It Took 29 Years and 9 Months For This Guy To Finally See The Truth


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt has finally discovered the truth about the Republican Party, and it only took him three months shy of thirty years.

After all those years, and as an adviser to Dubya and John McCain, he shouldn’t be surprised by the ugly direction the GOP has taken during the years since Reagan set the current course of “indifference to everyone but the fat cats”. Schmidt helped create the policies, which he now finds repugnant.

Willful ignorance as deep seated as that exhibited by Steve Schmidt should give rank-and-file Democratic voters second thoughts about welcoming Schmidt into the party. We already have too many leaders who collaborate with the Republicans and the fat cats.

The Democratic Party needs young activists to change the status quo in Washington and in state legislatures that cater to the whims of greedy a$$holes like the Koch Brothers. Young people who can bring progressive ideals back to the people instead of the worship of the wealthy of conservatism.

Voters graduating high school this year are too young to remember a time when this country has NOT been at war. This country needs them and others of the “under thirty five” generation to truly make America great again. The vast majority of the “over forty” generations only know willful ignorance, hatred, and paranoia, of which Steve Schmidt, at 48 years-of-age, is a shining example.

GOP Strategist Quits 'Corrupt' Party Of 'Feckless Cowards,' Will Vote For Democrats



Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt has finally discovered the truth about the Republican Party, and it only took him three months shy of thirty years.

After all those years, and as an adviser to Dubya and John McCain, he shouldn’t be surprised by the ugly direction the GOP has taken during the years since Reagan set the current course of “indifference to everyone but the fat cats”. Schmidt helped create the policies, which he now finds repugnant.

Willful ignorance as deep seated as that exhibited by Steve Schmidt should give rank-and-file Democratic voters second thoughts about welcoming Schmidt into the party. We already have too many leaders who collaborate with the Republicans and the fat cats.

The Democratic Party needs young activists to change the status quo in Washington and in state legislatures that cater to the whims of greedy a$$holes like the Koch Brothers. Young people who can bring progressive ideals back to the people instead of the worship of the wealthy of conservatism.

Voters graduating high school this year are too young to remember a time when this country has NOT been at war. This country needs them and others of the “under thirty five” generation to truly make America great again. The vast majority of the “over forty” generations only know willful ignorance, hatred, and paranoia, of which Steve Schmidt, at 48 years-of-age, is a shining example.

GOP Strategist Quits 'Corrupt' Party Of 'Feckless Cowards,' Will Vote For Democrats

View attachment 200217


Schmidt is a neocon that has worked to elect neocons AND leftards....his opinion is such that I should weigh and consider?Please explain......

Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt has finally discovered the truth about the Republican Party, and it only took him three months shy of thirty years.

After all those years, and as an adviser to Dubya and John McCain, he shouldn’t be surprised by the ugly direction the GOP has taken during the years since Reagan set the current course of “indifference to everyone but the fat cats”. Schmidt helped create the policies, which he now finds repugnant.

Willful ignorance as deep seated as that exhibited by Steve Schmidt should give rank-and-file Democratic voters second thoughts about welcoming Schmidt into the party. We already have too many leaders who collaborate with the Republicans and the fat cats.

The Democratic Party needs young activists to change the status quo in Washington and in state legislatures that cater to the whims of greedy a$$holes like the Koch Brothers. Young people who can bring progressive ideals back to the people instead of the worship of the wealthy of conservatism.

Voters graduating high school this year are too young to remember a time when this country has NOT been at war. This country needs them and others of the “under thirty five” generation to truly make America great again. The vast majority of the “over forty” generations only know willful ignorance, hatred, and paranoia, of which Steve Schmidt, at 48 years-of-age, is a shining example.

GOP Strategist Quits 'Corrupt' Party Of 'Feckless Cowards,' Will Vote For Democrats

View attachment 200217

/——/ Yawn
Schmidt is a neocon that has worked to elect neocons AND leftards....his opinion is such that I should weigh and consider?Please explain......

You are right. He clearly doesn't think crazy stuff like the kids in the cages are child actors.

Everything The Media Got Wrong About The Crying Girl On The TIME Cover

Okay, the thing is Trump is still putting kids in cages...

I think most of us realize Trump didn't see that kid.
Schmidt is a neocon that has worked to elect neocons AND leftards....his opinion is such that I should weigh and consider?Please explain......

You are right. He clearly doesn't think crazy stuff like the kids in the cages are child actors.

Rush needs to take some more drugs...

Trump fucked up. He thought he could get his wall by throwing kids into a concentration camp. It backfired on him.
Yea ... that's what they all said ... after the war.

Um, no, I'm pretty sure that they left in the 1930's and my Dad went back with the US Army on D-Day in 1944...

This is all stuff that happened.

Ironically, my dad was kind of the unit outcast because he was a recent German immigrant. Of course, didn't help that his parents stuck him with a totally German name.
Schmidt is a neocon that has worked to elect neocons AND leftards....his opinion is such that I should weigh and consider?Please explain......

You are right. He clearly doesn't think crazy stuff like the kids in the cages are child actors.

