It was an insurrection. The insurrectionists said so.

Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

the article doesnt support the claim in the title,,
Uh, yeah it does. I quoted it.

its says "according to a document" doesnt say what document or who wrote it,,

sounds like another anonymous source if you ask me,,
Definition of insurrection

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Oh, like Chaz and the no go zone at George Floyd square or the multiple times BLM invaded state capital buildings, or the time AOC occupied Pelosi's office.
Yeah, just like that.
Move on folks, more people care about who the Masked Singer is.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

The only reason I will ever do blue cities business again is to do things for family. Destroy sports and start over will make things better.
You seem to be taking this personally, did you get caught?
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

Careful planning, but they forgot the guns. You are a joke and you are pushing a conspiracy thery. This thread should be moved there.
I didn't say it was well planned.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.
Until you can show me the bodies of the dead politicians, I cannot support the idea that this was an insurrection.
the article doesnt support the claim in the title,,
“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,” according to documents."
"according to documents" not according to defendants testimony,, there is a difference,,
Wtf do you think the documents are talking about?
what documents?? where are they from???

and the more I read it it sounds like they are referring to trump calling the dems surrectionist not what they would do,,
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

That is not yet established fact, but just a claim by the prosecution.

The new indictment is part of a larger criminal conspiracy case that now includes 19 members of the far-right group. Members previously charged in the government’s case have pleaded not guilty.
According to prosecutors, members of the group attended a 9 November meeting during which the Oath Keeper’s founder Stewart Rhodes, referred to in government documents as Person One, described the attack as an insurrection.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,” according to documents.
Prosecutors say the Oath Keepers is a loose federation of militia groups that targets law enforcement and military members for recruitment and promotes a totalitarian vision of the government that its members believes represents a threat to American citizens.
Rhodes, who has not been charged, has claimed that the government is trying to build the action of a few members into an alleged organizational conspiracy. “I may go to jail soon, not for anything I actually did, but for made-up crimes,” Rhodes told Texas Republicans in March, according to the Washington Post.

The new indictment alleges that Rhodes began developing plans to keep Donald Trump in office by force six days after the presidential vote. During an online meeting on 9 November, prosecutors claim, he told some of the Oath Keepers now under indictment:
We want [Trump] to declare an insurrection, and to call us up as the militia,” Rhodes allegedly stated.

Whether or not the Oath Keepers wanted Trump to declare an insurrection, it is pretty clear he did not, so then any plans by Oath Keepers to implement an insurrection were not put into action.
For example, no guns were taken into the capital building, and the only shooting was by the police of an unarmed women who was only entering a lobby, not any place significant or secure.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

the article doesnt support the claim in the title,,
Uh, yeah it does. I quoted it.


Quoting a journalist who makes undocumented claims about what participants said to each other months before, is not proof of anything.
Wanting Trump to declare an insurrection does not mean he did.
So what is the excuse for not labeling this an “insurrection“ now?
The fact that it wasn't, jackass.

Definition of insurrection

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Want to try again, or do you want to step on another virtual rake?
It has to be a little more nuanced or the term is meaningless.
Insurrection, to my knowledge, requires violent assault on the governmental institutions by internal actors for political purposes, especially creating a new government (terrorism is when they do the same thing to civilians). Given that the Jan. 6 events were only somewhat rowdy (and often not even that), given that many protestors were actually welcomed in by Capitol police, given that no police officers or politicians died, given that the crowd (barring a few individuals) showed no signs of wanting a new government, merely signs of wanting to be sure their current one was working as intended, I see no reason to call it an insurrection beyond a passing resemblance.
It's hardly the first time people have stormed the capitol. The Women's March did so a while back.
If you want insurrection, go find the city court houses that have been placed under siege in the last few months or visit the so-called autonomous zones.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

the article doesnt support the claim in the title,,
If it wasn’t an insurrection, it was certainly a rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.
You have terrible reading and critical thinking skills.

The oath keepers wanted Trump to refer to those who they believed rigged the election as the "insurrectionists."

You have a hard time following the narrative, you are so steeped in your partisan world view. . .

Lol y a uh ha
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

The only reason I will ever do blue cities business again is to do things for family. Destroy sports and start over will make things better.
You seem to be taking this personally, did you get caught?
Funny thing..the more of these made up bullshit charges pressed against our fellow citizens and patriots the more I wish I had go to the INSURRECTION. FUCK the government...until we stand up to these tyrants, the more and more they will abuse. Charging these patriots with what pushing past the rotunda door with a jury of 12 may yield some unhappy results for the communists trying to get them.
So what is the excuse for not labeling this an “insurrection“ now?
The fact that it wasn't, jackass.

Definition of insurrection

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Want to try again, or do you want to step on another virtual rake?
It has to be a little more nuanced or the term is meaningless.
Insurrection, to my knowledge, requires violent assault on the governmental institutions by internal actors for political purposes, especially creating a new government (terrorism is when they do the same thing to civilians). Given that the Jan. 6 events were only somewhat rowdy (and often not even that), given that many protestors were actually welcomed in by Capitol police, given that no police officers or politicians died, given that the crowd (barring a few individuals) showed no signs of wanting a new government, merely signs of wanting to be sure their current one was working as intended, I see no reason to call it an insurrection beyond a passing resemblance.
It's hardly the first time people have stormed the capitol. The Women's March did so a while back.
If you want insurrection, go find the city court houses that have been placed under siege in the last few months or visit the so-called autonomous zones.

Ok, so the definition can be subjective.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

The only reason I will ever do blue cities business again is to do things for family. Destroy sports and start over will make things better.
You seem to be taking this personally, did you get caught?
Funny thing..the more of these made up bullshit charges pressed against our fellow citizens and patriots the more I wish I had go to the INSURRECTION. FUCK the government...until we stand up to these tyrants, the more and more they will abuse. Charging these patriots with what pushing past the rotunda door with a jury of 12 may yield some unhappy results for the communists trying to get them.
Oh, look. Threats from the party of terrorists and insurrection.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

“We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,”

The only reason I will ever do blue cities business again is to do things for family. Destroy sports and start over will make things better.
You seem to be taking this personally, did you get caught?
I did time living in one. So much potential wasted in areas once the standard of the world.
Definition of insurrection

: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Oh, like Chaz and the no go zone at George Floyd square or the multiple times BLM invaded state capital buildings, or the time AOC occupied Pelosi's office.
Yeah, just like that.
Move on folks, more people care about who the Masked Singer is.

So they are insurrections also. Agreed.

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