It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2016

Julian Assange has claimed since the leaks from the DNC started coming out that they were not from Russia hacking the DNC despite Hillary Clinton and the DNC blaming Russia for the hacks.

The CIA director recently came out saying that Russia could be indirectly involved which is not proof at all. Either they are involved or they are not.

Let’s not forget that the CIA also said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we all know that was a lie now.

Now former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has come out saying that he knows who the person leaker is and they are not from Russia but rather from inside the DNC!

According to Craig

A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. The CIA claim they “know the individuals” involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of “We know who it was, it was the Russians” are beneath contempt.

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

WikiLeaks Operative Exposes Democrat Insiders as Source for Hacked DNC Docs -- NOT RUSSIA
Bet that won't stop the crooked biased media from their attempts to spread their "fake news."
Bet that won't stop the crooked biased media from their attempts to spread their "fake news."
They are complicit in the DNC scandal, teaming up with them to blame the Russians is their only option. To acknowledge their role in the deception is to invite liability and serious criminal and civil lawsuits. They think President Trump is bad now, wait until CNN and MSBC are replaced by Briebart and InfoWars in the White House Press Corps.
Indeed, it has reached the stage where many popular media outlets see the Kremlin’s hidden hand everywhere. To paraphrase Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Putin’s here, Putin’s there, Putin’s busy everywhere.”

But in reality, he’s not. Because, even if it had the will, Russia simply does not have the resources and capability to interfere in elections across the western world. Sure, Moscow might be able to influence one or two, if it seriously targeted them, but the notion that the Kremlin is playing puppet master in countries as disparate as Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany and the US is pure hokum.

Despite this, we have the sad spectacle of some Hillary Clinton supporters trying to explain away her failure in the recent Presidential election on Russian meddling. We have seen them blame Moscow for Wikileaks’ exposure of how her own party rigged its primary to ensure her candidacy. Naturally, the fact that these things actually happened seems to be an aside point.

There’s also a schizophrenia at play here, or “Russophrenia to use a term I coined some time ago. American elites, almost simultaneously, ascribe super powers to Russia and then claim the country is dying.
Russophrenia: Western elites ignore their own citizens’ anger and blame Russia instead
Anonymous allegations that Russian government hackers interfered with the US elections are “evidence-free,” several retired intelligence professionals argued in an open letter. Any hack would have been noticed by the NSA, which has stayed silent, they say.

“Reading our short memo could save the Senate from endemic partisanship, expense and unnecessary delay,” wrote the former CIA and NSA spies, part of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), adding that harder evidence of a technical nature points to an inside leak, not hacking – by Russians or anyone else.”
DNC docs were leaked, not hacked, intelligence veterans say

Indeed, it has reached the stage where many popular media outlets see the Kremlin’s hidden hand everywhere. To paraphrase Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Putin’s here, Putin’s there, Putin’s busy everywhere.”

But in reality, he’s not. Because, even if it had the will, Russia simply does not have the resources and capability to interfere in elections across the western world. Sure, Moscow might be able to influence one or two, if it seriously targeted them, but the notion that the Kremlin is playing puppet master in countries as disparate as Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany and the US is pure hokum.

Despite this, we have the sad spectacle of some Hillary Clinton supporters trying to explain away her failure in the recent Presidential election on Russian meddling. We have seen them blame Moscow for Wikileaks’ exposure of how her own party rigged its primary to ensure her candidacy. Naturally, the fact that these things actually happened seems to be an aside point.

There’s also a schizophrenia at play here, or “Russophrenia to use a term I coined some time ago. American elites, almost simultaneously, ascribe super powers to Russia and then claim the country is dying.
Russophrenia: Western elites ignore their own citizens’ anger and blame Russia instead
Anonymous allegations that Russian government hackers interfered with the US elections are “evidence-free,” several retired intelligence professionals argued in an open letter. Any hack would have been noticed by the NSA, which has stayed silent, they say.

“Reading our short memo could save the Senate from endemic partisanship, expense and unnecessary delay,” wrote the former CIA and NSA spies, part of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), adding that harder evidence of a technical nature points to an inside leak, not hacking – by Russians or anyone else.”
DNC docs were leaked, not hacked, intelligence veterans say

View attachment 102670
Not pure hokum. triple distilled essence of hokum is more accurate.

Julian Assange has claimed since the leaks from the DNC started coming out that they were not from Russia hacking the DNC despite Hillary Clinton and the DNC blaming Russia for the hacks.

