It Took A UK Paper To Print This


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Because, you know, our own media isn't in the tank for dimocrap scum or anything....

'They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!': At Virginia hospitals, Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out | Mail Online

'They had no idea if my insurance was active or not!': Obamacare confusion reigns as frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment

MailOnline spoke with patients who were told they would have to pay their bills in full if they couldn't prove they had insurance

* One was faced with a $3,000 hospital room charge and opted to leave the hospital after experiencing chest pains

* 'Should I be in the hospital? Probably,' she said

* Another, coughing in the cold, walked out without receiving a needed chest x-ray

* Consumers face sticker-shock from medical costs under the new Obamacare system, made worse if they can't prove they're insured

* As many as one-third of new enrollees' applications have seen problems when the government transmits them to insurance companies

Don't blame me, I voted for Romney.
Yeah I started a thread in Healthcare on this.

In Oregon, pharmacies are refusing to fill prescriptions for Medicaid customers because there's a glitch in the system...clients who have had ongoing medical now are showing as without coverage.

Oh, and they aren't able to enroll babies born to mothers receiving medicaid. Previously, children were auto-enrolled if the mother was receiving medicaid. Not any more. So babies are going uncovered.

Old people, disabled and babies are going to die first.
You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?
You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?

We're not 'cheering'. We're 'jeering'

Because you're stupid. We've been telling the world for five years that dimocraps are too stupid to pull something this complicated off.

People wouldn't listen. Now they're paying the price.

Hope every one of them is an obama voter.

But, they might be too stupid to remember who they voted for. :dunno:
You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?

We're not 'cheering'. We're 'jeering'

Because you're stupid. We've been telling the world for five years that dimocraps are too stupid to pull something this complicated off.

People wouldn't listen. Now they're paying the price.

Hope every one of them is an obama voter.

But, they might be too stupid to remember who they voted for. :dunno:

Nope. You are cheering. Any little hiccup is fuel for your relentless hope that Americans suffer. Political agenda first. Prosperity for Americans second.

Three plus years of you idiots praying that this law fails....that this CONSERVATIVE health care plan fails...has proven where your loyalties lie.

You suck. Your attitude sucks.
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You dingleberries predicted we would be in a full scale depression if Obama was re-elected. Stock market at record levels, the unemployment numbers still going down. Bet the problems with the ACA gets fixed, also. With you flap-yaps screaming all the way that the President doesn't have the power to do the neccessary things to fix the system. And weeping vast crocodile tears when he demostrates that he does have the power to do that.
You dingleberries predicted we would be in a full scale depression if Obama was re-elected. Stock market at record levels, the unemployment numbers still going down. Bet the problems with the ACA gets fixed, also. With you flap-yaps screaming all the way that the President doesn't have the power to do the neccessary things to fix the system. And weeping vast crocodile tears when he demostrates that he does have the power to do that.

Speaking of flap-yap....
You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?

We're not 'cheering'. We're 'jeering'

Because you're stupid. We've been telling the world for five years that dimocraps are too stupid to pull something this complicated off.

People wouldn't listen. Now they're paying the price.

Hope every one of them is an obama voter.

But, they might be too stupid to remember who they voted for. :dunno:

Nope. You are cheering. Any little hiccup is fuel for your relentless hope that Americans suffer. Political agenda first. Prosperity for Americans second.

Three plus years of yiu idiots praying that this law fails....that this COSERVATIVE health care plan fails...has proven where your loyalties lie.

You suck. Your attitude sucks.

My attitude is great.

Watching fucking moronic douchebags like you take the greatest HealthCare system in the World and flushing it down the Toilet? That's priceless.

Watching stupid fucks like you that think all they gotta do is 'wish' something into existence. Fun.

Watching ignorant fucks like you trying to play in the Big Boy Leagues. Hilarious.

All you motherfuckers got is talk. That's it. It's all you got.

We back away and say, "You're so fucking smart, do it yourself."

And then watch as you TOTALLY fuck it up.

Because you're stupid.

For five years we've been telling this Country that you're too stupid to handle something this big.

And now we're seeing it.

THAT is funny.

It's like watching a cripple fight or something......

Keep telling us how smart you are......

I need a laugh :lmao:
You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?

