It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
The funniest thing about Romney's debate blunder on Libya isn't that he was wrong about what Obama said, it's the hypocrisy of the charge to begin with, considering that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that Romney himself ever used the words "terror" or "terrorist" in relation to this attack until two weeks later, on September 25.
A summary of what was said and when below the fold, with special thanks to Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress for collecting most of this here.
Daily Kos: It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
Obama call the attack an attack of terrorism the day after the attack.
CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

What difference and who cares if it was planned or spontaneous or not?
Were was all the out rage when Bush ignored multiple warnings of 911 and 3,000 Americans died leading to a total of almost a million in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Why Bush Ignored So Many 9/11 Warnings - Business Insider
You and your democrat idiots on this board will say anything wont you. Romeny is NOT president YET. Obama did not go to any intel briefs for weeks leading up to the attack. Obama did NOT say it was a terrorist attack he was talking in general terms and why did OBAMA for weeks after say it was the movie. Obama is a liar. Admit it ..
Obama called it a terrorist attack the next day. Stop lying.

Ok, let's say that Obama did call it (Bengazi specifically,not a generalized statement referring to 9/11/01) a terrorist attack.

Why then did Obama and the admin never call it a terrorist attack again for another two weeks but instead referred to it as mob/protest reaction to the film?

Stevens sent 166 memos to the WH asking for increased security and informing them how bad the situation was getting ... yet the WH ignored this and went with "it's the film"?
According to the verbatim transcript of the President's statement,

which, as you and I know,

I made a monkey out of you with the other day to the point you were sputtering and swearing like a mental patient.


He blamed denigration of religion (the movie).

Terrorist attacks were in the context of 911.

But I know, I know, someone always has to qualify Obama's words for him to mean something other than what he said.

Keep totin' that water.
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
The funniest thing about Romney's debate blunder on Libya isn't that he was wrong about what Obama said, it's the hypocrisy of the charge to begin with, considering that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that Romney himself ever used the words "terror" or "terrorist" in relation to this attack until two weeks later, on September 25.
A summary of what was said and when below the fold, with special thanks to Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress for collecting most of this here.
Daily Kos: It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
Obama call the attack an attack of terrorism the day after the attack.
CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

What difference and who cares if it was planned or spontaneous or not?
Were was all the out rage when Bush ignored multiple warnings of 911 and 3,000 Americans died leading to a total of almost a million in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Why Bush Ignored So Many 9/11 Warnings - Business Insider
You and your democrat idiots on this board will say anything wont you. Romeny is NOT president YET. Obama did not go to any intel briefs for weeks leading up to the attack. Obama did NOT say it was a terrorist attack he was talking in general terms and why did OBAMA for weeks after say it was the movie. Obama is a liar. Admit it ..

Yep, Obama is a half-truther. Hope it means as much coming from a independant. Do you like Romneys half-truths better?
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
The funniest thing about Romney's debate blunder on Libya isn't that he was wrong about what Obama said, it's the hypocrisy of the charge to begin with, considering that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that Romney himself ever used the words "terror" or "terrorist" in relation to this attack until two weeks later, on September 25.
A summary of what was said and when below the fold, with special thanks to Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress for collecting most of this here.
Daily Kos: It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
Obama call the attack an attack of terrorism the day after the attack.
CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

What difference and who cares if it was planned or spontaneous or not?
Were was all the out rage when Bush ignored multiple warnings of 911 and 3,000 Americans died leading to a total of almost a million in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Why Bush Ignored So Many 9/11 Warnings - Business Insider
I suppose the old adage about there being no fool like an old fool rings true. Even truer for one who reads and links anything from Daily Kos.
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
The funniest thing about Romney's debate blunder on Libya isn't that he was wrong about what Obama said, it's the hypocrisy of the charge to begin with, considering that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that Romney himself ever used the words "terror" or "terrorist" in relation to this attack until two weeks later, on September 25.
A summary of what was said and when below the fold, with special thanks to Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress for collecting most of this here.
Daily Kos: It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack
Obama call the attack an attack of terrorism the day after the attack.
CNN Fact Check: A day after Libya attack, Obama described it as 'acts of terror' -

What difference and who cares if it was planned or spontaneous or not?
Were was all the out rage when Bush ignored multiple warnings of 911 and 3,000 Americans died leading to a total of almost a million in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Why Bush Ignored So Many 9/11 Warnings - Business Insider

Another in a long unbroken succession of failure threads by LilOldlady.
Americans are dead.

Does it matter what the hell it's called?

Private security contractors are not as good as the military, and they cost 100x's more. Some things the government can do better than the private sector.

To argue over somantics is petty.
Cause the administration lied to the American people that it was the movie for two weeks.

Romney did not get intel briefs.