Everything The Media Got Wrong About The Crying Girl On The TIME Cover

Okay, the thing is Trump is still putting kids in cages...

I think most of us realize Trump didn't see that kid.

You got chumped, was all a media creation full of lies and "creative editing". The detainment treatment or conditions of illegals did not change or become harsher under Trump. Of course it didn't stop the knee-jerk reaction of the leftard clown posse.
What is most disturbing to me is that while I wish to be a impartial observer and comment on whether Trump is "legit" or not as it pertains to this war against the shadow government and their deep state operatives? I find myself defending Trump because of the bullshit being flung by leftards and the lamestream media. Illegal immigration and the costs of it are HUGE and a tremendous drain on the dwindling resources meant for Americans and this can has been kicked down the road for decades.

BTW, this latest caravan of illegals that paid the Mexican drug cartels/coyotes for safe passage through O'Mexico were told well in advance that they would be stopped and refused entry but they were defiant and said they would cross anyway and they used children (most of which were not even with theirs) to pull at the heart strings of the moron left.
You got chumped, was all a media creation full of lies and "creative editing". The detainment treatment or conditions of illegals did not change or become harsher under Trump. Of course it didn't stop the knee-jerk reaction of the leftard clown posse.

Well, actually it did, because Trump insisted on holding EVERYONE who arrived at the border instead of releasing the ones who had a place to stay when they got here.

What is most disturbing to me is that while I wish to be a impartial observer and comment on whether Trump is "legit" or not as it pertains to this war against the shadow government and their deep state operatives? I find myself defending Trump because of the bullshit being flung by leftards and the lamestream media. Illegal immigration and the costs of it are HUGE and a tremendous drain on the dwindling resources meant for Americans and this can has been kicked down the road for decades.

again, assholes like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago and the Poles 50 years ago.

Trump isn't "legit" because most people voted against him. He only won because of a fluke in our system. The "Deep State" are professionals who know he has no business being in office, but as logn as one party is more afraid of their primary voters than the consequences of having a crazy person in the White House, we are at where we are at.

BTW, this latest caravan of illegals that paid the Mexican drug cartels/coyotes for safe passage through O'Mexico were told well in advance that they would be stopped and refused entry but they were defiant and said they would cross anyway and they used children (most of which were not even with theirs) to pull at the heart strings of the moron left.

Again, you think that people who are barely literate and have limited access to media really hatched this elaborate plan to make your Fuhrer look bad?

Why Central American Refugees Will Keep Coming to the U.S.

“People are leaving because they are suffering from high levels of violence from gangs and other organized criminal groups. These gangs want to recruit minors, they carry out extortion, kidnapping, sexually abusing girls,” says Francesca Fontanini, spokesperson for the UNHCR in the Americas. “This flow of families from Central America will not stop because if the root causes are still there these people will keep coming to the U.S. or to other countries.”
You got chumped, was all a media creation full of lies and "creative editing". The detainment treatment or conditions of illegals did not change or become harsher under Trump. Of course it didn't stop the knee-jerk reaction of the leftard clown posse.

Well, actually it did, because Trump insisted on holding EVERYONE who arrived at the border instead of releasing the ones who had a place to stay when they got here.

What is most disturbing to me is that while I wish to be a impartial observer and comment on whether Trump is "legit" or not as it pertains to this war against the shadow government and their deep state operatives? I find myself defending Trump because of the bullshit being flung by leftards and the lamestream media. Illegal immigration and the costs of it are HUGE and a tremendous drain on the dwindling resources meant for Americans and this can has been kicked down the road for decades.

again, assholes like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago and the Poles 50 years ago.

Trump isn't "legit" because most people voted against him. He only won because of a fluke in our system. The "Deep State" are professionals who know he has no business being in office, but as logn as one party is more afraid of their primary voters than the consequences of having a crazy person in the White House, we are at where we are at.

BTW, this latest caravan of illegals that paid the Mexican drug cartels/coyotes for safe passage through O'Mexico were told well in advance that they would be stopped and refused entry but they were defiant and said they would cross anyway and they used children (most of which were not even with theirs) to pull at the heart strings of the moron left.

Again, you think that people who are barely literate and have limited access to media really hatched this elaborate plan to make your Fuhrer look bad?

Why Central American Refugees Will Keep Coming to the U.S.

“People are leaving because they are suffering from high levels of violence from gangs and other organized criminal groups. These gangs want to recruit minors, they carry out extortion, kidnapping, sexually abusing girls,” says Francesca Fontanini, spokesperson for the UNHCR in the Americas. “This flow of families from Central America will not stop because if the root causes are still there these people will keep coming to the U.S. or to other countries.”

"Well, actually it did, because Trump insisted on holding EVERYONE who arrived at the border instead of releasing the ones who had a place to stay when they got here"

Really? So they should have just been "caught and released" with a summons to appear at a hearing a year or so down the road of which they will be a "no show"? They were warned and proceeded anyway and were rather defiant about it. The vast majority of children didn't have a parent and were simply used as a shield. Why don't you haul your ass down to the holding stations and agree to take in some of these illegals and sponsor them on your dime? Or does your "charity" end at the federal withholding rate? I suspect that is indeed the case.