We're not 'cheering'. We're 'jeering'

Because you're stupid. We've been telling the world for five years that dimocraps are too stupid to pull something this complicated off.

People wouldn't listen. Now they're paying the price.

Hope every one of them is an obama voter.

But, they might be too stupid to remember who they voted for. :dunno:

You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?

We're not 'cheering'. We're 'jeering'

Because you're stupid. We've been telling the world for five years that dimocraps are too stupid to pull something this complicated off.

People wouldn't listen. Now they're paying the price.

Hope every one of them is an obama voter.

But, they might be too stupid to remember who they voted for. :dunno:

Nope. You are cheering. Any little hiccup is fuel for your relentless hope that Americans suffer. Political agenda first. Prosperity for Americans second.

Three plus years of you idiots praying that this law fails....that this CONSERVATIVE health care plan fails...has proven where your loyalties lie.

You suck. Your attitude sucks.

Americans ARE suffering due to ACA. We told you this would happen, but we were just hating on the first African-American President.
6 million of date. People with insurance who couldn't get it or couldn't afford it before. Another few million relieved of paying for bullshit individual plans that provided nothing for the money.

You want anecdotes like the ones in the OP? Google "Obamacare Success Stories". There are plenty. More every day.

A primary killer of our economy needed to be dealt with. It as far as you nutbags would allow. Now you root for failure. Assholes.
You dingleberries predicted we would be in a full scale depression if Obama was re-elected. Stock market at record levels, the unemployment numbers still going down. Bet the problems with the ACA gets fixed, also. With you flap-yaps screaming all the way that the President doesn't have the power to do the neccessary things to fix the system. And weeping vast crocodile tears when he demostrates that he does have the power to do that.

ACA problems are unfixable

47MM uninsured before and now 5-6MM lost their insurance
You guys got your pom-poms and bullhorns ready? Rooting for bad news is fun, ain't it?

We're not 'cheering'. We're 'jeering'

Because you're stupid. We've been telling the world for five years that dimocraps are too stupid to pull something this complicated off.

People wouldn't listen. Now they're paying the price.

Hope every one of them is an obama voter.

But, they might be too stupid to remember who they voted for. :dunno:

Nope. You are cheering. Any little hiccup is fuel for your relentless hope that Americans suffer. Political agenda first. Prosperity for Americans second.

Three plus years of you idiots praying that this law fails....that this CONSERVATIVE health care plan fails...has proven where your loyalties lie.

You suck. Your attitude sucks.

You extremist loons opted for politics over life when you rammed this horrific legislation down our throats illegally.

Everybody knew that this would is what our new system is DESIGNED to do, and your betters knew that....if they said anything, they were jeered at and ridiculed. You loons decided to impose this nightmare upon us KNOWING that this would happen. And now people are going to die, and what medical care is available will be substandard.

Talk about putting politics over the well-being of people...\
Video: Obama Saying You Can Keep Your Plan -- Daily Intelligencer
You dingleberries predicted we would be in a full scale depression if Obama was re-elected. Stock market at record levels, the unemployment numbers still going down. Bet the problems with the ACA gets fixed, also. With you flap-yaps screaming all the way that the President doesn't have the power to do the neccessary things to fix the system. And weeping vast crocodile tears when he demostrates that he does have the power to do that.

ACA problems are unfixable

47MM uninsured before and now 5-6MM lost their insurance

5-6 million did not lose their insurance.
6 million of date. People with insurance who couldn't get it or couldn't afford it before. Another few million relieved of paying for bullshit individual plans that provided nothing for the money.

You want anecdotes like the ones in the OP? Google "Obamacare Success Stories". There are plenty. More every day.

A primary killer of our economy needed to be dealt with. It as far as you nutbags would allow. Now you root for failure. Assholes.

We know you're stupid but listen real careful.......

There are, as of today, over 3 Million (3,000,000) fewer Americans with Health Insurance than there were on Tuesday, three days ago.

Obama announces loss of at least 4 million insurance plans | The Daily Caller

We know you're stupid, so if you ask nicely, we'll go slower for you.

Or use bigger print. Whatever. Just try to keep up.

Or get someone with an above-room-temperature IQ to explain things to you

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