It was Roe v. Wade that created this mess, and it won't be fixed until...

...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.
What mess are you talking about?
Oh yes....the mess where white boys think they can tell women what to do with their bodies.

And as for the likes of you being pro-life......stop lying. You put the lie to that claim when you do nothing about children in cages and pedophile priests molesting children.
Black women have far more baby killing awareness than any other demo group.

Those darn white boys must be controlling them.

Racist much, Jewby?
people die Everyday , every minute of the day in cars , in swimming pools and all sorts of ways Kittymom .
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.

Rights really aren't up for a vote. You'll need a constitutional amendment. And you don't have the numbers.
RvW didn't create this mess. It is a symptom of Progressivism which seeks to gain power over the rest of us By Any Means Necessary.
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.

Rights really aren't up for a vote. You'll need a constitutional amendment. And you don't have the numbers.
Before RvW, abortion was illegal. Which amendment was passed to make it legal?
when it comes to GUN'S lefties like ' Kittysmom' can be trusted with Gun Advice and gun commentary . Thanks for your Gun commentary and advice KittysMom . :afro:
What the hell is your problem anyway? Why do you feel the need to insult me on every posting on this board? You're a really unpleasant person and I wish you would leave me the hell alone!
---------------------------------------- where is the INSULT Kittysmom ?? I just repied to you in a nice polite way Kittysmom .
Oh please, your condescending tone was not lost on me. And, I was just repeating what my friend, who IS a gun expert told me. As far as the gun shows not doing background checks, I've seen it with my own two eyes. Every year there's a huge flea market and gun show in Martinsville VA over Labor Day, and I've seen people pick out a gun, pay the vendor and walk off with it.
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal governments business...

Keep that in mind when someone who never had a background check kills someone you love. And don't tell me it will never happen because it happens almost hourly.
Na, not really
Funny thing is no abortion was ever given as many were lead to believe.
Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, Passes Away: She Never Had an Abortion and Became Pro-Life

Google it.
I am done with the nothing burger of abortion on demand.

Every medical procedure in this country is "on demand," unless one is unconscious in the ER.

You Big Government types are all the same. Why should a Big Government Official make the call instead of the person most involved? In South Dakota, Big Government forces you, if you want an abortion, to personally attend a propaganda session with someone outside of your religion. According to the law in this Big Government state, you have to go an indoctrination center first and listen to some fundie rap.

No more freedom of religion. We all have to go discuss our personal business with a fundie. Plus, doctors are required to spread fundie-inspired false medical information to their patients, and aren't even allow to tell their patients that it is politicians who are setting these requirements.

We used to be free Americans. Now we have censorship and forced speech, courtesy of politicians who don't even want to be called "politicians."

You realize Obamacare is leading to Big Government control of your health care, yet you plunge head long into wanting that. As for as funded abortions, I guess you should pay for your own and keep government out of it. You want government to pay? They get to ask questions.

You apparently did not read my comment before replying, in which I focused on government control and censorship of speech, and forced association and indoctrination. Your comment strays very far afield.
I think the left has it's sites on bigger things, like nullifying the 2nd amendment. They can't do that unless they have at least 5 radical leftist activists on the SC to rubber stamp everything they do. That's why they're so upset over Trump winning. If he gets to replace Ginsberg they'll have to wait at least another generation.
That's a lie the GOP keeps telling you to keep you voting for them. I'm about as far left as they come and I don't want it done away with, nor do any of my left wing friends. In fact, I have a good FB friend who owns a big fireworks store and also sells a complete line of guns. She also sells them the right way with background checks.She's been giving me advice on buying a shotgun because she said that unless you are a really good shot, a handgun won't be that efficient if someone breaks into your home. She said that the sound of the pump action alone of a shot gun is just about enough to deter anyone from coming any further, and if they do, you don't have to be a particularly good shot because of the spread of the shots. I'm only 5'2" and weigh 110 pounds and she suggested I get a youth gun.

