It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.
So to be clear, while the Constitution says " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed," your collective rights theory says, fuck the Constitution.
Just a piece of paper GWB
to keep and bear arms is a general statement saying we can defend ourselves as a country against foreigners not that you have a right to unregulated ownership
The Constitution is quite clear, " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Considering that it was written soon after the people had fought a war to free themselves from England, it is more likely the right to bear arms was to defend themselves against a too strong federal government than against foreigners.
A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.

A theory ?

The Supreme Court already ruled the obvious.....that's why Chicago and Washington D.C. gun ban was ruled unconstitutional.

And then you mock Chicago for its gun deaths
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking

And it has already made carrying firearms illegal in many places. If gun ownership really is dying, there should be no need for further action.
We don’t stop requiring safety measures on cars

Is auto ownership dying out?
to keep and bear arms is a general statement saying we can defend ourselves as a country against foreigners not that you have a right to unregulated ownership
The Constitution is quite clear, " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Considering that it was written soon after the people had fought a war to free themselves from England, it is more likely the right to bear arms was to defend themselves against a too strong federal government than against foreigners.

All the more reason to register automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
Yup...I remember staunch Repub friends adamently advocating that cigarettes are not bad for you and nicotine is not addictive. You heard it especially in the old south.

So now most either have COPD....lung cancer or respitory issues. Just like gun control and climate change....the GOP is always brought kicking and screaming to the table.

But later....they will deny they were ever against these measures. Same old Game....

But just Republicans, right? Democrats in the South don't smoke?
A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.

A theory ?

The Supreme Court already ruled the obvious.....that's why Chicago and Washington D.C. gun ban was ruled unconstitutional.

And then you mock Chicago for its gun deaths
Not Chicago, but the Democrats who run Chicago and have made it into such a dangerous place.
There are places to go to buy anything you want.

But, if you buy a firearm from an authorized dealer, you have to fill out and pass a Background check.
I live and learn

and, BTW ed, if they pass Universal Background Checks, there will STILL be places to purchase those weapons.

Prohibition didn't stop people from buying booze, the War on Drugs didn't stop people from buying and using drugs.

What kind of moron thinks UBC will prevent those that want a firearm from getting one?

(on second thought, tune in tonight and watch the debate. you'll see them)
Nothing can stop them but can't we make it a little harder for them The moron in the WH now is worried vaping kills But where is he on guns?? NRA scared him? ??

Nothing can stop them but can't we make it a little harder for them

Harder on 'them'?

Only making it harder on those that purchase firearms legally.

The moron in the WH now is worried vaping kills

Don't remember 'vaping' being mentioned in the Bill of Rights, like gun ownership is.
Just a piece of paper,,,,BTW are the British coming ? Need a militia ?

Just a piece of paper,,,,

Maybe to you.
(got a link, preferably video, where Bush actually said that?)

BTW are the British coming ?

Dunno, are they?

Need a militia ?

don't need a militia to own a firearm.

Still confused, or should I say brainwashed, about the Second?
to keep and bear arms is a general statement saying we can defend ourselves as a country against foreigners not that you have a right to unregulated ownership
The Constitution is quite clear, " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". Considering that it was written soon after the people had fought a war to free themselves from England, it is more likely the right to bear arms was to defend themselves against a too strong federal government than against foreigners.

All the more reason to register automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
You haven't presented any reason to register them.
A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.

A theory ?

The Supreme Court already ruled the obvious.....that's why Chicago and Washington D.C. gun ban was ruled unconstitutional.

And then you mock Chicago for its gun deaths

You do know it was a law for over 10 years, right, before it was ruled unconstitutional.

It took a long time before someone challenged it and made its way to the supreme court.

