It was just a matter of time: Senior WH Staff knew about IRS scandal a month ago


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The whole coverup is being played out along classic lines.

1.) Deny anything is wrong.

2.) Say something is wrong but that nobody knew it.

3.) Say that well, maybe a few people knew about it, but no one that counts.

4.) Say that, well, yes, a few people who do count, knew about it.

Anyone want to start a pool, on when step 5 (admit the Presdient knew about it) will finally be played?

Next week? Two weeks? Another month?

At this point, they want you to believe that the Senior White House counsel - a lawyer who has the job of informing the President on every important legal matter - learned of a matter for which Richard Nixon got impeached, going on in the Obama administration... but thought the matter wasn't important enough to bother telling the President.

Yes, they think you are that stupid.


Senior W.H. staff knew of IRS investigation, did not tell Obama -

Senior W.H. staff knew of IRS investigation, did not tell Obama

5/20/13 2:35 PM EDT

Senior White House staff knew of the ongoing investigation into the IRS's targeting of conservative groups ahead of the release of a report from a Treasury Department inspector general, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday, but held off on informing the president to wait for a final report.

With the knowledge of an investigation, the White House held to a "cardinal rule" that it should not get involved in an external investigation, Carney said during his daily briefing. "No one in this building intervened in an ongoing independent investigation or did anything that could be seen as intervening," he said.

"To the chagrin of some who would have liked us to get more in front of this, we appropriately waited," Carney later added.

White House counsel Kathy Ruemmler was informed of the IG's audit on April 24, Carney said, and was told that the audit was nearing its conclusion and that a report would be forthcoming indicating that several IRS employees were involved in targeting groups with "tea party" and "patriot" in their names for additional scrutiny.

Carney was more vague last week, telling reporters that Ruemmler's office was informed of the existence of an investigation during the week of April 22, but informed of little more. On Monday, he said that some staff in the counsel's office were told of the report -- and others nearing completion -- a week earlier, on April 16.

Ruemmler did inform White House chief of staff Denis McDonough's office of the investigation, Carney said, and other senior staff were also told of the report. Carney wouldn't say who those other staffers were, but did say there were communications between White House staff and Treasury Department staff ahead of the first news reports of the IRS investigation, which emerged 10 days ago.

Though senior staff knew of the probe, Carney said Ruemmler concluded that the investigation was "not a matter she should convey to the president" until the report was finalized.
I did not have sexual relations with, excuse me i fogot obama lies about everything else. I didn't have sexual relations with that man. Lol
The WH doesn't get involved with IG investigations till they're final. And you have an issue with that?

Now hopefully they're lying about not telling Obama they knew the IG was sniffing.

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