It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

If mandatory safety measure raised the price of guns too much for some people to be able to buy them, they would violate the seconon amendment, but that's really what you want to do, right?
Second says nothing about price
But if you pass a law mandating safety devices that price the guns out of the range of a buyer, you are infringing on his or her right to bear arms. I understand Democrats always see the Constitution as an obstacle to be overcome, but real Americans see it as a document to be respected.
There is nothing in the 2nd amendment requiring guns be affordable. When the 2nd amendment was written guns were too expensive for a large segment of the population. The cost of a gun in today's dollars would be nearly a thousand dollars.
But a law that mandated expensive additions to guns would make them unaffordable to some buyers and violae the their right to buy a gun. The government is clearly forbidden by the second amendment from preventing an American citizen from acquiring a gun, so if the government believes these additions are important, the government should pay for them. If you are only concerned with safety and not just harassing gun owners, that should be ok with you.
Affordable is very subjective. For some people paying $50 is not affordable for other $3000 would be affordable. The second amendment reads, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The amendment gives you you the right to bear arms, not the right to buy affordable arms. Whether you have to work a day or month to earn enough money to buy a gun is irrelevant.

If the government placed a tax on the sale of guns clearly for the purpose of infringing on 2nd amendment rights, the courts would surely rule it to be violation of the 2nd amendment. However, it government caused gun prices to go up due to safety requirement which save lives, the courts would probably rule the the purpose of the action was not prevent gun ownership but to make them safer. It would really depend on the purpose.
The second amendment restricts the government's ability to infringe on a person's right to bear arms, so if the government wants to mandate devices on guns that would make them too expensive for some to buy, that would infringe on that person's right to bear arms, and the government would have to show this safety device was so essential and of such overbearing importance that the Constitution has to be set aside. We all know this is not the case and the call for these safety devices is motivated only by a desire to harass gun owners.
So your solution is just let morons and sick people get their hands on weapons causing multiple death?? Just wondering how you'd feel if a loved one of yours got shot up at a concert ,school, or church
None of your babbling changes the fact the premise that the federal government should confiscate 'assault weapons' is irrational.
Weapons deemed too dangerous to be owned by the public should be removed but not by confiscation. Banning sales, making ownership illegal after a certain date and a buy back program would remove most of the weapons.
So... confiscation.

On average, handguns are used to murder ~600x more people per year than 'assault weapons'; handguns cannot be banned.
What weapons are more dangerous than handguns, and if handguns cannot be banned, how then can weapons that are less dangerous?
Hand guns are used to kill a lot more people than assault weapons because there are a lot more of them, they are more available, cheaper, and easy to carry and conceal compared to assault weapons. That does not make them more dangerous.
Not only are the repub morons in the senate silent on gun safety but on climate change health care and russian meddling too
That's a good little useful idiot - regurgitate those talking points.
You do know I take offense at some bottom dwelling trump supporting moron calling me an idiot Each and every point I mentioned shows the weakness of your party and your stupidity
So your solution is just let morons and sick people get their hands on weapons causing multiple death?? Just wondering how you'd feel if a loved one of yours got shot up at a concert ,school, or church
None of your babbling changes the fact the premise that the federal government should confiscate 'assault weapons' is irrational.
Weapons deemed too dangerous to be owned by the public should be removed but not by confiscation. Banning sales, making ownership illegal after a certain date and a buy back program would remove most of the weapons.
So... confiscation.
On average, handguns are used to murder ~600x more people per year than 'assault weapons'; handguns cannot be banned.
What weapons are more dangerous than handguns, and if handguns cannot be banned, how then can weapons that are less dangerous?
Hand guns are used to kill a lot more people than assault weapons because there are a lot more of them, they are more available, cheaper, and easy to carry and conceal compared to assault weapons. That does not make them more dangerous.
I see.
Well then, if not the number of people they are actually used kill, how do you define "dangerous"?
How is that definition sound?
But there is a right to bear a musket AK's AR 's NO
"Assault weapons" are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, making them "bearable arms" as the term is use din 2A jurisprudence.
Thus, your statement there is no right to own and use 'assault weapons' - like just about everything else you post - is unsupportable nonsense.
But there is a right to bear a musket AK's AR 's NO
"Assault weapons" are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, making them "bearable arms" as the term is use din 2A jurisprudence.
Thus, your statement there is no right to own and use 'assault weapons' - like just about everything else you post - is unsupportable nonsense.
free speech is limited--so is the 2A
One of the silliest propositions put forth by the NRA and gun enthusiast is putting more people on streets with guns will reduce gun violence. The United States Research Counsel 16 member panel addressed right to carry laws and it's effect on crime. Despite a large body of research, the committee found no credible evidence that the passage of right-to-carry laws decreases or increases violent crime. What they did find was confirmation of number of other studies that shows there is a very strong correlation between the number of guns on the street and violent crime. The proposal to put more guns on streets is a deflection from the real problem, too many guns in hands of public.

