It was Roe v. Wade that created this mess, and it won't be fixed until...

...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.
Keep dreaming buddy. Ain’t gonna happen
It will, because our side will never stop fighting, even if it takes 1000 years.
The goal posts will just shift again. I mean look, you social conservatives are barely putting any effort towards repealing the 15th and 19th Amendments anymore. Despite your best efforts during those times, you found out that history keeps moving forwards. So it will with this.
Roe v. Wade is completely unsupported by the text of the Constitution, because there is no such things as a "Right to Privacy." The Supreme Court invented this right out of thin air.

The Third and Fourth Amendments rather solidly establish a right to privacy. It is, however, a very long stretch, to extend that right to include killing innocent children in cold blood.
Roe v. Wade is completely unsupported by the text of the Constitution, because there is no such things as a "Right to Privacy." The Supreme Court invented this right out of thin air.

The Third and Fourth Amendments rather solidly establish a right to privacy. It is, however, a very long stretch, to extend that right to include killing innocent children in cold blood.
A man's home may be his castle, even from the government, but he does not have the right to murder anyone he finds within it.
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.

This ‘mess’ was created by authoritarian conservatives and religious extremists hostile to the right to privacy seeking to codify their wrongheaded religious dogma into secular law by compelling women to give birth against their will.

Overturning Roe will serve only to give government more power and authority at the expense of individual liberty – more government and bigger government interfering in citizens’ private lives; more government and bigger government at the behest of conservatives.
Na, not really
"Judge Kavanaugh cannot have it both ways. He cannot gain confirmation by unleashing partisan fury while simultaneously claiming that he possesses a judicial and impartial temperament. If Kavanaugh really cared about the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court, he would even now withdraw from consideration."

I don't see how he was trying to have it both ways. Did I missed something here?
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.
“Some states will outlaw abortion…”

Exactly, consistent with the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity through force of law at the expense of individual liberty.

That the Supreme Court will soon allow the states to ‘ban’ abortion in violation of the right to privacy doesn’t mean that right doesn’t exist.

So much for ‘small government’ conservatives.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
Tenth Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

So yeah, returning power to the states is precisely in line with the 10th Amendment. Roe vs Wade was a gross judicial & moral overreach. Overturning it would send the issue back to the states where it belongs.
I think the left has it's sites on bigger things, like nullifying the 2nd amendment. They can't do that unless they have at least 5 radical leftist activists on the SC to rubber stamp everything they do. That's why they're so upset over Trump winning. If he gets to replace Ginsberg they'll have to wait at least another generation.
The left puts killing the 2nd Amendment above any other goal. They must have a death wish. I mean if they kill the 2nd Amendment then Radical Muslims and Russia will come here and kill us all Think about it. Left wingers have no foresight.
"Judge Kavanaugh cannot have it both ways. He cannot gain confirmation by unleashing partisan fury while simultaneously claiming that he possesses a judicial and impartial temperament. If Kavanaugh really cared about the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court, he would even now withdraw from consideration."

I don't see how he was trying to have it both ways. Did I missed something here?
Sure he can. Ruthie vowed to move to NZ if The Don scorched Hillary.
This ‘mess’ was created by authoritarian conservatives and religious extremists hostile to the right to privacy seeking to codify their wrongheaded religious dogma into secular law by compelling women to give birth against their will.

There was no mess prior to Roe v. Wade and the 60's...and if you believe there was one who was responsible?

Overturning Roe will serve only to give government more power and authority at the expense of individual liberty – more government and bigger government interfering in citizens’ private lives; more government and bigger government at the behest of conservatives.
While I am in favor of abortion staying legal the above is hogwash, if that were true then you would be a conservative by political definition.
I think the left has it's sites on bigger things, like nullifying the 2nd amendment. They can't do that unless they have at least 5 radical leftist activists on the SC to rubber stamp everything they do. That's why they're so upset over Trump winning. If he gets to replace Ginsberg they'll have to wait at least another generation.
The left puts killing the 2nd Amendment above any other goal. They must have a death wish. I mean if they kill the 2nd Amendment then Radical Muslims and Russia will come here and kill us all Think about it. Left wingers have no foresight.
----------------------------------------------------------- Kill the 2nd and it seems to me that the muslims and other third world 'fifth columnists' will just continue to arrive then they get their foodstamps and subsidized housing and then just populate the USA as they are now doing today . First Responders will protect Americans so Americans won't need any guns . :afro: -------------------------------------------- i'm being SARCASTIC .
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The only time liberals call for limited government is in the woman's decision to kill her own unborn child. It's a ruse, because liberals hate and oppose freedom in every other context.
I think the left has it's sites on bigger things, like nullifying the 2nd amendment. They can't do that unless they have at least 5 radical leftist activists on the SC to rubber stamp everything they do. That's why they're so upset over Trump winning. If he gets to replace Ginsberg they'll have to wait at least another generation.
The left puts killing the 2nd Amendment above any other goal. They must have a death wish. I mean if they kill the 2nd Amendment then Radical Muslims and Russia will come here and kill us all Think about it. Left wingers have no foresight.
----------------------------------------------------------- Kill the 2nd and it seems to me that the muslims and other third world 'fifth columnists' will just continue to arrive then they get their foodstamps and subsidized housing and then just populate the USA as they are now doing today . First Responders will protect Americans so Americans won't need any guns . :afro:
When seconds count, first responders are only minutes away.
"Judge Kavanaugh cannot have it both ways. He cannot gain confirmation by unleashing partisan fury while simultaneously claiming that he possesses a judicial and impartial temperament. If Kavanaugh really cared about the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court, he would even now withdraw from consideration."

