"It was all ... Bullshit"

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009

I appreciate Trump's honesty in regards to Democrats and their beloved TDS News.. Sadly, the poor suckers that believed them still haven't caught on..

images (19).jpg
Nancy is still drooling impeached forever.
The thing with her repeating the same lies is she really believes them.
download (75).jpg .. all that babysitting seems to be making Pelosi extra cranky... :)

The bogus Russian collusion nonsense and the Impeachment scam.

Have done more to invigorate the Republican party and bring in new voters than a billion dollars worth of TV political ads. ... :thup: .. :lol:
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I appreciate Trump's honesty in regards to Democrats and their beloved TDS News.. Sadly, the poor suckers that believed them still haven't caught on..

View attachment 305193

I just love our president. Finally we have a president with balls! BIG ones!

Trump has popped a lot of Washington Swamp weasels (Democrat leaders and their TDS Media), they've outed themselves and it ain't pretty, repulsive seems to fit.
The bogus Russian collusion nonsense and the Impeachment scam.

Have done more to invigorate the Republican party and bring in new voters than a billion dollars worth of TV political ads. ... :thup: .. :lol:
Ironic thing is democrats will hand Trump another victory, making them the actual Russian assets.

I appreciate Trump's honesty in regards to Democrats and their beloved TDS News.. Sadly, the poor suckers that believed them still haven't caught on..

View attachment 305193

Matt Gaetz is filing charges against Pelosi forthwith: Matt Gaetz to file ethics charges against Pelosi, force a vote in House

He thinks she should be censured for her conduct last night.

I have a feeling Trump is going to go full whoop ass on Democrats and Fake Media starting now..

Hugs Lady Beautress ... :smiliehug:

I appreciate Trump's honesty in regards to Democrats and their beloved TDS News.. Sadly, the poor suckers that believed them still haven't caught on..

View attachment 305193

Matt Gaetz is filing charges against Pelosi forthwith: Matt Gaetz to file ethics charges against Pelosi, force a vote in House

He thinks she should be censured for her conduct last night.

I have a feeling Trump is going to go full whoop ass on Democrats and Fake Media starting now..

Hugs Lady Beautress ... :smiliehug:


No witnesses allowed
No evidence allowed.
thats your "trial".
Hillary Clinton did Trump the most damage with her bought and paid for Steele Dossier. I've heard rumors she had the salacious part created by two members of the Clinton White House War Room members to make him look unbelievably bad and her look like his victim. It's an old Hollywood trick to make viewers watching a movie hate the fictitious villain even more hated than people normally would if he somehow viciously gauged the old lady, thus they added the lie about a scenario of mekkid Trump peeing on the bed Hillary slept on when she was visiting the Kremlin. The fabricated bit about the two prostitutes who helped him pee on the bed were targeted to destroy Trump's marriage. It was all a horrendous lie, and the worst calumny case I ever heard of.

Ain't those Democrats sweet. And that thingie they announced about Hillary accepting a chancellor's job at the Queen's college in Ireland--all the youtube videos have been scrubbed from the YouTube website today. I found a picture, however, and save it to your pictures archive if you want to prove that she pulled this little stunt down the line.

Wonder what happened to Hillary's job? Did they
cancel her appointment when they found out she
authored the salacious portions of the Steele Dossier?
(Steele was a British spy hired by Hillary to get dirt on Trump that showed he "colluded" with the Russians). Did I mention that the Democrat Party also paid Steele a sum for their part in supporting Hillary's evil and vindictive publication of this 100% made-up lie against President Trump. And I couldn't possibly be madder than I am now about this deceitful use of power by women in charge. It's a blow to good women everywhere in America who never lie against anyone in a way that will bring them trouble in the workplace, trouble at home, and pure hate.
I don't understand why she is not facing criminal charges for this act of horror that she committed against President Trump, costing taxpayers $100,000,000 for about 7 "inquiries and the Impeachment costs, not to mention gold and silver pens passed out by Nancy Pelosi at our expense to "ccelebrate" the "permanent impeachment" with her equally vicious friends​
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I appreciate Trump's honesty in regards to Democrats and their beloved TDS News.. Sadly, the poor suckers that believed them still haven't caught on..

View attachment 305193

Matt Gaetz is filing charges against Pelosi forthwith: Matt Gaetz to file ethics charges against Pelosi, force a vote in House

He thinks she should be censured for her conduct last night.

I have a feeling Trump is going to go full whoop ass on Democrats and Fake Media starting now..

Hugs Lady Beautress ... :smiliehug:


No witnesses allowed
No evidence allowed.
thats your "trial".

So you approve of the vicious framing of President Trump by Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, House Finance Chairman Maxine Waters, House Chairman of some kind of monkey business Adam Schiff, and another House Chairman of more monkey business than ever Jerold Nadler. Schumer and Feinstein did their number on Presidential appointee to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh. I think that woke up Senator Lindsey Graham to what the goings on were all about. So you missed all that Democrat crime and treason, dudmuck? If you did, then I'm here to tell you the Senate needs to set these people straight. I was hoping the Judiciary would fix the problem, considering how devastating this has been for the First Family. I really think the entire Democrat Party stinks, and it's the kind of stench that stays for a long, long time.

I appreciate Trump's honesty in regards to Democrats and their beloved TDS News.. Sadly, the poor suckers that believed them still haven't caught on..

View attachment 305193

Matt Gaetz is filing charges against Pelosi forthwith: Matt Gaetz to file ethics charges against Pelosi, force a vote in House

He thinks she should be censured for her conduct last night.

I have a feeling Trump is going to go full whoop ass on Democrats and Fake Media starting now..

Hugs Lady Beautress ... :smiliehug:


No witnesses allowed
No evidence allowed.
thats your "trial".

So you approve of the vicious framing of President Trump by Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, House Finance Chairman Maxine Waters, House Chairman of some kind of monkey business Adam Schiff, and another House Chairman of more monkey business than ever Jerold Nadler. Schumer and Feinstein did their number on Presidential appointee to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh. I think that woke up Senator Lindsey Graham to what the goings on were all about. So you missed all that Democrat crime and treason, dudmuck? If you did, then I'm here to tell you the Senate needs to set these people straight. I was hoping the Judiciary would fix the problem, considering how devastating this has been for the First Family. I really think the entire Democrat Party stinks, and it's the kind of stench that stays for a long, long time.

NOTE: Remember--The Durham report is coming soon.
Well they sure made fools out of themselves. Again.

What a pack of imbeciles.

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