It wan't called "Islam" when this was writ.....


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
This is a short speech that was written and presented a few years back - before the rise of Osama, Saddam and the other Hussein. But, after reading it can you speculate on when it was written/delivered and by whom?

Hint: Donald Trump didn't.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

Yay Imperialism! Better go colonize those savages!

I know where the quote comes from.

Yay Imperialism! Better go colonize those savages!

I know where the quote comes from.

Confirming once again that RWs would prefer to live in the 19th century.

And apparently they'd prefer living in the author's country rather than their own.

But do they know what "votaries" are?
It's not a "speech", by the way. It's from a book.

And it's referred to as "Islam" in your quote, too.

The level of fail of your OP is amazing.
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I haven't a clue...

But I recognize the verbiage of the era...

H.G. Wells?

Rudyard Kipling?

Samuel Clemens?

Winston Churchill?

Teddy Roosevelt?

I haven't a clue...

But I recognize the verbiage of the era...

H.G. Wells?

Rudyard Kipling?

Samuel Clemens?

Winston Churchill?

Teddy Roosevelt?

It was a 25 year old Winston Churchill, in his 1899 book The River War.
I haven't a clue...

But I recognize the verbiage of the era...

H.G. Wells?

Rudyard Kipling?

Samuel Clemens?

Winston Churchill?

Teddy Roosevelt?

It was a 25 year old Winston Churchill, in his 1899 book The River War.
Yay... I got it right, before I added Leo XIII... I've read bits and pieces of his early work, and he is one of those turn-of-the-(last)-century Imperialists that came to mind...
Note, I was momentarily distracted while writing the below and, in the short interval a denier saw the light and sort of confessed to having lied earlier about this not being a speech....but, hey, that's wot Democrats do!

The verbiage was a strong clue! But the English was The Queen's English so the answer is.....


And, despite liberal disinformation attempt, it was delivered in a speech written in 1899.(Check Wikipedia - The River War). The short speech from Winston Churchill, was delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist.

For our liberal friends who, after even a single glass of sine, have trouble copying text into search engines, I have thoughtfully provided a link to an independent source:

The River War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I rather suspect America's Kenyan Emperor was aware of the speech and that it motivated His returning the bust of Winston Churchill that formerly occupied a place of honor in the (also formerly) White House.
I haven't a clue...

But I recognize the verbiage of the era...

H.G. Wells?

Rudyard Kipling?

Samuel Clemens?

Winston Churchill?

Teddy Roosevelt?

It was a 25 year old Winston Churchill, in his 1899 book The River War.
Yay... I got it right, before I added Leo XIII... I've read bits and pieces of his early work, and he is one of those turn-of-the-(last)-century Imperialists that came to mind...

I'm a big fan of the historical works he wrote later in his life - his biography of his ancestor the Duke of Marborough is fascinating and staggeringly comprehensive.
The verbiage was a strong clue! But the English was The Queen's English so the answer is.....


And, despite liberal disinformation attempt, it was delivered in a speech written in 1899.(Check Wikipedia - The River War). The short speech from Winston Churchill, was delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist.

For our liberal friends who, after even a single glass of sine, have trouble copying text into search engines, I have thoughtfully provided a link to an independent source:

The River War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I rather suspect America's Kenyan Emperor was aware of the speech and that it motivated His returning the bust of Winston Churchill that formerly occupied a place of honor in the (also formerly) White House.


I would suggest that you read your wikipedia link before you continue to embarrass yourself.

The River War is a book, not a speech - and it's not "short". The original printing was more than 1,000 pages.

Winston Churchill was not known for his brevity, when it came to his books.
Which was, as noted, over a century ago.

Certain truths really DO stand the test of time, don't they?

It was observed a century or more ago that sharks swim, bats fly and Democrats lie. Equally time-tested and as true today as when first observed.

For those in denial, there remains controversy whether as to whether Churchill first delivered the poignant and timeless message first in a speech while touring after his fact-finding in strange lands or first included it in a book and later quoted from it in the "road show" that produced more income than the book.

In any case, the "where" is not important - it's the content which the left seems yet unable to comprehend. That really is unfortunate as, had it been heeded, so much pain could have been averted - so many heads would still remain attached to bodies.

I have intentionally mis-puctuated a sentence in the above so the fueling on box wine will not go unwasted and some other diversion can be devised to entertain us all. Can you find it?
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What's fascinating about this thread is the assumption that, because an Englishman used the term "Mohammedanism," it supersedes the term established by the proponents of the religion centuries earlier, because Reasons.

By that rationale, I'm sure the Christians here wouldn't mind if we called their religion by another name.
What's fascinating about this thread is the assumption that, because an Englishman used the term "Mohammedanism," it supersedes the term established by the proponents of the religion centuries earlier, because Reasons.

By that rationale, I'm sure the Christians here wouldn't mind if we called their religion by another name.

It's only made more amusing by the fact that Churchill referred to it as "Islam" in the quote in the OP.

There's your "short speech", clown.

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