Switzerland has a gun ownership rate and weapons ownership comparable to the US per capita.
But they have almost no mass shootings.



There is a vast difference between the Swiss and American culture particularly in regard to firearms. Switzerland has very different regulations, practices, and policies related to guns than America. Although they are liberal compared many European countries, they are more restrictive than in American.

First of all there is no constitutional guarantee to bear arms. In Switzerland gun ownership is not a right.

Furthermore, Swiss civilians must demonstrate that they are physically, intellectually, and mentally capable of handling a weapon. This usually comes as part of military service which is mandatory. Much of the high ownership of guns is due to the requirement that all military officers and optionally enlisted men maintain their weapon after discharge since they are subject to recall in an emergency.

In contrast to the US, a license is required for most gun purchases which is acquired through the local police. Prior to granting a license, a background check is done. If the police feel there may be mental problems, they can ask for a certification from a psychiatrist.

The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned as well as assault style weapons and various accessories such as silencers and high capacity weapons. All gun purchases must go through a local dealer. Age varies a bit depending on type of weapon and purpose but generally it is 21. A stolen firearm not reported to police and used in a crime can result in criminal charges.

There are a lots of guns in Switzerland but there are far more regulations than in the US and they are national. However, the biggest difference between Americans and the Swiss in regard to firearms is the lack of a culture of violence in Switzerland. There hasn't been a riot in Switzerland in over 50 years and they haven't been involved in a war in over 200 years. Most people that own guns in Switzerland are either required to do to military service, hunt, or participate in shooting sports. Owning guns for personal protection is not common.

And none of those regulations would keep someone from taking their military weapon, or stealing the military weapon of a neighbor and walking into a school and murdering children.....

The Pulse Nightclub shooter went through a complete background check for his job in security. He was then accused by a co-worker of possibly being a terrorist......the FBI launched a complete investigation into him.....3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, a complete background check and history work up, and even an under cover approach by an agent......he also had a background check for each gun he purchased......

After passing each......he went to the Pulse Nightclub and murdered people...

Licensing guns is pointless......registering guns does nothing.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
Licensing guns works around the world
Only the US encourages an underground network for gun purchases

Just because a regulation does not stop every possible murder is not grounds to say it will not stop any
You can't answer Look it up warrior , and once more an automatic weapon in the hands of idiots is a crime Back round checks are very necessary

Moron....... automatic weapons are in the hands of a tiny number of collectors....none of our mass public shootings has been done with automatic weapons, and our criminals do not use them for crime......what about this issue is so hard for you to understand?
None of our mass public shootings you say??
Cite one, just one, mass shooting perpetrated with an automatic weapon.
So.....since automatic weapons weren't used....
Thank you for agreeing that no mass shooting was perpetrated with automatic weapons.

Yup....Sandy Hook parents are happy you pointed that out....what s since...

Automatic weapons are used in war because the other guy us shoot I g back....How many of those kids in Sandy Hook were shootinf back.

The AR weapons are designed to kill as many as possible as quickly as possible.
Moron....... automatic weapons are in the hands of a tiny number of collectors....none of our mass public shootings has been done with automatic weapons, and our criminals do not use them for crime......what about this issue is so hard for you to understand?
None of our mass public shootings you say??
Cite one, just one, mass shooting perpetrated with an automatic weapon.
So.....since automatic weapons weren't used....
Thank you for agreeing that no mass shooting was perpetrated with automatic weapons.

Yup....Sandy Hook parents are happy you pointed that out....what s since...

Automatic weapons are used in war because the other guy us shoot I g back....How many of those kids in Sandy Hook were shootinf back.

The AR weapons are designed to kill as many as possible as quickly as possible.