Edit: Chicago gun ban started in 1982 and ended 2008... over 25 years before it was ruled unconstitutional

Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
We DO need to stop crazy citizens , henceforth called republicans,,,,,,How many deer do you need to kill with your automatic weapon of war??
You missed a few talking points.
Get with it, or you won't get paid.
I used an M 14 on the range at Ft Bliss Completely unnecessary to have one in my home

Isn't it great to have a choice?
A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.
So to be clear, while the Constitution says " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed," your collective rights theory says, fuck the Constitution.
Just a piece of paper GWB


Bush: The Constitution a 'Goddamned Piece of Paper'?
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking

And it has already made carrying firearms illegal in many places. If gun ownership really is dying, there should be no need for further action.
We don’t stop requiring safety measures on cars

Is auto ownership dying out?
So you have no problem requiring safety measures on guns

You the MAN
A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.

A theory ?

The Supreme Court already ruled the obvious.....that's why Chicago and Washington D.C. gun ban was ruled unconstitutional.

And then you mock Chicago for its gun deaths

You do know it was a law for over 10 years, right, before it was ruled unconstitutional.

It took a long time before someone challenged it and made its way to the supreme court.

Edit: Chicago gun ban started in 1982 and ended 2008... over 25 years before it was ruled unconstitutional

Unfortunately, Chicago is miles away from asshole red state Indiana which allows unrestricted access to guns

Thank god for the NRA
So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
Govt took actions limiting cigarettes banning smoking in workplaces and public spaces. Did a lot to reduce smoking

And it has already made carrying firearms illegal in many places. If gun ownership really is dying, there should be no need for further action.
We don’t stop requiring safety measures on cars

Is auto ownership dying out?
So you have no problem requiring safety measures on guns

You the MAN
If mandatory safety measure raised the price of guns too much for some people to be able to buy them, they would violate the seconon amendment, but that's really what you want to do, right?
Guns are becoming less socially acceptable

As gun owners die off, families don’t know what to do with dads gun collection

So there's no need for further action by the government to strip citizens of their firearms.
We DO need to stop crazy citizens , henceforth called republicans,,,,,,How many deer do you need to kill with your automatic weapon of war??

What automatic weapon of war? The AR-15 is a civilian rifle, that is not automatic, has never been used in a war...

So what the F**K are you droning on about? The 5 shot, pump action shotgun, is an actual weapon of war, in combat as we speak. The Bolt action rifle is a current weapon of war, that deer hunting rifle you asshats drone on a weapon of war currently used to kill terrorists over seas...

So, again, what the F**K are you talking about?

I was a hunter in my younger days. No one needs a M-14 or M-15 to hunt with....NO ONE!

No one needs a clip that holds 50 or 100 rounds. They are illegal to use hunting and if you are a hunter and need all those are a very bad hunter.

Anyone who needs one of these assault rifles has a major size problem. They need something that makes them feel like a real man....cause they are small somewhere.

You dumb ass.....the AR-15 rifle is a civilian rifle....... it has never been used in the military, never been used in war....and the 5.56 is a tiny rifle round, you moron....
Does the tiny rifle round kill only tiny people?
Wonder if M 14 knows what the spirit of the bayonet is?
I wonder when you will post something other than talking points you don't understand have no hope of defending.
You can't answer Look it up warrior , and once more an automatic weapon in the hands of idiots is a crime Back round checks are very necessary

Moron....... automatic weapons are in the hands of a tiny number of collectors....none of our mass public shootings has been done with automatic weapons, and our criminals do not use them for crime......what about this issue is so hard for you to understand?
None of our mass public shootings you say??
Cite one, just one, mass shooting perpetrated with an automatic weapon.

Don't need automatic weapons with bump stock.

So.....since automatic weapons weren't used....the parents in Sandy Hook and grieving family members in El Paso should feel better?
A collective rights theory of the Second Amendment asserts that citizens do not have an individual right to possess guns and that local, state, and federal legislative bodies therefore possess the authority to regulate firearms without implicating a constitutional right.

A theory ?

The Supreme Court already ruled the obvious.....that's why Chicago and Washington D.C. gun ban was ruled unconstitutional.

