chasing Breyer out sooner than he wanted…..​

They have the Presidency and are doing what they need to do to get a younger justice in. Justices retire all the time, it is all good.

It sounds like the Dems are chasing Breyer out sooner than he wanted…..​

They have the Presidency and are doing what they need to do to get a younger justice in. Justices retire all the time, it is all good.
No, there is nothing 'good' about it, they are attempting to install a radical progressive with no regard for that person's allegiance to America or the Constitution. George Soros funds the progressive group "Demand Justice" that has been displaying 'retire Breyer' billboards for months and pressuring him to retire. Demand Justice was also behind the move to 'pack' the court with progressives.
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No, there is nothing 'good' about it, they are attempting to install a radical progressive with no regard for that person's allegiance to America or the Constitution. George Soros funds the progressive group "Demand Justice" that has been displaying 'retire Breyer' billboards for months and pressuring him to retire. Demand Justice was also behind packing the court with progressives.
To the victor goes the spoils. Biden won the Presidency and Biden will choose who to nominate. If it is a radical progressive, then that is what the 81 million Biden voters will get.
To the victor goes the spoils. Biden won the Presidency and Biden will choose who to nominate. If it is a radical progressive, then that is what the 81 million Biden voters will get.

Biden is a false victor and isn't in control of himself or the country. George Soros is pulling the strings.
No, there is nothing 'good' about it, they are attempting to install a radical progressive with no regard for that person's allegiance to America or the Constitution. George Soros funds the progressive group "Demand Justice" that has been displaying 'retire Breyer' billboards for months and pressuring him to retire. Demand Justice was also behind the move to 'pack' the court with progressives.
Is the previous post in English or some sort of conservafascism language…
I don't know who Biden will pick for the Court, but I'm certain she abused me, though I can't recall where or when, but I distinctly remember the trauma forced me to add a 2nd front door to my house, so please pick someone else.
Of course he is retiring, he HAS to.

They certainly do not want another RGB in their hands. The right successfully proved you can hold a justice slot open for a year to wait to change the ideological makeup of the court. That is going to FORCE judges to time their retirements much more carefully than before.

Which, interestingly enough, means that it is actually the right that is forcing him to retire to avoid the last shit sandwich they gave the democrats.
Prove it. Offer one tiny bit of proof of this. Just this once, support a claim that you make
Prove it isn't a coincidence. I heard reports that Breyer was only contemplating retirement and mentioned this to a colleague, and then boom, suddenly it is in the CCP Mainstream Media.

Don't get so sensitive. You will still end up with a Cross Dressing Transgender Black Woman who was the child of slaves and illegal immigrants, and a victim of "You ain't Black unless I say you Black" and was most likely a rapist Drug King Pin at 16 years old running a major Prostitution ring, (Just like in the movie, "Risky Business"):uhoh3:

It amazes me that No One listening the the loontard trying to accuse Kavanaugh of being a Pimp Daddy Drug Lord at 16 even made the parallel. The Loon Tard Demoncrat, just spewed out her fantasy and web of lies from watching "Risky Business".

Maybe Kavanaugh looked like Tom Cruise at 16. Not an ugly man. The little tramp probably salivated over him and was rejected cuz, well she was a whore in high school......eww...lots of mileage on that bearded clam. Like a 7-11 it was open for business 24-7.






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Prove it isn't a coincidence. I heard reports that Breyer was only contemplating retirement and mentioned this to a colleague, and then boom, suddenly it is in the CCP Mainstream Media.

Don't get so sensitive. You will still end up with a Cross Dressing Transgender Black Woman who was the child or slaves and illegal immigrants, and a victim of "You ain't Black unless I say you Black" and was most likely a rapist Drug King Pin at 16 years old running a major Prostitution ring, (Just like the movie, "Risky Business")

I cannot prove a negative.

I am not being sensitive, I am asking you to support a claim you have made. I know it would be a new thing for you, but who knows maybe you will like it.
To the victor goes the spoils. Biden won the Presidency and Biden will choose who to nominate. If it is a radical progressive, then that is what the 81 million Biden voters will get.
Your satire is brilliant. You're rubbing their faces in it.

81 million votes.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Fucking brilliant. Bidophiles must hate you.
I cannot prove a negative.

I am not being sensitive, I am asking you to support a claim you have made. I know it would be a new thing for you, but who knows maybe you will like it.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

Do you forget how The Dems tried to force Bloody Ginsburg to hold on to her seat forever no matter how sick she was?
Dems are soulless ghouls.

They were DYING for ANY news that can get off of how shitty Biden is doing.....this is a welcome distraction.

A far left useless asshole will be replaced with a further left more useless asshole.

This is a non story and nothing will change.
So, you cannot support your claims. Why not just say so and avoid all the extra typing.
I have a logical mind, and by both the reports I read, & the history of the foaming at The Mouth Demoncrats who hate our Constitution, and Hate a Constructionist view, I conclude, Watson that with a great deal of certainty that this is a fact.

The DemNazi leopard does not change it's DemNazi spots.

Just because I can't prove the Loon Tard Whore they sicked on Kavanaugh did not lie and Plagiarize her story directly out of "Risky Business" with Kavanaugh playing Tom Cruise in the story, I am smart enough to know that Kavanaugh was not a 16 year old Drug Lord and Pimp Daddy running a major prostitution ring right under his parent's and school's and law enforcement's noses, and that the whack job lifted her story from "Risky Business".


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