This suprises you?:eusa_eh:

They also lied about weapons of mass destruction. The difference is we went to war for many years over a lie. This one we didn't.

Also, this seems pretty petty. Arguing over the lable of terrorism. Weather an act of violence is terrorism matters not. Americans are dead no matter what you want to call it. But hey, if it makes the Republicans feel better....:eusa_whistle:

We didn't go into a war because of a lie idiot. Saddam had WMDs. He used them against the Kurds.

Try thinking.
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Romney did have access to the classified information that proved beyond any doubt that it was a terrorist attack.

You criticism is idiot, as usual.

The President publicly declared it a terrorist attack on September 12th.

Wasn't Romney paying attention?

Maybe he was reading Foxnews on the 12th:

Filmmaker Sam Bacile in hiding after anti-Muslim film sparks violence in which American diplomat was killed

Read more: Filmmaker Sam Bacile in hiding after anti-Muslim film sparks violence in which American diplomat was killed | Fox News

You got to love how the Right has now rewritten history to erase the fact that they were riots and protests all over the Muslim world because of that movie; now suddenly, there was no movie, there was no reaction to the movie.


No one has said there weren't riots over the video they said the Benghazi attack was not a spontaneous reaction to the video. Who is trying to rewrite history now?
You got to love how the Right has now rewritten history to erase the fact that they were riots and protests all over the Muslim world because of that movie; now suddenly, there was no movie, there was no reaction to the movie.


Jesus flippin Christ, there were videos of what happened. This was a lie perpetrated by Obama to keep his "I killed bin Laden" rhetoric to show how good he was at foreign policy. The coverup is almost as bad as the death of four Americans.

They knew the movie had nothing to do with this, yet they wanted us to believe it did. Your guy got caught lying to save his own skin.
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Yep, Obama is a half-truther. Hope it means as much coming from a independant. Do you like Romneys half-truths better?

Sure looks like it:

According to the verbatim transcript of the President's statement,

which, as you and I know,

I made a monkey out of you with the other day to the point you were sputtering and swearing like a mental patient.


He blamed denigration of religion (the movie).

Terrorist attacks were in the context of 911.

But I know, I know, someone always has to qualify Obama's words for him to mean something other than what he said.

Keep totin' that water.

Everyday.... Every issue...
It took two weeks for Romney to call Benghazi a terrorist attack

Believe it or not, there was a time when American instinctively trusted what a POTUS told us.

Obama has destroyed that metric.

He is a stain on the Office.

Supposing that you're right - what difference did the label that Obama use actually make?

Actually, saying that it was motivated by the movie doesn't make it NOT a terrorist attack. that was Romney's only mistake.

The difference is the failure of the obama administration's foreign policy and obama's ignoring of intel. Then there's the lie about the movie in order to cover up his failure.
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According to the verbatim transcript of the President's statement,

which, as you and I know,

I made a monkey out of you with the other day to the point you were sputtering and swearing like a mental patient.


He blamed denigration of religion (the movie).

Terrorist attacks were in the context of 911.

But I know, I know, someone always has to qualify Obama's words for him to mean something other than what he said.

Keep totin' that water.

He called it a terrorist act specifically.

There were protests and violence going on all across the ME over the movie at the same time,

which is something you seem to have forgotten.
Does anyone ever think Al Queda is ever going to be defeated? I don't.

Does anyone ever think the war on terror will ever be over? I don't.

This is going to last forever, like the wars on poverty, drugs, homelessness, and cancer.

To use this as a political talking point by either side is hypocritical, and shows an utter lack of respect for the intelligence of the US citizenry.

It's about the cover-up, and obama's failed foreign policy.
Cause the administration lied to the American people that it was the movie for two weeks.

Romney did not get intel briefs.

Obama called it a terrorist attack the next day. Stop lying.

That isn't what it's about. It's about him blaming the video, which it's becoming obvious he knew was false. It's about his administration's failures in foreign policy and security and obama's lies to cover them up.
You got to love how the Right has now rewritten history to erase the fact that they were riots and protests all over the Muslim world because of that movie; now suddenly, there was no movie, there was no reaction to the movie.


That's garbage and you know it. No one is even implying that there was no movie.
There were protests and violence going on all across the ME over the movie at the same time,

Proves the coordination and breadth of our terrorist adversaries.

Diametric to the pronouncements by the Obama administration.

Bin Laden is dead.

So is Henry Ford but Ford is still alive (without Obama bailout).
Americans are dead.

Does it matter what the hell it's called?

Private security contractors are not as good as the military, and they cost 100x's more. Some things the government can do better than the private sector.

To argue over somantics is petty.

Pretty poor attempt at spin pal.

It's about the obama administration's failures at foreign policy and security, and his lies to cover it up. Not semantics.

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