I don't see how he was trying to have it both ways. Did I missed something here?
---------------------------------------------- i think i messed up in rating you post number 26 . I removed the rating , Sorry Chops !!
I think the left has it's sites on bigger things, like nullifying the 2nd amendment. They can't do that unless they have at least 5 radical leftist activists on the SC to rubber stamp everything they do. That's why they're so upset over Trump winning. If he gets to replace Ginsberg they'll have to wait at least another generation.
The left puts killing the 2nd Amendment above any other goal. They must have a death wish. I mean if they kill the 2nd Amendment then Radical Muslims and Russia will come here and kill us all Think about it. Left wingers have no foresight.
----------------------------------------------------------- Kill the 2nd and it seems to me that the muslims and other third world 'fifth columnists' will just continue to arrive then they get their foodstamps and subsidized housing and then just populate the USA as they are now doing today . First Responders will protect Americans so Americans won't need any guns . :afro:
When seconds count, first responders are only minutes away.
-------------------------------------------------- i'm being as SARCASTIC as i can be Aba . But i believe that my thinking is the plan Aba .
I am done with the nothing burger of abortion on demand.

Every medical procedure in this country is "on demand," unless one is unconscious in the ER.

You Big Government types are all the same. Why should a Big Government Official make the call instead of the person most involved? In South Dakota, Big Government forces you, if you want an abortion, to personally attend a propaganda session with someone outside of your religion. According to the law in this Big Government state, you have to go an indoctrination center first and listen to some fundie rap.

No more freedom of religion. We all have to go discuss our personal business with a fundie. Plus, doctors are required to spread fundie-inspired false medical information to their patients, and aren't even allow to tell their patients that it is politicians who are setting these requirements.

We used to be free Americans. Now we have censorship and forced speech, courtesy of politicians who don't even want to be called "politicians."
I am done with the nothing burger of abortion on demand.

Every medical procedure in this country is "on demand," unless one is unconscious in the ER.

You Big Government types are all the same. Why should a Big Government Official make the call instead of the person most involved? In South Dakota, Big Government forces you, if you want an abortion, to personally attend a propaganda session with someone outside of your religion. According to the law in this Big Government state, you have to go an indoctrination center first and listen to some fundie rap.

No more freedom of religion. We all have to go discuss our personal business with a fundie. Plus, doctors are required to spread fundie-inspired false medical information to their patients, and aren't even allow to tell their patients that it is politicians who are setting these requirements.

We used to be free Americans. Now we have censorship and forced speech, courtesy of politicians who don't even want to be called "politicians."
Na, not really
Political correctness is for fucking morons
I am done with the nothing burger of abortion on demand.

Every medical procedure in this country is "on demand," unless one is unconscious in the ER.

You Big Government types are all the same. Why should a Big Government Official make the call instead of the person most involved? In South Dakota, Big Government forces you, if you want an abortion, to personally attend a propaganda session with someone outside of your religion. According to the law in this Big Government state, you have to go an indoctrination center first and listen to some fundie rap.

No more freedom of religion. We all have to go discuss our personal business with a fundie. Plus, doctors are required to spread fundie-inspired false medical information to their patients, and aren't even allow to tell their patients that it is politicians who are setting these requirements.

We used to be free Americans. Now we have censorship and forced speech, courtesy of politicians who don't even want to be called "politicians."
Na, not really
Political correctness is for fucking morons

Because you don't have a cogent excuse for censorship and forced speech. Tell me why politicians write into a law that they cannot be referred to as politicians. Why can;t a doctor tell a patient that they are being forced by politicians to speak words that are not their own and the source of these words. If I were a doctor, I would. It's the only ethical thing to do. "Big Government is forcing me to tell you this, although it is not consistent with my medical knowledge and is not backed up by any credible studies of which I am aware."
I think the left has it's sites on bigger things, like nullifying the 2nd amendment. They can't do that unless they have at least 5 radical leftist activists on the SC to rubber stamp everything they do. That's why they're so upset over Trump winning. If he gets to replace Ginsberg they'll have to wait at least another generation.
That's a lie the GOP keeps telling you to keep you voting for them. I'm about as far left as they come and I don't want it done away with, nor do any of my left wing friends. In fact, I have a good FB friend who owns a big fireworks store and also sells a complete line of guns. She also sells them the right way with background checks.She's been giving me advice on buying a shotgun because she said that unless you are a really good shot, a handgun won't be that efficient if someone breaks into your home. She said that the sound of the pump action alone of a shot gun is just about enough to deter anyone from coming any further, and if they do, you don't have to be a particularly good shot because of the spread of the shots. I'm only 5'2" and weigh 110 pounds and she suggested I get a youth gun.

Back to what you said, we want gun shops and sellers to be exactly like my friend and do good background checks on those buying guns. And yes, I do know the criminals can get them illegally, but so can non criminals at a gun show, and many wouldn't pass a background check for other reasons.
I am done with the nothing burger of abortion on demand.

Every medical procedure in this country is "on demand," unless one is unconscious in the ER.

You Big Government types are all the same. Why should a Big Government Official make the call instead of the person most involved? In South Dakota, Big Government forces you, if you want an abortion, to personally attend a propaganda session with someone outside of your religion. According to the law in this Big Government state, you have to go an indoctrination center first and listen to some fundie rap.

No more freedom of religion. We all have to go discuss our personal business with a fundie. Plus, doctors are required to spread fundie-inspired false medical information to their patients, and aren't even allow to tell their patients that it is politicians who are setting these requirements.

We used to be free Americans. Now we have censorship and forced speech, courtesy of politicians who don't even want to be called "politicians."
Na, not really
Political correctness is for fucking morons
Do you ever have anything constructive to add to a thread because all I ever see from you are vulgar insults.

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