Back to what you said, we want gun shops and sellers to be exactly like my friend and do good background checks on those buying guns. And yes, I do know the criminals can get them illegally, but so can non criminals at a gun show, and many wouldn't pass a background check for other reasons.
So wrong on so many levels. First, I'm not talking about citizens, I'm talking about elected officials (like this one).
Second, I don't need the GOP to tell me anything. I can figure it out all by myself. The left wants to abolish the second amendment, it's pretty obvious. They like the first amendment as long as no one uses it to speak out against them. In fact, you could go through the Bill of Rights and the same standard applies to every one of them.
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.


Mike on Twitter

Imagine Roe v Wade was based entirely on lies, admitted on film. It was. Time to turn this over. Push it to the Supreme Court.

Obianuju Ekeocha on Twitter
Many people seem surprised when I say that Norma McCorvey a.k.a Roe (of Roe V. Wade) claimed to have gotten pregnant after being gang raped and she confessed years later, after she became pro-life, that she was never raped. Yes, Legal Abortion is often based on lies...

0:21 / 1:22
11:29 AM - 4 Oct 2018


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...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.
Outlawing Roe v Wade makes perfect sense. It should never have been taken from the States to decide for themselves. Kavanaugh will follow the Constitutuion and vote it to be abolished.
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.

I'm not sure if you are too young or too stupid, but Roe was a pragmatic decision.

The reality of Abortion in 1972, is that it was technically illegal in most states, but everyone knew where to get one. Doctors would perform abortions and write down something else on the chart. Everyone knew the laws were unworkable, but no one wanted to stand up to the Churches and overturn them.

If you want a good allegory, consider the prostitution laws. Illegal in 49 states, but you can always find a massage parlor or strip joint or street corner.

So the court did what the legislatures wouldn't... and it wasn't a big deal at the time until the Evangelicals decided they needed an issue to harp on when they lost the discussion on segregation. Before that, Abortion was considered a "Catholic" thing they didn't care about.

The absolute worst thing that could happen to the GOP would be to overturn Roe, which is why Republican justices - Stevens, Souter, O'Connor and Kennedy- always voted to retain it.

My guess... if it comes up again, Justice Roberts will have a come to Jesus moment on it, too.

Otherwise, you are going to find millions of women who otherwise don't care about politics suddenly caring... and that won't be good for you.
...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.
Outlawing Roe v Wade makes perfect sense. It should never have been taken from the States to decide for themselves. Kavanaugh will follow the Constitutuion and vote it to be abolished.

It is not a decision for government at any level. Individual rights are not to be subject to majority rule. Rights under the Constitution are held by the individual.
I wonder how many of these so called "pro life" people have ever protested one of our never ending wars or asked for better background checks for gun buyers or a ban on bump stocks? There`s more to being pro life than just punishing pregnant teenagers.
I wonder how many of these so called "pro life" people have ever protested one of our never ending wars or asked for better background checks for gun buyers or a ban on bump stocks? There`s more to being pro life than just punishing pregnant teenagers.

Absolutely. And These are the same people who want more pregnant teenagers, assuring that this occurs through organized promotion of sexual ignorance. We live in a bizarre, and frankly misogynistic country.
I am done with the nothing burger of abortion on demand.

Every medical procedure in this country is "on demand," unless one is unconscious in the ER.

You Big Government types are all the same. Why should a Big Government Official make the call instead of the person most involved? In South Dakota, Big Government forces you, if you want an abortion, to personally attend a propaganda session with someone outside of your religion. According to the law in this Big Government state, you have to go an indoctrination center first and listen to some fundie rap.

No more freedom of religion. We all have to go discuss our personal business with a fundie. Plus, doctors are required to spread fundie-inspired false medical information to their patients, and aren't even allow to tell their patients that it is politicians who are setting these requirements.

We used to be free Americans. Now we have censorship and forced speech, courtesy of politicians who don't even want to be called "politicians."
Na, not really
Political correctness is for fucking morons
Do you ever have anything constructive to add to a thread because all I ever see from you are vulgar insults.
I've noticed that is his MO. I just don't read his comments anymore.

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