NRA finds them useful in slaughtering schoolchildren
That is why they protect them
One of the silliest propositions put forth by the NRA and gun enthusiast is putting more people on streets with guns will reduce gun violence. The United States Research Counsel 16 member panel addressed right to carry laws and it's effect on crime. Despite a large body of research, the committee found no credible evidence that the passage of right-to-carry laws decreases or increases violent crime. What they did find was confirmation of number of other studies that shows there is a very strong correlation between the number of guns on the street and violent crime. The proposal to put more guns on streets is a deflection from the real problem, too many guns in hands of public.

Switzerland has a gun ownership rate and weapons ownership comparable to the US per capita.
But they have almost no mass shootings.



There is a vast difference between the Swiss and American culture particularly in regard to firearms. Switzerland has very different regulations, practices, and policies related to guns than America. Although they are liberal compared many European countries, they are more restrictive than in American.

First of all there is no constitutional guarantee to bear arms. In Switzerland gun ownership is not a right.

Furthermore, Swiss civilians must demonstrate that they are physically, intellectually, and mentally capable of handling a weapon. This usually comes as part of military service which is mandatory. Much of the high ownership of guns is due to the requirement that all military officers and optionally enlisted men maintain their weapon after discharge since they are subject to recall in an emergency.

In contrast to the US, a license is required for most gun purchases which is acquired through the local police. Prior to granting a license, a background check is done. If the police feel there may be mental problems, they can ask for a certification from a psychiatrist.

The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned as well as assault style weapons and various accessories such as silencers and high capacity weapons. All gun purchases must go through a local dealer. Age varies a bit depending on type of weapon and purpose but generally it is 21. A stolen firearm not reported to police and used in a crime can result in criminal charges.

There are a lots of guns in Switzerland but there are far more regulations than in the US and they are national. However, the biggest difference between Americans and the Swiss in regard to firearms is the lack of a culture of violence in Switzerland. There hasn't been a riot in Switzerland in over 50 years and they haven't been involved in a war in over 200 years. Most people that own guns in Switzerland are either required to do to military service, hunt, or participate in shooting sports. Owning guns for personal protection is not common.

And none of those regulations would keep someone from taking their military weapon, or stealing the military weapon of a neighbor and walking into a school and murdering children.....

The Pulse Nightclub shooter went through a complete background check for his job in security. He was then accused by a co-worker of possibly being a terrorist......the FBI launched a complete investigation into him.....3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, a complete background check and history work up, and even an under cover approach by an agent......he also had a background check for each gun he purchased......

After passing each......he went to the Pulse Nightclub and murdered people...

Licensing guns is pointless......registering guns does nothing.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
Licensing guns works around the world
Only the US encourages an underground network for gun purchases

Just because a regulation does not stop every possible murder is not grounds to say it will not stop any
There is no reason to believe any of these regulations would stop any murders.
Moron....... automatic weapons are in the hands of a tiny number of collectors....none of our mass public shootings has been done with automatic weapons, and our criminals do not use them for crime......what about this issue is so hard for you to understand?
None of our mass public shootings you say??
Cite one, just one, mass shooting perpetrated with an automatic weapon.
So.....since automatic weapons weren't used....
Thank you for agreeing that no mass shooting was perpetrated with automatic weapons.

Yup....Sandy Hook parents are happy you pointed that out....what s since...

Automatic weapons are used in war because the other guy us shoot I g back....How many of those kids in Sandy Hook were shootinf back.

The AR weapons are designed to kill as many as possible as quickly as possible.
Perhaps if some one at the school had had such a weapon the children would not have been killed.
One of the silliest propositions put forth by the NRA and gun enthusiast is putting more people on streets with guns will reduce gun violence. The United States Research Counsel 16 member panel addressed right to carry laws and it's effect on crime. Despite a large body of research, the committee found no credible evidence that the passage of right-to-carry laws decreases or increases violent crime. What they did find was confirmation of number of other studies that shows there is a very strong correlation between the number of guns on the street and violent crime. The proposal to put more guns on streets is a deflection from the real problem, too many guns in hands of public.

Switzerland has a gun ownership rate and weapons ownership comparable to the US per capita.
But they have almost no mass shootings.



There is a vast difference between the Swiss and American culture particularly in regard to firearms. Switzerland has very different regulations, practices, and policies related to guns than America. Although they are liberal compared many European countries, they are more restrictive than in American.

First of all there is no constitutional guarantee to bear arms. In Switzerland gun ownership is not a right.