"again, assholes like you said the same thing about the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago and the Poles 50 years ago"

You make a lot of shit up, Joseph.... and spew shit that you haven't a clue about. German settlers came to Texas back in the 1850's and settled before it was a state. The Irish settled in New England states where the "blue bloods" reside. There was a mass migration of Polish people back in 1968???? I don't recall that and I certainly don't recall any a link? Here is the deal, the Mexican government has been pawning it's poorest and least educated off on America for decades and even instruct them on how to apply for benefits and subsidy programs. The invasion of America hasn't been by guns but by the uteruses of the Mexican women that aim and then shoot out anchor babies that we have had to pay for and with chain migration rules? Anyone that can fog a mirror and is related to the "anchor" is eligible to come over and suck off the public teat. Of course leftards like you are fine with that because your ilk shoves a voter registration card in their hand (written in Espanol no less) and encourages them to vote "leftard" for more free benefits.

"Trump isn't "legit" because most people voted against him. He only won because of a fluke in our system. The "Deep State" are professionals who know he has no business being in office, but as logn as one party is more afraid of their primary voters than the consequences of having a crazy person in the White House, we are at where we are at"

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Take away the voting of illegals, the voter fraud exposed by Project Veritas? Trump EASILY won the popular vote and his Electoral College count eclipses 400 plus. Califlakia and the voter fraud there was unbelievable with counties having more votes than those registered. Thus far, Trump is legit and the only ones gnashing their teeth and spewing angst are leftards like yourself that are worried that the socialist utopia you have envisioned is being slowly dismantled piece by piece. I have yet to come across ONE single voter that regrets casting a ballot for Trump....not one. His support grows stronger by the day. The "deep state" are swamp creatures doing the bidding of their shadow "gubermint" masters and they are guilty of a multitude of crimes including gun and drug running and human trafficking and they are shitting themselves that the white hats are closing in with a dragnet. How many pedophile rings have been busted since Trump took office? I suspect that the lower rung traffickers are singing like canaries and rolling over on their "customers".

“People are leaving because they are suffering from high levels of violence from gangs and other organized criminal groups. These gangs want to recruit minors, they carry out extortion, kidnapping, sexually abusing girls,” says Francesca Fontanini, spokesperson for the UNHCR in the Americas. “This flow of families from Central America will not stop because if the root causes are still there these people will keep coming to the U.S. or to other countries.”

But yet the Mexican "gubermint" will not take them in and points them to the American southern border where they meet "coyotes" expecting tribute to let them pass through. Mexico isn't a poor country by North America and South American standards...could it be because they can pawn off their poorest and those fleeing South America off on us? How many gang members were given safe haven and bus tickets under the Barrypuppet's "come one, come all" policy and then pawned off on small cities and towns and told that they were their problem?

You are ignorant and you are a butthurt loudmouth that won't put any action behind his sympathy for the illegals. You try to talk big but perform extremely "small".

Hope this helps!
Really? So they should have just been "caught and released" with a summons to appear at a hearing a year or so down the road of which they will be a "no show"?

Actually, most of those people showed up for their hearings...

The thing is, this whole 'immigration" crisis is only a crisis in that "Rednecks are scared their daughters might date Mexicans".

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Take away the voting of illegals, the voter fraud exposed by Project Veritas? Trump EASILY won the popular vote and his Electoral College count eclipses 400 plus.

Okay, now you are going back into Lizard People territory here, buddy.

Longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt has finally discovered the truth about the Republican Party, and it only took him three months shy of thirty years.

After all those years, and as an adviser to Dubya and John McCain, he shouldn’t be surprised by the ugly direction the GOP has taken during the years since Reagan set the current course of “indifference to everyone but the fat cats”. Schmidt helped create the policies, which he now finds repugnant.

Willful ignorance as deep seated as that exhibited by Steve Schmidt should give rank-and-file Democratic voters second thoughts about welcoming Schmidt into the party. We already have too many leaders who collaborate with the Republicans and the fat cats.

The Democratic Party needs young activists to change the status quo in Washington and in state legislatures that cater to the whims of greedy a$$holes like the Koch Brothers. Young people who can bring progressive ideals back to the people instead of the worship of the wealthy of conservatism.

Voters graduating high school this year are too young to remember a time when this country has NOT been at war. This country needs them and others of the “under thirty five” generation to truly make America great again. The vast majority of the “over forty” generations only know willful ignorance, hatred, and paranoia, of which Steve Schmidt, at 48 years-of-age, is a shining example.

GOP Strategist Quits 'Corrupt' Party Of 'Feckless Cowards,' Will Vote For Democrats

View attachment 200217


Schmidt is a neocon that has worked to elect neocons AND leftards....his opinion is such that I should weigh and consider?Please explain......
Amazing how the RATS turn on their OWN so quickly. He was a REPUBLICAN for how long? Scarborough was a REP for how long? George Will was a REP for how long?

How many of those comfortable REP soccer moms will stay REP in November?

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