And then you mock Chicago for its gun deaths

You do know it was a law for over 10 years, right, before it was ruled unconstitutional.

It took a long time before someone challenged it and made its way to the supreme court.

Edit: Chicago gun ban started in 1982 and ended 2008... over 25 years before it was ruled unconstitutional

Unfortunately, Chicago is miles away from asshole red state Indiana which allows unrestricted access to guns

Thank god for the NRA

No...dumb ass.....Houston has gun stores on every corner, you can easily openly carry a gun and carry it concealed, and it borders the narco state of Mexico....chicago has a higher gun murder rate........Houston criminals don't have to go out of state, you doofus, but they kill fewer people than Chicago criminals...

The reason Chicago has gun crime is the democrat judges keep letting every violent, repeat gun offender out of jail on bond, often with no money required, and out of prison with short prison sentences...

You don't know what you are talking about.
OK You talked me into allowing carries Now can I talk you into checkups for priors or mental instability to NOT let those folks carry ?

No..... owning and carrying a gun is a Right......a Right can only be taken from someone after due a court of law......these nuts aren't hiding who they are....their families know who they are...we need to get them to out these guys. Also, we need to get the media to stop covering mass public shootings like they are the criminal Oscars, with 24/7 news coverage. Then, add in the end of gun free zones and we can get a handle on mass shootings...

To stop actual gun criminals...that takes this....

I support a life sentence on any criminal who uses a gun for an actual gun crime..... and 30 years if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, even if they are not using it at that moment for crime.

This will dry up gun crime over night. Criminals will stop using guns for robberies, rapes and murders.....and those who do will be gone forever......

Criminals will also stop walking around with guns in their pants......which is the leading cause of random gang shootings in our cities. if they are stopped by police, with a gun in their pants, they are gone for 30 years...they will stop carrying those guns, and random gang violence will end.

You implement this with two other things...

1) No More Bargaining Away the Gun must be against the law to bargain away a gun charge as part of a plea deal....this stops.

2) When a criminal is arrested for any crime, and booked in...they will be read the announcement that any use of a crime is a life sentence without parole, owning or carrying a gun as a felon is a 30 year sentence without parole....when they are released from custody...the same will be read to them again....when they meet their parole officer it will be read to them again.....the U.S. government will also buy and send out Public announcements on this policy on t.v. radio. and cable......

That is how you stop gun crime over night.

Mass shooters are different..... but with only 93 people killed in mass public shootings in 2018, they are not the major problem in gun crime.

The value in my actually targets the individuals actually using guns to commit crimes and murder people....

It does not require new background check laws, it does not require gun licensing, licensing gun owners, gun registration, new taxes, fees or regulations on guns...

By making gun crime a life sentence, criminals will stop using guns for crime and will stop carrying guns around for protection.....

Also....a nurse, with a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania, to New Jersey, will not be considered a gun criminal.....that will end. Criminals with a record of crime, caught with a gun will get 30 years, no deals.....and criminals who use guns for actual crime...robbing the local store, rape, robbery, without parole...

This, of course, eliminates the need for more gun control laws...we can already do this.....
Mass shooters

1) end gun free zones

2) get the media to stop covering mass shootings like it is the Oscars.....

3) We are already seeing this...get people who know these nuts to report these nuts....

4) Make sure the police who know these nuts arrest these nuts when they have the chance so they will pop on background checks....
What does each do to stop mass shooters....

1) keeps shooters from targeting people, since they target gun free zones.

2) The media not covering it like they are the criminal oscars deters copycats...just like they stopped covering teen suicides to stop the copycat effect

3) The only way to stop mass shooters, since they commit no other crime, is for family, coworkers and neighbors to report their violent behavior....the Odessa shooter should have felonies for the crimes he was committing but they didn't report his shooting his weapon from his front porch....

4) The Parkland shooter had 33 contacts with police and numerous contacts with police at his school.....due to Obama's "Promise Program" the police never arrested him for the felonies he he didn't pop on the background check..

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