It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Maybe these will help
Help what?
Help get you to understand some ways of not stopping gun violence but reducing them
Oh... Ok...
How about making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
Give teachers preachers etc etc the right to carry ..or give the right to carry to everyone???
I'm sorry? You -oppose- making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
You want to go to a movie or show or concert when everyone can be carrying ,,,and some might be drunk as a skunk?
How do you know that gun carrier isn't going to rob a store using that gun ,,or shooting the guy messing with his wife?
This isn't something that happens with people who hold CCW permits.
Help what?
Help get you to understand some ways of not stopping gun violence but reducing them
Oh... Ok...
How about making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
Give teachers preachers etc etc the right to carry ..or give the right to carry to everyone???

Everyone who isn't a criminal who chooses to carry a gun for self defense.
How do you know that gun carrier isn't going to rob a store using that gun ,,or shooting the guy messing with his wife?

You don't....but that guy who is willing to rob a store or shoot a guy isn't going to be stopped by gun laws. Normal people do not use their legal guns for crime or murder...

The Criminology of Firearms

In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and some empirical research of its own about guns. The Academy could not identify any gun restriction that had reduced violent crime, suicide or gun accidents.

Why don't gun bans work? Because they rely on voluntary compliance by gun-using criminals. Prohibitionists never see this absurdity because they deceive themselves into thinking that, as Katherine Christoffel has said: "[M]ost shootings are not committed by felons or mentally ill people, but are acts of passion that are committed using a handgun that is owned for home protection."

Christoffel, et al., are utterly wrong. The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."
Maybe these will help
Help what?
Help get you to understand some ways of not stopping gun violence but reducing them
Oh... Ok...
How about making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
Give teachers preachers etc etc the right to carry ..or give the right to carry to everyone???
I'm sorry? You -oppose- making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
I oppose everyone carrying a gun in order to supposedly defend themselves IMHO there will be more wrongful deaths taken than legit self protections
Help what?
Help get you to understand some ways of not stopping gun violence but reducing them
Oh... Ok...
How about making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
Give teachers preachers etc etc the right to carry ..or give the right to carry to everyone???
I'm sorry? You -oppose- making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
I oppose everyone carrying a gun in order to supposedly defend themselves
OK... do you oppose the law abiding carrying a gun in order to defend themselves?
IMHO there will be more wrongful deaths taken than legit self protections
This isn't something that happens with people who hold CCW permits.
Help what?
Help get you to understand some ways of not stopping gun violence but reducing them
Oh... Ok...
How about making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
Give teachers preachers etc etc the right to carry ..or give the right to carry to everyone???
I'm sorry? You -oppose- making it easier for the victims, or potential victims, to defend themselves?
I oppose everyone carrying a gun in order to supposedly defend themselves IMHO there will be more wrongful deaths taken than legit self protections

But actual, real world experience over the last 26 years shows you are wrong......we now have over 17.25 million people who have permits to carry a gun for self defense...and more than that, because quite a few states do not require a permit.....

As more people legally carried guns over the last 26 years......gun murder went down 49%......accidental gun death also went down....

So, since that is true, how does your argument stand up?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Notice too....accidental gun deaths went down as well....

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
OK You talked me into allowing carries Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?
OK You talked me into allowing carries Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?

Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry

Should be covered under Background Checks.
From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon ,,no questions no wait

From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon

There are places to go to buy anything you want.

But, if you buy a firearm from an authorized dealer, you have to fill out and pass a Background check.
OK You talked me into allowing carries
Like we need your permission.
Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?
People with carry permits have background checks done on them. - so you already have what you want.

Why do you resist making it easier for people to defend themselves?
No you don't need my permission Maybe I should have said you talked me into agreeing with your position and that answer you gave ,,,,,,,, was what I'd expect from you You didn't disappoint
OK You talked me into allowing carries
Like we need your permission.
Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?
People with carry permits have background checks done on them. - so you already have what you want.

Why do you resist making it easier for people to defend themselves?
No you don't need my permission Maybe I should have said you talked me into agreeing with your position and that answer you gave ,,,,,,,, was what I'd expect from you You didn't disappoint
People with carry permits have background checks done on them. - so you already have what you want.
OK You talked me into allowing carries Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?

Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry

Should be covered under Background Checks.
From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon ,,no questions no wait

From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon

There are places to go to buy anything you want.

But, if you buy a firearm from an authorized dealer, you have to fill out and pass a Background check.
I live and learn
OK You talked me into allowing carries Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?

Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry

Should be covered under Background Checks.
From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon ,,no questions no wait

From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon

There are places to go to buy anything you want.

But, if you buy a firearm from an authorized dealer, you have to fill out and pass a Background check.
I live and learn

and, BTW ed, if they pass Universal Background Checks, there will STILL be places to purchase those weapons.

Prohibition didn't stop people from buying booze, the War on Drugs didn't stop people from buying and using drugs.

What kind of moron thinks UBC will prevent those that want a firearm from getting one?

(on second thought, tune in tonight and watch the debate. you'll see them)
OK You talked me into allowing carries Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?

Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry

Should be covered under Background Checks.
From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon ,,no questions no wait

From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon

There are places to go to buy anything you want.

But, if you buy a firearm from an authorized dealer, you have to fill out and pass a Background check.
I live and learn

and, BTW ed, if they pass Universal Background Checks, there will STILL be places to purchase those weapons.

Prohibition didn't stop people from buying booze, the War on Drugs didn't stop people from buying and using drugs.

What kind of moron thinks UBC will prevent those that want a firearm from getting one?

(on second thought, tune in tonight and watch the debate. you'll see them)
Nothing can stop them but can't we make it a little harder for them The moron in the WH now is worried vaping kills But where is he on guns?? NRA scared him? ??
Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat?

Uh, how many dozens of people were killed in France when a terrorist drove a car into a crowd? And, yeah, a killer could kill 27 school children with a knife or a baseball bat.

Let's try an experiment: Let's put a loaded gun on a table. As soon as that gun shoots a bullet by itself, I will agree to strict gun control laws.
Should be covered under Background Checks.
From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon ,,no questions no wait

From what I read there are places to go and just buy a weapon

There are places to go to buy anything you want.

But, if you buy a firearm from an authorized dealer, you have to fill out and pass a Background check.
I live and learn

and, BTW ed, if they pass Universal Background Checks, there will STILL be places to purchase those weapons.

Prohibition didn't stop people from buying booze, the War on Drugs didn't stop people from buying and using drugs.

What kind of moron thinks UBC will prevent those that want a firearm from getting one?

(on second thought, tune in tonight and watch the debate. you'll see them)
Nothing can stop them but can't we make it a little harder for them The moron in the WH now is worried vaping kills But where is he on guns?? NRA scared him? ??

Nothing can stop them but can't we make it a little harder for them

Harder on 'them'?

Only making it harder on those that purchase firearms legally.

The moron in the WH now is worried vaping kills

Don't remember 'vaping' being mentioned in the Bill of Rights, like gun ownership is.
Doesn't it seem a little on the privileged side for the average American to have unregistered semi-automatic weapons when the military can only fire their's once a year at the rifle range? People who have never gone to defend this country are demanding privileges they aren't entitled to. Register these weapons of war.

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