Furthermore, Swiss civilians must demonstrate that they are physically, intellectually, and mentally capable of handling a weapon. This usually comes as part of military service which is mandatory. Much of the high ownership of guns is due to the requirement that all military officers and optionally enlisted men maintain their weapon after discharge since they are subject to recall in an emergency.

In contrast to the US, a license is required for most gun purchases which is acquired through the local police. Prior to granting a license, a background check is done. If the police feel there may be mental problems, they can ask for a certification from a psychiatrist.

The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned as well as assault style weapons and various accessories such as silencers and high capacity weapons. All gun purchases must go through a local dealer. Age varies a bit depending on type of weapon and purpose but generally it is 21. A stolen firearm not reported to police and used in a crime can result in criminal charges.

There are a lots of guns in Switzerland but there are far more regulations than in the US and they are national. However, the biggest difference between Americans and the Swiss in regard to firearms is the lack of a culture of violence in Switzerland. There hasn't been a riot in Switzerland in over 50 years and they haven't been involved in a war in over 200 years. Most people that own guns in Switzerland are either required to do to military service, hunt, or participate in shooting sports. Owning guns for personal protection is not common.

And none of those regulations would keep someone from taking their military weapon, or stealing the military weapon of a neighbor and walking into a school and murdering children.....

The Pulse Nightclub shooter went through a complete background check for his job in security. He was then accused by a co-worker of possibly being a terrorist......the FBI launched a complete investigation into him.....3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, a complete background check and history work up, and even an under cover approach by an agent......he also had a background check for each gun he purchased......

After passing each......he went to the Pulse Nightclub and murdered people...

Licensing guns is pointless......registering guns does nothing.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
Licensing guns works around the world
Only the US encourages an underground network for gun purchases

Just because a regulation does not stop every possible murder is not grounds to say it will not stop any
There is no reason to believe any of these regulations would stop any murders.

Plenty of reason. It works around the world
Switzerland has a gun ownership rate and weapons ownership comparable to the US per capita.
But they have almost no mass shootings.



There is a vast difference between the Swiss and American culture particularly in regard to firearms. Switzerland has very different regulations, practices, and policies related to guns than America. Although they are liberal compared many European countries, they are more restrictive than in American.

First of all there is no constitutional guarantee to bear arms. In Switzerland gun ownership is not a right.

Furthermore, Swiss civilians must demonstrate that they are physically, intellectually, and mentally capable of handling a weapon. This usually comes as part of military service which is mandatory. Much of the high ownership of guns is due to the requirement that all military officers and optionally enlisted men maintain their weapon after discharge since they are subject to recall in an emergency.

In contrast to the US, a license is required for most gun purchases which is acquired through the local police. Prior to granting a license, a background check is done. If the police feel there may be mental problems, they can ask for a certification from a psychiatrist.

The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned as well as assault style weapons and various accessories such as silencers and high capacity weapons. All gun purchases must go through a local dealer. Age varies a bit depending on type of weapon and purpose but generally it is 21. A stolen firearm not reported to police and used in a crime can result in criminal charges.

There are a lots of guns in Switzerland but there are far more regulations than in the US and they are national. However, the biggest difference between Americans and the Swiss in regard to firearms is the lack of a culture of violence in Switzerland. There hasn't been a riot in Switzerland in over 50 years and they haven't been involved in a war in over 200 years. Most people that own guns in Switzerland are either required to do to military service, hunt, or participate in shooting sports. Owning guns for personal protection is not common.

And none of those regulations would keep someone from taking their military weapon, or stealing the military weapon of a neighbor and walking into a school and murdering children.....

The Pulse Nightclub shooter went through a complete background check for his job in security. He was then accused by a co-worker of possibly being a terrorist......the FBI launched a complete investigation into him.....3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, a complete background check and history work up, and even an under cover approach by an agent......he also had a background check for each gun he purchased......

After passing each......he went to the Pulse Nightclub and murdered people...

Licensing guns is pointless......registering guns does nothing.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
Licensing guns works around the world
Only the US encourages an underground network for gun purchases

Just because a regulation does not stop every possible murder is not grounds to say it will not stop any
There is no reason to believe any of these regulations would stop any murders.

Plenty of reason. It works around the world
In other words you can't think of any reason why these regulations would stop any murders.
There is a vast difference between the Swiss and American culture particularly in regard to firearms. Switzerland has very different regulations, practices, and policies related to guns than America. Although they are liberal compared many European countries, they are more restrictive than in American.