The CIA director recently came out saying that Russia could be indirectly involved which is not proof at all. Either they are involved or they are not.

Let’s not forget that the CIA also said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we all know that was a lie now.

Now former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has come out saying that he knows who the person leaker is and they are not from Russia but rather from inside the DNC!

According to Craig

A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. The CIA claim they “know the individuals” involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of “We know who it was, it was the Russians” are beneath contempt.

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

WikiLeaks Operative Exposes Democrat Insiders as Source for Hacked DNC Docs -- NOT RUSSIA

Oh, but we keep hearing 17 federal agencies all claim it was Russian hackers.

What I want to know is what are 17 different agencies doing looking into this? Don't they have other assigned duties?

what really chaps my ass these days is the liberal news media all parroting each other in saying that the Russians 'hacked the election'. There was absolutely no hacking of the election and changing of votes by some outside influence.

IF there was hacking by Russia, it was of the DNC or Podesta...NOT the election. Assange says the DNC emails were leaked...Podesta lost his cell phone.

The left is grabbing at straws to blame someone other than themselves.

Julian Assange has claimed since the leaks from the DNC started coming out that they were not from Russia hacking the DNC despite Hillary Clinton and the DNC blaming Russia for the hacks.

The CIA director recently came out saying that Russia could be indirectly involved which is not proof at all. Either they are involved or they are not.

Let’s not forget that the CIA also said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we all know that was a lie now.

Now former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has come out saying that he knows who the person leaker is and they are not from Russia but rather from inside the DNC!

According to Craig

A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. The CIA claim they “know the individuals” involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of “We know who it was, it was the Russians” are beneath contempt.

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

WikiLeaks Operative Exposes Democrat Insiders as Source for Hacked DNC Docs -- NOT RUSSIA


what really chaps my ass these days is the liberal news media all parroting each other in saying that the Russians 'hacked the election'. There was absolutely no hacking of the election and changing of votes by some outside influence.

IF there was hacking by Russia, it was of the DNC or Podesta...NOT the election. Assange says the DNC emails were leaked...Podesta lost his cell phone.

The left is grabbing at straws to blame someone other than themselves.
The Limbaugh defense. If I was interested in what the oversized idiot Limbaugh says, I would tune intohis broadcast

Julian Assange has claimed since the leaks from the DNC started coming out that they were not from Russia hacking the DNC despite Hillary Clinton and the DNC blaming Russia for the hacks.

The CIA director recently came out saying that Russia could be indirectly involved which is not proof at all. Either they are involved or they are not.

Let’s not forget that the CIA also said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we all know that was a lie now.

Now former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has come out saying that he knows who the person leaker is and they are not from Russia but rather from inside the DNC!

According to Craig

A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. The CIA claim they “know the individuals” involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of “We know who it was, it was the Russians” are beneath contempt.

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

WikiLeaks Operative Exposes Democrat Insiders as Source for Hacked DNC Docs -- NOT RUSSIA

Bet that won't stop the crooked biased media from their attempts to spread their "fake news."
They are complicit in the DNC scandal, teaming up with them to blame the Russians is their only option. To acknowledge their role in the deception is to invite liability and serious criminal and civil lawsuits. They think President Trump is bad now, wait until CNN and MSBC are replaced by Briebart and InfoWars in the White House Press Corps.

Wow. What a conspiracy. It involves all of the US intelligence agencies, all of the mainstream in the hell did they get them all to agree :dunno:

Julian Assange has claimed since the leaks from the DNC started coming out that they were not from Russia hacking the DNC despite Hillary Clinton and the DNC blaming Russia for the hacks.

The CIA director recently came out saying that Russia could be indirectly involved which is not proof at all. Either they are involved or they are not.

Let’s not forget that the CIA also said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we all know that was a lie now.

Now former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan has come out saying that he knows who the person leaker is and they are not from Russia but rather from inside the DNC!

According to Craig

A little simple logic demolishes the CIA’s claims. The CIA claim they “know the individuals” involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilise a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of “We know who it was, it was the Russians” are beneath contempt.

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

There is no direct evidence pointing to Russian involvement. Only those that have had their dirty secrets and lies exposed are the ones claiming that. Hard to imaging why?

It appears as if someone from the DNC is releasing the files. Destroyed from inside is the perfect way for these corrupt politicians to go down.

WikiLeaks Operative Exposes Democrat Insiders as Source for Hacked DNC Docs -- NOT RUSSIA


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