First of all there is no constitutional guarantee to bear arms. In Switzerland gun ownership is not a right.

Furthermore, Swiss civilians must demonstrate that they are physically, intellectually, and mentally capable of handling a weapon. This usually comes as part of military service which is mandatory. Much of the high ownership of guns is due to the requirement that all military officers and optionally enlisted men maintain their weapon after discharge since they are subject to recall in an emergency.

In contrast to the US, a license is required for most gun purchases which is acquired through the local police. Prior to granting a license, a background check is done. If the police feel there may be mental problems, they can ask for a certification from a psychiatrist.

The Swiss Weapons Act requires an acquisition license for handguns and a carrying license for the carrying of any permitted firearm for defensive purposes. Exceptions exist for hunters. Automatic weapons are banned as well as assault style weapons and various accessories such as silencers and high capacity weapons. All gun purchases must go through a local dealer. Age varies a bit depending on type of weapon and purpose but generally it is 21. A stolen firearm not reported to police and used in a crime can result in criminal charges.

There are a lots of guns in Switzerland but there are far more regulations than in the US and they are national. However, the biggest difference between Americans and the Swiss in regard to firearms is the lack of a culture of violence in Switzerland. There hasn't been a riot in Switzerland in over 50 years and they haven't been involved in a war in over 200 years. Most people that own guns in Switzerland are either required to do to military service, hunt, or participate in shooting sports. Owning guns for personal protection is not common.

And none of those regulations would keep someone from taking their military weapon, or stealing the military weapon of a neighbor and walking into a school and murdering children.....

The Pulse Nightclub shooter went through a complete background check for his job in security. He was then accused by a co-worker of possibly being a terrorist......the FBI launched a complete investigation into him.....3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, a complete background check and history work up, and even an under cover approach by an agent......he also had a background check for each gun he purchased......

After passing each......he went to the Pulse Nightclub and murdered people...

Licensing guns is pointless......registering guns does nothing.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
Licensing guns works around the world
Only the US encourages an underground network for gun purchases

Just because a regulation does not stop every possible murder is not grounds to say it will not stop any
There is no reason to believe any of these regulations would stop any murders.

Plenty of reason. It works around the world
In other words you can't think of any reason why these regulations would stop any murders.
Plenty of reasons
Do a better job of screening who can buy a gun
Register guns and know where guns used in crimes come from
Require gun owners to be trained and thoroughly screened

The way the rest of the civilized world does it
The way the rest of the civilized world does it

You know what eventually happens to "civilized" places that fail to keep government in check?


And about a hundred more......
List of genocides by death toll - Wikipedia
Some people REALLY love Genocide...


PS...if the way the "Rest of the World does it" is so great, why is America the World's NUMBER ONE Super Power?

I guess we did something spite of the losers like you.
And none of those regulations would keep someone from taking their military weapon, or stealing the military weapon of a neighbor and walking into a school and murdering children.....

The Pulse Nightclub shooter went through a complete background check for his job in security. He was then accused by a co-worker of possibly being a terrorist......the FBI launched a complete investigation into him.....3 interviews with trained FBI interrogators, a complete background check and history work up, and even an under cover approach by an agent......he also had a background check for each gun he purchased......

After passing each......he went to the Pulse Nightclub and murdered people...

Licensing guns is pointless......registering guns does nothing.....

You don't know what you are talking about.....
Licensing guns works around the world
Only the US encourages an underground network for gun purchases

Just because a regulation does not stop every possible murder is not grounds to say it will not stop any
There is no reason to believe any of these regulations would stop any murders.

Plenty of reason. It works around the world
In other words you can't think of any reason why these regulations would stop any murders.
Plenty of reasons
Do a better job of screening who can buy a gun
Register guns and know where guns used in crimes come from
Require gun owners to be trained and thoroughly screened

The way the rest of the civilized world does it
Nonsense, the Odessa shooter, Seth Ator, failed a background check and then found a man who manufactured guns illegally. No regulation could have prevented that shooting. If people want drugs or guns strongly enough, and you make it too difficult to buy them legally, they will find an illegal source. Just as law enforcement has been unable to stop the sale of illegal drugs, it will be unable to stop the sale of illegal guns. Making it difficult for law abiding citizens to buy guns will not stop criminals or crazies from buying them. This call for new gun laws is a fraud. It is based on a claim that such laws will prevent mass shootings but there is no basis in fact or logic for believing that.

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